143 research outputs found

    Supertree construction by matrix representation with flip

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    Fast and accurate supertrees: towards large scale phylogenies

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    Phylogenetics is the study of evolutionary relationships between biological entities; phylogenetic trees (phylogenies) are a visualization of these evolutionary relationships. Accurate approaches to reconstruct hylogenies from sequence data usually result in NPhard optimization problems, hence local search heuristics have to be applied in practice. These methods are highly accurate and fast enough as long as the input data is not too large. Divide-and-conquer techniques are a promising approach to boost scalability and accuracy of those local search heuristics on very large datasets. A divide-and-conquer method breaks down a large phylogenetic problem into smaller sub-problems that are computationally easier to solve. The sub-problems (overlapping trees) are then combined using a supertree method. Supertree methods merge a set of overlapping phylogenetic trees into a supertree containing all taxa of the input trees. The challenge in supertree reconstruction is the way of dealing with conflicting information in the input trees. Many different algorithms for different objective functions have been suggested to resolve these conflicts. In particular, there are methods that encode the source trees in a matrix and the supertree is constructed applying a local search heuristic to optimize the respective objective function. The most widely used supertree methods use such local search heuristics. However, to really improve the scalability of accurate tree reconstruction by divide-and-conquer approaches, accurate polynomial time methods are needed for the supertree reconstruction step. In this work, we present approaches for accurate polynomial time supertree reconstruction in particular Bad Clade Deletion (BCD), a novel heuristic supertree algorithm with polynomial running time. BCD uses minimum cuts to greedily delete a locally minimal number of columns from a matrix representation to make it compatible. Different from local search heuristics, it guarantees to return the directed perfect phylogeny for the input matrix, corresponding to the parent tree of the input trees if one exists. BCD can take support values of the source trees into account without an increase in complexity. We show how reliable clades can be used to restrict the search space for BCD and how those clades can be collected from the input data using the Greedy Strict Consensus Merger. Finally, we introduce a beam search extension for the BCD algorithm that keeps alive a constant number of partial solutions in each top-down iteration phase. The guaranteed worst-case running time of BCD with beam search extension is still polynomial. We present an exact and a randomized subroutine to generate suboptimal partial solutions. In our thorough evaluation on several simulated and biological datasets against a representative set of supertree methods we found that BCD is more accurate than the most accurate supertree methods when using support values and search space restriction on simulated data. Simultaneously BCD is faster than any other evaluated method. The beam search approach improved the accuracy of BCD on all evaluated datasets at the cost of speed. We found that BCD supertrees can boost maximum likelihood tree reconstruction when used as starting tree. Further, BCD could handle large scale datasets where local search heuristics did not converge in reasonable time. Due to its combination of speed, accuracy, and the ability to reconstruct the parent tree if one exists, BCD is a promising approach to enable outstanding scalability of divide-and-conquer approaches.Die Phylogenetik studiert die evolutionĂ€ren Beziehungen zwischen biologischen EntitĂ€ten. Phylogenetische BĂ€ume sind eine Visualisierung dieser Beziehungen. Akkurate AnsĂ€tze zur Rekonstruktion von Phylogenien aus Sequenzdaten fĂŒhren in der Regel zu NP-schweren Optimierungsproblemen, sodass in der Praxis lokale Suchheuristiken angewendet werden mĂŒssen. Diese Methoden liefern akkurate BĂ€ume und sind schnell genug, solange die Eingabedaten nicht zu groß werden. Teile-und-herrsche-Verfahren sind ein vielversprechender Ansatz, um Skalierbarkeit und Genauigkeit dieser lokalen Suchheuristiken auf sehr großen DatensĂ€tzen zu verbessern. Beim Teile-und-herrsche-Ansatz zerlegt man ein großes phylogenetisches Problem in kleinere Teilprobleme, die einfacher und schneller zu lösen sind. Die Teilprobleme, in diesem Fall ĂŒberlappende TeilbĂ€ume, mĂŒssen dann zu einem gesamtheitlichen Baum kombiniert