681 research outputs found

    The TA Framework: Designing Real-time Teaching Augmentation for K-12 Classrooms

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    Recently, the HCI community has seen increased interest in the design of teaching augmentation (TA): tools that extend and complement teachers' pedagogical abilities during ongoing classroom activities. Examples of TA systems are emerging across multiple disciplines, taking various forms: e.g., ambient displays, wearables, or learning analytics dashboards. However, these diverse examples have not been analyzed together to derive more fundamental insights into the design of teaching augmentation. Addressing this opportunity, we broadly synthesize existing cases to propose the TA framework. Our framework specifies a rich design space in five dimensions, to support the design and analysis of teaching augmentation. We contextualize the framework using existing designs cases, to surface underlying design trade-offs: for example, balancing actionability of presented information with teachers' needs for professional autonomy, or balancing unobtrusiveness with informativeness in the design of TA systems. Applying the TA framework, we identify opportunities for future research and design.Comment: to be published in Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 17 pages, 10 figure

    Primary school teachers meet learning analytics dashboards: from dispositions to situation-specific digital competence in practice

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    This paper looks into teachers’ use of Learning Analytics Dashboards, visualization tools that present data regarding students’ learning progress in and out of lessons. Based on data of two studies conducted in Belgium and England, we discuss primary school teachers’ dispositions and performance regarding the use of learning analytics dashboards in the classroom. We argue on the importance of looking into specific elements of teacher competence in using such dashboards in their practice but also understanding the broader educational context and the teachers’ goals. We conclude by suggesting further research into the relationship between teachers’ dispositions and how they make sense of the information presented on dashboards in practice, to inform future dashboard design and teacher training opportunities

    Opening Up an Intelligent Tutoring System Development Environment for Extensible Student Modeling

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    ITS authoring tools make creating intelligent tutoring systems more cost effective, but few authoring tools make it easy to flexibly incorporate an open-ended range of student modeling methods and learning analytics tools. To support a cumulative science of student modeling and enhance the impact of real-world tutoring systems, it is critical to extend ITS authoring tools so they easily accommodate novel student modeling methods. We report on extensions to the CTAT/Tutorshop architecture to support a plug-in approach to extensible student modeling, which gives an author full control over the content of the student model. The extensions enhance the range of adaptive tutoring behaviors that can be authored and support building external, student- or teacher-facing real-time analytics tools. The contributions of this work are: (1) an open architecture to support the plugging in, sharing, re-mixing, and use of advanced student modeling techniques, ITSs, and dashboards; and (2) case studies illustrating diverse ways authors have used the architecture

