1,393 research outputs found

    Water Quality Data to Support Cumulative Effects Decision-Making in the Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories

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    Freshwater systems have come under increasing stress as a result of anthropogenic activities and climate change. Across Canada’s North, the assessment and management of cumulative effects to freshwater systems remain an enduring challenge to responsible resource management decisions. Recent practice and research indicates a clear need to improve how cumulative effects are assessed and managed, and to bridge the gap between the science conducted inside and outside environmental assessments. Science inside environmental assessment refers to monitoring conducted for environmental assessments and under water license requirements and science outside environmental assessment refers to monitoring conducted for environmental effects monitoring programs. This research examined how environmental monitoring programs in the Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories, contribute to the identification, understanding and management of cumulative effects to freshwater systems. The research methods involved a document review to assess the nature of monitoring conducted by project proponents under water licensing requirements as well as the monitoring conducted, and supported, by government agencies for environmental effects monitoring. Semi-structured interviews complemented the review to determine the utility of existing data to develop environmental baselines and to predict cumulative effects. Interviewees included staff from land and water boards, industry proponents, consultants, independent mine oversight boards and various levels of government. Key findings suggest that there are several challenges, including the lack of common understanding of cumulative effects, uncertainty over responsibility for them, degree of participation required among stakeholders and inaccessibility of both government- and proponent-based data. Ultimately, this may be preventing cumulative effects from being assessed, and appropriately managed, in a comprehensive, consistent and systematic manner. While it is evident that a great deal of environmental monitoring is conducted in the Northwest Territories, results indicate it requires a more deliberate approach to ensure that the data collected support cumulative effects assessment and management initiatives at both the local (i.e. project) and more regional scales. These results will both aid in advancing the integration of government- and proponent-based environmental monitoring and be of direct value for regulatory decision-making by land and water boards in the North

    Systematic Heuristic Evaluation of Computerized Consultation Order Templates: Clinicians’ and Human Factors Engineers’ Perspectives

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    We assessed the usability of consultation order templates and identified problems to prioritize in design efforts for improving referral communication. With a sample of 26 consultation order templates, three evaluators performed a usability heuristic evaluation. The evaluation used 14 domain-independent heuristics and the following three supplemental references: 1 new domain-specific heuristic, 6 usability goals, and coded clinicians’ statements regarding ease of use for 10 sampled templates. Evaluators found 201 violations, a mean of 7.7 violations per template. Minor violations outnumbered major violations almost twofold, 115 (57%) to 62 (31%). Approximately 68% of violations were linked to 5 heuristics: aesthetic and minimalist design (17%), error prevention (16%), consistency and standards (14%), recognition rather than recall (11%), and meet referrers’ information needs (10%). Severe violations were attributed mostly to meet referrers’ information needs and recognition rather than recall. Recorded violations yielded potential negative consequences for efficiency, effectiveness, safety, learnability, and utility. Evaluators and clinicians demonstrated 80% agreement in usability assessment. Based on frequency and severity of usability heuristic violations, the consultation order templates reviewed may impede clinical efficiency and risk patient safety. Results support the following design considerations: communicate consultants’ requirements, facilitate information seeking, and support communication. While the most frequent heuristic violations involved interaction design and presentation, the most severe violations lacked information desired by referring clinicians. Violations related to templates’ inability to support referring clinicians’ information needs had the greatest potential negative impact on efficiency and safety usability goals. Heuristics should be prioritized in future design efforts

    Effects of resolution of lighting control systems

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    Advances in lighting technologies have spurred sophisticated lighting control systems (LCSs). To conserve energy and improve occupants’ wellbeing, LCSs have been integrated into sustainable buildings. However, the complexity of LCSs may lead to negative experiences and reduce the frequency of their use. One fundamental issue, which has not been systematically investigated, is the impact of control resolution (the smallest change produced by an LCS). In an ideal LCS, the resolution would be sufficiently fine for users to specify their desired lighting conditions, but the smallest change would be detectable. Thus, the design of optimal control systems requires a thorough understanding of the detectability and acceptability of differences in illuminance, luminance and colour. The control of colour is complicated by the range of interfaces that can be used to facilitate colour mixing. Four psychophysical experiments investigated the effect of LCS resolution. The first two experiments explored the effect of resolution in white light LCSs on usability and energy conservation. The results suggest that, in different applications, LCSs with resolutions between 14.8 % and 17.7 % (of illuminance) or 26.0 % and 32.5 % (of luminance) have the highest usability. The third experiment evaluated the usability of three colour channel control interfaces based on red, green, blue (RGB), hue, saturation, brightness (HSB) and opponent colour mixing systems. Although commonly used, the RGB interface was found to have the lowest usability. The fourth experiment explored the effect of hue resolution, saturation resolution and luminance resolution on the usability. Generally, middle range resolutions, which are approximately between three and five times the magnitude of the just noticeable difference (JND), for both hue and saturation were found to yield the greatest usability. The interaction between these three variables was characterised. Findings from this research provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental attribute of control resolution and can guide the development of useful and efficient lighting control systems

