407 research outputs found

    Garbling Schemes and Applications

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    The topic of this thesis is garbling schemes and their applications. A garbling scheme is a set of algorithms for realizing secure two-party computation. A party called a client possesses a private algorithm as well as a private input and would like to compute the algorithm with this input. However, the client might not have enough computational resources to evaluate the function with the input on his own. The client outsources the computation to another party, called an evaluator. Since the client wants to protect the algorithm and the input, he cannot just send the algorithm and the input to the evaluator. With a garbling scheme, the client can protect the privacy of the algorithm, the input and possibly also the privacy of the output. The increase in network-based applications has arisen concerns about the privacy of user data. Therefore, privacy-preserving or privacy-enhancing techniques have gained interest in recent research. Garbling schemes seem to be an ideal solution for privacy-preserving applications. First of all, secure garbling schemes hide the algorithm and its input. Secondly, garbling schemes are known to have efficient implementations. In this thesis, we propose two applications utilizing garbling schemes. The first application provides privacy-preserving electronic surveillance. The second application extends electronic surveillance to more versatile monitoring, including also health telemetry. This kind of application would be ideal for assisted living services. In this work, we also present theoretical results related to garbling schemes. We present several new security definitions for garbling schemes which are of practical use. Traditionally, the same garbled algorithm can be evaluated once with garbled input. In applications, the same function is often evaluated several times with different inputs. Recently, a solution based on fully homomorphic encryption provides arbitrarily reusable garbling schemes. The disadvantage in this approach is that the arbitrary reuse cannot be efficiently implemented due to the inefficiency of fully homomorphic encryption. We propose an alternative approach. Instead of arbitrary reusability, the same garbled algorithm could be used a limited number of times. This gives us a set of new security classes for garbling schemes. We prove several relations between new and established security definitions. As a result, we obtain a complex hierarchy which can be represented as a product of three directed graphs. The three graphs in turn represent the different flavors of security: the security notion, the security model and the level of reusability. In addition to defining new security classes, we improve the definition of side-information function, which has a central role in defining the security of a garbling scheme. The information allowed to be leaked by the garbled algorithm and the garbled input depend on the representation of the algorithm. The established definition of side-information models the side-information of circuits perfectly but does not model side-information of Turing machines as well. The established model requires that the length of the argument, the length of the final result and the length of the function can be efficiently computable from the side-information function. Moreover, the side-information depends only on the function. In other words, the length of the argument, the length of the final result and the length of the function should only depend on the function. For circuits this is a natural requirement since the number of input wires tells the size of the argument, the number of output wires tells the size of the final result and the number of gates and wires tell the size of the function. On the other hand, the description of a Turing machine does not set any limitation to the size of the argument. Therefore, side-information that depends only on the function cannot provide information about the length of the argument. To tackle this problem, we extend the model of side-information so that side-information depends on both the function and the argument. The new model of side information allows us to define new security classes. We show that the old security classes are compatible with the new model of side-information. We also prove relations between the new security classes.Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee garblausskeemoja ja niiden sovelluksia. Garblausskeema on työkalu, jota käytetään turvallisen kahden osapuolen laskennan toteuttamiseen. Asiakas pitää hallussaan yksityistä algoritmia ja sen yksityistä syötettä, joilla hän haluaisi suorittaa tietyn laskennan. Asiakkaalla ei välttämättä ole riittävästi laskentatehoa, minkä vuoksi hän ei pysty suorittamaan laskentaa itse, vaan joutuu ulkoistamaan laskennan toiselle osapuolelle, palvelimelle. Koska asiakas tahtoo suojella algoritmiaan ja syötettään, hän ei voi vain lähettää niitä palvelimen laskettavaksi. Asiakas pystyy suojelemaan syötteensä ja algoritminsa yksityisyyttä käyttämällä garblausskeemaa. Verkkopohjaisten sovellusten kasvu on herättänyt huolta käyttäjien datan yksityisyyden turvasta. Siksi yksityisyyden säilyttävien tai yksityisyyden suojaa lisäävien tekniikoiden tutkimus on saanut huomiota. Garblaustekniikan avulla voidaan suojata sekä syöte että algoritmi. Lisäksi garblaukselle tiedetään olevan useita tehokkaita toteutuksia. Näiden syiden vuoksi garblausskeemat ovat houkutteleva tekniikka käytettäväksi yksityisyyden säilyttävien sovellusten toteutuksessa. Tässä työssä esittelemme kaksi sovellusta, jotka hyödyntävät garblaustekniikkaa. Näistä ensimmäinen on yksityisyyden säilyttävä sähköinen seuranta. Toinen sovellus laajentaa seurantaa monipuolisempaan monitorointiin, kuten terveyden kaukoseurantaan. Tästä voi olla hyötyä etenkin kotihoidon palveluille. Tässä työssä esitämme myös teoreettisia tuloksia garblausskeemoihin liittyen. Esitämme garblausskeemoille uusia turvallisuusmääritelmiä, joiden tarve kumpuaa käytännön sovelluksista. Perinteisen määritelmän mukaan samaa garblattua algoritmia voi käyttää vain yhdellä garblatulla syötteellä laskemiseen. Käytännössä kuitenkin samaa algoritmia käytetään usean eri syötteen evaluoimiseen. Hiljattain on esitetty tähän ongelmaan ratkaisu, joka perustuu täysin homomorfiseen salaukseen. Tämän ratkaisun ansiosta samaa garblattua algoritmia voi turvallisesti käyttää mielivaltaisen monta kertaa. Ratkaisun haittapuoli kuitenkin on, ettei sille ole tiedossa tehokasta toteutusta, sillä täysin homomorfiseen salaukseen ei ole vielä onnistuttu löytämään sellaista. Esitämme vaihtoehtoisen näkökulman: sen sijaan, että samaa garblattua algoritmia voisi käyttää mielivaltaisen monta kertaa, sitä voikin käyttää vain tietyn, ennalta rajatun määrän kertoja. Tämä näkökulman avulla voidaan määritellä lukuisia uusia turvallisuusluokkia. Todistamme useita relaatioita uusien ja vanhojen turvallisuusmääritelmien välillä. Relaatioiden avulla garblausskeemojen turvallisuusluokille saadaan muodostettua hierarkia, joka koostuu kolmesta komponentista. Tieto, joka paljastuu garblatusta algoritmista tai garblatusta syötteestä riippuu siitä, millaisessa muodossa algoritmi on esitetty, kutsutaan sivutiedoksi. Vakiintunut määritelmä mallintaa loogisen piiriin liittyvää sivutietoa täydellisesti, mutta ei yhtä hyvin Turingin koneeseen liittyvää sivutietoa. Tämä johtuu siitä, että jokainen yksittäinen looginen piiri asettaa syötteensä pituudelle rajan, mutta yksittäisellä Turingin koneella vastaavanlaista rajoitusta ei ole. Parannamme sivutiedon määritelmää, jolloin tämä ongelma poistuu. Uudenlaisen sivutiedon avulla voidaan määritellä uusia turvallisuusluokkia. Osoitamme, että vanhat turvallisuusluokat voidaan esittää uudenkin sivutiedon avulla. Todistamme myös relaatioita uusien luokkien välillä.Siirretty Doriast

