7,105 research outputs found

    Real-time power system dynamic simulation

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    The present day digital computing resources are overburdened by the amount of calculation necessary for power system dynamic simulation. Although the hardware has improved significantly, the expansion of the interconnected systems, and the requirement for more detailed models with frequent solutions have increased the need for simulating these systems in real time. To achieve this, more effort has been devoted to developing and improving the application of numerical methods and computational techniques such as sparsity-directed approaches and network decomposition to power system dynamic studies. This project is a modest contribution towards solving this problem. It consists of applying a very efficient sparsity technique to the power system dynamic simulator under a wide range of events. The method used was first developed by Zollenkopf (^117) Following the structure of the linear equations related to power system dynamic simulator models, the original algorithm which was conceived for scalar calculation has been modified to use sets of 2 * 2 sub-matrices for both the dynamic and algebraic equations. The realisation of real-time simulators also requires the simplification of the power system models and the adoption of a few assumptions such as neglecting short time constants. Most of the network components are simulated. The generating units include synchronous generators and their local controllers, and the simulated network is composed of transmission lines and transformers with tap-changing and phase-shifting, non-linear static loads, shunt compensators and simplified protection. The simulator is capable of handling some of the severe events which occur in power systems such as islanding, island re-synchronisation and generator start-up and shut-down. To avoid the stiffness problem and ensure the numerical stability of the system at long time steps at a reasonable accuracy, the implicit trapezoidal rule is used for discretising the dynamic equations. The algebraisation of differential equations requires an iterative process. Also the non-linear network models are generally better solved by the Newton-Raphson iterative method which has an efficient quadratic rate of convergence. This has favoured the adoption of the simultaneous technique over the classical partitioned method. In this case the algebraised differential equations and the non-linear static equations are solved as one set of algebraic equations. Another way of speeding-up centralised simulators is the adoption of distributed techniques. In this case the simulated networks are subdivided into areas which are computed by a multi-task machine (Perkin Elmer PE3230). A coordinating subprogram is necessary to synchronise and control the computation of the different areas, and perform the overall solution of the system. In addition to this decomposed algorithm the developed technique is also implemented in the parallel simulator running on the Array Processor FPS 5205 attached to a Perkin Elmer PE 3230 minicomputer, and a centralised version run on the host computer. Testing these simulators on three networks under a range of events would allow for the assessment of the algorithm and the selection of the best candidate hardware structure to be used as a dedicated machine to support the dynamic simulator. The results obtained from this dynamic simulator are very impressive. Great speed-up is realised, stable solutions under very severe events are obtained showing the robustness of the system, and accurate long-term results are obtained. Therefore, the present simulator provides a realistic test bed to the Energy Management System. It can also be used for other purposes such as operator training

    Info Navigator: A visualization tool for document searching and browsing

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    In this paper we investigate the retrieval performance of monophonic and polyphonic queries made on a polyphonic music database. We extend the n-gram approach for full-music indexing of monophonic music data to polyphonic music using both rhythm and pitch information. We define an experimental framework for a comparative and fault-tolerance study of various n-gramming strategies and encoding levels. For monophonic queries, we focus in particular on query-by-humming systems, and for polyphonic queries on query-by-example. Error models addressed in several studies are surveyed for the fault-tolerance study. Our experiments show that different n-gramming strategies and encoding precision differ widely in their effectiveness. We present the results of our study on a collection of 6366 polyphonic MIDI-encoded music pieces

