1,113 research outputs found

    Computer Simulations and Inquiry Based Activities in an 8th Grade Earth Science Classroom

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    Teaching science is a challenging task because the majority of sicence labs are interactive in which students manipulate and move things around in order to better understand the concepts being taught. Finding and utilizing appropriate labs for simpler concepts such as metals vs. non-metals or identifying rocks and minerals is fairly easy. However, the search for and use of appropriate labs is more challenging when teaching lessons of concepts that are of a more intangible nature. Concepts and lessons about the solar system, universe, or molecules are examples of such. For these, there is a lack of available hands-on activities which often requires the use of computer simulations. The purpose of this study is to examine ways of pairing computer simulations and hands-on activities in science instruction to create successful, engaging lessons


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    This study is aimed at determining the effectiveness of using virtual reality (VR) toward students’ scientific attitude in chemical bonding. The data was collected through questionnaire consisting of 14 items. A quasi-experiment with a post-test design was employed in this study. The population was the students of 10th public senior high school in Gunungkidul Regency. A total of 96 grade 10th students were cluster randomly selected from a public senior high school. The samples were set into three different classes, namely control group (CG) using a real laboratory, experiment group-1 (EG-1) using a virtual reality integrated hybrid learning, and experiment group-2 (EG-2) using both of them. The data related to students’ scientific attitude were analyzed using ANOVA. Scientific attitude scores were significantly different between the class using a real laboratory, the class that was using virtual reality, and the class that using both of them. This study implies that VR can be used to improve students' scientific attitude.  Article visualizations

    Pengembangan Visualisasi Tiga Dimensi (3D) dalam Pembelajaran Hibrid untuk Mengukur Kemampuan Berfikir Kritis dan Sikap Ilmiah Peserta Didik SMA.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis (1) karakteristik visualisasi 3D dalam pembelajaran hibrid pada mata pelajaran kimia SMA, (2) kualitas visualisasi 3D dalam pembelajaran hibrid pada mata pelajaran kimia SMA, dan (3) perbedaan kemampuan berfikir kritis dan sikap ilmiah peserta didik yang menggunakan media visualisasi 3D dalam pembelajaran hibrid baik sebagai suplemen maupun pengganti dengan peserta didik yang melakukan pembelajaran praktikum di laboratorium nyata. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan media laboratorium visualisasi 3D terintegrasi pembelajaran hibrid dengan model pengembangan ADDIE. Model ini meliputi lima tahap, yaitu analysis, design, development, implementation, dan evaluation. Produk laboratorium visualisasi 3D ini diujicobakan kepada tiga kelas uji coba yang dipilih secara cluster random sampling. Kelas eksperimen-1 mengikuti pembelajaran dengan hybrid learning menggunakan media visualisasi 3D, kelas eksperimen-2 mengikuti pembelajaran dengan hybrid learning menggunakan media visualisasi 3D dan kegiatan praktikum dengan laboratorium nyata, sedangkan kelas kontrol mengikuti pembelajaran praktikum dengan laboratorium nyata. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah soal kemampuan berfikir kritis dan angket sikap ilmiah yang telah divalidasi secara teoritis dan empiris oleh ahli. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan Manova untuk menguji perbedaan kemampuan berfikir kritis dan sikap ilmiah antara ketiga kelas tersebut. Hasil penilaian kualitas laboratorium visualisasi 3D dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif yang meliputi aspek konten, pembelajaran, dan teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) karakteristik media visualisasi 3D dalam virtual reality adalah bahwa media ini dapat dioperasikan pada android dengan bantuan kacamata 3D dan controller. Simulasi dalam visualisasi 3D ini adalah praktikum kepolaran senyawa pada materi ikatan kimia dalam lingkungan virtual sehingga seolah-olah pengguna melakukan praktikum seperti dalam dunia nyata, (2) kualitas media visualisasi 3D pada materi ikatan kimia memiliki kualitas yang sangat baik ditinjau dari segi pembelajaran, konten, dan teknik berdasarkan penilaian dari guru kimia, dan (3) terdapat perbedaan kemampuan berfikir kritis dan sikap ilmiah yang signifikan antara peserta didik yang menggunakan media visualisasi 3D dalam pembelajaran hibrid baik sebagai suplemen maupun pengganti dengan peserta didik yang melakukan pembelajaran praktikum di laboratorium nyata

    Meaningful Use of Animation and Simulation in the Science Classroom

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    Science classes should place a strong emphasis on incorporating educational technologies, such as animations, interactive computer programs and various other technologies into the classroom. The use of animations and computer based simulations throughout instruction increases student understanding and achievement (Rosen, 2009). The use of educational technology in the science classroom, not only helps with student understanding of content, but also positively impacts students’ engagement in lessons and their attitudes towards learning (Shu-Nu, Yau-Yuen & May, 2009). Studies have shown that instruction in a science classroom should incorporate students being actively engaged in the material in order for maximum achievement to occur. Students need to be able to take concepts from the science classroom and apply them to their everyday lives. Through the use of animations and simulations this connection can be bridged more effectively than through traditional instruction. The incorporation of computer animations and models provide enhancement and relevance to science learning. Incorporating more educational technology such as animations and computer-based simulations is of ever increasing importance because federal legislation mandates an emphasis on technology integration in all areas of K-12 education (U.S. Department of Education, 2002). Under this mandate, education leaders at the state and local levels are expected to develop plans to effectively utilize educational technologies, such as simulations in the classroom

    Learning Experiences and Practices of Elementary Teacher Candidates on the Use of Emerging Technology: A Grounded Theory Approach

