202 research outputs found

    Adaptive runtime-assisted block prefetching on chip-multiprocessors

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    Memory stalls are a significant source of performance degradation in modern processors. Data prefetching is a widely adopted and well studied technique used to alleviate this problem. Prefetching can be performed by the hardware, or be initiated and controlled by software. Among software controlled prefetching we find a wide variety of schemes, including runtime-directed prefetching and more specifically runtime-directed block prefetching. This paper proposes a hybrid prefetching mechanism that integrates a software driven block prefetcher with existing hardware prefetching techniques. Our runtime-assisted software prefetcher brings large blocks of data on-chip with the support of a low cost hardware engine, and synergizes with existing hardware prefetchers that manage locality at a finer granularity. The runtime system that drives the prefetch engine dynamically selects which cache to prefetch to. Our evaluation on a set of scientific benchmarks obtains a maximum speed up of 32 and 10 % on average compared to a baseline with hardware prefetching only. As a result, we also achieve a reduction of up to 18 and 3 % on average in energy-to-solution.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Multithreading Aware Hardware Prefetching for Chip Multiprocessors

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    To take advantage of the processing power in the Chip Multiprocessors design, applications must be divided into semi-independent processes that can run concur- rently on multiple cores within a system. Therefore, programmers must insert thread synchronization semantics (i.e. locks, barriers, and condition variables) to synchro- nize data access between processes. Indeed, threads spend long time waiting to acquire the lock of a critical section. In addition, a processor has to stall execution to wait for load data accesses to complete. Furthermore, there are often independent instructions which include load instructions beyond synchronization semantics that could be executed in parallel while a thread waits on the synchronization semantics. The conveniences of the cache memories come with some extra cost in Chip Multiprocessors. Cache Coherence mechanisms address the Memory Consistency problem. However, Cache Coherence adds considerable overhead to memory accesses. Having aggressive prefetcher on different cores of a Chip Multiprocessor can definitely lead to significant system performance degradation when running multi-threaded applications. This result of prefetch-demand interference when a prefetcher in one core ends up pulling shared data from a producing core before it has been written, the cache block will end up transitioning back and forth between the cores and result in useless prefetch, saturating the memory bandwidth and substantially increase the latency to critical shared data. We present a hardware prefetcher that enables large performance improvements from prefetching in Chip Multiprocessors by significantly reducing prefetch-demand interference. Furthermore, it will utilize the time that a thread spends waiting on syn- chronization semantics to run ahead of the critical section to speculate and prefetch independent load instruction data beyond the synchronization semantics

    Sandbox prefetching: safe run-time evaluation of aggressive prefetchers

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    pre-printMemory latency is a major factor in limiting CPU per- formance, and prefetching is a well-known method for hiding memory latency. Overly aggressive prefetching can waste scarce resources such as memory bandwidth and cache capacity, limiting or even hurting performance. It is therefore important to employ prefetching mechanisms that use these resources prudently, while still prefetching required data in a timely manner. In this work, we propose a new mechanism to deter-mine at run-time the appropriate prefetching mechanism for the currently executing program, called Sandbox Prefetching. Sandbox Prefetching evaluates simple, aggressive offset prefetchers at run-time by adding the prefetch address to a Bloom filter, rather than actually fetching the data into the cache. Subsequent cache accesses are tested against the contents of the Bloom filter to see if the aggressive prefetcher under evaluation could have accurately prefetched the data, while simultaneously testing for the existence of prefetchable streams. Real prefetches are performed when the accuracy of evaluated prefetchers exceeds a threshold. This method combines the ideas of global pattern confirmation and immediate prefetching action to achieve high performance. Sandbox Prefetching improves performance across the tested workloads by 47.6% compared to not using any prefetching, and by 18.7% compared to the Feedback Directed Prefetching technique. Performance is also improved by 1.4% compared to the Access Map Pattern Matching Prefetcher, while incurring consid- erably less logic and storage overheads