    On the Power of Secure Two-Party Computation

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    Ishai, Kushilevitz, Ostrovsky and Sahai (STOC 2007, SIAM JoC 2009) introduced the powerful ``MPC-in-the-head\u27\u27 technique that provided a general transformation of information-theoretic MPC protocols secure against passive adversaries to a ZK proof in a ``black-box\u27\u27 way. In this work, we extend this technique and provide a generic transformation of any semi-honest secure two-party computation (2PC) protocol (with mild adaptive security guarantees) in the so called oblivious-transfer hybrid model to an adaptive ZK proof for any NP language, in a ``black-box\u27\u27 way assuming only one-way functions. Our basic construction based on Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson\u27s 2PC protocol yields an adaptive ZK proof with communication complexity proportional to quadratic in the size of the circuit implementing the NP relation. Previously such proofs relied on an expensive Karp reduction of the NP language to Graph Hamiltonicity (Lindell and Zarosim (TCC 2009, Journal of Cryptology 2011)). As an application of our techniques, we show how to obtain a ZK proof with an ``input-delayed\u27\u27 property for any NP language without relying on expensive Karp reductions that is black-box in the underlying one-way function. Namely, the input delayed property allows the honest prover\u27s algorithm to receive the actual statement to be proved only in the final round. We further generalize this to obtain a ``commit and prove\u27\u27 protocol with the same property where the prover commits to a witness w in the second message and proves a statement x regarding the witness w in zero-knowledge where the statement is determined only in the last round. This improves a previous construction of Lapidot and Shamir (Crypto 1990) that was designed specifically for the Graph Hamiltonicity problem and relied on the underlying primitives in a non-black-box way. Additionally, we provide a general transformation to construct a randomized encoding of a function f from any 2PC protocol that securely computes a related functionality (in a black-box way) from one-way functions. We show that if the 2PC protocol has mild adaptive security guarantees (which are satisfied by both the Yao\u27s and GMW\u27s protocol) then the resulting randomized encoding (RE) can be decomposed to an offline/online encoding

    Garbling Schemes and Applications

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    The topic of this thesis is garbling schemes and their applications. A garbling scheme is a set of algorithms for realizing secure two-party computation. A party called a client possesses a private algorithm as well as a private input and would like to compute the algorithm with this input. However, the client might not have enough computational resources to evaluate the function with the input on his own. The client outsources the computation to another party, called an evaluator. Since the client wants to protect the algorithm and the input, he cannot just send the algorithm and the input to the evaluator. With a garbling scheme, the client can protect the privacy of the algorithm, the input and possibly also the privacy of the output.  The increase in network-based applications has arisen concerns about the privacy of user data. Therefore, privacy-preserving or privacy-enhancing techniques have gained interest in recent research. Garbling schemes seem to be an ideal solution for privacy-preserving applications. First of all, secure garbling schemes hide the algorithm and its input. Secondly, garbling schemes are known to have efficient implementations.  In this thesis, we propose two applications utilizing garbling schemes. The first application provides privacy-preserving electronic surveillance. The second application extends electronic surveillance to more versatile monitoring, including also health telemetry. This kind of application would be ideal for assisted living services.  In this work, we also present theoretical results related to garbling schemes. We present several new security definitions for garbling schemes which are of practical use. Traditionally, the same garbled algorithm can be evaluated once with garbled input. In applications, the same function is often evaluated several times with different inputs. Recently, a solution based on fully homomorphic encryption provides arbitrarily reusable garbling schemes. The disadvantage in this approach is that the arbitrary reuse cannot be efficiently implemented due to the inefficiency of fully homomorphic encryption.  We propose an alternative approach. Instead of arbitrary reusability, the same garbled algorithm could be used a limited number of times. This gives us a set of new security classes for garbling schemes. We prove several relations between new and established security definitions. As a result, we obtain a complex hierarchy which can be represented as a product of three directed graphs. The three graphs in turn represent the different flavors of security: the security notion, the security model and the level of reusability.  In addition to defining new security classes, we improve the definition of side-information function, which has a central role in defining the security of a garbling scheme. The information allowed to be leaked by the garbled algorithm and the garbled input depend on the representation of the algorithm. The established definition of side-information models the side-information of circuits perfectly but does not model side-information of Turing machines as well. The established model requires that the length of the argument, the length of the final result and the length of the function can be efficiently computable from the side-information function. Moreover, the side-information depends only on the function. In other words, the length of the argument, the length of the final result and the length of the function should only depend on the function. For circuits this is a natural requirement since the number of input wires tells the size of the argument, the number of output wires tells the size of the final result and the number of gates and wires tell the size of the function. On the other hand, the description of a Turing machine does not set any limitation to the size of the argument. Therefore, side-information that depends only on the function cannot provide information about the length of the argument. To tackle this problem, we extend the model of side-information so that side-information depends on both the function and the argument. The new model of side information allows us to define new security classes. We show that the old security classes are compatible with the new model of side-information. We also prove relations between the new security classes.</p

