516 research outputs found

    Model Development Of Single Unit Machine Capacity Measure For Production Planning And Control

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    Perancangan dan Kawalan Pengeluaran (PPC) adalah berkaitan dengan perancangan dan kawalan seluruh aspek pengeluaran termasuk mengurus bahan-bahan, menjadualkan mesin-mesin dan tenaga peketja, dan menyelaras pembekal-pembekal dan pelanggan-pelanggan utama, Pihak pengurusan mempunyai tanggungjawab yang asas dalam mewujudkan keupayaan memenuhi permintaan semasa dan masa akan datang, Ciri-ciri penting bagi PPC adalah berhubung kait dalam menentukan takat kapasiti jangka masa pendek dan sederhana secara aggregat. Penyelidikan ini menumpu kepada pembangunan satu Model Kapasiti Mesin untuk mengukur kapasiti sesebuah mesin, Production Planning and Control (PPC) is concerned with planning and controlling all aspects of manufacturing, including managing materials, scheduling machines and people, and coordinating suppliers' and key customers. Providing the capability to satisfy current and future demand is a fundamental responsibility of operations management. The important characteristic of PPC is concerned with to detennine capacity levels over short and medium tenns in aggregated tenns. This research focuses on developing a Machine Capacity Model for single unit machine capacity measure

    Order Acceptance and Scheduling: A Taxonomy and Review

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    Over the past 20 years, the topic of order acceptance has attracted considerable attention from those who study scheduling and those who practice it. In a firm that strives to align its functions so that profit is maximized, the coordination of capacity with demand may require that business sometimes be turned away. In particular, there is a trade-off between the revenue brought in by a particular order, and all of its associated costs of processing. The present study focuses on the body of research that approaches this trade-off by considering two decisions: which orders to accept for processing, and how to schedule them. This paper presents a taxonomy and a review of this literature, catalogs its contributions and suggests opportunities for future research in this area