10,008 research outputs found

    Mobile learning: benefits of augmented reality in geometry teaching

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    As a consequence of the technological advances and the widespread use of mobile devices to access information and communication in the last decades, mobile learning has become a spontaneous learning model, providing a more flexible and collaborative technology-based learning. Thus, mobile technologies can create new opportunities for enhancing the pupils’ learning experiences. This paper presents the development of a game to assist teaching and learning, aiming to help students acquire knowledge in the field of geometry. The game was intended to develop the following competences in primary school learners (8-10 years): a better visualization of geometric objects on a plane and in space; understanding of the properties of geometric solids; and familiarization with the vocabulary of geometry. Findings show that by using the game, students have improved around 35% the hits of correct responses to the classification and differentiation between edge, vertex and face in 3D solids.This research was supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council Design Star CDT (AH/L503770/1), the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) projects LARSyS (UID/EEA/50009/2013) and CIAC-Research Centre for Arts and Communication.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This case study examines the introduction of web-based apps to Japanese university students for skill-based English learning. The focus is on 32 students from the International Studies and Education departments at a private Japanese university. The course was an elective English course titled,“ Current Events English.” In class, activities consisted of analog speaking activities from the textbook. However, web-based applications were introduced to support class preparation, the midterm, and the final project. The Memrise app for vocab learning was optional for class preparation. Use of Google Classroom was required for accessing the initial class documents, and Cambridge Write & Improve was required or the final project. Data was collected from the applications as well as from student surveys. The findings provide insight into the efficacy of webbased applications for language learning in Japan. It also contributes to the body of knowledge regarding the reticence of Japanese university students to adopt digital modes of language learning.本事例研究では日本人大学生を対象にした英語学習のためのウエブアプリケーション(WA) の適用可能性を明らかにする。対象は国際教育学科と教育経営学科の学生32人である。時事英語(選択教科コース)では主に教科書からのアナログ・スピーキング・アクティビティーを行ったが,授業の事前準備,中間発表,およびファイナルプロジェクトために三つのWAを導入した。学生主体の 事前準備のためにMemriseの語彙学習アプリを使用し,授業のシラバスおよびプリントを手に入れるためにグーグル・クラスルームを必要とした。ファイナルプロジェクトのためにCambridge Write & Improveも必要とした。WAと学生アンケートからデータを収集して分析した。本研究の結果は,日本人学生が言語学習にWAを使用することに控えめであるにもかかわらず,WAが語学学習には有効であるという知識体系を得られた

    Comparison of the impacts of different multimodalities on incidental L2 vocabulary learning

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    Multimodality of input in incidental L2 vocabulary learning has recently been a topic of interest among language acquisition researchers, yet the results have been somewhat contradictory. This study seeks to compare the impacts of two different multimodalities on incidental L2 vocabulary learning, namely, reading-plus-watching (experimental group I) vs. reading-plus-listening (experimental group II), as compared to the reading only condition, which is included as a control measure. Experimental group I watched and read the transcriptions of four news texts with electronic glosses for the target words, while experimental group II read and listened to the same news texts again with electronic glosses for the same 20 target words. Next, the two experimental groups swapped roles with a new set of four news texts glossed for another group of 20 target words. The control group only read the same eight news texts without glosses. The results suggest that reading-plus-listening can be a more conducive multimodal presentation for incidental vocabulary learning as compared to reading-plus-watching. The results also challenge the validity of some principles of the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning in incidental L2 vocabulary learning, while providing supporting evidence for some other principles

    Does It Make a Difference? L2 Vocabulary Learning via Mobile and Conventional Mode

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    The present study investigated the significance of mobile learning (m-learning) of English vocabulary items through a traditional contrasted with a blended method of content representation. To achieve the goals, sixty semi-illiterate adults were evaluated for their knowledge of the English alphabet and then randomly placed in two groups: traditional (G1) and the blended group (G2). Next, they were presented thirty new English vocabulary items through the two methods. Also, the vocabulary items were taught with and without pictorial annotations. Upon the completion of teaching, the participants took the paper-and-pencil-based English Vocabulary Recognition and Recall (EVRR) test. The test results were subjected to the appropriate statistical analyses. The analysis demonstrated the supremacy of blended group's performance over the traditional group in vocabulary learning. Furthermore, the obtained results confirmed that pictorial annotations enhanced the learning of L2 vocabulary compared with non-annotated items. The results can provide some practical and theoretical implications for both teachers and learners

    When Reading Goes Digital: Conceptual and Methodological Reviews on Technology and L2 Vocabulary Learning

