765 research outputs found

    Intelligent signal processing for digital healthcare monitoring

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    Ein gesunder Gang ist ein komplexer Prozess und erfordert ein Gleichgewicht zwischen verschiedenen neurophysiologischen Systemen im Körper und gilt als wesentlicher Indikator für den physischen und kognitiven Gesundheitszustand einer Person. Folglich würden Anwendungen im Bereich der Bioinformatik und des Gesundheitswesens erheblich von den Informationen profitieren, die sich aus einer längeren oder ständigen Überwachung des Gangs, der Gewohnheiten und des Verhaltens von Personen unter ihren natürlichen Lebensbedingungen und bei ihren täglichen Aktivitäten mit Hilfe intelligenter Geräte ergeben. Vergleicht man Trägheitsmess- und stationäre Sensorsysteme, so bieten erstere hervorragende Möglichkeiten für Ganganalyseanwendungen und bieten mehrere Vorteile wie geringe Größe, niedriger Preis, Mobilität und sind leicht in tragbare Systeme zu integrieren. Die zweiten gelten als der Goldstandard, sind aber teuer und für Messungen im Freien ungeeignet. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Verbesserung der Zeit und Qualität der Gangrehabilitation nach einer Operation unter Verwendung von Inertialmessgeräten, indem sie eine neuartige Metrik zur objektiven Bewertung des Fortschritts der Gangrehabilitation in realen Umgebungen liefert und die Anzahl der verwendeten Sensoren für praktische, reale Szenarien reduziert. Daher wurden die experimentellen Messungen für eine solche Analyse in einer stark kontrollierten Umgebung durchgeführt, um die Datenqualität zu gewährleisten. In dieser Arbeit wird eine neue Gangmetrik vorgestellt, die den Rehabilitationsfortschritt anhand kinematischer Gangdaten von Aktivitäten in Innen- und Außenbereichen quantifiziert und verfolgt. In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, wie Signalverarbeitung und maschinelles Lernen formuliert und genutzt werden können, um robuste Methoden zur Bewältigung von Herausforderungen im realen Leben zu entwickeln. Es wird gezeigt, dass der vorgeschlagene Ansatz personalisiert werden kann, um den Fortschritt der Gangrehabilitation zu verfolgen. Ein weiteres Thema dieser Arbeit ist die erfolgreiche Anwendung von Methoden des maschinellen Lernens auf die Ganganalyse aufgrund der großen Datenmenge, die von den tragbaren Sensorsystemen erzeugt wird. In dieser Arbeit wird das neuartige Konzept des ``digitalen Zwillings'' vorgestellt, das die Anzahl der verwendeten Wearable-Sensoren in einem System oder im Falle eines Sensorausfalls reduziert. Die Evaluierung der vorgeschlagenen Metrik mit gesunden Teilnehmern und Patienten unter Verwendung statistischer Signalverarbeitungs- und maschineller Lernmethoden hat gezeigt, dass die Einbeziehung der extrahierten Signalmerkmale in realen Szenarien robust ist, insbesondere für das Szenario mit Rehabilitations-Gehübungen in Innenräumen. Die Methodik wurde auch in einer klinischen Studie evaluiert und lieferte eine gute Leistung bei der Überwachung des Rehabilitationsfortschritts verschiedener Patienten. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Prototyp einer mobilen Anwendung zur objektiven Bewertung des Rehabilitationsfortschritts in realen Umgebungen vorgestellt

    Preparation of NiO catalyst on FeCrAI substrate using various techniques at higher oxidation process

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    The cheap nickel oxide (NiO) is a potential catalyst candidate to replace the expensive available platinum group metals (PGM). However, the current methods to adhere the NiO powder on the metallic substrates are complicated. Therefore, this work explored the development of nickel oxide using nickel (Ni) on FeCrAl substrate through the combination of nickel electroplating and oxidation process for catalytic converter application. The approach was started with assessment of various nickel electroplating process based on the weight gain during oxidation. Then, the next experiment used the best process in which the pre-treatment using the solution of SiC and/or Al2O3 in methanol. The specimens then were carried out to short term oxidation process using thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) at 1000 o C. Meanwhile, the long term oxidation process was conducted using an automatic furnace at 900, 1000 and 1100 o C. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used for surface analysis in nanometer range scale. Meanwhile, roughness test was used for roughness measurement analysis in micrometer range scale. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) attached with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) were used for surface and cross section morphology analysis. The specimen of FeCrAl treated using ultrasonic prior to nickel electroplating showed the lowest weight gain during oxidation. The surface area of specimens increased after ultrasonic treatment. The electroplating process improved the high temperature oxidation resistance. In short term oxidation process indicated that the ultrasonic with SiC provided the lower parabolic rate constant (kp) and the Al2O3 and NiO layers were also occurred. The Ni layer was totally disappeared and converted to NiO layer on FeCrAl surface after long term oxidation process. From this work, the ultrasonic treatment prior to nickel electroplating was the best method to adhere NiO on FeCrAl substrate

