101,239 research outputs found

    A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Face-to-Face and Virtual Communication: Overcoming the Challenges

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    Virtual communication has become the norm for many organizations (Baltes, Dickson, Sherman, Bauer, & LaGanke, 2002; Bergiel, Bergiel, & Balsmeier, 2008; Hertel, Geister, & Konradt, 2005). As technology has evolved, time and distance barriers have dissolved, allowing for access to experts worldwide. The reality of business today demands the use of virtual communication for at least some work, and many professionals will sit on a virtual team at some point (Dewar, 2006). Although virtual communication offers many advantages, it is not without challenges. This article examines the costs and benefits associated with virtual and face-to-face communication, and identifies strategies to overcome virtual communication\u27s challenges

    Factors influencing the success of computer mediated communication (CMC) environments in university teaching: a review and case study

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    Despite its potential benefits, the effectiveness of CMC when used to support learning in higher education is very variable, making it important to identify those factors which best predict successful implementations. A review of the literature from the past few years, presented in the first half of this paper, suggests that, consistent with Activity Theory (Leont'ev, 1978), the critical factors are those which provide a context and rationale for online communication by helping users to establish a shared purpose. However, generating empirical support for this hypothesis presents two kinds of methodological problem: specifying the methods and measures necessary to discern the existence and impact of shared purpose; and dealing with the difficulties of making controlled comparisons in this area. The second half of the paper illustrates, via an implementation case study, something of how these methodological problems might be resolved, and presents evidence in favour of the central importance of shared purpose

    Synchronous communication technologies for language learning: Promise and challenges in research and pedagogy

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    We propose a definition of synchronous communication based on joint attention, noting that in certain mediated communication settings joint attention is a matter of perception rather than determinable fact. The most salient properties of synchronous computer-mediated communication (SCMC) are real-time pressure to communicate and a greater degree of social presence relative to asynchronous communication. These properties underlie the benefits and challenges of SCMC for language learning, which we discuss under three headings: (1) SCMC as learning tool; (2) SCMC as target competence; and (3) SCMC as setting for learner dialogue, intracultural and intercultural. We survey research themes in SCMC and preview the contributions of the Special Issue. Finally, we identify questions for future research

    Some Things Are Better Left Unseen: Toward More Effective Communication And Team Performance In Video-Mediated Interactions

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    By default, most video-mediated communication systems show the user his or her own video feed, yet there is no prior research to show if this helps or hinders communication. In general, virtual teams desire richer media to improve team interaction. However, in this case more information may not be helpful. Drawing on Objective Self Awareness theory in social psychology and theories of cognitive overload from communication, hypotheses are proposed concerning how viewing oneself influences virtual team interaction. It is argued that viewing oneself will lead to lower team performance and other negative outcomes. The hypotheses are tested in a laboratory experiment, manipulating whether participants were able to view their own feeds during video-mediated communication. The results suggest that viewing oneself leads to a reduction in team performance and individual satisfaction. The findings, in terms of several theoretical explanations, and implications for managers and systems designers are discussed in the paper

    Virtual Leadership: Required Competencies for Effective Leaders

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    There are countless books, articles, and resources available which attempt to identify the competencies and qualities of effective leaders. Traditionally, leaders have been at the center of a community, be it work, church, or social groups. In these communities, face-to-face meetings and close personal interaction have dominated the way leaders interact with their members. However, with the advent of the internet and the host of communication tools that followed, teams today are becoming increasingly dispersed and diverse. Studies are now being done to understand how leadership has or should evolve in order to meet the changing needs and demands of these new and different communities. Some argue that leadership in the virtual environment is simpler as fewer tools are available to virtual leaders. Others may argue that access to fewer tools makes virtual leadership more complex and challenging than traditional leadership. This paper will explore leadership in virtual settings and how it’s changing as more teams move away from traditional team environments. I’ll review the responsibilities and roles of virtual leaders in an effort to better highlight the core competencies needed in today’s virtual settings. I’ll also look at competencies required of global virtual leaders and I’ll address how these competencies can be cultivated to ensure leaders are more effective in leading teams in these new environments

    The efects of peer corrective feedback trainning in face to face interaction and synchronousvideo-based computer-mediated comunication