    Blazing Fast 2PC in the Offline/Online Setting with Security for Malicious Adversaries

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    Recently, several new techniques were presented to dramatically improve key parts of secure two-party computation (2PC) protocols that use the cut-and-choose paradigm on garbled circuits for 2PC with security against malicious adversaries. These include techniques for reducing the number of garbled circuits (Lindell 13, Huang et al.~13, Lindell and Riva 14, Huang et al.~14) and techniques for reducing the overheads besides garbled circuits (Mohassel and Riva 13, Shen and Shelat~13). We design a highly optimized protocol in the offline/online setting that makes use of all state-of-the-art techniques, along with several new techniques that we introduce. A crucial part of our protocol is a new technique for enforcing consistency of the inputs used by the party who garbles the circuits. This technique has both theoretical and practical advantages over \mbox{previous methods.} We present a prototype implementation of our new protocol, which is also the first implementation of the amortized cut-and-choose technique of Lindell and Riva (Crypto 2014). Our prototype achieves a speed of just \emph{77 ms in the online stage} and just 7474 ms in the offline stage per 2PC invoked, for securely computing AES in the presence of malicious adversaries (using 9 threads on two 2.9GHz machines located in the same Amazon region). We note that no prior work has gone below one second overall on average for the secure computation of AES for malicious adversaries (nor below 20ms in the online stage). Our implementation securely evaluates SHA-256 (which is a \emph{much bigger circuit}) with 3333 ms online time and 206206 ms offline time, per 2PC invoked

    Cut-and-Choose Based Two-Party Computation in the Online/Offline and Batch Settings

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    Protocols for secure two-party computation enable a pair of mistrusting parties to compute a joint function of their private inputs without revealing anything but the output. One of the fundamental techniques for obtaining secure computation is that of Yao\u27s garbled circuits. In the setting of malicious adversaries, where the corrupted party can follow any arbitrary (polynomial-time) strategy in an attempt to breach security, the cut-and-choose technique is used to ensure that the garbled circuit is constructed correctly. The cost of this technique is the construction and transmission of multiple circuits; specifically, ss garbled circuits are used in order to obtain a maximum cheating probability of 2s2^{-s}. In this paper, we show how to reduce the amortized cost of cut-and-choose based secure two-party computation to {\cal O}\(\frac{s}{\log N}\) garbled circuits when NN secure computations are run. We use this method to construct a secure protocol in the batch setting. Next, we show how the cut-and-choose method on garbled circuits can be used in an online/offline setting in order to obtain a very fast online phase with very few exponentiations, and we apply our amortization method to this setting as well. Our online/offline protocols are competitive with the TinyOT and SPDZ protocols due to the minimal interaction in the online phase (previous protocols require only information-theoretic operations in the online phase and are therefore very efficient; however, they also require many rounds of communication which increases latency). Although O(slogN){\cal O}(\frac{s}{\log N}) may seem to be a mild efficiency improvement asymptotically, it is a \emph{dramatic improvement} for concrete parameters since ss is a statistical security parameter and so is typically small. Specifically, instead of 4040 circuits to obtain an error of 2402^{-40}, when running 2102^{10} executions we need only 7.067.06 circuits on average per secure computation, and when running 2202^{20} executions this is reduced to an average of just 4.084.08. In addition, in the online/offline setting, the online phase per secure computation consists of evaluating only 66 garbled circuits for 2102^{10} executions and 44 garbled circuits for 2202^{20} executions (plus some small additional overhead). In practice, when using fast implementations (like the JustGarble framework of Bellare et al.), the resulting protocol is remarkably fast. We present a number of variants of our protocols with different assumptions and efficiency levels. Our basic protocols rely on the DDH assumption alone, while our most efficient variants are proven secure in the random-oracle model. Interestingly, the variant in the random-oracle model of our protocol for the online/offline setting has online communication that is independent of the size of the circuit in use. None of the previous protocols in the online/offline setting achieves this property, which is very significant since communication is usually a dominant cost in practice

