28 research outputs found

    Development and validation of a scale to measure volition for learning

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    Volition explains the transition from desire, or motivation, to action especially when faced with competing goals. In learning environments, the concept refers to acting with the aim of achieving learning objectives. Despite the importance of volition in learning environments, research has rarely addressed the volition construct. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore and develop a valid and reliable scale to measure the volition construct in online and face to face learning environments. The data for this research were collected from 594 undergraduate online learners who also took some courses face to face at a state university in Turkey. After analyzing the validity and reliability of the scale, a two-factor, 13-item volition for learning scale was developed. The scale was comprised of two factors: action planning and action control. Confirmatory factor analysis results confirm the factor structure of the scale. Results indicated that the volition for learning scale is a valid and reliable instrument that can be utilized to measure learners’ volition in learning environments

    Effect Of Personalized Instruction On The Achievement Of Solving Mathematical Word Problems

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    Graduation rates are negatively affected by college learners\u27 inability to demonstrate proficiency in mathematics. The purpose of this research study was to determine the effect of individual personalized mathematical instruction on the achievement of solving mathematical word problems by undergraduates enrolled in a college mathematics course. As well, the effect of individual personalized mathematical instruction on undergraduate motivation to solve mathematical word problems was also examined. The research undertaken was a true experimental post-test only, control group design that took place over three consecutive weeks. Participants were randomly assigned to either the experimental group or the control group. The experimental group received individual personalized mathematical word problem instructional materials in week 2 only and the non-personalized instructional materials during week 1 and week 3. The control group used non-personalized instructional materials only during this time period. Each group completed a weekly IMMS survey to measure motivation. Results from the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) indicated that there was no significant difference of achievement between group types. ANCOVA results indicated that there was a significant difference in motivation between the experimental and control groups during week 2; however, there was no significant difference in learner motivation between group types in week 3. It is recommended that the study be repeated using personalization throughout the course semester to determine if motivation is cumulative to personalization treatment

    The Effectiveness of Emotional Motivational Feedback Messages

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    An important technique for learning, feedback has been described as responses to students’ behaviors, tasks, assignments, and outcomes. In this study, the researcher used a new kind of feedback message called an Emotional Motivational Feedback Message (EMFEM). EMFEM is a feedback message which includes motivational strategies and emotional content for motivating and encouraging students to learn more and to focus on a specific topic. EMFEM is based on Visser and Keller’s (1990) motivational message design, which was influenced by Keller’s (1987) ARCS theory and emotional content strategies. Because EMFEM is primarily used in text-based, online learning environments, it is limited in its ways of adding emotional content to feedback messages. Therefore, three main strategies were used in this study to include EMFEM: using the meaning of the words; formatting the words by using colored, bold, underlined text; and adding emoticons. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of EMFEM in online learning environments. This exploratory research was conducted using mixed method single case study design (Creswell, 2005; Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004; Yin, 2009) and guided by the following question: How effective are emotional motivational feedback messages in an online learning environment? Participants were 15 undergraduate students enrolled for an instructional technology course in a large state university located in an urban region in the southeastern part of the United States during fall 2013. The researcher used multiple data collection strategies, including a course interest survey, an instructional technology attitudes survey, open-ended questionnaires, a research journal, forum/discussion postings, emails, reflection papers and warm-up surveys. The findings showed that, in an online course using EMFEM, (a) students’ motivation increased; (b) students’ attitudes toward IT increased; (c) students liked the EMFEM and the style of the instructor’s teaching; (d) students had a closer and friendlier relationship with the instructor; (e) students were satisfied with the course; (f) students started to use more emotional content; (g) students enjoyed having personalized EMFEM and requested to have EMFEM; and (h) students reported positive overall experiences by the end of the course

    Using Academic Advising To Increase Motivation And Engagement In First-Year College Students

