630 research outputs found

    Efficient signature verification and key revocation using identity based cryptography

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    Cryptography deals with the development and evaluation of procedures for securing digital information. It is essential whenever multiple entities want to communicate safely. One task of cryptography concerns digital signatures and the verification of a signer’s legitimacy requires trustworthy authentication and authorization. This is achieved by deploying cryptographic keys. When dynamic membership behavior and identity theft come into play, revocation of keys has to be addressed. Additionally, in use cases with limited networking, computational, or storage resources, efficiency is a key requirement for any solution. In this work we present a solution for signature verification and key revocation in constraned environments, e.g., in the Internet of Things (IoT). Where other mechanisms generate expensive overheads, we achieve revocation through a single multicast message without significant computational or storage overhead. Exploiting Identity Based Cryptography (IBC) complements the approach with efficient creation and verification of signatures. Our solution offers a framework for transforming a suitable signature scheme to a so-called Key Updatable Signature Scheme (KUSS) in three steps. Each step defines mathematical conditions for transformation and precise security notions. Thereby, the framework allows a novel combination of efficient Identity Based Signature (IBS) schemes with revocation mechanisms originally designed for confidentiality in group communications. Practical applicability of our framework is demonstrated by transforming four well-established IBS schemes based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). The security of the resulting group Identity Based Signature (gIBS) schemes is carefully analyzed with techniques of Provable Security. We design and implement a testbed for evaluating these kind of cryptographic schemes on different computing- and networking hardware, typical for constrained environments. Measurements on this testbed provide evidence that the transformations are practicable and efficient. The revocation complexity in turn is significantly reduced compared to existing solutions. Some of our new schemes even outperform the signing process of the widely used Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). The presented transformations allow future application on schemes beyond IBS or ECC. This includes use cases dealing with Post-Quantum Cryptography, where the revocation efficiency is similarly relevant. Our work provides the basis for such solutions currently under investigation.Die Kryptographie ist ein Instrument der Informationssicherheit und beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung und Evaluierung von Algorithmen zur Sicherung digitaler Werte. Sie ist für die sichere Kommunikation zwischen mehreren Entitäten unerlässlich. Ein Bestandteil sind digitale Signaturen, für deren Erstellung man kryptographische Schlüssel benötigt. Bei der Verifikation muss zusätzlich die Authentizität und die Autorisierung des Unterzeichners gewährleistet werden. Dafür müssen Schlüssel vertrauensvoll verteilt und verwaltet werden. Wenn sie in Kommunikationssystemen mit häufig wechselnden Teilnehmern zum Einsatz kommen, müssen die Schlüssel auch widerruflich sein. In Anwendungsfällen mit eingeschränkter Netz-, Rechen- und Speicherkapazität ist die Effizienz ein wichtiges Kriterium. Diese Arbeit liefert ein Rahmenwerk, mit dem Schlüssel effizient widerrufen und Signaturen effizient verifiziert werden können. Dabei fokussieren wir uns auf Szenarien aus dem Bereich des Internets der Dinge (IoT, Internet of Things). Im Gegensatz zu anderen Lösungen ermöglicht unser Ansatz den Widerruf von Schlüsseln mit einer einzelnen Nachricht innerhalb einer Kommunikationsgruppe. Dabei fällt nur geringer zusätzlicher Rechen- oder Speicheraufwand an. Ferner vervollständigt die Verwendung von Identitätsbasierter Kryptographie (IBC, Identity Based Cryptography) unsere Lösung mit effizienter Erstellung und Verifikation der Signaturen. Hierfür liefert die Arbeit eine dreistufige mathematische Transformation von geeigneten Signaturverfahren zu sogenannten Key Updatable Signature Schemes (KUSS). Neben einer präzisen Definition der Sicherheitsziele werden für jeden Schritt mathematische Vorbedingungen zur Transformation festgelegt. Dies ermöglicht die innovative Kombination von Identitätsbasierten Signaturen (IBS, Identity Based Signature) mit effizienten und sicheren Mechanismen zum Schlüsselaustausch, die ursprünglich für vertrauliche Gruppenkommunikation entwickelt wurden. Wir zeigen die erfolgreiche Anwendung der Transformationen auf vier etablierten IBSVerfahren. Die ausschließliche Verwendung von Verfahren auf Basis der Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) erlaubt es, den geringen Kapazitäten der Zielgeräte gerecht zu werden. Eine Analyse aller vier sogenannten group Identity Based Signature (gIBS) Verfahren mit Techniken aus dem Forschungsgebiet der Beweisbaren Sicherheit zeigt, dass die zuvor definierten Sicherheitsziele erreicht werden. Zur praktischen Evaluierung unserer und ähnlicher kryptographischer Verfahren wird in dieser Arbeit eine Testumgebung entwickelt und mit IoT-typischen Rechen- und Netzmodulen bestückt. Hierdurch zeigt sich sowohl die praktische Anwendbarkeit der Transformationen als auch eine deutliche Reduktion der Komplexität gegenüber anderen Lösungsansätzen. Einige der von uns vorgeschlagenen Verfahren unterbieten gar die Laufzeiten des meistgenutzten Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) bei der Erstellung der Signaturen. Die Systematik der Lösung erlaubt prinzipiell auch die Transformation von Verfahren jenseits von IBS und ECC. Dadurch können auch Anwendungsfälle aus dem Bereich der Post-Quanten-Kryptographie von unseren Ergebnissen profitieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert die nötigen Grundlagen für solche Erweiterungen, die aktuell diskutiert und entwickelt werden

