329 research outputs found

    Intelligent Techniques to Accelerate Everyday Text Communication

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    People with some form of speech- or motor-impairments usually use a high-tech augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device to communicate with other people in writing or in face-to-face conversations. Their text entry rate on these devices is slow due to their motor abilities. Making good letter or word predictions can help accelerate the communication of such users. In this dissertation, we investigated several approaches to accelerate input for AAC users. First, considering that an AAC user is participating in a face-to-face conversation, we investigated whether performing speech recognition on the speaking-side can improve next word predictions. We compared the accuracy of three plausible microphone deployment options and the accuracy of two commercial speech recognition engines. We found that despite recognition word error rates of 7-16%, our ensemble of n-gram and recurrent neural network language models made predictions nearly as good as when they used the reference transcripts. In a user study with 160 participants, we also found that increasing number of prediction slots in a keyboard interface does not necessarily correlate to improved performance. Second, typing every character in a text message may require an AAC user more time or effort than strictly necessary. Skipping spaces or other characters may be able to speed input and reduce an AAC user\u27s physical input effort. We designed a recognizer optimized for expanding noisy abbreviated input where users often omitted spaces and mid-word vowels. We showed using neural language models for selecting conversational-style training text and for rescoring the recognizer\u27s n-best sentences improved accuracy. We found accurate abbreviated input was possible even if a third of characters was omitted. In a study where users had to dwell for a second on each key, we found sentence abbreviated input was competitive with a conventional keyboard with word predictions. Finally, AAC keyboards rely on language modeling to auto-correct noisy typing and to offer word predictions. While today language models can be trained on huge amounts of text, pre-trained models may fail to capture the unique writing style and vocabulary of individual users. We demonstrated improved performance compared to a unigram cache by adapting to a user\u27s text via language models based on prediction by partial match (PPM) and recurrent neural networks. Our best model ensemble increased keystroke savings by 9.6%

    Nomadic input on mobile devices: the influence of touch input technique and walking speed on performance and offset modeling

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    In everyday life people use their mobile phones on-the-go with different walking speeds and with different touch input techniques. Unfortunately, much of the published research in mobile interaction does not quantify the influence of these variables. In this paper, we analyze the influence of walking speed, gait pattern and input techniques on commonly used performance parameters like error rate, accuracy and tapping speed, and we compare the results to the static condition. We examine the influence of these factors on the machine learned offset model used to correct user input and we make design recommendations. The results show that all performance parameters degraded when the subject started to move, for all input techniques. Index finger pointing techniques demonstrated overall better performance compared to thumb-pointing techniques. The influence of gait phase on tap event likelihood and accuracy was demonstrated for all input techniques and all walking speeds. Finally, it was shown that the offset model built on static data did not perform as well as models inferred from dynamic data, which indicates the speed-specific nature of the models. Also, models identified using specific input techniques did not perform well when tested in other conditions, demonstrating the limited validity of offset models to a particular input technique. The model was therefore calibrated using data recorded with the appropriate input technique, at 75% of preferred walking speed, which is the speed to which users spontaneously slow down when they use a mobile device and which presents a tradeoff between accuracy and usability. This led to an increase in accuracy compared to models built on static data. The error rate was reduced between 0.05% and 5.3% for landscape-based methods and between 5.3% and 11.9% for portrait-based methods

    Modelling and correcting for the impact of the gait cycle on touch screen typing accuracy

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    Walking and typing on a smartphone is an extremely common interaction. Previous research has shown that error rates are higher when walking than when stationary. In this paper we analyse the acceleration data logged in an experiment in which users typed whilst walking, and extract the gait phase angle. We find statistically significant relationships between tapping time, error rate and gait phase angle. We then use the gait phase as an additional input to an offset model, and show that this allows more accurate touch interaction for walking users than a model which considers only the recorded tap position

    Introduction to Intelligent User Interfaces (IUIs)

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    This chapter is intended to provide an overview of the Intelligent User Interfaces subject. The outline includes the basic concepts and terminology, a review of current technologies and recent developments in the field, common architectures used for the design of IUI systems, and finally the IUI applications. Intelligent user interfaces (IUIs) are attempting to address human-computer connection issues by offering innovative communication approaches and by listening to the user. Virtual reality is also an emerging IUI area that can be the popular interface of the future by integrating the technology into the environment so that at the same time it can be more real and invisible. The ultimate computer interface is more like interacting with the computer in a dialog, an interactive environment of virtual reality in which you can communicate. This chapter also explores a methodology for the design of situation-aware frameworks for the user interface that utilizes user and context inputs to provide details customized to the activities of the user in particular circumstances. In order to comply to the new situation, the user interface will reconfigure itself automatically. Adjusting the user interface to the actual situation and providing a reusable list of tasks in a given situation decreases operator memory loads. The challenge of pulling together the details needed by situation-aware decision support systems in a way that minimizes cognitive workload is not addressed by current user interface design

    WiseType : a tablet keyboard with color-coded visualization and various editing options for error correction

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    To address the problem of improving text entry accuracy in mobile devices, we present a new tablet keyboard that offers both immediate and delayed feedback on language quality through auto-correction, prediction, and grammar checking. We combine different visual representations for grammar and spelling errors, accepted predictions, and auto-corrections, and also support interactive swiping/tapping features and improved interaction with previous errors, predictions, and auto-corrections. Additionally, we added smart error correction features to the system to decrease the overhead of correcting errors and to decrease the number of operations. We designed our new input method with an iterative user-centered approach through multiple pilots. We conducted a lab-based study with a refined experimental methodology and found that WiseType outperforms a standard keyboard in terms of text entry speed and error rate. The study shows that color-coded text background highlighting and underlining of potential mistakes in combination with fast correction methods can improve both writing speed and accuracy

    Touch Technology in Affective Human, Robot, Virtual-Human Interactions: A Survey

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    Given the importance of affective touch in human interactions, technology designers are increasingly attempting to bring this modality to the core of interactive technology. Advances in haptics and touch-sensing technology have been critical to fostering interest in this area. In this survey, we review how affective touch is investigated to enhance and support the human experience with or through technology. We explore this question across three different research areas to highlight their epistemology, main findings, and the challenges that persist. First, we review affective touch technology through the human–computer interaction literature to understand how it has been applied to the mediation of human–human interaction and its roles in other human interactions particularly with oneself, augmented objects/media, and affect-aware devices. We further highlight the datasets and methods that have been investigated for automatic detection and interpretation of affective touch in this area. In addition, we discuss the modalities of affective touch expressions in both humans and technology in these interactions. Second, we separately review how affective touch has been explored in human–robot and real-human–virtual-human interactions where the technical challenges encountered and the types of experience aimed at are different. We conclude with a discussion of the gaps and challenges that emerge from the review to steer research in directions that are critical for advancing affective touch technology and recognition systems. In our discussion, we also raise ethical issues that should be considered for responsible innovation in this growing area
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