693 research outputs found

    XONN: XNOR-based Oblivious Deep Neural Network Inference

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    Advancements in deep learning enable cloud servers to provide inference-as-a-service for clients. In this scenario, clients send their raw data to the server to run the deep learning model and send back the results. One standing challenge in this setting is to ensure the privacy of the clients' sensitive data. Oblivious inference is the task of running the neural network on the client's input without disclosing the input or the result to the server. This paper introduces XONN, a novel end-to-end framework based on Yao's Garbled Circuits (GC) protocol, that provides a paradigm shift in the conceptual and practical realization of oblivious inference. In XONN, the costly matrix-multiplication operations of the deep learning model are replaced with XNOR operations that are essentially free in GC. We further provide a novel algorithm that customizes the neural network such that the runtime of the GC protocol is minimized without sacrificing the inference accuracy. We design a user-friendly high-level API for XONN, allowing expression of the deep learning model architecture in an unprecedented level of abstraction. Extensive proof-of-concept evaluation on various neural network architectures demonstrates that XONN outperforms prior art such as Gazelle (USENIX Security'18) by up to 7x, MiniONN (ACM CCS'17) by 93x, and SecureML (IEEE S&P'17) by 37x. State-of-the-art frameworks require one round of interaction between the client and the server for each layer of the neural network, whereas, XONN requires a constant round of interactions for any number of layers in the model. XONN is first to perform oblivious inference on Fitnet architectures with up to 21 layers, suggesting a new level of scalability compared with state-of-the-art. Moreover, we evaluate XONN on four datasets to perform privacy-preserving medical diagnosis.Comment: To appear in USENIX Security 201

    Chameleon: A Hybrid Secure Computation Framework for Machine Learning Applications

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    We present Chameleon, a novel hybrid (mixed-protocol) framework for secure function evaluation (SFE) which enables two parties to jointly compute a function without disclosing their private inputs. Chameleon combines the best aspects of generic SFE protocols with the ones that are based upon additive secret sharing. In particular, the framework performs linear operations in the ring Z2l\mathbb{Z}_{2^l} using additively secret shared values and nonlinear operations using Yao's Garbled Circuits or the Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson protocol. Chameleon departs from the common assumption of additive or linear secret sharing models where three or more parties need to communicate in the online phase: the framework allows two parties with private inputs to communicate in the online phase under the assumption of a third node generating correlated randomness in an offline phase. Almost all of the heavy cryptographic operations are precomputed in an offline phase which substantially reduces the communication overhead. Chameleon is both scalable and significantly more efficient than the ABY framework (NDSS'15) it is based on. Our framework supports signed fixed-point numbers. In particular, Chameleon's vector dot product of signed fixed-point numbers improves the efficiency of mining and classification of encrypted data for algorithms based upon heavy matrix multiplications. Our evaluation of Chameleon on a 5 layer convolutional deep neural network shows 133x and 4.2x faster executions than Microsoft CryptoNets (ICML'16) and MiniONN (CCS'17), respectively