    Efficient Revocable ID-Based Signature With Cloud Revocation Server

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    Over the last few years, identity-based cryptosystem (IBC) has attracted widespread attention because it avoids the high overheads associated with public key certificate management. However, an unsolved but critical issue about IBC is how to revoke a misbehaving user. There are some revocable identity-based encryption schemes that have been proposed recently, but little work on the revocation problem of identity-based signature has been undertaken so far. One approach for revocation in identity-based settings is to update users\u27 private keys periodically, which is usually done by the key generation center (KGC). But with this approach, the load on the KGC will increase quickly when the number of users increases. In this paper, we propose an efficient revocable identity-based signature (RIBS) scheme in which the revocation functionality is outsourced to a cloud revocation server (CRS). In our proposed approach, most of the computations needed during key-updates are offloaded to the CRS. We describe the new framework and the security model for the RIBS scheme with CRS and we prove that the proposed scheme is existentially unforgeable against adaptively chosen messages and identity attacks in the random oracle model. Furthermore, we monstrate that our scheme outperforms previous IBS schemes in terms of lower computation and communication costs

    KeyForge: Mitigating Email Breaches with Forward-Forgeable Signatures

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    Email breaches are commonplace, and they expose a wealth of personal, business, and political data that may have devastating consequences. The current email system allows any attacker who gains access to your email to prove the authenticity of the stolen messages to third parties -- a property arising from a necessary anti-spam / anti-spoofing protocol called DKIM. This exacerbates the problem of email breaches by greatly increasing the potential for attackers to damage the users' reputation, blackmail them, or sell the stolen information to third parties. In this paper, we introduce "non-attributable email", which guarantees that a wide class of adversaries are unable to convince any third party of the authenticity of stolen emails. We formally define non-attributability, and present two practical system proposals -- KeyForge and TimeForge -- that provably achieve non-attributability while maintaining the important protection against spam and spoofing that is currently provided by DKIM. Moreover, we implement KeyForge and demonstrate that that scheme is practical, achieving competitive verification and signing speed while also requiring 42% less bandwidth per email than RSA2048

    ID-Based Key Agreement for WANETs

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    2013 - 2014The increasing interest about wireless ad hoc networks (WANETs) is due to some key features not owned by traditional networks such as nodes mobility, network self-organization and the ability to rely on infrastructure-less setup. WANETs can be used in many application scenarios such as health care, environmental monitoring, military and many others commercial applications. Unfortunately, the open nature of the communication channel exposes WANETs to a great number of security threats (e.g. jamming, eavesdropping, node replication, unfairness, wormhole, packet injection). The security of WANETs hinges on node authentication, which by mean of Cryptography can be obtained through key distribution mechanisms. Moreover, WANET applications often require the establishment of session keys, that will be used for encryption, message authentication and others cryptographic purposes. In this thesis we present a cryptographic framework for WANETs, named JIKA (Java framework for ID-based key agreement) which simulates a key generation center (KGC) and offers an ID-based key distribution service for signature schemes and key agreement protocols. Moreover, JIKA makes use of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) which allows fast computations, small key size and short signatures of messages. It includes two new ID-based signature schemes (IBS-1 and IBS-2) which get shorter signatures, an ID-based two-party key agreement protocol (eFG) and two new group key agreement protocols (GKA v1 and GKA v2). GKA protocols are full-contributory and offer implicit key authentication through the ID-based signature schemes described above, at the cost of just two rounds... [edited by Author]XIII n.s

    A Survey of Access Control Models in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Copyright 2014 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have attracted considerable interest in the research community, because of their wide range of applications. However, due to the distributed nature of WSNs and their deployment in remote areas, these networks are vulnerable to numerous security threats that can adversely affect their proper functioning. Resource constraints in sensor nodes mean that security mechanisms with a large overhead of computation and communication are impractical to use in WSNs; security in sensor networks is, therefore, a challenge. Access control is a critical security service that offers the appropriate access privileges to legitimate users and prevents illegitimate users from unauthorized access. However, access control has not received much attention in the context of WSNs. This paper provides an overview of security threats and attacks, outlines the security requirements and presents a state-of-the-art survey on access control models, including a comparison and evaluation based on their characteristics in WSNs. Potential challenging issues for access control schemes in WSNs are also discussed.Peer reviewe

