279 research outputs found

    Effects of Donor- and Supporter-Based Campaign Networks on Crowdfunding Campaign Success

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    Driven by the increasing popularity of crowdfunding, academic researchers have examined the impacts of internal social capital accumulated on crowdfunding platforms and external social capital formed through online and offline friend networks on campaign success. However, no research has examined the impacts of social networks from a structural perspective. In the current research, we investigate the extent to which donor- and supporter-based campaign network centralities affect the amount of capital a fundraising campaign is able to generate. Using a panel data set collected from a donation-based crowdfunding platform, Fundly, we reveal that campaign network centralities based on strong ties (shared donors) and weak ties (shared supporters) are more important predictors of fundraising success than the number of donors a campaign has


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    Crowdfunding has become an increasingly popular financing instrument. Research in the field of crowdfunding mainly focusses on broadening access to finance for businesses, in particular young and innovative companies and SMEs. Our study looks beyond the potential of crowdfunding for businesses and focuses on crowdfunding as a digital government strategy. Applying insights from the literature on relationship marketing, donation behavior and crowdfunding, we develop a structural model which contains trust towards a city, commitment towards a city and the intention to fund a crowdfunding project initiated by a city as its core elements. Based on an online survey, we find that trust towards a city has a positive impact on commitment towards a city and that commitment towards a city has a positive impact on the intention to contribute to a city’s crowdfunding campaign. Certain benefits individuals perceive during a crowdfunding campaign (demonstrable, familial and societal benefits) have a positive impact on the commitment towards a city. Finally, communication has a positive impact on trust towards a city. Our study contributes to the literature on digital government, crowdfunding and relationship marketing and has practical implications. From our results, we derive specific recommendations for cities

    Motivations for Financial Backing of Reward Crowdfunding Campaigns - Based on Data from Germany and Norway : A multiple case study

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    Master thesis Business Administration - University of Agder 201

    A snapshot on crowdfunding

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    This article addresses crowdfunding, a relatively new form of informal financing of pro-jects and ventures. It describes its principle characteristics and the range of players in this market. The different business models of crowdfunding intermediaries are explored and illustrated. A first attempt is made to classify the different forms of funding and business models of crowdfunding intermediaries. Based on the available empirical data the paper discusses the economic relevance of crowdfunding and its applicability to start-up financing and funding creative ventures and research projects. --

    Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice

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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang cukup dikenal dengan kepadatan penduduknyadan jumlahnya dapat terus bertambah. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang terus meningkat, akanmemunculkan berbagai peluang berupa sumber daya manusia yang bertambah, di satu sisiterdapat tantangan yang harus dihadapi yaitu ketersediaan lapangan kerja dan permasalahansosial. Sebuah program usaha digalakan dengan pencapaian tujuan sosial atau yang lebihdikenal dengan istilah social entrepreneurship. Salah satu bentuk dari socialentrepreneurship adalah online crowdfunding yang merupakan kegiatan penggalangan danasecara daring yang melibatkan masyarakat luas untuk memberikan bantuan dana bagi pihakyang akan membangun unit usaha atau menjalankan proyek tertentu dimana para backers/donator akan memperoleh reward sebagai bentuk imbalan sesuai dengan ketentuan yangberlaku. Meskipun platform crowdfunding memiliki potensi dan peluang yang cukup besar diIndonesia, terdapat tantangan seperti target donasi yang tidak tercapai karena gagalmembangun kepercayaan dari backers. Berkolaborasi dengan pihak-pihak terkemuka sepertiselebriti sebagai juru bicara dalam usaha untuk mengkampanyekan proyek menjadistrateginya. Studi dilakukan pada online crowdfunding di Indonesia, Yayasan Kitabisa(Kitabisa.com) yang sering melakukan penggalangan dana berbentuk donasi danmenggunakan selebriti sebagai endorser dari projects. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untukmembandingkan peran dari selebriti dan bukan selebriti berdasarkan dari hasil donasi yangterkumpul dalam kurun waktu tertentu. Hasil penelitian kecil ini dapat memberikan informasimengenai efektifitas penggunaan selebriti sebagai endorser dalam penggalangan dana sosialdi platform crowdfunding Kitabisa.com

    The power of collective endorsements: Promoting credibility, belonging, and participation in medical support communities

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    Medical costs are the leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States. Recently, crowdfunding sites such as GoFundMe have helped reduce medical bankruptcies across the United States by allowing people to easily create a personal campaign webpage and raise funds from a large number of people on the Internet. One notable GoFundMe campaign, created by a family with a son who needs stem cell treatment, raised over $250,000 in a week and has been shared over 4,000 times. How can an individuals medical story shared on the Internet attract such a large number of people – including strangers – to support the patient? My thesis addresses this issue through several different angles: credibility, social translucency, and community participation. Tying these three themes together is the concept of collective endorsements. I introduced the concept of collective endorsements while investigating the factors that influence the perceived credibility of medical crowdfunding campaigns. Establishing the credibility of medical crowdfunding campaigns is very important because many potential supporters often worry about participating in fraudulent campaigns. In particular, strangers who do not have any personal relationship with the patient often have difficulty evaluating the campaign’s credibility due to their limited ability to verify the patient’s medical situation. Collective endorsements offer an alternative way to assess the patient's medical situation through a collection of evidence: what many people say and do around the patient. In medical crowdfunding campaigns, however, most collective endorsements, such as campaign shares and offline support, are not visible to many other current and potential supporters because they occur outside of crowdfunding sites. Therefore, drawing from social translucence theory and impression management theory, I examine various ways to design interfaces that can make these invisible collective endorsements visible on medical crowdfunding campaigns. Finally, I design and build the Community Journey crowdfunding interface that highlights all of a patient’s collective endorsements. With Community Journey, I show that strangers feel a significantly greater sense of community and are more willing to contribute on Community Journey than on a traditional medical crowdfunding interface