1,916 research outputs found

    An Overview of Fully Integrated Switching Power Converters Based on Switched-Capacitor versus Inductive Approach and Their Advanced Control Aspects

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    This paper reviews and discusses the state of the art of integrated switched-capacitor and integrated inductive power converters and provides a perspective on progress towards the realization of efficient and fully integrated DC–DC power conversion. A comparative assessment has been presented to review the salient features in the utilization of transistor technology between the switched-capacitor and switched inductor converter-based approaches. First, applications that drive the need for integrated switching power converters are introduced, and further implementation issues to be addressed also are discussed. Second, different control and modulation strategies applied to integrated switched-capacitor (voltage conversion ratio control, duty cycle control, switching frequency modulation, Ron modulation, and series low drop out) and inductive converters (pulse width modulation and pulse frequency modulation) are then discussed. Finally, a complete set of integrated power converters are related in terms of their conditions and operation metrics, thereby allowing a categorization to provide the suitability of converter technologies

    Experimental Evaluation of an Enhanced GaN-Based Non-Symmetric Switching Leg Integrated Module for Synchronous Buck Converter Applications

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    The paper deals with an improved low-voltage monolithic power stage switching leg based on GaN FET devices applied to a synchronous buck converter for not isolated auxiliary power supply in 48V to 12V regulation voltage application. The switching leg module is designed with two GaN FET components with different electrical parameters characteristics in order to optimize the power losses and the switching performance in a 500kHz switching frequency synchronous step-down converter. In the paper the asymmetric switching leg is described and experimentally evaluated. Furthermore, a comparison with a state of art GaN FETs integrated switching leg is carried out in a synchronous stepdown converter suitable to use in a volume reduced auxiliary power supply oriented to 48V regulator for automotive application

    Highly Integrated Dc-dc Converters

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    A monolithically integrated smart rectifier has been presented first in this work. The smart rectifier, which integrates a power MOSFET, gate driver and control circuitry, operates in a self-synchronized fashion based on its drain-source voltage, and does not need external control input. The analysis, simulation, and design considerations are described in detail. A 5V, 5-µm CMOS process was used to fabricate the prototype. Experimental results show that the proposed rectifier functions as expected in the design. Since no dead-time control needs to be used to switch the sync-FET and ctrl-FET, it is expected that the body diode losses can be reduced substantially, compared to the conventional synchronous rectifier. The proposed self-synchronized rectifier (SSR) can be operated at high frequencies and maintains high efficiency over a wide load range. As an example of the smart rectifier\u27s application in isolated DC-DC converter, a synchronous flyback converter with SSR is analyzed, designed and tested. Experimental results show that the operating frequency could be as high as 4MHz and the efficiency could be improved by more than 10% compared to that when a hyper fast diode rectifier is used. Based on a new current-source gate driver scheme, an integrated gate driver for buck converter is also developed in this work by using a 0.35µm CMOS process with optional high voltage (50V) power MOSFET. The integrated gate driver consists both the current-source driver for high-side power MOSFET and low-power driver for low-side power iv MOSFET. Compared with the conventional gate driver circuit, the current-source gate driver can recovery some gate charging energy and reduce switching loss. So the current-source driver (CSD) can be used to improve the efficiency performance in high frequency power converters. This work also presents a new implementation of a power supply in package (PSiP) 5MHz buck converter, which is different from all the prior-of-art PSiP solutions by using a high-Q bondwire inductor. The high-Q bondwire inductor can be manufactured by applying ferrite epoxy to the common bondwire during standard IC packaging process, so the new implementation of PSiP is expected to be a cost-effective way of power supply integration

    Optimization and analysis of PwrSoC Buck converter with integrated passives for automotive application

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    Current trends in automotive industry impose as main drivers the improvement of the efficiency and the miniaturization of the electronic systems. New technologies for passives enable the integration of inductor based power converter together with the load in a single chip. Due to the complexity of the system and various constraints, multi-variable optimization needs to be employed. This study presents an energy-based piece-wise linear model for switches losses estimation for 40 nm automotive approved semiconductor technology used for implementation of PwrSoC buck converter system. The model, based on discrete number of calculations performed with Spice simulations, is presented in detail in this study and it is validated experimentally

    Efficiency improvement of LDO ouput based linear regulator with supercapacitor energy recovery - a versatile new technique with an example of a 5v to 1.5 v version