    The application of selected quality tools in analysing the reasons for discrepancies in wet refractory mortar manufacture

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    The basic objective of this paper is to present the possibilities of applying selected quality tools in analysing the reasons for discrepancies as exemplified by the process of manufacturing wet refractory mortars. Using various methods and tools, the authors looked for the root causes of a quality rejects occurrence. The following selected methods and tools were used: analysis of variance - ANOVA, the individual moving range (I-MR) chart, SIPOC process mapping, analysis of regression, identification of potential root causes of a problem - 7M, Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility (GRR). The paper shows how it is possible to search for the causes of quality rejects by means of deliberately selected tools and methods and to successfully decrease the number of discrepancies after introduction of the appropriate corrective actions. The authors indicate how it is possible to analyse the processes of manufacturing wet refractory mortars and what can be done in the situation when a faulty measuring system (returning seriously erroneous results) is the reason for a lack of or lower detectability of wet mortar flaws as it has affected the accuracy of feeding of all components of the recipe, as well as the consistency, moisture content, and hardness/softness of mortar. The collected analysis results allowed the authors to conclude that there were seven probable root causes influencing the hardening of mortar and the loss of its primary functions. This paper could be useful for those wet refractory mortars manufacturers who find it difficult to build their knowledge about product properties based on available publications sources

    Upconverting nanoparticles in ultrasensitive detection of cardiac troponin I

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    Development of high-sensitivity immunoassays is a continuous interest in medical diagnostics, especially in the case of such diseases where higher sensitivity analyte measurements improve the prognosis of treatment. One such analyte is cardiac troponin I, used for detection of cardiac events. One of the key factors determining immunoassay sensitivity is the reporter, which labels the analytes in the assays and produces the measurable signal. Upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) are promising candidates for reporters in sensitive immunoassays. Their unique ability to convert near-infrared light into higher energy visible light by stacking photons, producing emission exhibiting anti-Stokes shift. As no other natural materials are capable of the process, measurement of UCNPs can be designed to completely dismiss any background signal originating from autofluorescence. However, reaching the maximal sensitivity they theoretically enable has been hindered by their tendency to non-specifically bind to solid surfaces in assays and to each other, forming nanoparticle clusters of varying sizes. The extent of these tendencies has been linked to the surface chemistry of the UCNPs. The aim of this thesis was to study the surface chemistry of UCNPs and apply them as reporters in different immunoassay technologies for detection of cTnI. During the research, surface coating of UCNPs with poly(acrylic acid) was studied and successfully improved, leading to reduced non-specific binding and cluster formation tendency. The performance of the UCNPs with the novel surface was compared to other surface chemistry approaches in microtiter plate assays utilizing either analog or digital readout method, and a lateral flow assay. Another aim was to develop the used assay technologies utilizing upconversion to reach extreme sensitivities. Reagents and conditions in analog microtiter plate assay for cTnI were thoroughly investigated to fine-tune the performance, and the limit of detection (LoD) reached an unprecedented low value of 0.13 ng/L for an analog assay. In addition, a mechanical actuator for automation of a lateral flow assay for cTnI was fabricated via 3D-printing, and when combined with the improved UCNPs, an LoD of 1.5 ng/L was reached, bringing high-sensitivity pointof- care detection of cTnI a step closer to reality. KEYWORDS: cardiac biomarker, luminescence, nanoparticle monodispersityHerkkien immunomääritysmenetelmien kehitys on jatkuvan kiinnostuksen aiheena diagnostiikan tutkimuksessa. Herkät biomerkkiainetestit ovat haluttuja etenkin sydänkohtauksen kaltaisissa tiloissa, jossa merkkiaineen pitoisuus verenkierrossa kasvaa samalla, kun hoitoennuste heikkenee. Yksi merkittävimmistä immunomääritysten herkkyyteen vaikuttavista tekijöistä on määritysleima, joka sitoutuu analyyttiin ja tuottaa mitattavan signaalin. Käänteisviritteisten nanopartikkelien (engl. upconverting nanoparticles, UCNP) kyky muuntaa matalaenergistä viritysvaloa korkeaenergiseksi emissioksi tekee niistä lupaavan määritysleiman herkkiin immunomäärityksiin, koska UCNP:iden signaalin mittaus voidaan tehdä niin, ettei autofluoresenssista koituvaa taustasignaalia havaita, mahdollistaen äärimmäisen herkät immunomääritykset. UCNP:iden taipumus sitoutua epäspesifisesti erilaisiin pintoihin ja muodostaa erikokoisia kasaumia on hidastanut niiden käyttöönottoa herkkinä immunomääritysleimoina. Tämän ominaisuuden on osoitettu riippuvan voimakkaasti partikkelien pintakemiasta. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoite oli tutkia UCNP:iden pintakemiaa ja hyödyntää niitä määritysleimoina erilaisissa cTnI:tä havaitsevissa immunomäärityksissä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin UCNP:iden poly(akryylihappo) (PAA) -pinnoituksen onnistumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja onnistuttiin merkittävästi vähentämään PAA-pintaisten UCNPeiden epäspesifistä sitoutumista ja kasautumistaipumusta. Näitä UCNPleimoja verrattiin muulla tavoin pinnoitettuihin UCNP-leimoihin mikrotiitterilevypohjaisessa immunomäärityksessä käyttäen joko analogista tai digitaalista mittausmenetelmää, sekä lateraalivirtausmäärityksessä. Toinen tavoite oli kehittää käytettyjä määritysmenetelmiä äärimmäisten herkkyyksien saavuttamiseksi. Mikrotiitterilevymäärityksen reagenssit ja toteutusmenetelmä tutkittiin tarkoin ja hienosäädettiin. Tällä tekniikalla saavutettiin 0,13 ng/L havaitsemisherkkyys cTnI:lle, mikä on ennätyksellistä analogisissa mikrotiitterilevymäärityksissä. Lisäksi suunniteltiin mekaaninen 3D-tulostettu laite automatisoimaan cTnI:tä havaitseva lateraalivirtausmääritys. Yhdistettynä paranneltuihin PAA-UCNP:ihin, saavutettiin 1,5 ng/L havaitsemisherkkyys, mikä tuo äärimmäisen herkät cTnI:n vieritestausmenetelmät askeleen lähemmäs todellisuutta. ASIASANAT: sydänmerkkiaine, luminesenssi, nanopartikkelien yksittäisyy

