781 research outputs found

    Efficient Loop Detection in Forwarding Networks and Representing Atoms in a Field of Sets

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    The problem of detecting loops in a forwarding network is known to be NP-complete when general rules such as wildcard expressions are used. Yet, network analyzer tools such as Netplumber (Kazemian et al., NSDI'13) or Veriflow (Khurshid et al., NSDI'13) efficiently solve this problem in networks with thousands of forwarding rules. In this paper, we complement such experimental validation of practical heuristics with the first provably efficient algorithm in the context of general rules. Our main tool is a canonical representation of the atoms (i.e. the minimal non-empty sets) of the field of sets generated by a collection of sets. This tool is particularly suited when the intersection of two sets can be efficiently computed and represented. In the case of forwarding networks, each forwarding rule is associated with the set of packet headers it matches. The atoms then correspond to classes of headers with same behavior in the network. We propose an algorithm for atom computation and provide the first polynomial time algorithm for loop detection in terms of number of classes (which can be exponential in general). This contrasts with previous methods that can be exponential, even in simple cases with linear number of classes. Second, we introduce a notion of network dimension captured by the overlapping degree of forwarding rules. The values of this measure appear to be very low in practice and constant overlapping degree ensures polynomial number of header classes. Forwarding loop detection is thus polynomial in forwarding networks with constant overlapping degree

    Forwarding Tables Verification through Representative Header Sets

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    Forwarding table verification consists in checking the distributed data-structure resulting from the forwarding tables of a network. A classical concern is the detection of loops. We study this problem in the context of software-defined networking (SDN) where forwarding rules can be arbitrary bitmasks (generalizing prefix matching) and where tables are updated by a centralized controller. Basic verification problems such as loop detection are NP-hard and most previous work solves them with heuristics or SAT solvers. We follow a different approach based on computing a representation of the header classes, i.e. the sets of headers that match the same rules. This representation consists in a collection of representative header sets, at least one for each class, and can be computed centrally in time which is polynomial in the number of classes. Classical verification tasks can then be trivially solved by checking each representative header set. In general, the number of header classes can increase exponentially with header length, but it remains polynomial in the number of rules in the practical case where rules are constituted with predefined fields where exact, prefix matching or range matching is applied in each field (e.g., IP/MAC addresses, TCP/UDP ports). We propose general techniques that work in polynomial time as long as the number of classes of headers is polynomial and that do not make specific assumptions about the structure of the sets associated to rules. The efficiency of our method rely on the fact that the data-structure representing rules allows efficient computation of intersection, cardinal and inclusion. Finally, we propose an algorithm to maintain such representation in presence of updates (i.e., rule insert/update/removal). We also provide a local distributed algorithm for checking the absence of black-holes and a proof labeling scheme for locally checking the absence of loops

    Deux défis des Réseaux Logiciels : Relayage par le Nom et Vérification des Tables

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    The Internet changed the lives of network users: not only it affects users' habits, but it is also increasingly being shaped by network users' behavior.Several new services have been introduced during the past decades (i.e. file sharing, video streaming, cloud computing) to meet users' expectation.As a consequence, although the Internet infrastructure provides a good best-effort service to exchange information in a point-to-point fashion, this is not the principal need that todays users request. Current networks necessitate some major architectural changes in order to follow the upcoming requirements, but the experience of the past decades shows that bringing new features to the existing infrastructure may be slow.In this thesis work, we identify two main aspects of the Internet evolution: a “behavioral” aspect, which refers to a change occurred in the way users interact with the network, and a “structural” aspect, related to the evolution problem from an architectural point of view.The behavioral perspective states that there is a mismatch between the usage of the network and the actual functions it provides. While network devices implement the simple primitives of sending and receiving generic packets, users are really interested in different primitives, such as retrieving or consuming content. The structural perspective suggests that the problem of the slow evolution of the Internet infrastructure lies in its architectural design, that has been shown to be hardly upgradeable.On the one hand, to encounter the new network usage, the research community proposed the Named-data networking paradigm (NDN), which brings the content-based functionalities to network devices.On the other hand Software-defined networking (SDN) can be adopted to simplify the architectural evolution and shorten the upgrade-time thanks to its centralized software control plane, at the cost of a higher network complexity that can easily introduce some bugs. SDN verification is a novel research direction aiming to check the consistency and safety of network configurations by providing formal or empirical validation.The talk consists of two parts. In the first part, we focus on the behavioral aspect by presenting the design and evaluation of “Caesar”, a content router that advances the state-of-the-art by implementing content-based functionalities which may coexist with real network environments.In the second part, we target network misconfiguration diagnosis, and we present a framework for the analysis of the network topology and forwarding tables, which can be used to detect the presence of a loop at real-time and in real network environments.Cette thèse aborde des problèmes liés à deux aspects majeurs de l’évolution d’Internet : l’aspect >, qui correspond aux nouvelles interactions entre les utilisateurs et le réseau, et l’aspect >, lié aux changements d’Internet d’un point de vue architectural.Le manuscrit est composé d’un chapitre introductif qui donne les grandes lignes de recherche de ce travail de thèse, suivi d’un chapitre consacré à la description de l’état de l’art sur les deux aspects mentionnés ci-dessus. Parmi les solutions proposées par la communauté scientifique pour s'adapter à l’évolution d’Internet, deux nouveaux paradigmes réseaux sont particulièrement décrits : Information- Centric Networking (ICN) et Software-Defined Networking (SDN).La thèse continue avec la proposition de >, un dispositif réseau, inspiré par ICN, capable de gérer la distribution de contenus à partir de primitives de routage basées sur le nom des données et non les adresses des serveurs. Caesar est présenté dans deux chapitres, qui décrivent l’architecture et deux des principaux modules : le relayage et la gestion de la traçabilité des requêtes.La suite du manuscrit décrit un outil mathématique pour la détection efficace de boucles dans un réseau SDN d’un point de vue théorique. Les améliorations de l’algorithme proposé par rapport à l’état de l’art sont discutées.La thèse se conclue par un résumé des principaux résultats obtenus et une présentation des travaux en cours et futurs

    Automatic Inference of High-Level Network Intents by Mining Forwarding Patterns

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    There is a semantic gap between the high-level intents of network operators and the low-level configurations that achieve the intents. Previous works tried to bridge the gap using verification or synthesis techniques, both requiring formal specifications of the intended behavior which are rarely available or even known in the real world. This paper discusses an alternative approach for bridging the gap, namely to infer the high-level intents from the low-level network behavior. Specifically, we provide Anime, a framework and a tool that given a set of observed forwarding behavior, automatically infers a set of possible intents that best describe all observations. Our results show that Anime can infer high-quality intents from the low-level forwarding behavior with acceptable performance.Comment: SOSR 202

    Quantitative Verification and Synthesis of Resilient Networks

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