werden. Superbaummethoden verschmelzen solche ĂŒberlappenden phylogenetischen BĂ€ume zu einem Superbaum, der alle Taxa der EingangsbĂ€ume enthĂ€lt. Die Herausforderung bei der Superbaumrekonstruktion besteht darin, mit widersprĂŒchlichen EingabebĂ€umen umzugehen. Es wurden viele verschiedene Algorithmen mit unterschiedlichen Zielfunktionen entwickelt, um solche WidersprĂŒche möglichst sinnvoll aufzulösen. Verfahren, die auf der Kodierung der EingabebĂ€ume als MatrixreprĂ€sentation basieren, sind am weitesten verbreitet. Die zum Auflösen der Konflikte verwendeten Zielfunktionen fĂŒhren in der Regel zu NP-schweren Optimierungsproblemen, sodass in der Praxis auch hier lokale Suchheuristiken zum Einsatz kommen. Da diese AnsĂ€tze nicht wesentlich besser mit der GrĂ¶ĂŸe der Eingabedaten skalieren als die direkte Rekonstruktion aus Sequenzdaten, werden fĂŒr die Superbaumrekonstruktion in Teile-undherrsche-AnsĂ€tzen akkurate Polynomialzeitmethoden benötigt. Diese Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der akkuraten Rekonstruktion von SuperbĂ€umen in Polynomialzeit. Wir prĂ€sentieren Bad Clade Deletion (BCD), eine neue Polynomialzeitheuristik zur Superbaumrekonstruktion. BCD verwendet minimale Schnitte in Graphen, um eine minimale Anzahl von Spalten aus der MatrixreprĂ€sentation zu löschen, sodass diese konfliktfrei wird. Im Gegensatz zu lokalen Suchheuristiken garantiert BCD die Rekonstruktion einer perfekten Phylogenie, sofern eine solche fĂŒr die Eingabematrix existiert. BCD ermöglicht es, GĂŒtekriterien der EingabebĂ€ume zu berĂŒcksichtigen, ohne dass sich dadurch die KomplexitĂ€t erhöht. Weiterhin zeigen wir, wie zuverlĂ€ssige Kladen verwendet werden können, um den Suchraum fĂŒr BCD einzuschrĂ€nken und wie man diese mit Hilfe des Greedy Strict Consensus Mergers aus den Eingabedaten gewinnen kann. Schließlich stellen wir eine Strahlensuche fĂŒr BCD vor. Diese erlaubt es eine bestimmte Anzahl suboptimaler Teillösungen (anstatt nur der optimalen) zu berĂŒcksichtigen, um so das Gesamtergebnis zu verbessern. Die Worst-Case-Laufzeit der Strahlensuche ist immer noch polynomiell. Zur Berechnung suboptimaler Teillösungen stellen wir einen exakten und einen randomisierten Algorithmus vor. In einer ausfĂŒhrlichen Evaluation auf mehreren simulierten und biologischen DatensĂ€tzen vergleichen wir BCD mit einer reprĂ€sentativen Auswahl an Superbaummethoden. Wir haben herausgefunden, dass BCD bei Verwendung von GĂŒtekriterien und SuchraumbeschrĂ€nkung auf simulierten Daten genauer ist als die akkuratesten evaluierten Superbaummethoden. Gleichzeitig ist BCD deutlich schneller als alle evaluierten Methoden. Die Strahlensuche verbessert die QualitĂ€t der BCD-BĂ€ume auf allen DatensĂ€tzen, allerdings auf Kosten der Laufzeit. Weiterhin fanden wir heraus, dass ein BCD-Superbaum, der als Startbaum verwendet wird, die QualitĂ€t einer Maximum-Likelihood-Baumrekonstruktion verbessern kann. Außerdem kann BCD DatensĂ€tze verarbeiten, die so groß sind, dass lokale Suchheuristiken auf diesen nicht mehr in angemessener Zeit konvergieren. Aufgrund der Kombination aus Geschwindigkeit, Genauigkeit und der FĂ€higkeit, den Elternbaum zu rekonstruieren, sofern ein solcher existiert, ist BCD ein vielversprechender Ansatz um die Skalierbarkeit von Teile-und-herrsche-Methoden entscheidend zu verbessern

    Explaining Evolution via Constrained Persistent Perfect Phylogeny

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    BACKGROUND: The perfect phylogeny is an often used model in phylogenetics since it provides an efficient basic procedure for representing the evolution of genomic binary characters in several frameworks, such as for example in haplotype inference. The model, which is conceptually the simplest, is based on the infinite sites assumption, that is no character can mutate more than once in the whole tree. A main open problem regarding the model is finding generalizations that retain the computational tractability of the original model but are more flexible in modeling biological data when the infinite site assumption is violated because of e.g. back mutations. A special case of back mutations that has been considered in the study of the evolution of protein domains (where a domain is acquired and then lost) is persistency, that is the fact that a character is allowed to return back to the ancestral state. In this model characters can be gained and lost at most once. In this paper we consider the computational problem of explaining binary data by the Persistent Perfect Phylogeny model (referred as PPP) and for this purpose we investigate the problem of reconstructing an evolution where some constraints are imposed on the paths of the tree. RESULTS: We define a natural