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    The purpose of this study is to understand the phenomenon of the “professional journey” of elementary teacher candidates (ETC) both as learners and as teachers by exploring their learning experiences and practices regarding the virtual reality (VR) platfor m called Second Life (SL). Using the grounded theory approach, we designed an insider-led work-based study, synthesizing an outsider perspective. We collected data from 229 ETCs enrolled in science methods course over three academic years including semi-open ended reflective questionnaire, science journal notebooks, 5E science lesson plans, peer teaching classroom observations, and instructor’s semester notebooks. Results indicate that as a VR platform, SL provided unique learning experiences that encourage discovering, problem solving, or accidental learning for these mostly first-time user ETCs. Three themes emerged in terms of perceptions of integrating VR into science teaching: (1) skeptical integrators (29%), (2) observant integrators (59%), and (3) innovative integrators (12%). However, none of the ETC collaborative groups integrated a VR platform during their 5E science lesson planning activities, demonstrating the gap between learning experiences and practices. Finally, we converged analysis results with related literature to develop a theory. This study contributes to the discussions on preparing teachers for the 21stcentury in which all will live in a technology-accelerated society

    A Study on Science Achievement and Motivation Using Computer-based Simulations Compared to Traditional Hands-on Manipulation

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    This study was conducted to investigate whether or not computer-based simulations had a greater impact on science achievement compared to traditional hands-on methods for middle school students in an on-level science course. The study also sought to determine if either method had an impact on retention as well as motivation. The participants in the study were 6th grade students attending a public middle school in suburban metro-Atlanta. A variety of statistical analyses were utilized to measure science achievement, retention, and motivation. Results indicated that there was no significant difference on science achievement between the traditional hands-on method and the computer-based simulation method. While the control group and the experimental group both had academic gains, the control group experienced a statistically significant difference in gains on the density concept. There was no significant difference for the greenhouse effect concept in academic gains. Results further indicated statistically significant correlations between self-efficacy and science learning value, self-efficacy and active learning strategies, self-efficacy and achievement goal, and self-efficacy and performance goal

    Cognitive knowledge, attitude toward science, and skill development in virtual science labratories

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    The purpose of this quantitative, descriptive, single group, pretest posttest design study was to explore the influence of a Virtual Science Laboratory (VSL) on middle school students’ cognitive knowledge, skill development, and attitudes toward science. This study involved 2 eighth grade Physical Science classrooms at a large urban charter middle school located in Southern California. The Buoyancy and Density Test (BDT), a computer generated test, assessed students’ scientific knowledge in areas of Buoyancy and Density. The Attitude Toward Science Inventory (ATSI), a multidimensional survey assessment, measured students’ attitudes toward science in the areas of value of science in society, motivation in science, enjoyment of science, self-concept regarding science, and anxiety toward science. A Virtual Laboratory Packet (VLP), generated by the researcher, captured students’ mathematical and scientific skills. Data collection was conducted over a period of five days. BDT and ATSI assessments were administered twice: once before the Buoyancy and Density VSL to serve as baseline data (pre) and also after the VSL (post). The findings of this study revealed that students’ cognitive knowledge and attitudes toward science were positively changed as expected, however, the results from paired sample t-tests found no statistical significance. Analyses indicated that VSLs were effective in supporting students’ scientific knowledge and attitude toward science. The attitudes most changed were value of science in society and enjoyment of science with mean differences of 1.71 and 0.88, respectively. Researchers and educational practitioners are urged to further examine VSLs, covering a variety of topics, with more middle school students to assess their learning outcomes. Additionally, it is recommended that publishers in charge of designing the VSLs communicate with science instructors and research practitioners to further improve the design and analytic components of these virtual learning environments. The results of this study contribute to the existing body of knowledge in an effort to raise awareness about the inclusion of VSLs in secondary science classrooms. With the advancement of technological tools in secondary science classrooms, instructional practices should consider including VSLs especially if providing real science laboratories is a challenge

    Conceptual Framework for Designing Virtual Field Trip Games

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    This thesis aimed to provide designing models to explore an alternative solution for a field trip when it becomes impossible for several reasons such as the limitation of cost and time. Virtual field trip games are relatively new means to create virtual field trips in game environments through adding game aspects to learning aspects to enhance the learning experience. The simple combining of game and learning aspects will not guarantee the desired effect of virtual field trips. Theoretical and logical connections should be established to form interweave between both aspects. This thesis proposes a designing framework by establishing three links between game design aspects and learning aspects. The three links are constructed by modelling: the experiential learning theory (ELT), the gameplay, and the game world. ELT modelling quantifies the theory into the internal economy mechanic and balances the levels of game task difficulty with the player’s ability through game machinations, game modelling links the learning process to gameplay, and world modelling connects field environment to game environment. The internal economy mechanic and its components (resources, internal mechanic, feedback loop), formulating equations to define generic player’s interactions and identify indicators to capture evidence of achievements via a mathematical (evaluation) model. The game modelling includes skill models to design two important high-order skills (decision-making and teamwork) and connects them to the evaluation model. The game world is modelled through defining its variables and relationships’ rules to connect both environments (game and field) expanding the evaluation model. The framework is supported by essential learning theories (ELT, task-based learning, some aspects of social learning) and pedagogical aspects (assessment, feedback, field-based structure, high-order skills) and connected to the key game elements (interaction, multimodal presentation, control of choice…etc) of field-based learning along with suitable game mechanics. The two research studies that were conducted as part of this thesis found that the designing framework is useful, usable, and provides connections between learning and game aspects and the designed VFTG based on the framework improved learning performance along with providing motivation and presence. This suggests the effectiveness of the framework
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