26,588 research outputs found

    Repetition Detection in a Dynamic String

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    A string UU for a non-empty string U is called a square. Squares have been well-studied both from a combinatorial and an algorithmic perspective. In this paper, we are the first to consider the problem of maintaining a representation of the squares in a dynamic string S of length at most n. We present an algorithm that updates this representation in n^o(1) time. This representation allows us to report a longest square-substring of S in O(1) time and all square-substrings of S in O(output) time. We achieve this by introducing a novel tool - maintaining prefix-suffix matches of two dynamic strings. We extend the above result to address the problem of maintaining a representation of all runs (maximal repetitions) of the string. Runs are known to capture the periodic structure of a string, and, as an application, we show that our representation of runs allows us to efficiently answer periodicity queries for substrings of a dynamic string. These queries have proven useful in static pattern matching problems and our techniques have the potential of offering solutions to these problems in a dynamic text setting

    Efficient Iterative Processing in the SciDB Parallel Array Engine

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    Many scientific data-intensive applications perform iterative computations on array data. There exist multiple engines specialized for array processing. These engines efficiently support various types of operations, but none includes native support for iterative processing. In this paper, we develop a model for iterative array computations and a series of optimizations. We evaluate the benefits of an optimized, native support for iterative array processing on the SciDB engine and real workloads from the astronomy domain
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