    Prebúsqueda adaptativa en un chip multiprocesador

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    La prebúsqueda agresiva ha demostrado ser una técnica eficiente para mejorar el rendimiento de los sistemas monoprocesador. Sin embargo, en sistemas multiprocesador con un último nivel de memoria cache compartido (LLC), la actividad de prebúsqueda inducida por un núcleo consume recursos comunes como espacio en la LLC y ancho de banda. Esto puede degradar el rendimiento del resto de núcleos e incluso el rendimiento general del sistema. Por tanto, la prebúsqueda hardware en un multiprocesador que tiene un último nivel de cache compartido (LLC) es un reto. En este trabajo presentamos ABS, un mecanismo de bajo coste que adecúa la agresividad de la prebúsqueda de cada uno de los núcleos en cada uno de los bancos de la LLC de un chip multiprocesador. El mecanismo se ejecuta de forma independiente en cada banco de la LLC usando sólo información local. A intervalos temporales regulares un núcleo es seleccionado y la tasa de fallos del banco y la utilidad de la prebúsqueda de dicho núcleo son muestreadas. Estas métricas son utilizadas para ajustar la agresividad de la prebúsqueda asociada al núcleo elegido. Nuestros análisis con cargas multiprogramadas de SPEC2K6 muestran que el mecanismo mejora tanto las métricas de usuario (el tiempo medio de retorno un 27% y la equidad un 11%) como las de sistema (la productividad agregada mejora un 22% y el ancho de banda consumido se reduce un 14%) con respecto a un sistema base con ocho núcleos que usa prebúsqueda secuencial marcada de grado fijo. Los resultados son consistentes cuando se utiliza un sistema con dieciséis núcleos o cuando comparamos nuestro mecanismo con propuestas previas

    Effective Compile-Time Analysis for Data Prefetching In Java

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    The memory hierarchy in modern architectures continues to be a major performance bottleneck. Many existing techniques for improving memory performance focus on Fortran and C programs, but memory latency is also a barrier to achieving high performance in object-oriented languages. Existing software techniques are inadequate for exposing optimization opportunities in object-oriented programs. One key problem is the use of high-level programming abstractions which make analysis difficult. Another challenge is that programmers use a variety of data structures, including arrays and linked structures, so optimizations must work on a broad range of programs. We develop a new unified data-flow analysis for identifying accesses to arrays and linked structures called recurrence analysis. Prior approaches that identify these access patterns are ad hoc, or treat arrays and linked structures independently. The data-flow analysis is intra- and inter-procedural, which is important in Java programs that use encapsulation to hide implementation details. We sho

    Best-Offset Hardware Prefetching

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    International audienceHardware prefetching is an important feature of modern high-performance processors. When the application working set is too large to fit in on-chip caches, disabling hardware prefetchers may result in severe performance reduction. A new prefetcher was recently introduced, the Sandbox prefetcher, that tries to find dynamically the best prefetch offset using the sandbox method. The Sandbox prefetcher uses simple hardware and was shown to be quite effective. However, the sandbox method does not take into account prefetch timeliness. We propose an offset prefetcher with a new method for selecting the prefetch offset that takes into account prefetch timeliness. We show that our Best-Offset prefetcher outperforms the Sandbox prefetcher on the SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks , with equally simple hardware

    Instruction prefetching techniques for ultra low-power multicore architectures

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    As the gap between processor and memory speeds increases, memory latencies have become a critical bottleneck for computing performance. To reduce this bottleneck, designers have been working on techniques to hide these latencies. On the other hand, design of embedded processors typically targets low cost and low power consumption. Therefore, techniques which can satisfy these constraints are more desirable for embedded domains. While out-of-order execution, aggressive speculation, and complex branch prediction algorithms can help hide the memory access latency in high-performance systems, yet they can cost a heavy power budget and are not suitable for embedded systems. Prefetching is another popular method for hiding the memory access latency, and has been studied very well for high-performance processors. Similarly, for embedded processors with strict power requirements, the application of complex prefetching techniques is greatly limited, and therefore, a low power/energy solution is mostly desired in this context. In this work, we focus on instruction prefetching for ultra-low power processing architectures and aim to reduce energy overhead of this operation by proposing a combination of simple, low-cost, and energy efficient prefetching techniques. We study a wide range of applications from cryptography to computer vision and show that our proposed mechanisms can effectively improve the hit-rate of almost all of them to above 95%, achieving an average performance improvement of more than 2X. Plus, by synthesizing our designs using the state-of-the-art technologies we show that the prefetchers increase system’s power consumption less than 15% and total silicon area by less than 1%. Altogether, a total energy reduction of 1.9X is achieved, thanks to the proposed schemes, enabling a significantly higher battery life

