184 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable architectures for beyond 3G wireless communication systems

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    Domain specific high performance reconfigurable architecture for a communication platform

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    DRM analysis using a simulator of multiprocessor embedded system

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesOs sistemas multiprocessador são uma tecnologia emergente. O projecto Hijdra, que está a ser desenvolvido na “NXP semiconductors Research” é um sistema multiprocessador de tempo real que corre aplicações com constrangimentos do tipo “hard” e “soft”. Nestes sistemas, os processadores comunicam através de uma rede de silício. As aplicações que correm no sistema multiprocessador consistem em múltiplas tarefas que correm em processadores embutidos. Achar soluções para o mapeamento das tarefas é o maior problema destes sistemas. Uma aplicação para este sistema que tem vindo a ser estudada é o “Car Radio”. Esta dissertação diz respeito a uma aplicação de rádio digital (DRM) na arquitectura Hijdra. Neste contexto, uma aplicação de um receptor de DRM foi estudada. Um modelo de análise de “Data Flow” foi extraído a partir da aplicação, foi estudada a latência introduzida na rede de silício pela introdução de um novo processador (acelerador de Viterbi) e foi estudada a possibilidade do mapeamento das várias tarefas da aplicação em diferentes processadores a correr em paralelo. Muitas estratégias ainda ficaram por definir a fim de optimizar o desempenho da aplicação do receptor de DRM de modo a esta poder trabalhar de uma forma mais eficaz. ABSTRACT: Multiprocessor systems are an emerging technology. The Hijdra project being developed at NXP semiconductors Research is a multiprocessor system running with both hard and soft real time streaming media jobs. These jobs consist of multiple tasks running on embedded multiprocessors. Finding good solutions for job mapping is the main problem of these systems. One application which has being studied for Hijdra is the “Car Radio”. This thesis concerns the study of a digital radio receptor application (DRM) in Hijdra architecture. In this context, a data flow model of analysis was extracted from the application, the latency introduced by the addition of a new tile (Viterbi accelerator) and eventual speed gains were studied and the possibility of mapping the different tasks of the application in different processors was foreseen. Many strategies were yet to be defined in order to optimize the application performance so it can work more effectively in the multiprocessor system

    A Reconfigurable Outer Modem Platform for Future Communications Systems

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    Future mobile and wireless communications networks require flexible modem architectures with high performance. Efficient utilization of application specific flexibility is key to fulfill these requirements. For high throughput a single processor can not provide the necessary computational power. Hence multi-processor architectures become necessary. This paper presents a multi-processor platform based on a new dynamically reconfigurable application specific instruction set processor (dr-ASIP) for the application domain of channel decoding. Inherently parallel decoding tasks can be mapped onto individual processing nodes. The implied challenging inter-processor communication is efficiently handled by a Network-on-Chip (NoC) such that the throughput of each node is not degraded. The dr-ASIP features Viterbi and Log-MAP decoding for support of convolutional and turbo codes of more than 10 currently specified mobile and wireless standards. Furthermore, its flexibility allows for adaptation to future systems

    An efficient ultra-wideband digital transceiver for wireless applications on the field-programmable gate array platform

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    The ultra-wideband (UWB) technology is a promising short-range communication technology for most wireless applications. The UWB works at higher frequencies and is affected by interferences with the same frequency standards. This manuscript has designed an efficient and low-cost implementation of IEEE 802.15.4a-based UWB-digital transceiver (DTR). The design module contains UWB transmitter (TX), channel, and UWB-receiver (RX) units. Convolutional encoding and modulation units like burst position modulation and binary phase-shift keying modulation are used to construct the UWB-TX. The synchronization and Viterbi decoder units are used to recover the original data bits and are affected by noise in UWB-RX. The UWB-DTR is synthesized using Xilinx ISE® environment with Verilog hardware description language (HDL) and implemented on Artix-7 field-programmable gate array (FPGA). The UWB-DTR utilizes less than 2% (slices and look-up table/LUTs), operates at 268 MHz, and consumes 91 mW of total power on FPGA. The transceiver achieves a 6.86 Mbps data rate, which meets the IEEE 802.15.4a standard. The UWB-DTR module obtains the bit error rate (BER) of 2×10-4 by transmitting 105 data bits. The UWB-DTR module is compared with similar physical layer (PHY) transceivers with improvements in chip area (slices), power, data rate, and BER. 

    Design and Implementation of Belief Propagation Symbol Detectors for Wireless Intersymbol Interference Channels