    Smart Technology for Telerehabilitation: A Smart Device Inertial-sensing Method for Gait Analysis

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    The aim of this work was to develop and validate an iPod Touch (4th generation) as a potential ambulatory monitoring system for clinical and non-clinical gait analysis. This thesis comprises four interrelated studies, the first overviews the current available literature on wearable accelerometry-based technology (AT) able to assess mobility-related functional activities in subjects with neurological conditions in home and community settings. The second study focuses on the detection of time-accurate and robust gait features from a single inertial measurement unit (IMU) on the lower back, establishing a reference framework in the process. The third study presents a simple step length algorithm for straight-line walking and the fourth and final study addresses the accuracy of an iPod’s inertial-sensing capabilities, more specifically, the validity of an inertial-sensing method (integrated in an iPod) to obtain time-accurate vertical lower trunk displacement measures. The systematic review revealed that present research primarily focuses on the development of accurate methods able to identify and distinguish different functional activities. While these are important aims, much of the conducted work remains in laboratory environments, with relatively little research moving from the “bench to the bedside.” This review only identified a few studies that explored AT’s potential outside of laboratory settings, indicating that clinical and real-world research significantly lags behind its engineering counterpart. In addition, AT methods are largely based on machine-learning algorithms that rely on a feature selection process. However, extracted features depend on the signal output being measured, which is seldom described. It is, therefore, difficult to determine the accuracy of AT methods without characterizing gait signals first. Furthermore, much variability exists among approaches (including the numbers of body-fixed sensors and sensor locations) to obtain useful data to analyze human movement. From an end-user’s perspective, reducing the amount of sensors to one instrument that is attached to a single location on the body would greatly simplify the design and use of the system. With this in mind, the accuracy of formerly identified or gait events from a single IMU attached to the lower trunk was explored. The study’s analysis of the trunk’s vertical and anterior-posterior acceleration pattern (and of their integrands) demonstrates, that a combination of both signals may provide more nuanced information regarding a person’s gait cycle, ultimately permitting more clinically relevant gait features to be extracted. Going one step further, a modified step length algorithm based on a pendulum model of the swing leg was proposed. By incorporating the trunk’s anterior-posterior displacement, more accurate predictions of mean step length can be made in healthy subjects at self-selected walking speeds. Experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm estimates step length with errors less than 3% (mean error of 0.80 ± 2.01cm). The performance of this algorithm, however, still needs to be verified for those suffering from gait disturbances. Having established a referential framework for the extraction of temporal gait parameters as well as an algorithm for step length estimations from one instrument attached to the lower trunk, the fourth and final study explored the inertial-sensing capabilities of an iPod Touch. With the help of Dr. Ian Sheret and Oxford Brookes’ spin-off company ‘Wildknowledge’, a smart application for the iPod Touch was developed. The study results demonstrate that the proposed inertial-sensing method can reliably derive lower trunk vertical displacement (intraclass correlations ranging from .80 to .96) with similar agreement measurement levels to those gathered by a conventional inertial sensor (small systematic error of 2.2mm and a typical error of 3mm). By incorporating the aforementioned methods, an iPod Touch can potentially serve as a novel ambulatory monitor system capable of assessing gait in clinical and non-clinical environments

    Real Time Estimation of the Pose of a Lower Limb Prosthesis from a Single Shank Mounted IMU

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    The command of a microprocessor-controlled lower limb prosthesis classically relies on the gait mode recognition. Real time computation of the pose of the prosthesis (i.e., attitude and trajectory) is useful for the correct identification of these modes. In this paper, we present and evaluate an algorithm for the computation of the pose of a lower limb prosthesis, under the constraints of real time applications and limited computing resources. This algorithm uses a nonlinear complementary filter with a variable gain to estimate the attitude of the shank. The trajectory is then computed from the double integration of the accelerometer data corrected from the kinematics of a model of inverted pendulum rolling on a curved arc foot. The results of the proposed algorithm are evaluated against the optoelectronic measurements of walking trials of three people with transfemoral amputation. The root mean square error (RMSE) of the estimated attitude is around 3°, close to the Kalman-based algorithm results reported in similar conditions. The real time correction of the integration of the inertial measurement unit (IMU) acceleration decreases the trajectory error by a factor of 2.5 compared to its direct integration which will result in an improvement of the gait mode recognition.The corresponding author Clément Duraffourg was funded by a CIFRE grant from the Proteor® company, subsidized by the French National Association for Research and Technology (ANRT, CIFRE grant 2018/0138). The other authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article