    인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼 사용에 대한 중국 교사의 인식

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    학위논문 (석사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 사범대학 교육학과, 2021. 2. 조영환.최근 교육 분야에서 인공지능(AI)의 도입이 큰 관심을 끌고 있다. 특히 AI 기술과 학습 분석이 결합한 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼은 지금껏 실현되기 어려웠던 맞춤형 학습(personalized learning)과 적응적 학습(adaptive learning)에 도움이 될 수 있도록 발전하고 있다. 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼(AI-based education platform)은 학습자의 행동 추적 등을 통해 이들의 특성을 분석하고 진단을 제공한 뒤 분석 결과를 토대로 학습자에게 인지 수준에 맞는 맞춤형 학습자원과 피드백을 제공한다. 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼은 교사와 학생에게 실시간 학습 데이터와 분석 결과, 그리고 피드백을 제공할 수 있어 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼이 맞춤형 학습에 긍정적인 의미가 있다는 선행 연구도 있었다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 기존 연구는 모델 개발의 차원에서나 엄밀한 실험실 환경에서 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼의 효과를 연구해왔으며, 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼에 대한 교사의 인식과 관련된 연구는 드물었다. 교사는 인공지능 교육 기술의 사용자이기 때문에 인공지능 교육 기술의 교육 도입에 있어 교사들의 인식과 의견은 중요하다. 본 연구는 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼을 활용하는 것에 대한 교사들의 인식을 탐구하였다. 아래 연구 문제를 다루기 위해 질적 연구를 시행하였다. 첫째, 중국 교사들은 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼이 중학교 교육에 활용 있어 어떠한 장점이 있다고 인식하는가? 둘째, 중국 교사들은 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼과 중학교 교수 활동 요소 간 어떠한 모순이 있다고 인식하는가? 셋째, 중국 교사들은 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼을 중학교 교육에 도입할 때 무엇이 필요하다고 인식하는가? 본 연구는 중국 교사들을 연구대상으로 온라인 심층 면담을 하였다. 문헌 리뷰를 통해 면담 질문지를 설계하되 눈덩이표집법 (snowball sampling)을 통해 중국 중학교 교사 14명을 연구참여자로 선정하였다. 선정된 교사들은 모두 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼 사용 경험이 있으며 각 교사를 대상으로 약 1시간 정도 면담을 진행하고 녹음하였다. 면담이 끝난 후 녹음 내용을 전사하였으며, 주제분석을 사용하여 면담 내용을 초기 코드 생성하고 면담 자료 속에서 주제를 도출하였다. 특히 연구 문제 2번의 경우, 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼 활용과 교수 학습활동 내 여러 요소 간의 모순을 분석하기 위해 활동이론을 연구의 틀로 이용하였다. 최종적으로 연구문제 1에 대한 주제 4개, 연구문제 2에 대한 주제 6개, 연구문제 3에 대한 주제 4개를 도출하였다. 연구 결과로 교사들은 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼의 장점에 대해 즉각적인 피드백 제공, 교수학습 지원, 교사의 업무량 감소 등으로 인식하였고, 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼이 다양한 교수학습 자원을 통합할 수 있다고 인식하였다. 아울러 교사들은 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼의 사용에 있어 기존의 교수학습 활동과 상충된 부분이 있다는 점을 인식하였다. 교사들은 기존 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼의 추천 모델이 차별화된 학생들에게 잘 적용되지 못한다는 것을 인식하였다. 그리고 기존 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼이 다양한 학습 자원을 잘 분류되지 못하기 때문에 교사들이 사용하기 불편하다. 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼을 이용할 때 교사의 지적재산권을 보호하기 위한 명확한 규제가 부족하다고 인식하였다. 이와 함께 학부모들은 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼을 사용함으로써 발생할 수 있는 학습자의 인터넷 남용과 시력 저하 문제를 우려하였다. 또 중국의 사회문화적 배경과 교육 특성으로 인해 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼을 활용하는 데 학생들의 글씨 쓰기 능력에 영향을 미칠 수 있으며, 학교 내 전자기기 사용 제한도 데이터 수집의 지속성과 효율성에 영향을 미칠 수 있다고 인식하였다. 교사들은 위의 문제들이 인공지능 교육 플랫폼 사용에 대한 규칙 마련과 인공지능 기술을 개선함으로써 완화될 수 있다고 인식하였다. 또한 교사의 실제 요구에 맞게 개발될 수 있도록 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼 개발 과정에 교육 전문가와 교사가 참여할 필요가 있다. 본 연구는 중국 교사들이 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼에 대한 인식을 탐색하였으며, 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼이 교수학습에서의 장점과 문제점을 밝혔다. 아울러 본 연구는 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼이 교육 분야에 대규모로 도입될 수 있도록 규칙, 인공지능 기술, 그리고 교육 공학의 차원에서 사용 규범과 기술 개선을 제안하였다. 본 연구를 통해 탐색한 내용이 향후 교육 분야의 인공지능 기반 교육 플랫폼 도입에 활용된다면 인공지능 교육 기술에 관한 연구의 발전에도 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.In recent years, the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) in education has attracted widespread attention. In particular, the AI-based education platform based on the combination of AI technology and learning analysis brings new light to the long-standing difficulties in personalized learning and adaptive learning. The AI-based education platform analyzes learners' characteristics by collecting their data and tracking their learning behavior. It then generates cognitive diagnosis for learners and provides them with personalized learning resources and adaptive feedback that match their cognitive level based on systematic analysis. With the help of the AI-based education platform, teachers and students can get real-time educational data and analysis result,as well as the feedback and treatment corresponding to the results. Previous studies have already demonstrated and proved its positive significance to personalized learning. However, these studies mostly start from a model development perspective or in a rigorous laboratory environment. There has been little research on teachers' perceptions of AI-based education platform. As a direct user of AI educational technologies, teachers' perceptions and suggestions are vital for introducing AIEd in education. In this study, the researcher explored teachers' perceptions of using AI-based education platform in teaching. The study conducted qualitative research to address the following research questions: 1) How do Chinese teachers perceive the advantages of AI-based education platforms for teaching and learning in secondary school? 