generalization of the PPP problem obtained by requiring that for some pairs (character, species), neither the species nor any of its ancestors can have the character. In other words, some characters cannot be persistent for some species. This new problem is called Constrained PPP (CPPP). Based on a graph formulation of the CPPP problem, we are able to provide a polynomial time solution for the CPPP problem for matrices whose conflict graph has no edges. Using this result, we develop a parameterized algorithm for solving the CPPP problem where the parameter is the number of characters. CONCLUSIONS: A preliminary experimental analysis shows that the constrained persistent perfect phylogeny model allows to explain efficiently data that do not conform with the classical perfect phylogeny model

    Algorithms For Haplotype Inference And Block Partitioning

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    The completion of the human genome project in 2003 paved the way for studies to better understand and catalog variation in the human genome. The International HapMap Project was started in 2002 with the aim of identifying genetic variation in the human genome and studying the distribution of genetic variation across populations of individuals. The information collected by the HapMap project will enable researchers in associating genetic variations with phenotypic variations. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) are loci in the genome where two individuals differ in a single base. It is estimated that there are approximately ten million SNPs in the human genome. These ten million SNPS are not completely independent of each other - blocks (contiguous regions) of neighboring SNPs on the same chromosome are inherited together. The pattern of SNPs on a block of the chromosome is called a haplotype. Each block might contain a large number of SNPs, but a small subset of these SNPs are sufficient to uniquely dentify each haplotype in the block. The haplotype map or HapMap is a map of these haplotype blocks. Haplotypes, rather than individual SNP alleles are expected to effect a disease phenotype. The human genome is diploid, meaning that in each cell there are two copies of each chromosome - i.e., each individual has two haplotypes in any region of the chromosome. With the current technology, the cost associated with empirically collecting haplotype data is prohibitively expensive. Therefore, the un-ordered bi-allelic genotype data is collected experimentally. The genotype data gives the two alleles in each SNP locus in an individual, but does not give information about which allele is on which copy of the chromosome. This necessitates computational techniques for inferring haplotypes from genotype data. This computational problem is called the haplotype inference problem. Many statistical approaches have been developed for the haplotype inference problem. Some of these statistical methods have been shown to be reasonably accurate on real genotype data. However, these techniques are very computation-intensive. With the international HapMap project collecting information from nearly 10 million SNPs, and with association studies involving thousands of individuals being undertaken, there is a need for more efficient methods for haplotype inference. This dissertation is an effort to develop efficient perfect phylogeny based combinatorial algorithms for haplotype inference. The perfect phylogeny haplotyping (PPH) problem is to derive a set of haplotypes for a given set of genotypes with the condition that the haplotypes describe a perfect phylogeny. The perfect phylogeny approach to haplotype inference is applicable to the human genome due to the block structure of the human genome. An important contribution of this dissertation is an optimal O(nm) time algorithm for the PPH problem, where n is the number of genotypes and m is the number of SNPs involved. The complexity of the earlier algorithms for this problem was O(nm^2). The O(nm) complexity was achieved by applying some transformations on the input data and by making use of the FlexTree data structure that has been developed as part of this dissertation work, which represents all the possible PPH solution for a given set of genotypes. Real genotype data does not always admit a perfect phylogeny, even within a block of the human genome. Therefore, it is necessary to extend the perfect phylogeny approach to accommodate deviations from perfect phylogeny. Deviations from perfect phylogeny might occur because of recombination events and repeated or back mutations (also referred to as homoplasy events). Another contribution of this dissertation is a set of fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for