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    Existing research syntheses on technology and second language acquisition have called for further systematic investigation of the theoretical frameworks and methodologies used in research of this field. Additionally, although vocabulary has been one of the most popular areas in technology-integrated second language acquisition research, a majority of the previous studies have examined college students or other adult populations. To fill these gaps, this dissertation systematically reviewed the theoretical and methodological trends in research on technology-integrated L2 vocabulary learning for PreK-12 learners of English. A total of 60 studies published between 2008 and 2018 were selected for analysis. The types of vocabulary knowledge, affordances of technology, and major theoretical frameworks were analyzed to uncover conceptual and theoretical trends; study context, participant demographics, research design, and outcome measures were analyzed for the methodological characteristics of the selected studies. The theoretical review showed that the current research on technology-integrated L2 vocabulary learning for young learners was mostly guided by information/cognitive processing theories, social constructivism, and sociocognitive theories. However, a large body of the studies indicated a lack of direct reference to a theoretical framework, which demonstrated a need to strengthen the connections among theory, research, and practice in this field. The analysis of methodological characteristics has revealed several areas for further improvement, such as more complete reporting of the participant’s English proficiency level, consistent reporting of study duration and length of treatment, and more research in English as second language contexts

    Augmenting Reality with Intelligent Interfaces

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    It is clear that our daily reality will increasingly interface with virtual inputs. We already integrate the virtual into real life through constantly evolving sensor technologies embedded into our smartphones, digital assistants, and connected devices. Simultaneously, we seek more virtual input into our reality through intelligent interfaces for the applications that these devices can run in a context rich, socially connected, and personalized way. As we progress toward a future of ubiquitous Augmented Reality (AR) interfaces, it will be important to consider how this technology can best serve the various populations that can benefit most from the addition of these intelligent interfaces. This paper proposes a new terminological framework to discuss the way AR interacts with users. An intelligent interface that combines digital objects in a real-world context can be referred to as a Pose-Interfaced Presentation (PIP): Pose refers to user location and orientation in space; Interfaced means that the program responds to a user’s intention and actions in an intelligent way; and Presentation refers to the virtual object or data being layered onto the perceptive field of the user. Finally, various benefits of AR are described and examples are provided in the areas of education, worker training, and ESL learning

    The Effects of Multimedia Learning on Thai Primary Pupils’ Achievement in Size and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge

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    This study aims to obtain a more insight regarding the effect of multimedia learning on third grade of Thai primary pupils’ achievement in Size and Depth Vocabulary of English. A quasi-experiment is applied using one group pretest-posttest design combined with time series design, as well as data triangulation. The sample comprises 42 pupils of third grade of Municipal School 2 located at Hadyai, Songkla Province, Southern Thailand. The main analyses were carried out using t-test and Anova. The findings confirm that the implementation of multimedia to delivering the learning material through an integrated mode (text, picture, and sound) is able to improve pupils’ achievement in size of vocabulary knowledge but not to depth of vocabulary knowledge. The findings imply that the policy makers and English teachers in Thai, together, are required to innovate the current English learning system, including facility development,  multimedia program development, teachers’ role reorientation, and parent involvement. The originality of this study lies on that the more insight as regards vocabulary proficiency in the context of Thai primary pupils has been urged by several researchers. Both the result and research methodology applied in this study was perceived to be useful for further researches and applications. Keywords: Multimedia learning, size and depth vocabulary, Thai primary pupil

    The Implementation of Educational Texting as an Instructional Facilitator in the Iranian EFL Context