2) How do Chinese teachers perceive the contradictions between AI-based education platforms and the secondary school system? 3)How do Chinese teachers suggest applying AI-based education platforms in secondary school? And it referred to the in-depth online interview with Chinese teachers who had experience with AI-based education platform. Interview questions were constructed through the literature review, and 14 secondary school teachers were selected by the snowball sampling method. The interviews lasted for an average of one hour per teacher and were transcribed from the audio recordings to text documents when finished. Afterward, the data were analyzed using thematic analysis, including generating initial codes, searching and reviewing the categories, and deriving the themes finally. Notably, for research question two, the researcher used the activity theory framework to analyze the contradictions among the use of the AI-based education platform and the various elements of the teaching and learning activities. Finally, four themes for research question 1, six themes for research question 2, and four themes for research question 3 were derived. As for the advantages, teachers believe that AI-based education platforms can provide instant feedback, targeted and systematic teaching support, and reduce teachers' workload. At the same time, AI-based education platforms can also integrate teaching resources in different areas. Teachers also recognized that the AI-based education platforms might trigger contradictions in existing teaching activities. They are aware of the situation that the recommended model of the AI-based education platform is not suitable for all levels of students; that a large number of learning resources are not classified properly enough to meet the needs of teachers, and that there lack clear rules and regulations to protect teachers' intellectual property rights when using the platform. Besides, parents are also concerned about the potential risk of internet addiction and vision problems using AI-based education platforms. Moreover, the use of the AI-based education platform may also affect students' ability to write Chinese characters due to the socio-historical background and educational characteristics in China. Furthermore, the restricted use of electronic devices on campus may also impact the consistent and effective education data collection. Teachers believe that these problems can be solved by improving rules and AI technology. Moreover, to make the platform more in line with the actual teaching requirements, teachers and education experts can also be involved in the development process of AI-based education platform. This study explored how Chinese teachers perceive the AI-based education platform and found that the AI-based education platform was conducive to personalized teaching and learning. At the same time, this study put forward some suggestions from the perspective of rules, AI technology, and educational technology, hoping to provide a good value for the future large-scale introduction of AI-based education platforms in education.CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Problem Statement 1 1.2. Purpose of Research 7 1.3. Definition of Terms 8 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.1. AI in Education 10 2.1.1 AI for Learning and Teaching 10 2.1.2 AI-based Education Platform 14 2.1.3 Teachers' Perception on AI-based Education Platform 18 2.2. Activity Theory 20 CHAPTER 3. RESEARCH METHOD 23 3.1. Research Design 23 3.2. Participants 25 3.3. Instrumentation 26 3.3.1 Potential Value of AI System in Education 26 3.4. Data Collection 33 3.5. Data Analysis 34 CHAPTER 4. FINDINGS 36 4.1. Advantages of Using AI-based Education Platform 36 4.1.1 Instant Feedback 37 4.1.2 Targeted and Systematic Teaching Support 42 4.1.3 Educational Resources Sharing 46 4.1.4 Reducing Workload 49 4.2. Tensions of Using AI-based Education Platform 51 4.2.1 Inadequately Meet the Needs of Teachers 52 4.2.2 Failure to Satisfy Low and High Achievers 54 4.2.3 Intellectual Property Violation 56 4.2.4 Guardian's Concern 57 4.2.5 School Rules about the Use of Electronic Devices 58 4.2.6 Implication for Chinese Character Education 59 4.3. Suggestion of Using AI-based Education Platform 61 4.3.1 Improving Rules of Using the AI-based Education Platform 61 4.3.2 Improving Rules of Protecting Teachers Right 62 4.3.3 Improving AI Technology 64 4.3.4 Participatory Design 66 CHAPTER 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 68 5.1. Discussion 68 5.2. Conclusion 72 REFERENCE 75 APPENDIX 1 98 APPENDIX 2 100 국문초록 112Maste