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media y al grado académico de Licenciado en Educación)This quasi-experimental study was conducted in a private school, in Santiago, Chile, with four groups formed by 9th graders with the same L1 (Spanish) immersed in an EFL context. The purpose of the study was to examine ways in which the potential of peer interaction on learning is maximized. Specifically, the study examined two instructional techniques, both of which have been gaining increasing attention from second language acquisition researchers: (a) training learners how to correct each other (corrective feedback: CF), and (b) synchronous communicative interaction via video-based computer-mediated communication (SVCMC). Participants were divided into four groups depending on their experimental conditions. Group A (SVCMC+CF training) engaged in communicative peer interaction via SVCMC and received CF training. Group B (SVCMC-CF training) was given the same peer interaction tasks but did not receive any CF training. Groups C (FTF+CF training) and D (FTF-CF training) engaged in the same tasks in face-to-face in the classroom while only Group C received CF training. The intervention period lasted two weeks, consisting of four classes of 45 minutes for each of the four groups. The analysis involved (a) learners’ interactional behaviors, namely, language-related episodes, (b) their developmental outcomes with pre- and posttests focusing on past tense and locative usages, and (c) their perceptions based on exit questionnaire with close- and open-items. The results of this study reflected 3 main findings in peer interaction, corrective feedback, and SVCMC. With regard to interactional patterns (peer interaction), corrective feedback training promotes collaboration and so FTF environments, yet in SVCMC dominant patterns were more likely to arise. Meanwhile, CF training helped enhance learners’ language development as their results in the post-test were higher than in the pre-test and, in turn, SVCMC groups outperformed FTF groups. Concerning students’ perceptions, they overtly expressed positive beliefs regarding Peer Corrective Feedback and SVCMC activities. In short, clear differences were found among groups with different interventions resulting in distinct patterns, L2 development outcomes, and learner perceptions.Este estudio cuasi-experimental fue conducido en un colegio privado en Santiago de Chile, con cuatro grupos formados por estudiantes de primer año medio, cuya lengua nativa es el español. Los estudiantes estuvieron inmersos en un contexto EFL. El propósito del estudio fue examinar medios por las cuales el potencial de la interacción entre pares en el aprendizaje sea maximizado. Específicamente, este estudio examinó dos técnicas instructivas, las cuales han recibido recientemente atención paulatina de los investigadores en el campo de la adquisición de un segundo idioma: (a) capacitar a los estudiantes en como corregir a sus pares (retroalimentación), e (b) interacción comunicativa sincronizada a través de video conferencias (ICSV) mediadas por computadores. Los participantes fueron divididos en cuatro grupos según sus condiciones experimentales. El Grupo A (ICSV+ capacitación en retroalimentación) involucrado en interacción comunicativa— entre pares— a través de ICSV y recibieron instrucción en retroalimentación entre pares. Al Grupo B (ICSV – capacitación en retroalimentación) se le dio las mismas tareas, pero no recibió capacitación en retroalimentación. El Grupo C (cara a cara + capacitación en retroalimentación) y el Grupo D (cara a cara – capacitación en retroalimentación) participaron en las mismas tareas cara a cara en la sala de clases mientras que solo el Grupo C recibió capacitación en retroalimentación. El periodo de intervención fue de 2 semanas, compuesto de 4 clases de 45 min para cada uno de los grupos. Este análisis involucró (a) comportamientos interaccionales de los estudiantes, es decir, episodios relacionados con el lenguaje, (b) los resultados que reflejaron el desarrollo del lenguaje de los estudiantes fueron obtenidos mediante una evaluación previa a la intervención y otra posterior a la intervención; las evaluaciones se enfocaron en el uso del pasado simple y locativos, finalmente (c) las percepciones de los estudiantes obtenidas mediante un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas y abiertas. Los resultados de este estudio reflejaron 3 hallazgos principales en cuanto a interacción entre pares, retroalimentación, e ICSV. En cuanto a los patrones interacciónales (interacción entre pares), la retroalimentación y la comunicación cara a cara resultaron promover la colaboración, a diferencia de ICSV en la cual los patrones dominantes tuvieron más probabilidades de surgir. Mientras tanto, la capacitación en retroalimentación ayudó al mejoramiento del desarrollo del lenguaje de los estudiantes ya que sus resultados a lo largo de las evaluaciones pre y post presentaron un alza y, en consecuencia, los grupos que interactuaron a través de ICSV superaron a los grupos que interactuaron cara a cara. Tomando en cuenta las percepciones de los estudiantes, ellos expresaron abiertamente ideas positivas en cuanto a las actividades la capacitación en retroalimentación e ICSV. En resumen, diferencias claras fueron encontradas entre los grupos con diferentes intervenciones resultando en distintos patrones de interacción, resultados en el desarrollo del lenguaje, y percepciones de los estudiantes