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    According to ACT Educational Services (2010), more than one-third of college freshmen will not progress to their sophomore year. Several states, including Michigan, have proposed higher education performance funding models, which directly correlate state funds to student retention and graduation rates (Jesse, 2012). As higher education suffers from diminishing resources, there is a heightened focus to increase retention and graduation rates (Tinto, 2007). The transition from high school to college can be a traumatic time for adolescents. This age group has unique motivational needs as they adjust to an unfamiliar academic environment (Perry et al., 2005). The first year of college is a critical time when students make the decision to stay enrolled or withdraw (Tinto, 2007). Research shows that student motivation and engagement are key factors in academic persistence among college freshman, both of which can be impacted through effective academic advising (Mottarella et al., 2004; Hale et al., 2009; Smith, 2002; Museus & Ravello, 2010). The purpose of this design-based research study was to document the design, implementation, and evaluation of a motivational-based academic advising intervention for first-year students in the School of Business at Wayne State University. Using Part V of the Academic Advising Inventory (AAI), student preference of developmental versus prescriptive advising styles was measured. It was found that first-year students prefer developmental advising, but seem to lack confidence in areas of course selection and academic decision making. To address these areas of need, two advising instruments were designed for used with first-year students: the First-Year Advising and Communication Tool (FACT), and the First-Year Advising Syllabus. Twenty-one first-year business students were exposed to the instruments during the fall 2012 semester. The instruments were evaluated and revised through three phases of iterative data collection and analysis. Qualitative data was collected in these phases through open-ended student surveys, student interviews, advisor journals, and a researcher journal. It was found that first-year students in this study feel that academic advising is most impactful to their motivation and engagement in three key areas: selecting courses, establishing a personal advising relationship, and in future planning and goal setting

    ¿Del Extranjero a Nacional? Uso del Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje desde una Perspectiva Doméstica

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    This article proposes to use the concept of domestication as an analytic tool to understand patterns of use of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and user attitudes towards VLEs. The data gathered includes semistructured interviews with students and members of staff enrolled in or involved with a distance-learning bachelor program at a Scandinavian institution of Higher Education. The analysis highlights the role played by VLEs in shaping the students’ and lecturers’ routines and use of time as regards to lecture preparations, assignment writing, and discussions. It also identifies challenges related to the integration of the VLE with other related systems and sheds light on the nature of the various social processes that take place through and around the VLE.Este artículo propone utilizar el concepto de domesticación como una herramienta analítica para comprender los patrones de uso de un Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje (VLE) y la actitud del usuario hacia VLE. Los datos recogidos incluyen entrevistas semi-estructuradas con los alumnos y miembros del personal inscritos o que participan en un programa de licenciatura de educación a distancia, en una institución escandinava de educación superior. El análisis resalta el papel desempeñado por la VLE en la formación de rutinas y el uso del tiempo de alumnos y profesores, en lo que respecta a los preparativos de conferencias, tarea escritas, y debates. También identifica los desafíos relacionados con la integración de los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje (VLE) con otros sistemas relacionados, y clarifica la naturaleza de los diversos procesos sociales que tienen lugar a través y alrededor de VLE

    Using Structural Equation Modeling to Investigate Students’ Reading Comprehension Abilities

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    In this study, Structural Equation Modeling was used to determine the factors that affect reading skills. To determine the factors data of PISA 2009 was used. It assessed students’ capacities to apply knowledge and skills in reading, mathematical and scientific literacy. It describes some wider findings about what lies behind results. Structural Equation Modeling is examined and four independent latent variables as “reading attitudes,” “study habits,” “stimulate,” and “strategies the teacher used” are determined. It was observed that the most important variable was the “strategies the teacher used” (γ=0.33). The second important latent variable that affected the students’ reading comprehension skill was “teacher stimulating students”(γ=0.26). Another latent variable affecting the students’ reading comprehension level was observed as “the students’ study habits” (γ=0.22). The final latent variable was “attitude towards reading” (γ=0.16)ABSTRACT In this study, Structural Equation Modeling was used to determine the factors that affect reading skills. To determine the factors data of PISA 2009 was used. It assessed students’ capacities to apply knowledge and skills in reading, mathematical and scientific literacy. It describes some wider findings about what lies behind results. Structural Equation Modeling is examined and four independent latent variables as “reading attitudes,” “study habits,” “stimulate,” and “strategies the teacher used” are determined. It was observed that the most important variable was the “strategies the teacher used” (γ=0.33). The second important latent variable that affected the students’ reading comprehension skill was “teacher stimulating students”(γ=0.26). Another latent variable affecting the students’ reading comprehension level was observed as “the students’ study habits” (γ=0.22). The final latent variable was “attitude towards reading” (γ=0.16)