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    En aquest estudi, mitjançant un mostreig de conveniència, després de l'administració d'una prova de col·locació d'Oxford (OPT), es van seleccionar 74 participants per a aquest estudi. Es van assignar aleatòriament a un grup experimental i a un grup de control per igual. Per mesurar la capacitat de lectura dels estudiants, la part de lectura de la prova d'anglès preliminar (PET) es va utilitzar com a prova prèvia i més tard com a prova posterior. Per calcular la quantitat d'autonomia entre els alumnes després d'implementar els ítems de vocabulari mitjançant missatges de text, es va distribuir un qüestionari. Es va dur a terme una sessió d'entrevistes semiestructurades entre els participants del grup experimental per comprendre millor les seves percepcions sobre MALL en el context d'aprenentatge de l'anglès. Finalment, per calcular la mida del vocabulari dels alumnes i els seus coneixements de vocabulari, es va realitzar una prova d'associació de paraules (WAT) i una prova de nivell de vocabulari (VLT). El grup experimental va rebre 108 paraules via SMS durant 18 sessions, incloses 6 paraules en context cobertes en 6 frases. El grup control, va rebre la instrucció tradicional, en un entorn presencial, amb els materials preparats de la classe i del professor. Després de realitzar el posttest, els resultats de l'estudi van revelar que el rendiment d'ambdós grups en funció de la seva prova de lectura és similar i el tractament no va tenir un efecte estadísticament significatiu en el grup experimental. El segon estudi va revelar que el tractament va tenir un paper molt important en la millora del nivell de motivació dels alumnes del grup experimental. Les percepcions dels participants del grup experimental van mostrar que els estudiants tenen una actitud positiva cap a l'aprenentatge d'idiomes assistit per mòbil en el context d'aprenentatge de l'EFL. El gènere va demostrar no ser un factor diferencial per al rendiment dels aprenents a la prova d'autonomia. L'aprenentatge de vocabulari mitjançant SMS podria augmentar significativament la mida del vocabulari dels aprenents, les puntuacions dels aprenents en la profunditat del vocabulari no van mostrar diferències estadísticament significatives.En este estudio, a través de un muestreo por conveniencia, después de la administración de un Oxford Placement Test (OPT), se seleccionaron 74 participantes para el propósito de este estudio. Fueron asignados aleatoriamente a un grupo experimental y otro de control por igual. Para medir la capacidad de lectura de los alumnos, se utilizó la parte de lectura del Examen Preliminar de Inglés (PET) como prueba previa y luego como prueba posterior. Para calcular la cantidad de autonomía entre los alumnos después de implementar los elementos de vocabulario a través de mensajes de texto, se distribuyó un cuestionario. Se realizó una sesión de entrevistas semiestructuradas entre los participantes del grupo experimental para comprender mejor sus percepciones sobre MALL en el contexto de aprendizaje de inglés. Finalmente, para calcular el tamaño del vocabulario de los estudiantes y su conocimiento del vocabulario, se realizaron una prueba de asociación de palabras (WAT) y una prueba de nivel de vocabulario (VLT). El grupo experimental recibió 108 palabras a través de SMS durante 18 sesiones, incluidas 6 palabras en contexto cubiertas en 6 oraciones. El grupo control, recibió la instrucción tradicional, en un ambiente presencial, con los materiales preparados por la clase y el docente. Después de realizar la prueba posterior, los hallazgos del estudio revelaron que el desempeño de ambos grupos en base a su prueba de lectura es similar, y el tratamiento no tuvo un efecto estadísticamente significativo en el grupo experimental. El segundo estudio reveló que el tratamiento desempeñó un papel muy importante en la mejora del nivel de motivación de los alumnos en el grupo experimental. Las percepciones de los participantes en el grupo experimental mostraron que los estudiantes tienen una actitud positiva hacia el aprendizaje de idiomas asistido por dispositivos móviles en el contexto de aprendizaje de EFL. El género no mostró ser un factor diferenciable para el desempeño de los aprendices en la prueba de autonomía. El aprendizaje de vocabulario a través de SMS podría aumentar significativamente el tamaño del vocabulario de los alumnos, las puntuaciones de los alumnos en la profundidad del vocabulario no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas.In this study, through convenience sampling, after the administration of an Oxford Placement Test (OPT), 74 participants were selected for the purpose of this study. They were randomly assigned to an experimental and a control group equally. To measure learners reading ability, the reading part of the Preliminary English Test (PET) was used as a pretest and later as a posttest. To calculate the amount of autonomy among learners after implementing the vocabulary items through texting, a questionnaire was distributed. A semi-structured interview session was conducted among the participants of the experimental group to further grasp their perceptions towards MALL in the English learning context. Finally, to compute the vocabulary size of the students and their vocabulary knowledge, a Word Association Test (WAT) and a Vocabulary Level test (VLT) were conducted. The experimental group received 108 words via SMS during 18 sessions, including 6 words in context covered in 6 sentences. The control group, received the traditional instruction, in a face-to-face environment, with the ready-made materials of the class and the teacher. After conducting the posttest, the findings of the study revealed that the performance of both groups on the basis of their reading test is similar, and the treatment did not have a statistically significant effect on the experimental group. The second study revealed that the treatment played a very important role in improving learners' motivation level in the experimental group. The perceptions of the participants in the experimental group showed that students have a positive attitude towards mobile-assisted language learning in the EFL learning context. Gender showed not to be a distinguishable factor for the performance of the learners in the autonomy test. Learning vocabulary through SMS could significantly increase the size of the learners' vocabulary, learners' scores on the vocabulary depth did not show statistically significant differences