    Adaptive Security of Practical Garbling Schemes

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    A garbling scheme enables one to garble a circuit C and an input x in a way that C(x) can be evaluated, but nothing else is revealed. Since the first construction by Yao, there have been tremendous practical efficiency improvements for selectively secure garbling schemes, where the adversary is forced to choose both input and circuit to be garbled at the same time. However, in the more realistic setting of adaptive security --where an adversary can choose the input adaptively based on the garbled circuit-- not much is known about practical efficiency improvements. In this work, we initiate the study of practical garbling schemes that are both more efficient than Yao\u27s construction and adaptively secure. We provide insights into characteristics of these schemes and highlight the limitations of current techniques for proving adaptive security in this regime. Furthermore, we present an adaptively secure garbling scheme that garbles XOR gates with 2 and AND gates with 3 ciphertexts per gate, thus providing the first practical garbling scheme with adaptive security based on PRFs whose garbled circuit size is smaller than that of Yao\u27s construction

    Privacy-Preserving Shortest Path Computation

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    Navigation is one of the most popular cloud computing services. But in virtually all cloud-based navigation systems, the client must reveal her location and destination to the cloud service provider in order to learn the fastest route. In this work, we present a cryptographic protocol for navigation on city streets that provides privacy for both the client's location and the service provider's routing data. Our key ingredient is a novel method for compressing the next-hop routing matrices in networks such as city street maps. Applying our compression method to the map of Los Angeles, for example, we achieve over tenfold reduction in the representation size. In conjunction with other cryptographic techniques, this compressed representation results in an efficient protocol suitable for fully-private real-time navigation on city streets. We demonstrate the practicality of our protocol by benchmarking it on real street map data for major cities such as San Francisco and Washington, D.C.Comment: Extended version of NDSS 2016 pape

    IST Austria Thesis

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    Many security definitions come in two flavors: a stronger “adaptive” flavor, where the adversary can arbitrarily make various choices during the course of the attack, and a weaker “selective” flavor where the adversary must commit to some or all of their choices a-priori. For example, in the context of identity-based encryption, selective security requires the adversary to decide on the identity of the attacked party at the very beginning of the game whereas adaptive security allows the attacker to first see the master public key and some secret keys before making this choice. Often, it appears to be much easier to achieve selective security than it is to achieve adaptive security. A series of several recent works shows how to cleverly achieve adaptive security in several such scenarios including generalized selective decryption [Pan07][FJP15], constrained PRFs [FKPR14], and Yao’s garbled circuits [JW16]. Although the above works expressed vague intuition that they share a common technique, the connection was never made precise. In this work we present a new framework (published at Crypto ’17 [JKK+17a]) that connects all of these works and allows us to present them in a unified and simplified fashion. Having the framework in place, we show how to achieve adaptive security for proxy re-encryption schemes (published at PKC ’19 [FKKP19]) and provide the first adaptive security proofs for continuous group key agreement protocols (published at S&P ’21 [KPW+21]). Questioning optimality of our framework, we then show that currently used proof techniques cannot lead to significantly better security guarantees for "graph-building" games (published at TCC ’21 [KKPW21a]). These games cover generalized selective decryption, as well as the security of prominent constructions for constrained PRFs, continuous group key agreement, and proxy re-encryption. Finally, we revisit the adaptive security of Yao’s garbled circuits and extend the analysis of Jafargholi and Wichs in two directions: While they prove adaptive security only for a modified construction with increased online complexity, we provide the first positive results for the original construction by Yao (published at TCC ’21 [KKP21a]). On the negative side, we prove that the results of Jafargholi and Wichs are essentially optimal by showing that no black-box reduction can provide a significantly better security bound (published at Crypto ’21 [KKPW21c])