    Advanced energy management strategies for HVAC systems in smart buildings

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    The efficacy of the energy management systems at dealing with energy consumption in buildings has been a topic with a growing interest in recent years due to the ever-increasing global energy demand and the large percentage of energy being currently used by buildings. The scale of this sector has attracted research effort with the objective of uncovering potential improvement avenues and materializing them with the help of recent technological advances that could be exploited to lower the energetic footprint of buildings. Specifically, in the area of heating, ventilating and air conditioning installations, the availability of large amounts of historical data in building management software suites makes possible the study of how resource-efficient these systems really are when entrusted with ensuring occupant comfort. Actually, recent reports have shown that there is a gap between the ideal operating performance and the performance achieved in practice. Accordingly, this thesis considers the research of novel energy management strategies for heating, ventilating and air conditioning installations in buildings, aimed at narrowing the performance gap by employing data-driven methods to increase their context awareness, allowing management systems to steer the operation towards higher efficiency. This includes the advancement of modeling methodologies capable of extracting actionable knowledge from historical building behavior databases, through load forecasting and equipment operational performance estimation supporting the identification of a building’s context and energetic needs, and the development of a generalizable multi-objective optimization strategy aimed at meeting these needs while minimizing the consumption of energy. The experimental results obtained from the implementation of the developed methodologies show a significant potential for increasing energy efficiency of heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems while being sufficiently generic to support their usage in different installations having diverse equipment. In conclusion, a complete analysis and actuation framework was developed, implemented and validated by means of an experimental database acquired from a pilot plant during the research period of this thesis. The obtained results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed standalone contributions, and as a whole represent a suitable solution for helping to increase the performance of heating, ventilating and air conditioning installations without affecting the comfort of their occupants.L’eficàcia dels sistemes de gestió d’energia per afrontar el consum d’energia en edificis és un tema que ha rebut un interès en augment durant els darrers anys a causa de la creixent demanda global d’energia i del gran percentatge d’energia que n’utilitzen actualment els edificis. L’escala d’aquest sector ha atret l'atenció de nombrosa investigació amb l’objectiu de descobrir possibles vies de millora i materialitzar-les amb l’ajuda de recents avenços tecnològics que es podrien aprofitar per disminuir les necessitats energètiques dels edificis. Concretament, en l’àrea d’instal·lacions de calefacció, ventilació i climatització, la disponibilitat de grans bases de dades històriques als sistemes de gestió d’edificis fa possible l’estudi de com d'eficients són realment aquests sistemes quan s’encarreguen d'assegurar el confort dels seus ocupants. En realitat, informes recents indiquen que hi ha una diferència entre el rendiment operatiu ideal i el rendiment generalment assolit a la pràctica. En conseqüència, aquesta tesi considera la investigació de noves estratègies de gestió de l’energia per a instal·lacions de calefacció, ventilació i climatització en edificis, destinades a reduir la diferència de rendiment mitjançant l’ús de mètodes basats en dades per tal d'augmentar el seu coneixement contextual, permetent als sistemes de gestió dirigir l’operació cap a zones de treball amb un rendiment superior. Això inclou tant l’avanç de metodologies de modelat capaces d’extreure coneixement de bases de dades de comportaments històrics d’edificis a través de la previsió de càrregues de consum i l’estimació del rendiment operatiu dels equips que recolzin la identificació del context operatiu i de les necessitats energètiques d’un edifici, tant com del desenvolupament d’una estratègia d’optimització multi-objectiu generalitzable per tal de minimitzar el consum d’energia mentre es satisfan aquestes necessitats energètiques. Els resultats experimentals obtinguts a partir de la implementació de les metodologies desenvolupades mostren un potencial important per augmentar l'eficiència energètica dels sistemes de climatització, mentre que són prou genèrics com per permetre el seu ús en diferents instal·lacions i suportant equips diversos. En conclusió, durant aquesta tesi es va desenvolupar, implementar i validar un marc d’anàlisi i actuació complet mitjançant una base de dades experimental adquirida en una planta pilot durant el període d’investigació de la tesi. Els resultats obtinguts demostren l’eficàcia de les contribucions de manera individual i, en conjunt, representen una solució idònia per ajudar a augmentar el rendiment de les instal·lacions de climatització sense afectar el confort dels seus ocupant