    Integration of educational technology during the Covid-19 pandemic: An analysis of teacher and student receptions

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    This study analyzes the integration of an educational technology platform and relates the difficulties faced amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. Initially, we sought to identify the chief barriers educators face when considering the adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Factors influencing primary and secondary education teachers’ (n = 15) and students’ (n = 335) perspectives on ICT integration for mathematics instruction were identified and analyzed from the perspective of different contexts (school vs home) and circumstances (in-person vs remote learning). Although we acknowledge the need for immediate decisions by educational stakeholders to facilitate online learning, our findings indicate the necessity of (a) careful examination of the features of potential platforms or tools and (b) a trial of such features prior to integration within an educational system. From an instructional design perspective, educational technologists should pay special attention to the degree of gamification, especially beyond the primary school level, as it may negatively impact incentives for student interaction and engagement. Where possible, the integration of technology should be driven by pedagogical goals and not technological pressures.</p

    Intelligent analysis and data visualisation for teacher assistance tools: the case of exploratory learning

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    While it is commonly accepted that Learning Analytics tools can support teachers’ awareness and classroom orchestration, not all forms of pedagogy are congruent to the types of data generated by digital technologies or the algorithms used to analyse them. One such pedagogy that has been so far underserved by Learning Analytics is exploratory learning, exemplified by tools such as simulators, virtual labs, microworlds and some interactive educational games. This paper argues that the combination of intelligent analysis of interaction data from such an exploratory learning environment (ELE) and the targeted design of visualisations has the benefit of supporting classroom orchestration and consequently enabling the adoption of this pedagogy to the classroom. We present a case study of learning analytics in the context of an ELE supporting the learning of algebra. We focus on the formative qualitative evaluation of a suite of Teacher Assistance tools. We draw conclusions relating to the value of the tools to teachers and reflect with transferable lessons for future related work

    Effects of regular use of scalable, technology enhanced solution for primary mathematics education