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    Supercapacitors are used in various industrial applications and the supercapacitors technology is gradually progressing into a mature state. Common applications of supercapacitors are in electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and in portable devices such as cellular phones and laptops. The capacitance values range from fractional Farads to few thousand Farads and their continuos DC voltage ratings are from 2V to 6V. At University of Waikato, a team works on using supercapacitors for improving the efficiency of linear voltage regulators. In particular, this patented technique aims at combining off the shelfs LDO ICs and a supercapacitor array for improving end to end efficiency of linear regulator. My work is aimed at developing the theoretical background and designing prototype circuitry for a voltage regulator for the case of unregulated input supply is more than 3 times of the minimum input voltage requirement of the LDO which is applicable for a 5V to 1.5V regulator. Experimental results are indicated with future suggestions for improvement

    Efficiency Comparison of Inductor-, Capacitor- and Resonant-based Converters Fully Integrated in CMOS Technology

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    International audienceThe full integration of DC-DC converters offers great promise for dramatic reduction in power consumption and the number of board-level components in complex systems on chip. Some papers compare the numerous published on-chip and on-die converter structures, but there is the need for an approach to accurately compare the main basic DC-DC conversion topologies. Therefore, this paper presents a method to compare the efficiencies of CMOS integrated capacitive-, inductive-and resonant-based switching converters. The loss mechanism of each structure in hard-switching conditions is detailed and the analytical equations of the power loss and output voltage are given as a function of few CMOS technology parameters. The resulting models can be used to accurately predict converter efficiency in the early design phase, to compare the basic structure in particular the technology node or to orient the passive choice. The proposed method is then applied to design, optimize and compare fully-integrated power delivery requirements on a 1mm 2 on-die area in 65nm CMOS technology over three decades of power density. The results also underline the high efficiency of the promising resonant-based converter. Index Terms—integrated switching power supply, on-chip voltage regulator, switched-capacitor converter, inductive power converter, resonant converte