    Pushing the limits of inertial motion sensing

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    Contributions to physical exercises monitoring with inertial measurement units

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    Resumen: La monitorización de movimientos trata de obtener información sobre su ejecución, siendo esencial en múltiples aplicaciones, como el seguimiento de terapias físicas. La monitorización tiene un doble objetivo esencial para lograr los beneficios de dichas terapias: asegurar la corrección en la ejecución de movimientos y mejorar la adherencia a los programas prescritos. Para lograr esta monitorización de forma remota y poco intrusiva, se necesitan recursos tecnológicos. Este trabajo se centra en las soluciones basadas en sensores inerciales. Esta tesis estudia los algoritmos de la literatura para el análisis de movimientos con sensores inerciales, determinando un parámetro anatómico requerido en diversas propuestas: la posición de las articulaciones respecto de los sensores, así como longitud de los segmentos anatómicos. En este trabajo se introducen dos algoritmos de calibración anatómica. El primero, basado en mínimos cuadrados, determina el punto o el eje medios de aceleración nula presente en las articulaciones fijas. El algoritmo está adaptado a los movimientos lentos dados en los miembros inferiores para estabilizar las articulaciones. El segundo, adaptado a la variación de la posición relativa del punto de aceleración nula respecto de los sensores a causa del característico tejido blando asociado al cuerpo humano, emplea las medidas inerciales como entradas en un filtro de Kalman extendido. Por otro lado, esta tesis aborda la falta de datos comunes para la evaluación y comparación de los algoritmos. Para ello, se diseña y crea una base de datos centrada en movimientos habituales en rutinas físicas, que se encuentra publicada en Zenodo. Esta base de datos contiene movimientos de calibración articular y de ejercicios de miembros inferiores y superiores ejecutados de forma correcta e incorrecta por 30 voluntarios de ambos sexos con un amplio rango de edades, grabados con cuatro sensores inerciales y un sistema de referencia óptico de alta precisión. Además, las grabaciones se encuentran etiquetadas acorde al tipo de ejercicio realizado y su evaluación. Finalmente, se estudia un segundo enfoque de monitorización de rutinas físicas, cuyo objetivo es reconocer y evaluar simultáneamente los ejercicios ejecutados, retos comúnmente estudiados individualmente. Se proponen tres sistemas que emplean las medidas de cuatro sensores inerciales y difieren en el nivel de detalle en las salidas del sistema. Para realizar las clasificaciones propuestas, se evalúan seis algoritmos de machine learning determinando el más adecuado.This thesis is framed in the field of remote motion monitoring, which aims to obtain information about the execution of movements. This information is essential in many applications, including the clinical ones, to measure the evolution of patients, to assess possible pathologies, such as motor or cognitive ones, and to follow up physical therapies. The monitoring of physical therapies has twofold purpose: to ensure the correct execution of movements and to improve adherence to the programs. Both purposes are essential to achieve the benefits associated with physical therapies. To accomplish this monitoring in a remote and non-intrusive way, technological resources such as the well-known inertial sensors are needed, which are commonly integrated into the so-called wearables. This work focuses on inertial-based solutions for monitoring physical therapy routines. However, the results of this work are not exclusive of this field, being able to be applied in other fields that require a motion monitoring. This work is intended to meet the needs of the monitoring systems found in the literature. In the review of previous proposals for remote monitoring of rehabilitation routines, we found two different main approaches. The first one is based on the analysis of movements, which estimates kinematic parameters, and the second one focuses on the qualitative characterization of the movements. From this differentiation, we identify and contribute to the limitations of each approach. With regard to the motion analysis for the estimation of kinematic parameters, we found an anatomical parameter required in various methods proposed in the literature. This parameter consists in the position of the joints with respect to the sensors, and sometimes these methods also require the length of the anatomical segments. The determination of these internal parameters is complex and is usually performed in controlled environments with optical systems or through palpation of anatomical landmarks by trained personnel. There is a lack of algorithms that determine these anatomical parameters using inertial sensors. This work introduces an algorithm for this anatomical calibration, which is based on the determination