constructing near-perfect phylogenies with homoplasy events. For the problem of constructing a near perfect phylogeny with q homoplasy events, the algorithm presented here takes O(nm^2+m^(n+m)) time. Empirical analysis on simulated data shows that this algorithm produces more accurate results than PHASE (a popular haplotype inference program), while being approximately 1000 times faster than phase. Another important problem while dealing real genotype or haplotype data is the presence of missing entries. The Incomplete Perfect Phylogeny (IPP) problem is to construct a perfect phylogeny on a set of haplotypes with missing entries. The Incomplete Perfect Phylogeny Haplotyping (IPPH) problem is to construct a perfect phylogeny on a set of genotypes with missing entries. Both the IPP and IPPH problems have been shown to be NP-hard. The earlier approaches for both of these problems dealt with restricted versions of the problem, where the root is either available or can be trivially re-constructed from the data, or certain assumptions were made about the data. We make some novel observations about these problems, and present efficient algorithms for unrestricted versions of these problems. The algorithms have worst-case exponential time complexity, but have been shown to be very fast on practical instances of the problem

    Gene order rearrangement methods for the reconstruction of phylogeny

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    The study of phylogeny, i.e. the evolutionary history of species, is a central problem in biology and a key for understanding characteristics of contemporary species. Many problems in this area can be formulated as combinatorial optimisation problems which makes it particularly interesting for computer scientists. The reconstruction of the phylogeny of species can be based on various kinds of data, e.g. morphological properties or characteristics of the genetic information of the species. Maximum parsimony is a popular and widely used method for phylogenetic reconstruction aiming for an explanation of the observed data requiring the least evolutionary changes. A certain property of the genetic information gained much interest for the reconstruction of phylogeny in recent time: the organisation of the genomes of species, i.e. the arrangement of the genes on the chromosomes. But the idea to reconstruct phylogenetic information from gene arrangements has a long history. In Dobzhansky and Sturtevant (1938) it was already pointed out that “a comparison of the different gene arrangements in the same chromosome may, in certain cases, throw light on the historical relationships of these structures, and consequently on the history of the species as a whole”. This kind of data is promising for the study of deep evolutionary relationships because gene arrangements are believed to evolve slowly (Rokas and Holland, 2000). This seems to be the case especially for mitochondrial genomes which are available for a wide range of species (Boore, 1999). The development of methods for the reconstruction of phylogeny from gene arrangement data has made considerable progress during the last years. Prominent examples are the computation of parsimonious evolutionary scenarios, i.e. a shortest sequence of rearrangements transforming one arrangement of genes into another or the length of such a minimal scenario (Hannenhalli and Pevzner, 1995b; Sankoff, 1992; Watterson et al., 1982); the reconstruction of parsimonious phylogenetic trees from gene arrangement data (Bader et al., 2008; Bernt et al., 2007b; Bourque and Pevzner, 2002; Moret et al., 2002a); or the computation of the similarities of gene arrangements (Bergeron et al., 2008a; Heber et al., 2009). 1 1 Introduction The central theme of this work is to provide efficient algorithms for modified versions of fundamental genome rearrangement problems using more plausible rearrangement models. Two types of modified rearrangement models are explored. The first type is to restrict the set of allowed rearrangements as follows. It can be observed that certain groups of genes are preserved during evolution. This may be caused by functional constraints which prevented the destruction (Lathe et al., 2000; SĂ©mon and Duret, 2006; Xie et al., 2003), certain properties of the rearrangements which shaped the gene orders (Eisen et al., 2000; Sankoff, 2002; Tillier and Collins, 2000), or just because no destructive rearrangement happened since the speciation of the gene orders. It can be assumed that gene groups, found in all studied gene orders, are not acquired independently. Accordingly, these gene groups should be preserved in plausible reconstructions of the course of evolution, in particular the gene groups should