111 research outputs found

    AoI-based Multicast Routing over Voronoi Overlays with Minimal Overhead

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    The increasing pervasive and ubiquitous presence of devices at the edge of the Internet is creating new scenarios for the emergence of novel services and applications. This is particularly true for location- and context-aware services. These services call for new decentralized, self-organizing communication schemes that are able to face issues related to demanding resource consumption constraints, while ensuring efficient locality-based information dissemination and querying. Voronoi-based communication techniques are among the most widely used solutions in this field. However, when used for forwarding messages inside closed areas of the network (called Areas of Interest, AoIs), these solutions generally require a significant overhead in terms of redundant and/or unnecessary communications. This fact negatively impacts both the devices' resource consumption levels, as well as the network bandwidth usage. In order to eliminate all unnecessary communications, in this paper we present the MABRAVO (Multicast Algorithm for Broadcast and Routing over AoIs in Voronoi Overlays) protocol suite. MABRAVO allows to forward information within an AoI in a Voronoi network using only local information, reaching all the devices in the area, and using the lowest possible number of messages, i.e., just one message for each node included in the AoI. The paper presents the mathematical and algorithmic descriptions of MABRAVO, as well as experimental findings of its performance, showing its ability to reduce communication costs to the strictly minimum required.Comment: Submitted to: IEEE Access; CodeOcean: DOI:10.24433/CO.1722184.v1; code: https://github.com/michelealbano/mabrav

    Optimally Efficient Prefix Search and Multicast in Structured P2P Networks

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    Searching in P2P networks is fundamental to all overlay networks. P2P networks based on Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) are optimized for single key lookups, whereas unstructured networks offer more complex queries at the cost of increased traffic and uncertain success rates. Our Distributed Tree Construction (DTC) approach enables structured P2P networks to perform prefix search, range queries, and multicast in an optimal way. It achieves this by creating a spanning tree over the peers in the search area, using only information available locally on each peer. Because DTC creates a spanning tree, it can query all the peers in the search area with a minimal number of messages. Furthermore, we show that the tree depth has the same upper bound as a regular DHT lookup which in turn guarantees fast and responsive runtime behavior. By placing objects with a region quadtree, we can perform a prefix search or a range query in a freely selectable area of the DHT. Our DTC algorithm is DHT-agnostic and works with most existing DHTs. We evaluate the performance of DTC over several DHTs by comparing the performance to existing application-level multicast solutions, we show that DTC sends 30-250% fewer messages than common solutions

    A novel scalable hybrid architecture for MMOG

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    We present a novel MMOG Hybrid P2P architecture and detail its key components, topology and protocols. We highlight the main components which lie at the heart of the proposed solution, and their roles, and describe the methods of tackling the key scenarios which are faced by the architecture during gameplay. For each role, we discuss the interactions that exist between them and describe the protocols that will be used for inter-role communication to perform the atomic actions necessary for maintaining the consistency and responsiveness of an MMOG such as peer addition, peer removal, group transfer, object change persistency and many more. We conclude the chapter with a comparison of the architecture against several existing P2P MMOG frameworks, discussing the differences which exist between them and how the novel Hybrid-P2P architecture we propose aims to address their flaws

    Building Robust Distributed Infrastructure Networks

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    Many competing designs for Distributed Hash Tables exist exploring multiple models of addressing, routing and network maintenance. Designing a general theoretical model and implementation of a Distributed Hash Table allows exploration of the possible properties of Distributed Hash Tables. We will propose a generalized model of DHT behavior, centered on utilizing Delaunay triangulation in a given metric space to maintain the networks topology. We will show that utilizing this model we can produce network topologies that approximate existing DHT methods and provide a starting point for further exploration. We will use our generalized model of DHT construction to design and implement more efficient Distributed Hash Table protocols, and discuss the qualities of potential successors to existing DHT technologies

    Towards a Framework for DHT Distributed Computing

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    Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) are protocols and frameworks used by peer-to-peer (P2P) systems. They are used as the organizational backbone for many P2P file-sharing systems due to their scalability, fault-tolerance, and load-balancing properties. These same properties are highly desirable in a distributed computing environment, especially one that wants to use heterogeneous components. We show that DHTs can be used not only as the framework to build a P2P file-sharing service, but as a P2P distributed computing platform. We propose creating a P2P distributed computing framework using distributed hash tables, based on our prototype system ChordReduce. This framework would make it simple and efficient for developers to create their own distributed computing applications. Unlike Hadoop and similar MapReduce frameworks, our framework can be used both in both the context of a datacenter or as part of a P2P computing platform. This opens up new possibilities for building platforms to distributed computing problems. One advantage our system will have is an autonomous load-balancing mechanism. Nodes will be able to independently acquire work from other nodes in the network, rather than sitting idle. More powerful nodes in the network will be able use the mechanism to acquire more work, exploiting the heterogeneity of the network. By utilizing the load-balancing algorithm, a datacenter could easily leverage additional P2P resources at runtime on an as needed basis. Our framework will allow MapReduce-like or distributed machine learning platforms to be easily deployed in a greater variety of contexts

    Fourteenth Biennial Status Report: März 2017 - February 2019

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    Update propagation for peer-to-peer-based massively multi-user virtual environments