of the point of zero acceleration present in fixed joints. We use one inertial sensor per joint in order to simplify the complexity of algorithms versus using xv xvi ABSTRACT more than one. Since the relative position of this point may vary due to soft tissue movements or joint motion, the mean null acceleration point for the calibration motion is estimated by least squares. This algorithm is adapted to slow movements occurring in the lower-limbs to meet the required joint stabilization. Moreover, it can be applied to both joint centers and axes, although the latter is more complex to determine. Since we are dealing with the calibration of a system as complex as the human body, we evaluate different movements and their relation to the accuracy of the proposed system. This thesis also proposes a second, more versatile calibration method, which is adapted to the characteristic soft tissue associated with the human body. This method is based on the measurements of one inertial sensors used as inputs of an extended Kalman filter. We test the proposal both in synthetic data and in the real scenario of hip center of rotation determination. In simulations it provides an accuracy of 3% and in the real scenario, where the reference is obtained with a high precision optical system, the accuracy is 10 %. In this way, we propose a novel algorithm that localizes the joints adaptively to the motion of the tissues. In addition, this work addresses another limitation of motion analysis which is the lack of common datasets for the evaluation of algorithms and for the development of new proposals of motion monitoring methods. For this purpose, we design and create a public database focused on common movements in rehabilitation routines. Its design takes into account the joint calibration that is usually considered for the monitoring of joint parameters, performing functional movements for it. We monitor lower and upper limb exercises correctly and incorrectly performed by 30 volunteers of both sexes and a wide range of ages. One of the main objectives to be fulfilled by this database is the validation of algorithms based on inertial systems. Thus, it is recorded by using four inertial systems placed on different body limbs and including a highly accurate reference system based on infrared cameras. In addition, the recorded movements are labeled according to their characterization, which is based on the type of exercise performed and their quality. We provide a total of 7 076 files of inertial kinematic data with a high-precision reference, characterized with respect to the kind of performed motion and their correctness in performance, together with a function for automatic processing. Finally, we focus on the analysis of the second approach of monitoring physical routines, whose objective is to obtain qualitative information of their execution. This work contributes to the characterization of movements including their recognition and evaluation, which are usually studied separately. We propose three classification systems which use four inertial sensors. The proposals differ in the distribution of data and, therefore, the level of detail in the system outputs. We evaluate six machine learning techniques for the proposed classification systems in order to determine the most suitable for each of them: Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees, Random Forest, xvii K Nearest Neighbors, Extreme Learning Machines and Multi-Layer Perceptron. The proposals result in accuracy, F1-value, precision and sensitivity above the 88 %. Furthermore, we achieve a system with an accuracy of 95% in the complete qualitative characterization of the motions, which recognizes the performed motion and evaluates the correctness of its performance. It is worth highlighting that the highest metrics are always obtained with Support Vector Machines, among all the methods evaluated. The proposed classifier that provides the highest metrics is the one divided into two stages, that first recognizes the exercises and then evaluates them, compared with the other proposals that perform both tasks in one single-stage classification. From our work, it can be concluded that inertial systems are appropriate for remote physical exercise monitoring. On the one hand, they are suitable for the calibration of human joints necessary for various methods of motion analysis using one inertial sensor per joint. These sensors allow to obtain the estimation of an average joint location as well as the average length of anatomical segments. Also, joint centers can be located in scenarios where joint-related sensor movements occur, associated with soft tissue movement. On the other hand, a complete characterization of the physical exercises performed can be achieved with four inertial sensors and the appropriate algorithms. In this way, anatomical information can be obtained, as well as quantitative and qualitative information on the execution of physical therapies through the use of inertial sensors