    Biometric Cryptosystems : Authentication, Encryption and Signature for Biometric Identities

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    Biometrics have been used for secure identification and authentication for more than two decades since biometric data is unique, non-transferable, unforgettable, and always with us. Recently, biometrics has pervaded other aspects of security applications that can be listed under the topic of ``Biometric Cryptosystems''. Although the security of some of these systems is questionable when they are utilized alone, integration with other technologies such as digital signatures or Identity Based Encryption (IBE) schemes results in cryptographically secure applications of biometrics. It is exactly this field of biometric cryptosystems that we focused in this thesis. In particular, our goal is to design cryptographic protocols for biometrics in the framework of a realistic security model with a security reduction. Our protocols are designed for biometric based encryption, signature and remote authentication. We first analyze the recently introduced biometric remote authentication schemes designed according to the security model of Bringer et al.. In this model, we show that one can improve the database storage cost significantly by designing a new architecture, which is a two-factor authentication protocol. This construction is also secure against the new attacks we present, which disprove the claimed security of remote authentication schemes, in particular the ones requiring a secure sketch. Thus, we introduce a new notion called ``Weak-identity Privacy'' and propose a new construction by combining cancelable biometrics and distributed remote authentication in order to obtain a highly secure biometric authentication system. We continue our research on biometric remote authentication by analyzing the security issues of multi-factor biometric authentication (MFBA). We formally describe the security model for MFBA that captures simultaneous attacks against these systems and define the notion of user privacy, where the goal of the adversary is to impersonate a client to the server. We design a new protocol by combining bipartite biotokens, homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge proofs and provide a security reduction to achieve user privacy. The main difference of this MFBA protocol is that the server-side computations are performed in the encrypted domain but without requiring a decryption key for the authentication decision of the server. Thus, leakage of the secret key of any system component does not affect the security of the scheme as opposed to the current biometric systems involving cryptographic techniques. We also show that there is a tradeoff between the security level the scheme achieves and the requirement for making the authentication decision without using any secret key. In the second part of the thesis, we delve into biometric-based signature and encryption schemes. We start by designing a new biometric IBS system that is based on the currently most efficient pairing based signature scheme in the literature. We prove the security of our new scheme in the framework of a stronger model compared to existing adversarial models for fuzzy IBS, which basically simulates the leakage of partial secret key components of the challenge identity. In accordance with the novel features of this scheme, we describe a new biometric IBE system called as BIO-IBE. BIO-IBE differs from the current fuzzy systems with its key generation method that not only allows for a larger set of encryption systems to function for biometric identities, but also provides a better accuracy/identification of the users in the system. In this context, BIO-IBE is the first scheme that allows for the use of multi-modal biometrics to avoid collision attacks. Finally, BIO-IBE outperforms the current schemes and for small-universe of attributes, it is secure in the standard model with a better efficiency compared to its counterpart. Another contribution of this thesis is the design of biometric IBE systems without using pairings. In fact, current fuzzy IBE schemes are secure under (stronger) bilinear assumptions and the decryption of each message requires pairing computations almost equal to the number of attributes defining the user. Thus, fuzzy IBE makes error-tolerant encryption possible at the expense of efficiency and security. Hence, we design a completely new construction for biometric IBE based on error-correcting codes, generic conversion schemes and weakly secure anonymous IBE schemes that encrypt a message bit by bit. The resulting scheme is anonymous, highly secure and more efficient compared to pairing-based biometric IBE, especially for the decryption phase. The security of our generic construction is reduced to the security of the anonymous IBE scheme, which is based on the Quadratic Residuosity assumption. The binding of biometric features to the user's identity is achieved similar to BIO-IBE, thus, preserving the advantages of its key generation procedure

    An Efficient V2I Authentication Scheme for VANETs

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    A Composable Security Treatment of the Lightning Network

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    Certificate-Based Parallel Key-Insulated Aggregate Signature Against Fully Chosen-Key Attacks for Industrial Internet of Things

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    With the emergence of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), numerous operations based on smart devices contribute to producing convenience and comfortable applications for individuals and organizations. Considering the untrusted feature of the communication channels in IIoT, it is essential to ensure the authentication and incontestableness of the messages transmitted in the IIoT. In this paper, we firstly proposed a certificate-based parallel key-insulated aggregate signature (CB-PKIAS), which can resist the fully chosen-key attacks. Concretely, the adversary who can obtain the private keys of all signers in the system is able to forge a valid aggregate signature by using the invalid single signature. Furthermore, our scheme inherits the merits of certificate-based and key-insulated to avoid the certificate management problem, key escrow problems as well as the key exposures simultaneously. In addition, the rigorous analysis and the concrete simulation experiment demonstrated that our proposed scheme is secure under the random oracle and more suitable for the IIoT environment
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