    Communication Channels Utilized by Emirati Females to Enact Leadership

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    The purpose of this exploratory study was to identify the communication channels six Emirati females concurrently employed in organizations in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in which they had supervisory responsibilities; formal, legitimate authority; and positional leadership roles recalled using with their direct reports to enact leadership. In particular, the study attempted to ascertain the reasons for the selection of communication channels when engaged in downward communication with organizational subordinates. Data were collected via three interviews with each participant over a four week period. Interviews were conducted both face-to-face and via telephone. Data were analyzed via thematic content analysis to identify themes, patterns, and/or trends in communication channels selected and the reasons for selection of these channels when engaged in downward communication with direct reports. Findings indicated the participants’ preferred channel of communication when engaged in downward communication with their direct reports was face-to-face. Frequently face-to-face communication was reinforced via written follow-up. Encoding negative messages via written channels was found to be vigorously avoided except in the most extreme cases. Cultural factors were indicated to be influential in the participants’ selection of communication channel. The findings of this study have workplace preparation and training applications for private sector organizations, government, and state-owned enterprises in Abu Dhabi—in particular, those organizations in which expatriates have supervisory responsibilities; formal, legitimate authority; and positional leadership responsibilities in relation to Emirati direct reports. The electronic version of this dissertation is accessible at the OhioLINK ETD Center, https://etd.ohiolink.edu

    Advancing Research on Virtual Collaboration

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    Aunque los entornos virtuales no eran nuevos para algunas organizaciones, cuando llegó la pandemia de COVID-19, casi todas las industrias del mundo comenzaron a emplearlos. Dado que muchas organizaciones y empleados trabajarán de forma remota de forma permanente (o al menos en cierta medida) en el futuro, uno de los desafíos más importantes que enfrentarán las organizaciones es facilitar el desempeño individual y del equipo en entornos virtuales. Los entornos virtuales pueden permitir a las organizaciones maximizar su capital humano y mejorar su conocimiento, recursos, colaboración y creatividad para satisfacer las demandas de sus partes interesadas. Sin embargo, cuando los miembros del equipo utilizan las comunicaciones mediadas por tecnología, se enfrentan a desafíos adicionales que afectan la colaboración y el rendimiento. Por lo tanto, es fundamental comprender los aspectos que contribuyen a la colaboración individual y en equipo en entornos virtuales. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es, por lo tanto, avanzar en la investigación sobre la colaboración virtual. Más específicamente, esta tesis aborda la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Qué factores promueven una colaboración efectiva en un contexto virtual? Para abordar esta pregunta, esta tesis se divide en seis capítulos, de los cuales la parte principal es un compendio de tres ensayos (Capítulos 2, 3 y 4). El primer capítulo de la tesis es la introducción general. El segundo capítulo se centra en factores a nivel individual que permiten la efectividad de la colaboración virtual (género y juicio situacional). El tercer capítulo se centra en factores a nivel de equipo que promueven la eficacia de la colaboración virtual (comportamientos de comunicación virtual del equipo e intercambio de información del equipo). El cuarto capítulo se centra en los factores de nivel diádico que promueven la colaboración virtual efectiva (expectativas interpersonales y perdón por tiempos de respuesta prolongados). Finalmente, el quinto capítulo presenta las conclusiones generales, limitaciones y futuras líneas de investigación. Esta tesis contribuye a la literatura sobre colaboración en entornos virtuales al examinar fenómenos contemporáneos en diferentes niveles de análisis (p. ej., género, equipos de estudiantes cara a cara tradicionales y efectos de falta de respuesta) desde varias perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas. En general, esta tesis proporciona información útil para las personas y los equipos que trabajan en entornos virtuales.Encara que els entorns virtuals no eren nous per a algunes organitzacions, quan va arribar la pandèmia de COVID-19, gairebé totes les indústries del món van començar a fer-los servir. Atès que moltes organitzacions i empleats treballaran de manera remota de manera permanent (o almenys en certa mesura) en el futur, un dels desafiaments més importants que enfrontaran les organitzacions és facilitar l'exercici individual i de l'equip en entorns virtuals. Els entorns virtuals poden permetre a les organitzacions maximitzar el seu capital humà i millorar-ne el coneixement, els recursos, la col·laboració i la creativitat per satisfer les demandes de les seves parts interessades. Tot i això, quan els membres de l'equip utilitzen les comunicacions à través de mitjans tecnològics, s'enfronten a desafiaments addicionals que afecten la col·laboració i el rendiment. Per tant, és fonamental comprendre els aspectes que contribueixen a la col·laboració individual i en equip en entorns virtuals. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és, doncs, avançar en la investigació sobre la col·laboració virtual. Més específicament, aquesta tesi aborda la pregunta de recerca següent: Quins factors promouen una col·laboració efectiva en un context virtual? Per abordar aquesta pregunta, aquesta tesi es divideix en sis capítols, dels quals la part principal és un compendi de tres assaigs (Capítols 2, 3 i 4). El primer capítol de la tesi és la introducció general. El segon capítol se centra en factors individuals que permeten l'efectivitat de la col·laboració virtual (gènere i judici situacional). El tercer capítol se centra en factors d'equip que promouen l'eficàcia de la col·laboració virtual (comportaments de comunicació virtual de l'equip i intercanvi d'informació de l'equip). El quart capítol se centra en els factors de nivell diàdic que promouen la col·laboració virtual efectiva (expectatives interpersonals i perdó per temps de resposta perllongats). Finalment, el cinquè capítol presenta les conclusions generals, les limitacions i les futures línies de recerca. Aquesta tesi contribueix a la literatura sobre col·laboració en entorns virtuals en examinar fenòmens contemporanis a diferents nivells d'anàlisi (p. ex., gènere, equips d'estudiants cara a cara tradicionals i efectes de manca de resposta) des de diverses perspectives teòriques i metodològiques. En general, aquesta tesi proporciona informació útil per a persones i equips que treballen en entorns virtuals.Although virtual environments were not new to some organizations, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, almost every industry on the globe began employing them. Given that many organizations and employees will work remotely permanently (or at least to some extent) in the future, one of the most significant challenges organizations will face is facilitating individual and team performance in virtual environments. Virtual environments may enable organizations to maximize their human capital and enhance their knowledge, resources, collaboration, and creativity to meet their stakeholder’s demands. Nevertheless, when team members rely on technology-mediated communications, they encounter additional challenges that impact collaboration and performance. Thus, it is critical to understand the aspects that contribute to individual and team collaboration in virtual environments. The main purpose of this thesis is thus to advance research on virtual collaboration. More specifically, this thesis addresses the following overarching research question: What factors promote effective collaboration in a virtual context? To address this question, this thesis is divided into six chapters, of which the main part is a compendium of three essays (Chapters 2, 3, and 4). The first chapter of the thesis is the general introduction. The second chapter focuses on individual-level factors that enable the effectiveness of virtual collaboration (gender and situational judgment). The third chapter focuses on team-level factors that promote virtual collaboration effectiveness (team virtual communication behaviors and team information sharing). The fourth chapter focuses on dyadic-level factors that promote effective virtual collaboration (interpersonal expectations and forgiveness for lengthy response times). Finally, the fifth chapter presents the general conclusions, limitations, and future research directions. This thesis contributes to the literature on collaboration in virtual environments by examining understudied contemporary phenomena at different levels of analysis (e.g., gender, traditional face-to-face student teams, and unresponsiveness effects) from various theoretical and methodological perspectives. Overall, this thesis provides insights helpful to individuals and teams working in virtual environments