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    Napajanje elektronskih naprav v ekstremnih in industrijskih okoljih pogosto zahteva uporabo visoko zanesljivih električnih napajalnikov, imunih na raznovrstne okolijske in elektromagnete motenje. Zahtevane specifikacije takšnih napajalnikov je mogoče doseči z uporabo sistemov, ki za izvor energije uporabljajo svetlobo laserskih virov. Energija v obliki monokromatske svetlobe je na oddaljeno mesto vodena skozi električno neprevodni medij, s čimer je dosežena inherentna neobčutljivost takšnih napajalnih sistemov na vse vrste elektromagnetih motenj. Lasersko svetlobo vodimo bodisi brezkontaktno po zraku ali priporočljivejše po električno neprevodnem optičnem vlaknu. V slednjem govorimo o sistemih za prenos »moči po optičnem vlaknu« (ang. Power–over–Fiber systems, PoF). Monokromatsko svetlobo je za napajanje elektronskih naprav potrebno pretvoriti v enosmerno električno energijo, kar storimo s fotonapetostnimi pretvorniki optimiziranimi za pretvorbo monokromatske svetlobe laserskih virov – »pretvorniki laserske moči« (ang. Laser Power Converter, LPC). PoF sistem je zaključen s priključitvijo podpornega elektronskega vezja na izhod pretvornika laserske moči, ki poskrbi za prilagoditev napetostnega nivoja za zanesljivo napajanje elektronskih naprav. PoF sistemi napajanja elektronskih naprav so našli svoje mesto v ekstremnih in industrijskih okoljih zaradi lastnosti kot so: • imunost na elektromagnetne motnje (enosmerna in izmenična električna in magnetna polja, razelektritve ozračja, radiofrekvenčne motnje, …), • velika prebojna trdnost med izvorom energije in napajano napravo, • majhna teža vodnikov energije (optična vlakna), • pri poškodbi vodnikov energije ne prihaja do iskrenja, … Zaradi omenjenih lastnosti so bili PoF sistemi razviti in uporabljeni za napajanje: • senzorjev za merjenje parametrov visokonapetostnih daljnovodov, • elektronskih merilnikov pod vodno gladino, • elektronskih podsklopov naprav za magnetno resonanco, • brezpilotnih letal, • elektronskih implantatov v človeškem telesu, • kontrolnih podsistemov v satelitih, • nadzornih video kamer, • merilnikov obratovalnih parametrov vetrnih turbin, … Kljub uspešni implementaciji PoF sistemov v nekaterih nišnih aplikacijah, je prenos energije z lasersko svetlobo še vedno razmeroma neznana tehnološka rešitev. Razlogov za to je veliko, verjetno pa je eden glavnih nizek izkoristek takšnega prenosa energije, ki se v praksi na sistemski ravni giblje nekje med 10 % in 30 %. Največ vložene energije se izgubi pri pretvorbi elektrike v svetlobo, pri čemer sodobne laserske diode dosegajo izkoristke med 40 % in 70 % ter nadalje pri pretvorbi laserske svetlobe nazaj v elektriko, pri čemer najboljši pretvorniki laserske moči dosegajo učinkovitost pretvorbe med 40 % in 60 %. V večini praktičnih aplikacij izgube pri prvotni pretvorbi energije iz elektrike v svetlobo s sistemskega vidika niso problematične, saj je laser postavljen na mestu, kjer je zagotovljena oskrba s potrebno električno energijo. Večje omejitve predstavljajo približno polovične izgube energije pri pretvorbi laserske svetlobe v električno energijo, preostanek energije pa je še dodatno zmanjšan za 10 % do 20 % zaradi izgub na podporni elektroniki. Tako v praksi izgube na sprejemni strani omejujejo največjo električno moč, ki jo lahko napajani napravi zanesljivo zagotovi en pretvornik laserske moči, na približno 1 W. Takšna omejitev največje dovedene moči ne predstavlja večjih problemov za napajanje nizkoenergijskih senzorjev, vendar omejuje doseg splošne uporabnosti PoF sistemov. V želji po razširitvi uporabnosti PoF sistemov se pričajoča doktorska naloga osredotoča na odkrivanje glavnih izgubnih mehanizmov v pretvornikih laserske moči in podporne elektronike. Rezultati sistematične analize in kvantitativnega ovrednotenja izgub so pripeljali do konceptualnih predlogov za izboljšanje sedanjih pretvornikov laserske moči.Electronic devices in extreme and industrial environments often require specialized power supplies immune to a variety of environmental and electromagnetic interferences. Such requirements can be met with power supplies that use lasers as an energy source. The laser light can be transmitted to a powered electronic device either wirelessly through the air or preferably through electrically nonconductive optical fiber. In the latter case, such power supplies are commonly known as Power–over–Fiber (PoF) systems. Energy in the form of monochromatic light must be transformed into electrical energy to power electronic devices. This energy transformation is achieved with photovoltaic (PV) devices optimized for conversion of monochromatic laser light called Laser Power Converters (LPC). Theoretically possible light-to-electricity conversion efficiency of LPCs is impaired by a variety of optical and electrical losses and light energy that is not converted into electrical energy results in energy loss, which in return reduces PoF systems efficiency. For high system efficiencies, LPCs must be made out of an appropriately selected high-quality III-V semiconductors and currently, the best manufactured LPCs exceed 60% conversion efficiency at strictly controlled laboratory conditions. Even thou such a figure is unheard of for the solar cells, an optimized PV converter illuminated with monochromatic light can theoretically convert more than 75% of impinged light to electricity, under the same conditions as the stated manufactured LPC. In this thesis, the reason for such a discrepancy between theoretical and practical conversion efficiency is studied in details and further, novel supporting electronics for LPCs in PoF systems are devised and analyzed in order to increase the system efficiency

    Output impedance modeling of a multilevel modular switched-capacitor converter to achieve continuously variable conversion ratio

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    pre-printThe multilevel modular capacitor clamped dc-to-dc converter (MMCCC) topology is completely modular and belongs to two-phase switched capacitor converter group. The conversion ratio of an ideal MMCCC converter in step-up mode is an integer and depends on the number of modules used. For a k-module MMCCC, the maximum up-conversion ratio is (k+1), and it has already been shown in literature that different integer conversion ratios can be achieved by changing the active number of modules of an MMCCC. In this paper, different methods are proposed for MMCCC in order to achieve fractional conversion ratios (CR) in step-up mode without changing the complementary two-phase switching orientation. Fractional CRs can be obtained in several switched-capacitor circuits at the cost of significantly lower efficiency. However, MMCCC with the aid of a new pulse dropping technique can produce fractional CR while maintaining high efficiency. The variation in efficiency and equivalent resistance as a function of frequency has been analyzed in this paper. Simulation and experimental results using a reconfigurable 5-module MMCCC prototype have been used to validate the new control scheme