    Designing packaging to support the safe use of medicines at home

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    The design of pharmaceutical products, packaging, information and related materials is a major source of human error. These errors may be stressful, harmful or even fatal. Given the scale of the problems and the global use of medication, design solutions are urgently needed. This paper in Applied Ergonomics demonstrated how such improvements can be made, drawing on research that investigated how the design of methotrexate packaging can influence patient safety. The project, undertaken in light of a number of serious incidents in the UK resulting from accidental overdoses of methotrexate, aimed to collect evidence to provide a basis for the development of new concepts for revised designs by the pharmaceutical industry. Buckle et al. found that patients using methotrexate experience a number of difficulties in using their medicine’s packaging and, as a result, resourcefully adopt a variety of ‘coping strategies’ which may increase the risk of dosing errors. By investigating both the practices of methotrexate users, and the design of the system that supports methotrexate use, additional problems were observed across the healthcare system, meaning that the function of medicines packaging in ensuring safety may be even more critical than first suspected. Buckle contributed to this paper through the derivation of a suitable human-factors approach to studying fatalities, errors and ‘near misses’ associated with the use of packaging for medications. The human factors (human behaviour) associated with these and the need to consider the whole system were essential elements provided by Buckle in the research. As a result of the research project, the National Patient Safety Agency responded with a UK-wide programme of work to improve safety for patients, and continues to work with the pharmaceutical industry to develop more user-friendly packaging and labelling

    Development, Optimization and Clinical Evaluation Of Algorithms For Ultrasound Data Analysis Used In Selected Medical Applications.

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    The assessment of soft and hard tissues is critical when selecting appropriate protocols for restorative and regenerative therapy in the field of dental surgery. The chosen treatment methodology will have significant ramifications on healing time, success rate and overall long-time oral health. Currently used diagnostic methods are limited to visual and invasive assessments; they are often user-dependent, inaccurate and result in misinterpretation. As such, the clinical need has been identified for objective tissue characterization, and the proposed novel ultrasound-based approach was designed to address the identified need. The device prototype consists of a miniaturized probe with a specifically designed ultrasonic transducer, electronics responsible for signal generation and acquisition, as well as an optimized signal processing algorithm required for data analysis. An algorithm where signals are being processed and features extracted in real-time has been implemented and studied. An in-depth algorithm performance study has been presented on synthetic signals. Further, in-vitro laboratory experiments were performed using the developed device with the algorithm implemented in software on animal-based samples. Results validated the capabilities of the new system to reproduce gingival assessment rapidly and effectively. The developed device has met clinical usability requirements for effectiveness and performance

    Law Smells - Defining and Detecting Problematic Patterns in Legal Drafting

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