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    Mathematics is one of the key subjects in any school curriculum and most teachers agree that mathematical skills are important for students to master. There is an abundance of research in learning mathematics and a consensus exists among researchers that technology can enhance the learning process. However, many factors need to be taken into consideration when introducing technology into teaching mathematics. Developing a more natural collaboration between learning technology experts, teachers, and students ensures all stakeholders are considered. Involving teachers early on helps develop enduring commitment to innovations and practical solutions. Moreover, creating a culture of collaboration between experts in the field and teachers brings to bear the best of what both worlds have to offer. This thesis synthesizes six papers and offers additional findings that focus on how technology experts can collaborate with elementary teachers to improve student learning outcomes. We focus on managing educational change in ways that improve the sustainability of innovations. We also explore how technical and teaching experts co-create effective lesson plans. In one of the six papers we collected and reported teachers’ responses to survey questions covering typical usage patterns on a platform. Teachers’ direct feedback was collected and incorporated to improve technical solutions. Moreover, one study was conducted abroad to measure the effect of culture on the teaching and learning process. Evidence of effectiveness of technologically enhanced lessons and corresponding homework was based on multiple studies in grades 1 - 3, covering 379 students. The effectiveness of educational technology was measured based on two variables: student performance in mathematics, based on the learning objectives specified in the curriculum, and arithmetic fluency measured by how rapidly and accurately students solved basic arithmetic operations. Statistically significant findings show that educational technology can improve two target variables when comparing students who did not use educational technology to students who did. An additional effect size analysis was conducted to verify and compare results with previous research. Based on these results, platform use produced the same or better effect than previous studies. Based on teacher feedback and user growth on the platform, we managed to integrate technology into the regular school classroom in meaningful and sustainable ways. We were clearly able to support teachers in their practice in a manner that resulted in noticeable student achievement gains. A survey revealed a need to emphasize new features that were introduced to the platform in teacher training programs. Teachers also reported having a positive attitude towards the platform and the initiative gained wide acceptance among their peers.Matematiikka on yksi tärkeimmistä kouluaineista pelkästään tuntimääräisesti mitattunakin. Matematiikan osaamista ja oppimista pidetään yleisesti tärkeänä ja arvostettuna taitona. Matematiikan oppimisesta on valtavasti tutkimusta ja tutkijoiden keskuudessa vallitsee yhteisymmärrys tietotekniikan positiivisista mahdollisuuksista edistää matematiikan oppimista. Tietotekniikan ja oppimisen vuorovaikutus on kuitenkin monisyinen vyyhti ja sen onnistunut hyödyntäminen vaatii tutkijoiden, opettajien ja oppilaiden välistä tiivistä ja vuorovaikutteista yhteistyötä. Uusien innovaatioiden ja kokeilujen onnistumiselle ja niihin sitoutumiselle luodaan vahva pohja, kun opettajat otetaan mukaan kehitystyöhön ensimetreiltä lähtien. Tällaisen tiiviin yhteistyökulttuurin vaaliminen mahdollistaa käytännön työn ja teorian vahvuuksien hyödyntämisen. Tämä väitöstyö koostuu kuudesta artikkelista. Artikkelit kuvaavat, kuinka tutkijat ja opettajat työskentelivät yhdessä parantaakseen oppilaiden matematiikan oppimista. Tavoitteenamme oli muuttaa koulun käytänteitä pitkäjänteisesti ja kestävällä tavalla. Tutkimme kuinka tutkijat ja opettajat pystyivät yhdessä luomaan onnistuneita ja tehokkaita oppimiskokonaisuuksia. Opettajat olivat koko ajan kehitystyön keskiössä. Yhdessä kuudesta artikkelista tutkittiin kyselytutkimuksen avulla opettajien kokemuksia ja käyttötottumuksia. Näitä vastauksia hyödynnettiin teknisessä kehitystyössä ja hyvien käytänteiden hiomisessa. Yksi väitöskirjan tutkimuksista tehtiin ulkomailla opetus- ja oppimiskulttuureista vaikutusten huomioimiseksi. Sähköisten oppituntien ja kotitehtävien vaikuttavuuden arviointi perustuu useisiin 1.-3. luokilla tehtyihin tutkimuksiin ja kaikkiaan 379 oppilaan vastauksiin. Sähköisten oppituntien vaikuttavuutta arvioitiin kahden eri mittarin perusteella. Ensin matematiikan taitojen perusteella, eli kuinka hyvin kunkin luokka-asteen oppimistavoitteet olivat täyttyneet ja myöhemmin myös laskusujuvuuden perusteella, eli kuinka nopeasti ja tarkasti oppilaat pystyivät laskemaan peruslaskutoimituksia. Tulokset osoittavat, että opetusteknologian avulla pystytään parantamaan oppilaiden suoriutumista edellä mainittujen osa-alueiden osalta verrattuna oppilaisiin, jotka eivät käyttäneet opetusteknologiaa. Tulokset olivat tilastollisesti merkitseviä. Näiden tulosten varmistamiseksi laskettiin vaikuttavuuden suuruus ja sitä verrattiin aiempiin alan tutkimuksiin. Tulosten perusteella sähköisillä oppitunneilla oli sama tai parempi vaikuttavuus kuin aiemmissa tutkimuksissa. Opettajien palautteiden ja kasvavan käyttäjämäärän perusteella voidaan sanoa, että onnistuimme tavoitteessamme integroida opetusteknologiaa mielekkäällä tavalla osaksi koulutyötä. Onnistuimme myös tukemaan ja auttamaan opettajia opetustyössään ja samalla merkittävästi parantamaan oppilaiden suoriutumista. Kyselytutkimuksen perusteella huomasimme, että uusien ominaisuuksien kouluttamiseen tulee kiinnittää enemmän huomiota. Samassa tutkimuksessa opettajat raportoivat olevansa tyytyväisiä alustaan ja sähköiset oppitunnit näyttävät saaneen vankan jalansijan suomalaisessa opettajakunnassa