    Arcs Motivation Model: Content Analysis of Applied Articles Between the Years 1997-2018

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    DergiPark: 520477tredARCSmotivasyon modelinin eğitimsel kullanımına ilişkin uygulamalı makalelerin geneleğilimlerini belirlemeyi amaçlayan bu çalışmada, içerik analizi yöntemikullanılmıştır. Çalışmada, Web of Science, ERIC, SCOPUS, ULAKBİM ve GoogleScholar’da dizinlenen dergilerdeki 128 uygulamalı makale incelenmiş veelektronik ortamda oluşturulan formla sınıflandırılmıştır. Çalışmalar GoogleFormlar ve Microsoft Excel programları kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir.Çalışmada makalelerinin çoğunluğunun Web of Science’da dizinlenen dergilerdenelde edildiği; en sık 2018 yılında yayın yapıldığı; en fazla sayıda makaleninComputers amp; Education dergisinde yayınlandığı; bilgisayar destekli/webtabanlı eğitim alanının sıklıkla çalışıldığı; en sık nicel yöntemin tercihedildiği; veri toplama aracı olarak en yaygın motivasyon anketi /ölçeği veyaenvanterinin kullanıldığı; örneklem grubu olarak sıklıkla üniversiteöğrencilerinin tercih edildiği; veri analiz tekniğinde ise en yaygın olarak ttestinin kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir.In this study whichaims to determine the general tendencies of the applied articles related toeducational use of ARCS motivational model, content analysis method was used.In this study, 128 applied articles in journals indexed in Web of Science,ERIC, SCOPUS, ULAKBIM and Google Scholar were examined and classified byelectronic form. The studies analyzed with Google Forms and Microsoft Excel. Itis determined that the majority of the articles in the study were obtained fromthe journals indexed in Web of Science; the largest number of publications werepublished in the year 2018; most articles are published in Computers amp;Education; the most studied subject area is computer assisted/web basedtraining; the most used method is quantitative method; the most common datacollection tool is the motivation questionnaire; the most used sample group isuniversity students; and the most commonly used data analysis technique is thet test


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masih banyaknya hasil belajar siswa yang masih belum mencapai KKM pada mata pelajaran ekonomi yang dilihat dari rata-rata Ulangan Akhir Sekolah (UAS) ganjil tahun ajaran 2017/2018 pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri Kabupaten Majalengka di Kecamatan Sumberjaya dan Kecamatan Leuwimunding. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kebiasaan belajar terhadap hasil belajar siswa dengan variabel mediasi motivasi belajar pada mata pelajaran ekonomi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei eksplanatori dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpul data. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 276 siswa dengan sampel sebanyak 163 siswa dengan menggunakan simple random sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi linier berganda dengan variabel mediasi menggunakan SPSS 21. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Kebiasaan belajar berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar. (2) Kebiasaan belajar berpengaruh positif terhadap motivasi belajar. (3) Motivasi belajar memediasi pengaruh kebiasaan belajar terhadap hasil belajar; This research is motivated by the large number of student learning outcomes that have not yet reached the KKM in economic subjects as seen from the average End of School Examination (UAS) in the academic year 2017/2018 in class XI IPS students of Senior High School Majalengka Regency in Sumberjaya and Kecamatan Leuwimunding. This study aims to determine the effect of learning habits on student learning outcomes with mediating variables of learning motivation in economic subjects. The research method used was an explanatory survey using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The population in this study were 276 students with a sample of 163 students using simple random sampling. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis with mediating variables using SPSS 21. The results showed: (1) Learning habits have a positive effect on learning outcomes. (2) Study habits have a positive effect on learning motivation. (3) Learning motivation mediates the effect of learning habits on learning outcomes

    Designing Effective Online Orientation Programs for First-Year University Students

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    While asynchronous, self-paced online orientation programs are not brand new in the field of orientation, transition and retention, COVID-19 forced many institutions to rapidly create a program for the first time to help welcome fall 2020 students. Using the community of inquiry model as a framework, this literature review explores the research related to orientation and online learning in an effort to identify the principles, practices and processes that can help a student affairs professional to design an effective and engaging online orientation program, or enhance an existing program