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    In modern wireless communication systems, intersymbol interference (ISI) introduced by frequency selective fading is one of the major impairments to reliable data communication. In ISI channels, the receiver observes the superposition of multiple delayed reflections of the transmitted signal, which will result errors in the decision device. As the data rate increases, the effect of ISI becomes severe. To combat ISI, equalization is usually required for symbol detectors. The optimal maximum-likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) based on the Viterbi algorithm (VA) may be used to estimate the transmitted sequence in the presence of the ISI. However, the computational complexity of the MLSE increases exponentially with the length of the channel impulse response (CIR). Even in channels which do not exhibit significant time dispersion, the length of the CIR will effectively increase as the sampling rate goes higher. Thus the optimal MLSE is impractical to implement in the majority of practical wireless applications. This dissertation is devoted to exploring practically implementable symbol detectors with near-optimal performance in wireless ISI channels. Particularly, we focus on the design and implementation of an iterative detector based on the belief propagation (BP) algorithm. The advantage of the BP detector is that its complexity is solely dependent on the number of nonzero coefficients in the CIR, instead of the length of the CIR. We also extend the work of BP detector design for various wireless applications. Firstly, we present a partial response BP (PRBP) symbol detector with near-optimal performance for channels which have long spanning durations but sparse multipath structure. We implement the architecture by cascading an adaptive linear equalizer (LE) with a BP detector. The channel is first partially equalized by the LE to a target impulse response (TIR) with only a few nonzero coefficients remaining. The residual ISI is then canceled by a more sophisticated BP detector. With the cascaded LE-BP structure, the symbol detector is capable to achieve a near-optimal error rate performance with acceptable implementation complexity. Moreover, we present a pipeline high-throughput implementation of the detector for channel length 30 with quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) modulation. The detector can achieve a maximum throughput of 206 Mb/s with an estimated core area of 3.162 mm^{2} using 90-nm technology node. At a target frequency of 515 MHz, the dynamic power is about 1.096 W. Secondly, we investigate the performance of aforementioned PRBP detector under a more generic 3G channel rather than the sparse channel. Another suboptimal partial response maximum-likelihood (PRML) detector is considered for comparison. Similar to the PRBP detector, the PRML detector also employs a hybrid two-stage scheme, in order to allow a tradeoff between performance and complexity. In simulations, we consider a slow fading environment and use the ITU-R 3G channel models. From the numerical results, it is shown that in frequency-selective fading wireless channels, the PRBP detector provides superior performance over both the traditional minimum mean squared error linear equalizer (MMSE-LE) and the PRML detector. Due to the effect of colored noise, the PRML detector in fading wireless channels is not as effective as it is in magnetic recording applications. Thirdly, we extend our work to accommodate the application of Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) digital television (DTV) systems. In order to reduce error propagation caused by the traditional decision feedback equalizer (DFE) in DTV receiver, we present an adaptive decision feedback sparsening filter BP (DFSF-BP) detector, which is another form of PRBP detector. Different from the aforementioned LE-BP structure, in the DFSF-BP scheme, the BP detector is followed by a nonlinear filter called DFSF as the partial response equalizer. In the first stage, the DFSF employs a modified feedback filter which leaves the strongest post-cursor ISI taps uncorrected. As a result, a long ISI channel is equalized to a sparse channel having only a small number of nonzero taps. In the second stage, the BP detector is applied to mitigate the residual ISI. Since the channel is typically time-varying and suffers from Doppler fading, the DFSF is adapted using the least mean square (LMS) algorithm, such that the amplitude and the locations of the nonzero taps of the equalized sparse channel appear to be fixed. As such, the channel appears to be static during the second stage of equalization which consists of the BP detector. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme outperforms the traditional DFE in symbol error rate, under both static channels and dynamic ATSC channels. Finally, we study the symbol detector design for cooperative communications, which have attracted a lot of attention recently for its ability to exploit increased spatial diversity available at distributed antennas on other nodes. A system framework employing non-orthogonal amplify-and-forward half-duplex relays through ISI channels is developed. Based on the system model, we first design and implement an optimal maximum-likelihood detector based on the Viterbi algorithm. As the relay period increases, the effective CIR between the source and the destination becomes long and sparse, which makes the optimal detector impractical to implement. In order to achieve a balance between the computational complexity and performance, several sub-optimal detectors are proposed. We first present a multitrellis Viterbi algorithm (MVA) based detector which decomposes the original trellis into multiple parallel irregular sub-trellises by investigating the dependencies between the received symbols. Although MVA provides near-optimal performance, it is not straightforward to decompose the trellis for arbitrary ISI channels. Next, the decision feedback sequence estimation (DFSE) based detector and BP-based detector are proposed for cooperative ISI channels. Traditionally these two detectors are used with fixed, static channels. In our model, however, the effective channel is periodically time-varying, even when the component channels themselves are static. Consequently, we modify these two detector to account for cooperative ISI channels. Through simulations in frequency selective fading channels, we demonstrate the uncoded performance of the DFSE detector and the BP detector when compared to the optimal MLSE detector. In addition to quantifying the performance of these detectors, we also include an analysis of the implementation complexity as well as a discussion on complexity/performance tradeoffs

    Optimization and implementation of a Viterbi decoder under flexibility constraints

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    This paper discusses the impact of flexibility when designing a Viterbi decoder for both convolutional and TCM codes. Different trade-offs have to be considered in choosing the right architecture for the processing blocks and the resulting hardware penalty is evaluated. We study the impact of symbol quantization that degrades performance and affects the wordlength of the rate-flexible trellis datapath. A radix-2-based architecture for this datapath relaxes the hardware requirements on the branch metric and survivor path blocks substantially. The cost of flexibility in terms of cell area and power consumption is explored by an investigation of synthesized designs that provide different transmission rates. Two designs are fabricated in a digital 0.13- muhboxmmu{hbox {m}} CMOS process. Based on post-layout simulations, a symbol baud rate of 168 Mbaud/s is achieved in TCM mode, equivalent to a maximum throughput of 840 Mbit/s using a 64-QAM constellation