36 research outputs found

    Tiling Optimization For Nested Loops On Gpus

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    Optimizing nested loops has been considered as an important topic and widely studied in parallel programming. With the development of GPU architectures, the performance of these computations can be significantly boosted with the massively parallel hardware. General matrix-matrix multiplication is a typical example where executing such an algorithm on GPUs outperforms the performance obtained on other multicore CPUs. However, achieving ideal performance on GPUs usually requires a lot of human effort to manage the massively parallel computation resources. Therefore, the efficient implementation of optimizing nested loops on GPUs became a popular topic in recent years. We present our work based on the tiling strategy in this dissertation to address three kinds of popular problems. Different kinds of computations bring in different latency issues where dependencies in the computation may result in insufficient parallelism and the performance of computations without dependencies may be degraded due to intensive memory accesses. In this thesis, we tackle the challenges for each kind of problem and believe that other computations performed in nested loops can also benefit from the presented techniques. We improve a parallel approximation algorithm for the problem of scheduling jobs on parallel identical machines to minimize makespan with a high-dimensional tiling method. The algorithm is designed and optimized for solving this kind of problem efficiently on GPUs. Because the algorithm is based on a higher-dimensional dynamic programming approach, where dimensionality refers to the number of variables in the dynamic programming equation characterizing the problem, the existing implementation suffers from the pain of dimensionality and cannot fully utilize GPU resources. We design a novel data-partitioning technique to accelerate the higher-dimensional dynamic programming component of the algorithm. Both the load imbalance and exceeding memory capacity issues are addressed in our GPU solution. We present performance results to demonstrate how our proposed design improves the GPU utilization and makes it possible to solve large higher-dimensional dynamic programming problems within the limited GPU memory. Experimental results show that the GPU implementation achieves up to 25X speedup compared to the best existing OpenMP implementation. In addition, we focus on optimizing wavefront parallelism on GPUs. Wavefront parallelism is a well-known technique for exploiting the concurrency of applications that execute nested loops with uniform data dependencies. Recent research on such applications, which range from sequence alignment tools to partial differential equation solvers, has used GPUs to benefit from the massively parallel computing resources. Wavefront parallelism faces the load imbalance issue because the parallelism is passing along the diagonal. The tiling method has been introduced as a popular solution to address this issue. However, the use of hyperplane tiles increases the cost of synchronization and leads to poor data locality. In this paper, we present a highly optimized implementation of the wavefront parallelism technique that harnesses the GPU architecture. A balanced workload and maximum resource utilization are achieved with an extremely low synchronization overhead. We design the kernel configuration to significantly reduce the minimum number of synchronizations required and also introduce an inter-block lock to minimize the overhead of each synchronization. We evaluate the performance of our proposed technique for four different applications: Sequence Alignment, Edit Distance, Summed-Area Table, and 2DSOR. The performance results demonstrate that our method achieves speedups of up to six times compared to the previous best-known hyperplane tiling-based GPU implementation. Finally, we extend the hyperplane tiling to high order 2D stencil computations. Unlike wavefront parallelism that has dependence in the spatial dimension, dependence remains only across two adjacent time steps along the temporal dimension in stencil computations. Even if the no-dependence property significantly increases the parallelism obtained in the spatial dimensions, full parallelism may not be efficient on GPUs. Due to the limited cache capacity owned by each streaming multiprocessor, full parallelism can be obtained on global memory only, which has high latency to access. Therefore, the tiling technique can be applied to improve the memory efficiency by caching the small tiled blocks. Because the widely studied tiling methods, like overlapped tiling and split tiling, have considerable computation overhead caused by load imbalance or extra operations, we propose a time skewed tiling method, which is designed upon the GPU architecture. We work around the serialized computation issue and coordinate the intra-tile parallelism and inter-tile parallelism to minimize the load imbalance caused by pipelined processing. Moreover, we address the high-order stencil computations in our development, which has not been comprehensively studied. The proposed method achieves up to 3.5X performance improvement when the stencil computation is performed on a Moore neighborhood pattern


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    Data dependences in sequential programs limit parallelization because extracted threads cannot run independently. Although thread-level speculation can avoid the need for precise dependence analysis, communication overheads required to synchronize actual dependences counteract the benefits of parallelization. To address these challenges, we propose a lightweight architectural enhancement co-designed with a parallelizing compiler, which together can decouple communication from thread execution. Simulations of these approaches, applied to a processor with 16 Intel Atom-like cores, show an average of 6.85x performance speedup for six SPEC CINT2000 benchmarksThis work was possible thanks to the sponsorship of the Royal Academy of Engineering, EPSRC and the National Science Foundation (award number IIS-0926148).This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE and ACM at http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2678373.2665705