    Better Two-Round Adaptive Multi-Party Computation

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    The only known two-round multi-party computation protocol that withstands adaptive corruption of all parties is the ingenious protocol of Garg and Polychroniadou [TCC 15]. We present protocols that improve on the GP protocol in a number of ways. First, concentrating on the semi-honest case and taking a different approach than GP, we show a two-round, adaptively secure protocol where: Only a global (i.e., non-programmable) reference string is needed. In contrast, in GP the reference string is programmable, even in the semi-honest case. Only polynomially-secure indistinguishability obfuscation for circuits and injective one way functions are assumed. In GP, sub-exponentially secure IO is assumed. Second, we show how to make the GP protocol have only RAM complexity, even for Byzantine corruptions. For this we construct the first statistically-sound non-interactive Zero-Knowledge scheme with RAM complexity

    Fast and Universally-Composable Oblivious Transfer and Commitment Scheme with Adaptive Security

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    Adaptive security embodies one of the strongest notions of security that allows an adversary to corrupt parties at any point during protocol execution and gain access to its internal state. Since it models real-life situations such as ``hacking , efficient adaptively-secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols are desirable. Such protocols demand primitives such as oblivious transfer (OT) and commitment schemes that are adaptively-secure as building blocks. Efficient realizations of these primitives have been found to be challenging, especially in the no erasure model. We make progress in this direction and provide efficient constructions that are Universally-Composable in the random oracle model. Oblivious Transfer: We present the first round optimal framework for building adaptively-secure OT in the programmable random oracle (PRO) model, relying upon the framework of Peikert et al. (Crypto 2008). When instantiated with Decisional Diffie Hellman assumption, it incurs a minimal communication overhead of one k bit string and computational overhead of 5 random oracle queries over its static counterpart, where k is the security parameter. This computation overhead translates to 0.02% and 1% in the LAN and WAN setting. Additionally, we obtain a construction of adaptively-secure 1-out-of-N OT by extending the result of Naor et al. (Journal of Cryptology 2005) that transforms logN copies of 1-out-of-2 OTs to one 1-out-of-N OT in the PRO model. We complete the picture of efficient OT constructions by presenting the first adaptively secure OT Extension, extending the protocol of Asharov et al. (Eurocrypt 2015) for the adaptive setting using PRO. Our OT extension enables us to obtain adaptive OTs at an amortized cost of 3 symmetric key operations and communication of 3k bit strings. It incurs a runtime overhead of 2% and 11.95%, in the LAN and WAN setting and almost no communication overhead over the static OT extension protocol. In concrete terms, the cost is 2microsecs and 115 microsecs for each OT in LAN and WAN. Commitment Scheme: We present an adaptively secure commitment scheme in the Global Random Oracle model solely relying on observable random oracle (ORO). Our commitment scheme has a one-time offline setup phase, where a common reference string (crs) is generated between the parties using an ORO. In the online phase, the parties use the crs and ORO to generate commitments in a non-interactive fashion. Our construction incurs communication of 4k bit strings and computation of 4 exponentiations and 4 random oracle queries for committing to an arbitrary length message. Empirically, it takes around 0.18ms and 0.2 ms for committing to 128 bits and 2048 bits respectively. It finds applications in secure two-party computation (2PC) protocols that adopt offline-online paradigm, where the crs can be generated in the offline phase and the scheme can be used in the online phase