37 research outputs found

    Forensic analysis of unallocated space

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    Computer forensics has become an important technology in providing evidence in investigations of computer misuse, attacks against computer systems and more traditional crimes like money laundering and fraud where digital devices are involved. Investigators frequently perform preliminary analysis at the crime scene on suspects??? devices to determine the existence of any inappropriate materials such as child pornography on them and conduct further analysis after the seizure of computers to glean leads or valuable evidence. Hence, it is crucial to design a tool which is portable and can perform efficient instant analysis. Many tools have been developed for this purpose, such as Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor (COFEE), but unfortunately, they become ineffective in cases where forensic data has been removed. In this thesis, we design a portable forensic tool which can be used to compliment COFEE for preliminary screening to analyze unallocated disk space by adopting a space efficient data structure of fingerprint hash tables for storing the massive forensic data from law enforcement databases in a flash drive and utilizing hash tree indexing for fast searching. We also apply group testing to identify the fragmentation point of the file and locate the starting cluster of each fragment based on statistics on the gap between the fragments. Furthermore, in order to retrieve evidence and clues from unallocated space by recovering deleted files, a file structure based carving algorithm for Windows registry hive files is presented based on their internal structure and unique patterns of storage

    Lossless Differential Compression for Synchronizing Arbitrary Single-Dimensional Strings

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    Differential compression allows expressing a modified document as differences relative to another version of the document. A compressed string requires space relative to amount of changes, irrespective of original document sizes. The purpose of this study was to answer what algorithms are suitable for universal lossless differential compression for synchronizing two arbitrary documents either locally or remotely. Two main problems in differential compression are finding the differences (differencing), and compactly communicating the differences (encoding). We discussed local differencing algorithms based on subsequence searching, hashtable lookups, suffix searching, and projection. We also discussed probabilistic remote algorithms based on both recursive comparison and characteristic polynomial interpolation of hashes computed from variable-length content-defined substrings. We described various heuristics for approximating optimal algorithms as arbitrary long strings and memory limitations force discarding information. Discussion also included compact delta encoding and in-place reconstruction. We presented results from empirical testing using discussed algorithms. The conclusions were that multiple algorithms need to be integrated into a hybrid implementation, which heuristically chooses algorithms based on evaluation of the input data. Algorithms based on hashtable lookups are faster on average and require less memory, but algorithms based on suffix searching find least differences. Interpolating characteristic polynomials was found to be too slow for general use. With remote hash comparison, content-defined chunks and recursive comparison can reduce protocol overhead. A differential compressor should be merged with a state-of-art non-differential compressor to enable more compact delta encoding. Input should be processed multiple times to allow constant a space bound without significant reduction in compression efficiency. Compression efficiently of current popular synchronizers could be improved, as our empiral testing showed that a non-differential compressor produced smaller files without having access to one of the two strings

    Introductory Computer Forensics

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    INTERPOL (International Police) built cybercrime programs to keep up with emerging cyber threats, and aims to coordinate and assist international operations for ?ghting crimes involving computers. Although signi?cant international efforts are being made in dealing with cybercrime and cyber-terrorism, ?nding effective, cooperative, and collaborative ways to deal with complicated cases that span multiple jurisdictions has proven dif?cult in practic