    Automatic Parallelization of Tiled Stencil Loop Nests on GPUs

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    This thesis attempts to design and implement a compiler framework based on the polyhedral model. The compiler automatically parallelizes loop nests; especially stencil kernels, into efficient GPU code by loop tiling transformations which the polyhedral model describes. To enhance parallel performance, we introduce three practically efficient techniques to process different types of loop nests. The experimental results of our compiler framework have demonstrated that these advanced techniques can outperform previous approaches. Firstly, we aim to find efficient tiling transformations without violating data dependences. How to select a tile's shape and size is an open issue that is performance-critical and influenced by GPU's hardware constraints. We propose an approach to determine the tile shapes out of consideration for improving two-level parallelism of GPUs. The new approach finds appropriate tiling hyperplanes by embedding parallelism-enhancing constraints into the polyhedral model to maximize intra-tile, i.e., intra-SM parallelism. This improves the load balance among the streaming processors (SPs), which execute a wavefront of loop iterations within a tile. We eliminate parallelism-hindering false dependences to optimize inter-tile, i.e., inter-SM parallelism. This improves the load balance among the streaming multiprocessors (SMs), which execute a wavefront of tiles. Furthermore, to avoid combinatorial explosion of tile size's configurations, we present a model-driven approach to automating tile size selection that is performance-critical for loop tiling transformations, especially for DOACROSS loop nests. Our tile size selection model accurately estimates the execution times of tiled loop nests running on GPUs. The selected tile sizes lead to the performance results that are close to the best observed for a range of problem sizes tested. Finally, to address the difficulty and low-performance of parallelizing widely used SOR stencil loop nests, we present a new tiled parallel SOR method, called MLSOR, which admits more efficient data-parallel SIMD execution on GPUs. Unlike the previous two approaches that are dependence-preserving, the basic idea is to algorithmically restructure a stencil kernel based on a non-dependence-preserving parallelization scheme to avoid pipelining for higher parallelism. The new approach can be implemented in compilers through a pattern matching pass to optimize SOR-like DOACROSS loop nests on GPUs

    Compiler-Driven Software Speculation for Thread-Level Parallelism

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    Current parallelizing compilers can tackle applications exercising regular access patterns on arrays or affine indices, where data dependencies can be expressed in a linear form. Unfortunately, there are cases that independence between statements of code cannot be guaranteed and thus the compiler conservatively produces sequential code. Programs that involve extensive pointer use, irregular access patterns, and loops with unknown number of iterations are examples of such cases. This limits the extraction of parallelism in cases where dependencies are rarely or never triggered at runtime. Speculative parallelism refers to methods employed during program execution that aim to produce a valid parallel execution schedule for programs immune to static parallelization. The motivation for this article is to review recent developments in the area of compiler-driven software speculation for thread-level parallelism and how they came about. The article is divided into two parts. In the first part the fundamentals of speculative parallelization for thread-level parallelism are explained along with a design choice categorization for implementing such systems. Design choices include the ways speculative data is handled, how data dependence violations are detected and resolved, how the correct data are made visible to other threads, or how speculative threads are scheduled. The second part is structured around those design choices providing the advances and trends in the literature with reference to key developments in the area. Although the focus of the article is in software speculative parallelization, a section is dedicated for providing the interested reader with pointers and references for exploring similar topics such as hardware thread-level speculation, transactional memory, and automatic parallelization

    Compiling global name-space programs for distributed execution

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    Distributed memory machines do not provide hardware support for a global address space. Thus programmers are forced to partition the data across the memories of the architecture and use explicit message passing to communicate data between processors. The compiler support required to allow programmers to express their algorithms using a global name-space is examined. A general method is presented for analysis of a high level source program and along with its translation to a set of independently executing tasks communicating via messages. If the compiler has enough information, this translation can be carried out at compile-time. Otherwise run-time code is generated to implement the required data movement. The analysis required in both situations is described and the performance of the generated code on the Intel iPSC/2 is presented

    Compiler Optimization Techniques for Scheduling and Reducing Overhead

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    Exploiting parallelism in loops in programs is an important factor in realizing the potential performance of processors today. This dissertation develops and evaluates several compiler optimizations aimed at improving the performance of loops on processors. An important feature of a class of scientific computing problems is the regularity exhibited by their access patterns. Chapter 2 presents an approach of optimizing the address generation of these problems that results in the following: (i) elimination of redundant arithmetic computation by recognizing and exploiting the presence of common sub-expressions across different iterations in stencil codes; and (ii) conversion of as many array references to scalar accesses as possible, which leads to reduced execution time, decrease in address arithmetic overhead, access to data in registers as opposed to caches, etc. With the advent of VLIW processors, the exploitation of fine-grain instruction-level parallelism has become a major challenge to optimizing compilers. Fine-grain scheduling of inner loops has received a lot of attention, little work has been done in the area of applying it to nested loops. Chapter 3 presents an approach to fine-grain scheduling of nested loops by formulating the problem of finding theminimum iteration initiation interval as one of finding a rational affine schedule for each statement in the body of a perfectly nested loop which is then solved using linear programming. Frequent synchronization on multiprocessors is expensive due to its high cost. Chapter 4 presents a method for eliminating redundant synchronization for nested loops. In nested loops, a dependence may be redundant in only a portion of the iteration space. A characterization of the non-uniformity of the redundancy of a dependence is developed in terms of the relation between the dependences and the shape and size of the iteration space. Exploiting locality is critical for achieving high level of performance on a parallel machine. Chapter 5 presents an approach using the concept of affinity regions to find transformations such that a suitable iteration-to-processor mapping can be found for a sequence of loop nests accessing shared arrays. This not only improves the data locality but significantly reduces communication overhead