be present in the reconstructed putative ancestral gene orders. This can be achieved by restricting the set of rearrangements, which are allowed for the reconstruction, to those which preserve the gene groups of the given gene orders. Since it is difficult to determine functionally what a gene group is, it has been proposed to consider common combinatorial structures of the gene orders as gene groups (Marcotte et al., 1999; Overbeek et al., 1999). The second considered modification of the rearrangement model is extending the set of allowed rearrangement types. Different types of rearrangement operations have shuffled the gene orders during evolution. It should be attempted to use the same set of rearrangement operations for the reconstruction otherwise distorted or even wrong phylogenetic conclusions may be obtained in the worst case. Both possibilities have been considered for certain rearrangement problems before. Restricted sets of allowed rearrangements have been used successfully for the computation of parsimonious rearrangement scenarios consisting of inversions only where the gene groups are identified as common intervals (BĂ©rard et al., 2007; Figeac and VarrĂ©, 2004). Extending the set of allowed rearrangement operations is a delicate task. On the one hand it is unknown which rearrangements have to be regarded because this is part of the phylogeny to be discovered. On the other hand, efficient exact rearrangement methods including several operations are still rare, in particular when transpositions should be included. For example, the problem to compute shortest rearrangement scenarios including transpositions is still of unknown computational complexity. Currently, only efficient approximation algorithms are known (e.g. Bader and Ohlebusch, 2007; Elias and Hartman, 2006). Two problems have been studied with respect to one or even both of these possibilities in the scope of this work. The first one is the inversion median problem. Given the gene orders of some taxa, this problem asks for potential ancestral gene orders such that the corresponding inversion scenario is parsimonious, i.e. has a minimum length. Solving this problem is an essential component 2 of algorithms for computing phylogenetic trees from gene arrangements (Bourque and Pevzner, 2002; Moret et al., 2002a, 2001). The unconstrained inversion median problem is NP-hard (Caprara, 2003). In Chapter 3 the inversion median problem is studied under the additional constraint to preserve gene groups of the input gene orders. Common intervals, i.e. sets of genes that appear consecutively in the gene orders, are used for modelling gene groups. The problem of finding such ancestral gene orders is called the preserving inversion median problem. Already the problem of finding a shortest inversion scenario for two gene orders is NP-hard (Figeac and VarrĂ©, 2004). Mitochondrial gene orders are a rich source for phylogenetic investigations because they are known for more than 1 000 species. Four rearrangement operations are reported at least in the literature to be relevant for the study of mitochondrial gene order evolution (Boore, 1999): That is inversions, transpositions, inverse transpositions, and tandem duplication random loss (TDRL). Efficient methods for a plausible reconstruction of genome rearrangements for mitochondrial gene orders using all four operations are presented in Chapter 4. An important rearrangement operation, in particular for the study of mitochondrial gene orders, is the tandem duplication random loss operation (e.g. Boore, 2000; Mauro et al., 2006). This rearrangement duplicates a part of a gene order followed by the random loss of one of the redundant copies of each gene. The gene order is rearranged depending on which copy is lost. This rearrangement should be regarded for reconstructing phylogeny from gene order data. But the properties of this rearrangement operation have rarely been studied (Bouvel and Rossin, 2009; Chaudhuri et al., 2006). The combinatorial properties of the TDRL operation are studied in Chapter 5. The enumeration and counting of sorting TDRLs, that is TDRL operations reducing the distance, is studied in particular. Closed formulas for computing the number of sorting TDRLs and methods for the enumeration are presented. Furthermore, TDRLs are one of the operations considered in Chapter 4. An interesting property of this rearrangement, distinguishing it from other rearrangements, is its asymmetry. That is the effects of a single TDRL can (in the most cases) not be reversed with a single TDRL. The use of this property for phylogeny reconstruction is studied in Section 4.3. This thesis is structured as follows. The existing approaches obeying similar types of modified