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    Over the last decade Massively Multi-user Virtual Environments (MMVEs) have become an integral part of modern culture and business. Applications for these large-scale virtual environments range from gaming to business and scientific research. Some MMVEs reach a user base in the tens of millions and the total number of users is estimated in the billions. Despite this success, launching an MMVEs is still a risky proposition. This is in large part due to the high cost associated with setting up and maintaining the necessary server infrastructure. One way of reducing the costs of operating MMVEs is to switch their system architecture from the current client/server-based model to one based on peer-to-peer (P2P) technologies. This has the potential to significantly reduce the infrastructure costs of MMVEs, as users bring their own resources into the P2P system and servers are no longer required, thus decreasing expenses and market entry barriers. This thesis describes a scalable and low-latency update propagation system for P2P-based MMVEs. Update propagation refers to the exchange of information about changes in the virtual environment between users and is one of the key components of MMVEs. Thus, the described system represents a key step towards operating MMVEs as fully distributed peer-to-peer systems

    Passage à l'échelle pour les mondes virtuels

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    Virtual worlds attract millions of users and these popular applications --supported by gigantic data centers with myriads of processors-- are routinely accessed. However, surprisingly, virtual worlds are still unable to host simultaneously more than a few hundred users in the same contiguous space.The main contribution of the thesis is Kiwano, a distributed system enabling an unlimited number of avatars to simultaneously evolve and interact in a contiguous virtual space. In Kiwano we employ the Delaunay triangulation to provide each avatar with a constant number of neighbors independently of their density or distribution. The avatar-to-avatar interactions and related computations are then bounded, allowing the system to scale. The load is constantly balanced among Kiwano's nodes which adapt and take in charge sets of avatars according to their geographic proximity. The optimal number of avatars per CPU and the performances of our system have been evaluated simulating tens of thousands of avatars connecting to a Kiwano instance running across several data centers, with results well beyond the current state-of-the-art.We also propose Kwery, a distributed spatial index capable to scale dynamic objects of virtual worlds. Kwery performs efficient reverse geolocation queries on large numbers of moving objects updating their position at arbitrary high frequencies. We use a distributed spatial index on top of a self-adaptive tree structure. Each node of the system hosts and answers queries on a group of objects in a zone, which is the minimal axis-aligned rectangle. They are chosen based on their proximity and the load of the node. Spatial queries are then answered only by the nodes with meaningful zones, that is, where the node's zone intersects the query zone.Kiwano has been successfully implemented for HybridEarth, a mixed reality world, Manycraft, our scalable multiplayer Minecraft map, and discussed for OneSim, a distributed Second Life architecture. By handling avatars separately, we show interoperability between these virtual worlds.With Kiwano and Kwery we provide the first massively distributed and self-adaptive solutions for virtual worlds suitable to run in the cloud. The results, in terms of number of avatars per CPU, exceed by orders of magnitude the performances of current state-of-the-art implementations. This indicates Kiwano to be a cost effective solution for the industry. The open API for our first implementation is available at \url{http://kiwano.li}.La réalité mixe, les jeux en ligne massivement multijoueur (MMOGs), les mondes virtuels et le cyberespace sont des concepts extrêmement attractifs. Mais leur déploiement à large échelle reste difficile et il est en conséquence souvent évité.La contribution principale de la thèse réside dans le système distribué Kiwano, qui permet à un nombre illimité d'avatars de peupler et d'interagir simultanément dans un même monde contigu. Dans Kiwano nous utilisons la triangulation de Delaunay pour fournir à chaque avatar un nombre constant de voisins en moyenne, indépendamment de leur densité ou distribution géographique. Le nombre d'interactions entre les avatars et les calculs inhérents sont bornés, ce qui permet le passage à l'échelle du système.La charge est repartie sur plusieurs machines qui regroupent sur un même nœud les avatars voisins de façon contiguë dans le graphe de Delaunay. L'équilibrage de la charge se fait de manière contiguë et dynamique, en suivant la philosophie des réseaux pair-à-pair (peer-to-peer overlays). Cependant ce principe est adapté au contexte de l'informatique dématérialisée (cloud computing).Le nombre optimal d'avatars par CPU et les performances de notre système ont été évalués en simulant des dizaines de milliers d'avatars connectés à la même instance de Kiwano tournant à travers plusieurs centres de traitement de données.Nous proposons également trois applications concrètes qui utilisent Kiwano : Manycraft est une architecture distribuée capable de supporter un nombre arbitrairement grand d'utilisateurs cohabitant dans le même espace Minecraft, OneSim, qui permet à un nombre illimité d'usagers d'être ensemble dans la même région de Second Life et HybridEarth, un monde en réalité mixte où avatars et personnes physiques sont présents et interagissent dans un même espace: la Terre

    Peer-to-Peer Simulation of Massive Virtual Environments

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    Massively multiplayer online environments continue to grow in popularity, with cur- rent technical designs based upon a well-proven client-server model. This approach has some inherent limitations, high costs to provision server resources for peak demands and restriction of the maximum number of concurrent participants within a virtual environ- ment. Incorporating peer-to-peer (P2P) techniques provides developers the opportunity to significantly reduce costs, while also breaking through the barrier of the number of concur- rent participants within a single virtual environment. This dissertation presents a hybrid P2P design incorporating a managed server along with a Voronoi-based P2P overlay for the development of massive virtual environments. In this design, the managed server en- sures a secure computing environment and long-term persistent storage, with the virtual environment simulation distributed among the peers, ensuring computational scalability
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