    An Instrumented Walking-Aid to Assess and Retrain Gait

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    An instrumented walking-aid, the iWA system, has been developed to measure kinematic and kinetic properties of walking aid (WA) use and deliver feedback to improve gait. The clinical requirements, technical specification and design of the system are developed through clinical collaboration. The development of the system is described, including hardware components and data analysis used to process the measured data for assessment. The system measurements are validated under controlled laboratory conditions. The iWA system is evaluated in a typical UK clinical environment by a participant in a rehabilitation session. The resultant data successfully capture the quality of the participant’s walking aid use and agree with clinical opinion, supporting the efficacy of this approach

    Measuring skeletal kinematics with accelerometers on the skin surface

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    The most common motion analysis method uses cameras to track the position of markers on bodily surfaces over time. Although each species has a common skeletal frame to reference recorded motions, the soft tissue covering each is not rigid. Markers, therefore, experience motion relative to the bone and do not accurately portray underlying bone activity. This limits clinical use of motion studies and the understanding of joint motion. Use of MEMS accelerometers for removing soft tissue artifact, motion relative to the bone, from surface measurements and determining the position of the underlying bone was investigated. An animal limb was modeled experimentally as a double pendulum with soft tissue as sprung masses with motions perpendicular to the pendulums. Horizontal motion was cycled at the top joint with a 25 cm stroke. Position data obtained from the mass with a Codamotion™ system and integrated accelerometer data were combined in a Kalman filter to determine global position. Acceleration data in the sensor coordinate system determined tissue artifact and were compared to measurements using CODA markers on the mass and pendulum. Removing artifact from mass position estimated pendulum position over time. In determining mass position, integrated accelerometer data experienced drift, deviating from reasonable values and were determined impractical for Kalman filter input. This led to using only the CODA-determined position as the true position. Accelerometer artifacts resulted in mean differences with the CODA markers of less than 1 mm over 3 cm displacements excluding a mass with mechanical difficulties. The largest mean difference across four tests was 0.66 mm, which is 96.17 percent accurate. Mean differences between base positions collected from accelerometers and CODA markers were found for the global x and y directions. Maximum deviations were 1.64 mm and 4.45 mm, respectively, which are 99.56 and 99.63 percent accurate. Results show the effectiveness of this procedure in calculating the location of the bases of sprung masses in two dimensions. The basis of this research contributes to the determination of bone position over time that will increase the potential of understanding fundamental, rigid body and joint motions in a clinical setting using noninvasive methods

    Methods and good practice guidelines for human joint kinematics estimation through magnetic and inertial wearable sensors

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    According to the World Health Organization, the ability to move is recognized as a key factor for the human well-being. From the wearable Magnetic and Inertial Measurement Units (MIMUs) signals it is possible to extract several digital mobility outcomes including the joint kinematics. To this end, it is first required to estimate the orientation of the MIMUs by means of a sensor fusion algorithm (SFA). After that, the relative orientation is computed and then decomposed to obtain the joint angles. However, the MIMUs do not provide a direct output of the physical quantity of interest which can be only determined after an ad hoc processing of their signals. It follows that the joint angle accuracy mostly depends on multiple factors. The first one is the magnitude of the MIMU measurements errors and up to date there is still a lack of methods for their characterization. A second crucial factor is the choice of the SFA to use. Despite the abundance of formulations in the literature, no-well established conclusions about their accuracy have been reached yet. The last factor is the biomechanical model used to compute the joint angles. In this context, unconstrained methods offer a simple way to decompose the relative orientation using the Euler angles but suffer from the inherent issues related to the SFA. In contrast, constrained approaches aim at increasing the robustness of the estimates by adopting models in which an objective function is minimized through the definition of physiological constraints. This thesis proposed the methods to accurately estimate the human joint kinematics starting from the MIMU signals. Three main contributions were provided. The first consisted in the design of a comprehensive battery of tests to completely characterize the sources of errors affecting the quality of the measurements. These tests rely on simple hypotheses based on the sensor working principles and do not require expensive equipment. Nine parameters were defined to quantify the signal accuracy improvements (if any) of 24 MIMUs before and after the refinement of their calibration coefficients. The second contribution was focused on the SFAs. Ten among the most popular SFAs were compared under different experimental conditions including different MIMU models and rotation rate magnitudes. To perform a “fair” comparison it was necessary to set the optimal parameter values for each SFA. The most important finding was that all the errors fall within a range from 3.8 deg to 7.1 deg thus making it impossible to draw any conclusions about the best performing SFA since no statistically significant differences were found. In addition, the orientation accuracy was heavily influenced by the experimental variables. After that, a novel method was designed to estimate the suboptimal parameter values of a given SFA without relying on any orientation reference. The maximum difference between the errors obtained using optimal and suboptimal parameter values amounted to 3.7 deg and to 0.6 deg on average. The last contribution consisted in the design of an unconstrained and a constrained methods for estimating the joint kinematics without considering the magnetometer to avoid the ferromagnetic disturbances. The unconstrained method was employed in a telerehabilitation platform in which the joint angles were estimated in real time. Errors collected during the execution of a full-body protocol were lower than 5 deg (considered the acceptability threshold). However, this method may be inaccurate after few minutes since no solutions can be taken to mitigate the drift error. To overcome this limitation a constrained method was developed based on a robotic model of the upper limb to set appropriate constraints. Errors relative to a continuous robot motion for twenty minutes were lower than 3 deg at most suggesting the feasibility of employing these solutions in the rehabilitation programs to properly plan the treatment and to accurately evaluate the outcomes