    Advanced energy management strategies for HVAC systems in smart buildings

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    The efficacy of the energy management systems at dealing with energy consumption in buildings has been a topic with a growing interest in recent years due to the ever-increasing global energy demand and the large percentage of energy being currently used by buildings. The scale of this sector has attracted research effort with the objective of uncovering potential improvement avenues and materializing them with the help of recent technological advances that could be exploited to lower the energetic footprint of buildings. Specifically, in the area of heating, ventilating and air conditioning installations, the availability of large amounts of historical data in building management software suites makes possible the study of how resource-efficient these systems really are when entrusted with ensuring occupant comfort. Actually, recent reports have shown that there is a gap between the ideal operating performance and the performance achieved in practice. Accordingly, this thesis considers the research of novel energy management strategies for heating, ventilating and air conditioning installations in buildings, aimed at narrowing the performance gap by employing data-driven methods to increase their context awareness, allowing management systems to steer the operation towards higher efficiency. This includes the advancement of modeling methodologies capable of extracting actionable knowledge from historical building behavior databases, through load forecasting and equipment operational performance estimation supporting the identification of a building’s context and energetic needs, and the development of a generalizable multi-objective optimization strategy aimed at meeting these needs while minimizing the consumption of energy. The experimental results obtained from the implementation of the developed methodologies show a significant potential for increasing energy efficiency of heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems while being sufficiently generic to support their usage in different installations having diverse equipment. In conclusion, a complete analysis and actuation framework was developed, implemented and validated by means of an experimental database acquired from a pilot plant during the research period of this thesis. The obtained results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed standalone contributions, and as a whole represent a suitable solution for helping to increase the performance of heating, ventilating and air conditioning installations without affecting the comfort of their occupants.L’eficàcia dels sistemes de gestió d’energia per afrontar el consum d’energia en edificis és un tema que ha rebut un interès en augment durant els darrers anys a causa de la creixent demanda global d’energia i del gran percentatge d’energia que n’utilitzen actualment els edificis. L’escala d’aquest sector ha atret l'atenció de nombrosa investigació amb l’objectiu de descobrir possibles vies de millora i materialitzar-les amb l’ajuda de recents avenços tecnològics que es podrien aprofitar per disminuir les necessitats energètiques dels edificis. Concretament, en l’àrea d’instal·lacions de calefacció, ventilació i climatització, la disponibilitat de grans bases de dades històriques als sistemes de gestió d’edificis fa possible l’estudi de com d'eficients són realment aquests sistemes quan s’encarreguen d'assegurar el confort dels seus ocupants. En realitat, informes recents indiquen que hi ha una diferència entre el rendiment operatiu ideal i el rendiment generalment assolit a la pràctica. En conseqüència, aquesta tesi considera la investigació de noves estratègies de gestió de l’energia per a instal·lacions de calefacció, ventilació i climatització en edificis, destinades a reduir la diferència de rendiment mitjançant l’ús de mètodes basats en dades per tal d'augmentar el seu coneixement contextual, permetent als sistemes de gestió dirigir l’operació cap a zones de treball amb un rendiment superior. Això inclou tant l’avanç de metodologies de modelat capaces d’extreure coneixement de bases de dades de comportaments històrics d’edificis a través de la previsió de càrregues de consum i l’estimació del rendiment operatiu dels equips que recolzin la identificació del context operatiu i de les necessitats energètiques d’un edifici, tant com del desenvolupament d’una estratègia d’optimització multi-objectiu generalitzable per tal de minimitzar el consum d’energia mentre es satisfan aquestes necessitats energètiques. Els resultats experimentals obtinguts a partir de la implementació de les metodologies desenvolupades mostren un potencial important per augmentar l'eficiència energètica dels sistemes de climatització, mentre que són prou genèrics com per permetre el seu ús en diferents instal·lacions i suportant equips diversos. En conclusió, durant aquesta tesi es va desenvolupar, implementar i validar un marc d’anàlisi i actuació complet mitjançant una base de dades experimental adquirida en una planta pilot durant el període d’investigació de la tesi. Els resultats obtinguts demostren l’eficàcia de les contribucions de manera individual i, en conjunt, representen una solució idònia per ajudar a augmentar el rendiment de les instal·lacions de climatització sense afectar el confort dels seus ocupantsPostprint (published version

    Deep Learning in Demand Side Management: A Comprehensive Framework for Smart Homes

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    The advent of deep learning has elevated machine intelligence to an unprecedented high level. Fundamental concepts, algorithms, and implementations of differentiable programming, including gradient-based measures such as gradient descent and backpropagation, have powered many deep learning algorithms to accomplish millions of tasks in computer vision, signal processing, natural language comprehension, and recommender systems. Demand-side management (DSM) serves as a crucial tactic on the customer side of meters which regulates electricity consumption without hampering the occupant comfort of homeowners. As more residents participate in the energy management program, DSM will further contribute to grid stability protection, economical operation, and carbon emission reduction. However, DSM cannot be implemented effectively without the penetration of smart home technologies that integrate intelligent algorithms into hardware. Resident behaviors being analyzed and comprehended by deep learning algorithms based on sensor-collected human activities data is one typical example of such technology integration. This thesis applies deep learning to DSM and provides a comprehensive framework for smart home management. Firstly, a detailed literature review is conducted on DSM, smart homes, and deep learning. Secondly, the four papers published during the candidate’s Ph.D. career are utilized in lieu of thesis chapters: “A Demand-Side Load Event Detection Algorithm Based on Wide-Deep Neural Networks and Randomized Sparse Backpropagation,” “A Novel High-Performance Deep Learning Framework for Load Recognition: Deep-Shallow Model Based on Fast Backpropagation,” “An Object Surveillance Algorithm Based on Batch-Normalized CNN and Data Augmentation in Smart Home,” “Integrated optimization algorithm: A metaheuristic approach for complicated optimization.” Thirdly, a discussion section is offered to synthesize ideas and key results of the four papers published. Conclusion and directions for future research are provided in the final section of this thesis