    Communication Channels Utilized by Emirati Females to Enact Leadership

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    The purpose of this exploratory study was to identify the communication channels six Emirati females concurrently employed in organizations in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in which they had supervisory responsibilities; formal, legitimate authority; and positional leadership roles recalled using with their direct reports to enact leadership. In particular, the study attempted to ascertain the reasons for the selection of communication channels when engaged in downward communication with organizational subordinates. Data were collected via three interviews with each participant over a four week period. Interviews were conducted both face-to-face and via telephone. Data were analyzed via thematic content analysis to identify themes, patterns, and/or trends in communication channels selected and the reasons for selection of these channels when engaged in downward communication with direct reports. Findings indicated the participants’ preferred channel of communication when engaged in downward communication with their direct reports was face-to-face. Frequently face-to-face communication was reinforced via written follow-up. Encoding negative messages via written channels was found to be vigorously avoided except in the most extreme cases. Cultural factors were indicated to be influential in the participants’ selection of communication channel. The findings of this study have workplace preparation and training applications for private sector organizations, government, and state-owned enterprises in Abu Dhabi—in particular, those organizations in which expatriates have supervisory responsibilities; formal, legitimate authority; and positional leadership responsibilities in relation to Emirati direct reports. The electronic version of this dissertation is accessible at the OhioLINK ETD Center, https://etd.ohiolink.edu

    Evaluation of anthropomorphic feedback for an online auction and affordances

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    This paper describes an experiment investigating the effectiveness and user satisfaction of using anthropomorphic feedback at the user interface. The context chosen was online bidding due to this kind of activity being very much used in current times by general users. The main results of the experiment were that there was a statistically significant effect observed for the time taken to place a bid in the anthropomorphic text condition. However there were no other significant effects for effectiveness issues and user satisfaction indicators. The results were also analysed in terms of the affordances and the main findings were that each of the four conditions tested in the experiment were probably equivalent in terms of their facilitating the affordances. Overall it may be more important to facilitate the affordances rather than a type of feedback being anthropomorphic in nature or not
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