    Towards Improved Homomorphic Encryption for Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorDeep Learning (DL) has supposed a remarkable transformation for many fields, heralded by some as a new technological revolution. The advent of large scale models has increased the demands for data and computing platforms, for which cloud computing has become the go-to solution. However, the permeability of DL and cloud computing are reduced in privacy-enforcing areas that deal with sensitive data. These areas imperatively call for privacy-enhancing technologies that enable responsible, ethical, and privacy-compliant use of data in potentially hostile environments. To this end, the cryptography community has addressed these concerns with what is known as Privacy-Preserving Computation Techniques (PPCTs), a set of tools that enable privacy-enhancing protocols where cleartext access to information is no longer tenable. Of these techniques, Homomorphic Encryption (HE) stands out for its ability to perform operations over encrypted data without compromising data confidentiality or privacy. However, despite its promise, HE is still a relatively nascent solution with efficiency and usability limitations. Improving the efficiency of HE has been a longstanding challenge in the field of cryptography, and with improvements, the complexity of the techniques has increased, especially for non-experts. In this thesis, we address the problem of the complexity of HE when applied to DL. We begin by systematizing existing knowledge in the field through an in-depth analysis of state-of-the-art for privacy-preserving deep learning, identifying key trends, research gaps, and issues associated with current approaches. One such identified gap lies in the necessity for using vectorized algorithms with Packed Homomorphic Encryption (PaHE), a state-of-the-art technique to reduce the overhead of HE in complex areas. This thesis comprehensively analyzes existing algorithms and proposes new ones for using DL with PaHE, presenting a formal analysis and usage guidelines for their implementation. Parameter selection of HE schemes is another recurring challenge in the literature, given that it plays a critical role in determining not only the security of the instantiation but also the precision, performance, and degree of security of the scheme. To address this challenge, this thesis proposes a novel system combining fuzzy logic with linear programming tasks to produce secure parametrizations based on high-level user input arguments without requiring low-level knowledge of the underlying primitives. Finally, this thesis describes HEFactory, a symbolic execution compiler designed to streamline the process of producing HE code and integrating it with Python. HEFactory implements the previous proposals presented in this thesis in an easy-to-use tool. It provides a unique architecture that layers the challenges associated with HE and produces simplified operations interpretable by low-level HE libraries. HEFactory significantly reduces the overall complexity to code DL applications using HE, resulting in an 80% length reduction from expert-written code while maintaining equivalent accuracy and efficiency.El aprendizaje profundo ha supuesto una notable transformación para muchos campos que algunos han calificado como una nueva revolución tecnológica. La aparición de modelos masivos ha aumentado la demanda de datos y plataformas informáticas, para lo cual, la computación en la nube se ha convertido en la solución a la que recurrir. Sin embargo, la permeabilidad del aprendizaje profundo y la computación en la nube se reduce en los ámbitos de la privacidad que manejan con datos sensibles. Estas áreas exigen imperativamente el uso de tecnologías de mejora de la privacidad que permitan un uso responsable, ético y respetuoso con la privacidad de los datos en entornos potencialmente hostiles. Con este fin, la comunidad criptográfica ha abordado estas preocupaciones con las denominadas técnicas de la preservación de la privacidad en el cómputo, un conjunto de herramientas que permiten protocolos de mejora de la privacidad donde el acceso a la información en texto claro ya no es sostenible. Entre estas técnicas, el cifrado homomórfico destaca por su capacidad para realizar operaciones sobre datos cifrados sin comprometer la confidencialidad o privacidad de la información. Sin embargo, a pesar de lo prometedor de esta técnica, sigue siendo una solución relativamente incipiente con limitaciones de eficiencia y usabilidad. La mejora de la eficiencia del cifrado homomórfico en la criptografía ha sido todo un reto, y, con las mejoras, la complejidad de las técnicas ha aumentado, especialmente para los usuarios no expertos. En esta tesis, abordamos el problema de la complejidad del cifrado homomórfico cuando se aplica al aprendizaje profundo. Comenzamos sistematizando el conocimiento existente en el campo a través de un análisis exhaustivo del estado del arte para el aprendizaje profundo que preserva la privacidad, identificando las tendencias clave, las lagunas de investigación y los problemas asociados con los enfoques actuales. Una de las lagunas identificadas radica en el uso de algoritmos vectorizados con cifrado homomórfico empaquetado, que es una técnica del estado del arte que reduce el coste del cifrado homomórfico en áreas complejas. Esta tesis analiza exhaustivamente los algoritmos existentes y propone nuevos algoritmos para el uso de aprendizaje profundo utilizando cifrado homomórfico empaquetado, presentando un análisis formal y unas pautas de uso para su implementación. La selección de parámetros de los esquemas del cifrado homomórfico es otro reto recurrente en la literatura, dado que juega un papel crítico a la hora de determinar no sólo la seguridad de la instanciación, sino también la precisión, el rendimiento y el grado de seguridad del esquema. Para abordar este reto, esta tesis propone un sistema innovador que combina la lógica difusa con tareas de programación lineal para producir parametrizaciones seguras basadas en argumentos de entrada de alto nivel sin requerir conocimientos de bajo nivel de las primitivas subyacentes. Por último, esta tesis propone HEFactory, un compilador de ejecución simbólica diseñado para agilizar el proceso de producción de código de cifrado homomórfico e integrarlo con Python. HEFactory es la culminación de las propuestas presentadas en esta tesis, proporcionando una arquitectura única que estratifica los retos asociados con el cifrado homomórfico, produciendo operaciones simplificadas que pueden ser interpretadas por bibliotecas de bajo nivel. Este enfoque permite a HEFactory reducir significativamente la longitud total del código, lo que supone una reducción del 80% en la complejidad de programación de aplicaciones de aprendizaje profundo que usan cifrado homomórfico en comparación con el código escrito por expertos, manteniendo una precisión equivalente.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidenta: María Isabel González Vasco.- Secretario: David Arroyo Guardeño.- Vocal: Antonis Michala

    Exploring the Effectiveness of Privacy Preserving Classification in Convolutional Neural Networks

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    A front-runner in modern technological advancement, machine learning relies heavily on the use of personal data. It follows that, when assessing the scope of confidentiality for machine learning models, understanding the potential role of encryption is critical. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are a subset of artificial feed-forward neural networks tailored specifically for image recognition and classification. As the popularity of CNN increases, so too does the need for privacy preserving classification. Homomorphic Encryption (HE) refers to a cryptographic system that allows for computation on encrypted data to obtain an encrypted result such that, when decrypted, the result is the same value that would have been obtained if the operations were performed on the original unencrypted data. The objective of this research was to explore the application of HE alongside CNN with the creation of privacy-preserving CNN layers that have the ability to operate on encrypted images. This was accomplished through (1) researching the underlying structure of preexisting privacy-preserving CNN classifiers, (2) creating privacy-preserving convolution, pooling, and fully-connected layers by mapping the computations found within each layer to a space of homomorphic computations, (3) developing a polynomial-approximated activation function and creating a privacy-preserving activation layer based on this approximation, (4) testing and profiling the designed application to asses efficiency, performance, accuracy, and overall practicality
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