rearrangement models as well as important concepts and computational methods to related problems are reviewed in Chapter 2. The combinatorial structures of gene orders that have been proposed for identifying gene groups, in particular common intervals, as well as the computational approaches for their computation are reviewed in Section 2.2. Approaches for computing parsimonious pairwise rearrangement scenarios are outlined in Section 2.3. Methods for the computation genome rearrangement scenarios obeying biologically motivated constraints, as introduced above, are detailed in Section 2.4. The approaches for the inversion median problem are covered in Section 2.5. Methods for the reconstruction of phylogenetic trees from gene arrangement data are briefly outlined in Section 2.6.3 1 Introduction Chapter 3 introduces the new algorithms CIP, ECIP, and TCIP for solving the preserving inversion median problem. The efficiency of the algorithm is empirically studied for simulated as well as mitochondrial data. The description of algorithms CIP and ECIP is based on Bernt et al. (2006b). TCIP has been described in Bernt et al. (2007a, 2008b). But the theoretical foundation of TCIP is extended significantly within this work in order to allow for more than three input permutations. Gene order rearrangement methods that have been developed for the reconstruction of the phylogeny of mitochondrial gene orders are presented in the fourth chapter. The presented algorithm CREx computes rearrangement scenarios for pairs of gene orders. CREx regards the four types of rearrangement operations which are important for mitochondrial gene orders. Based on CREx the algorithm TreeREx for assigning rearrangement events to a given tree is developed. The quality of the CREx reconstructions is analysed in a large empirical study for simulated gene orders. The results of TreeREx are analysed for several mitochondrial data sets. Algorithms CREx and TreeREx have been published in Bernt et al. (2008a, 2007c). The analysis of the mitochondrial gene orders of Echinodermata was included in Perseke et al. (2008). Additionally, a new and simple method is presented to explore the potential of the CREx method. The new method is applied to the complete mitochondrial data set. The problem of enumerating and counting sorting TDRLs is studied in Chapter 5. The theoretical results are covered to a large extent by Bernt et al. (2009b). The missing combinatorial explanation for some of the presented formulas is given here for the first time. Therefor, a new method for the enumeration and counting of sorting TDRLs has been developed (Bernt et al., 2009a)


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    This dissertation is an effort to adapt two classical non-parametric statistical techniques, kernel density estimation (KDE) and principal components analysis (PCA), to the Billera-Holmes-Vogtmann (BHV) metric space for phylogenetic trees. This adaption gives a more general framework for developing and testing various hypotheses about apparent differences or similarities between sets of phylogenetic trees than currently exists. For example, while the majority of gene histories found in a clade of organisms are expected to be generated by a common evolutionary process, numerous other coexisting processes (e.g. horizontal gene transfers, gene duplication and subsequent neofunctionalization) will cause some genes to exhibit a history quite distinct from the histories of the majority of genes. Such “outlying” gene trees are considered to be biologically interesting and identifying these genes has become an important problem in phylogenetics. The R sofware package kdetrees, developed in Chapter 2, contains an implementation of the kernel density estimation method. The primary theoretical difficulty involved in this adaptation concerns the normalizion of the kernel functions in the BHV metric space. This problem is addressed in Chapter 3. In both chapters, the software package is applied to both simulated and empirical datasets to demonstrate the properties of the method. A few first theoretical steps in adaption of principal components analysis to the BHV space are presented in Chapter 4. It becomes necessary to generalize the notion of a set of perpendicular vectors in Euclidean space to the BHV metric space, but there some ambiguity about how to best proceed. We show that convex hulls are one reasonable approach to the problem. The Nye-PCA- algorithm provides a method of projecting onto arbitrary convex hulls in BHV space, providing the core of a modified PCA-type method

    Studying Evolutionary Change: Transdisciplinary Advances in Understanding and Measuring Evolution