    Utilising Reduced File Representations to Facilitate Fast Contraband Detection

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    Digital forensics practitioners can be tasked with analysing digital data, in all its forms, for legal proceedings. In law enforcement, this largely involves searching for contraband media, such as illegal images and videos, on a wide array of electronic devices. Unfortunately, law enforcement agencies are often under-resourced and under-staffed, while the volume of digital evidence, and number of investigations, continues to rise each year, contributing to large investigative backlogs.A primary bottleneck in forensic processing can be the speed at which data is acquired from a disk or network, which can be mitigated with data reduction techniques. The data reduction approach in this thesis uses reduced representations for individual images which can be used in lieu of cryptographic hashes for the automatic detection of illegal media. These approaches can facilitate reduced forensic processing times, faster investigation turnaround, and a reduction in the investigative backlog.Reduced file representations are achieved in two ways. The first approach is to generate signatures from partial files, where highly discriminative features are analysed, while reading as little of the file as possible. Such signatures can be generated using either header features of a particular file format, or by reading logical data blocks. This works best when reading from the end of the file. These sub-file signatures are particularly effective on solid state drives and networked drives, reducing processing times by up to 70Ă— compared to full file cryptographic hashing. Overall the thesis shows that these signatures are highly discriminative, or unique, at the million image scale, and are thus suitable for the forensic context. This approach is effectively a starting point for developing forensics techniques which leverage the performance characteristics of non-mechanical media, allowing for evidence on flash based devices to be processed more efficiently.The second approach makes use of thumbnails, particularly those stored in the Windows thumbnail cache database. A method was developed which allows for image previews for an entire computer to be parsed in less than 20 seconds using cryptographic hashes, effecting rapid triage. The use of perceptual hashing allows for variations between operating systems to be accounted for, while also allowing for small image modifications to be captured in an analysis. This approach is not computationally expensive but has the potential to flag illegal media in seconds, rather than an hour in traditional triage, making a good starting point for investigations of illegal media

    An Evaluation of Forensic Tools for Linux : Emphasizing EnCase and PyFlag

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    Denne masteroppgaven gir en vurdering og sammenligning av flere datakriminaltekniske verktøy, med et spesielt fokus på to spesifikke verktøy. Det første kalles EnCase Forensics og er et kommersielt tilgjengelig verktøy som blir benyttet av politi og myndigheter flere steder i verden. Det andre kalles PyFlag og er et open source alternativ som ble benyttet i det vinnende bidraget til Digital Forensics Research Workshop (DFRWS) i 2008. Selv om verktøyene blir evaluert i sin helhet, vil hovedfokuset ligge på viktig søkefunksjonalitet. Tatt i betraktning at mesteparten av forskningen innen området er basert på Microsoft Windows plattformen, mens mindre forskning har blitt utført angående analyse av Linux systemer, så undersøker vi disse verktøyene hovedsakelig i et Linux miljø. Med disse verktøyene utfører vi datakriminalteknisk utvinning og analyse av realistiske data. I tillegg benyttes et verktøy med navn dd, for å utvinne data fra Linux. Denne masteroppgaven inneholder spesifiserte testprosedyrer, problemer vi støtte på under selve testingen, og de endelige resultatene

    Secure and practical computation on encrypted data

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    Because of the importance of computing on data with privacy protections, the cryptographic community has developed both theoretical and practical solutions to compute on encrypted data. On the one hand, theoretical schemes, such as fully homomorphic encryption and functional encryption, are secure but extremely inefficient. On the other hand, practical schemes, such as property-preserving encryption, gain efficiency by accepting significant reductions in security. In this thesis, we first study the security of popular property-preserving encryption schemes that are being used by companies such as Microsoft and Google. We show that such schemes are unacceptably insecure for key target applications such as electronic medical records. Second, we propose new models to compute on encrypted data and develop efficient constructions and systems. We propose a new cryptographic primitive called Blind Storage and show how it can be used to realize symmetric searchable encryption, which is much more secure than property-preserving encryption. Finally, we propose a new cryptographic model called Controlled Functional Encryption and develop two efficient schemes in this model

    An examination of the Asus WL-HDD 2.5 as a nepenthes malware collector

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    The Linksys WRT54g has been used as a host for network forensics tools for instance Snort for a long period of time. Whilst large corporations are already utilising network forensic tools, this paper demonstrates that it is quite feasible for a non-security specialist to track and capture malicious network traffic. This paper introduces the Asus Wireless Hard disk as a replacement for the popular Linksys WRT54g. Firstly, the Linksys router will be introduced detailing some of the research that was undertaken on the device over the years amongst the security community. It then briefly discusses malicious software and the impact this may have for a home user. The paper then outlines the trivial steps in setting up Nepenthes 0.1.7 (a malware collector) for the Asus WL-HDD 2.5 according to the Nepenthes and tests the feasibility of running the malware collector on the selected device. The paper then concludes on discussing the limitations of the device when attempting to execute Nepenthes