    Improving prefetching mechanisms for tiled CMP platforms

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    Recently, high performance processor designs have evolved toward Chip-Multiprocessor (CMP) architectures to deal with instruction level parallelism limitations and, more important, to manage the power consumption that is becoming unaffordable due to the increased transistor count and clock frequency. At the present moment, this architecture, which implements multiple processing cores on a single die, is commercially available with up to twenty four processors on a single chip and there are roadmaps and research trends that suggest that number of cores will increase in the near future. The increasing on number of cores has converted the interconnection network in a key issue that will have significant impact on performance. Moreover, as the number of cores increases, tiled architectures are foreseen to provide a scalable solution to handle design complexity. Network-on-Chip (NoC) emerges as a solution to deal with growing on-chip wire delays. On the other hand, CMP designs are likely to be equipped with latency hiding techniques like prefetching in order to reduce the negative impact on performance that, otherwise, high cache miss rates would lead to. Unfortunately, the extra number of network messages that prefetching entails can drastically increase power consumption and the latency in the NoC. In this thesis, we do not develop a new prefetching technique for CMPs but propose improvements applicable to any of them. Specifically, we analyze the behavior of the prefetching in the CMPs and its impact to the interconnect. We propose several dynamic management techniques to improve the performance of the prefetching mechanism in the system. Furthermore, we identify the main problems when implementing prefetching in distributed memory systems like tiled architectures and propose directions to solve them. Finally, we propose several research lines to continue the work done in this thesis.Recentment l'arquitectura dels processadors d'altes prestacions ha evolucionat cap a processadors amb diversos nuclis per a concordar amb les limitacions del paral·lelisme a nivell d'instrucció i, mes important encara, per tractar el consum d'energia que ha esdevingut insostenible degut a l'increment de transistors i la freqüència de rellotge. Ara mateix, aquestes arquitectures, que implementes varis nuclis en un sol xip, estan a la venta amb mes de vint-i-quatre processadors en un sol xip i hi ha previsions que suggereixen que aquest nombre de nuclis creixerà en un futur pròxim. Aquest increment del nombre de nuclis, ha convertit la xarxa que els connecta en un punt clau que tindrà un impacte important en el seu rendiment. Una topologia de xarxa que sembla que serà capaç de proveir una solució escalable per aquestes arquitectures ha estat la topologia tile. Les xarxes en el xip (NoC) es presenten com la solució del increment de la latència dels cables del xip. Per altre banda, els dissenys de multiprocessadors seguiran disposant de tècniques de reducció de latència de memòria com el prefetch per tal de reduir l'impacte negatiu en rendiment que, altrament, tindríem degut als elevats temps de latència en fallades a memòria cache. Desafortunadament, el gran nombre de peticions destinades a prefetch, pot augmentar dràsticament la congestió a la xarxa i el consum d'energia. En aquesta tesi, no desenvolupem cap tècnica nova de prefetching, però proposem millores aplicables a qualsevol d'ells. Concretament analitzem el comportament del prefetching en multiprocessadors i el seu impacte a la xarxa. Proposem diverses tècniques de control dinàmic per millor el rendiment del prefetcher al sistema. A més, identifiquem els problemes principals d'implementar el prefetching en els sistemes de memòria distribuïts com els de les arquitectures tile i proposem línies d'investigació per solucionar-los. Finalment, també proposem diverses línies d'investigació per continuar amb el treball fet en aquesta tesi.Postprint (published version
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