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    Evolutionary processes can be found in almost any historical, i.e. evolving, system that erroneously copies from the past. Well studied examples do not only originate in evolutionary biology but also in historical linguistics. Yet an approach that would bind together studies of such evolving systems is still elusive. This thesis is an attempt to narrowing down this gap to some extend. An evolving system can be described using characters that identify their changing features. While the problem of a proper choice of characters is beyond the scope of this thesis and remains in the hands of experts we concern ourselves with some theoretical as well data driven approaches. Having a well chosen set of characters describing a system of different entities such as homologous genes, i.e. genes of same origin in different species, we can build a phylogenetic tree. Consider the special case of gene clusters containing paralogous genes, i.e. genes of same origin within a species usually located closely, such as the well known HOX cluster. These are formed by step- wise duplication of its members, often involving unequal crossing over forming hybrid genes. Gene conversion and possibly other mechanisms of concerted evolution further obfuscate phylogenetic relationships. Hence, it is very difficult or even impossible to disentangle the detailed history of gene duplications in gene clusters. Expanding gene clusters that use unequal crossing over as proposed by Walter Gehring leads to distinctive patterns of genetic distances. We show that this special class of distances helps in extracting phylogenetic information from the data still. Disregarding genome rearrangements, we find that the shortest Hamiltonian path then coincides with the ordering of paralogous genes in a cluster. This observation can be used to detect ancient genomic rearrangements of gene clus- ters and to distinguish gene clusters whose evolution was dominated by unequal crossing over within genes from those that expanded through other mechanisms. While the evolution of DNA or protein sequences is well studied and can be formally described, we find that this does not hold for other systems such as language evolution. This is due to a lack of detectable mechanisms that drive the evolutionary processes in other fields. Hence, it is hard to quantify distances between entities, e.g. languages, and therefore the characters describing them. Starting out with distortions of distances, we first see that poor choices of the distance measure can lead to incorrect phylogenies. Given that phylogenetic inference requires additive metrics we can infer the correct phylogeny from a distance matrix D if there is a monotonic, subadditive function ζ such that ζ^−1(D) is additive. We compute the metric-preserving transformation ζ as the solution of an optimization problem. This result shows that the problem of phylogeny reconstruction is well defined even if a detailed mechanistic model of the evolutionary process is missing. Yet, this does not hinder studies of language evolution using automated tools. As the amount of available and large digital corpora increased so did the possibilities to study them automatically. The obvious parallels between historical linguistics and phylogenetics lead to many studies adapting bioinformatics tools to fit linguistics means. Here, we use jAlign to calculate bigram alignments, i.e. an alignment algorithm that operates with regard to adjacency of letters. Its performance is tested in different cognate recognition tasks. Using pairwise alignments one major obstacle is the systematic errors they make such as underestimation of gaps and their misplacement. Applying multiple sequence alignments instead of a pairwise algorithm implicitly includes more evolutionary information and thus can overcome the problem of correct gap placement. They can be seen as a generalization of the string-to-string edit problem to more than two strings. With the steady increase in computational power, exact, dynamic programming solutions have become feasible in practice also for 3- and 4-way alignments. For the pairwise (2-way) case, there is a clear distinction between local and global alignments. As more sequences are consid- ered, this distinction, which can in fact be made independently for both ends of each sequence, gives rise to a rich set of partially local alignment problems. So far these have remained largely unexplored. Thus, a general formal frame- work that gives raise to a classification of partially local alignment problems is introduced. It leads to a generic scheme that guides the principled design of exact dynamic programming solutions for particular partially local alignment problems
