157,329 research outputs found

    Some proposals of topical issues to be included in the curriculum of managerial studies for future managers, specialists in business ethics

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    Celem artykułu jest próba wyboru istotnych i aktualnych zagadnień, jakie powinny znaleźć się w programie nauczania przyszłych menedżerów. Lista zaproponowanych tematów wynika z dwóch źródeł: 1) analizy zjawisk biznesowych prowadzonych w nurcie zarządzania humanistycznego – w artykule uwaga została skupiona na poglądach Marthy C. Nussbaum; 2) wniosków z uznanych międzynarodowych badań w zakresie etyki biznesu na poziomie rozwiązań organizacyjnych.In this paper the most relevant and up-to-date topics that should be included in the curriculum of university programmes educating future managers have been proposed. The list of proposed topics was drafted based on: (i) the analysis of business phenomena conducted in the humanistic management approach based on the thoughts of Martha C. Nussbaum, and (ii) the conclusions arrived at in a recognised international research in business ethics carried out at an organisational level

    Kształcenie kadr dla gospodarki innowacyjnej z perspektywy szkół wyższych

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    The purpose of the article is characteristics of the system approach to educating staff for an innovative economy by universities. Higher education institutions should create and hand over to its graduates the basic, universal knowledge, associated with the essence and significance of innovation in the social-economic development, basic skills in managing innovation, as well as methods of education stimulating creativity. The acquired at higher education institutions knowledge should develop the creativity, and along with experience acquired in practice should enable efficient management of innovative economy.Celem artykułu jest charakterystyka podejścia systemowego do kształcenia kadr dla gospodarki innowacyjnej przez wyższe uczelnie. Szkoły wyższe powinny tworzyć i przekazywać swoim absolwentom podstawową, uniwersalną wiedzę, związaną z istotą i znaczeniem innowacyjności w rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczym, podstawowe umiejętności w zarządzaniu innowacyjnością, a także metody kształcenia pobudzające kreatywność. Wiedza zdobyta w szkołach wyższych powinna rozwijać kreatywność, a wraz z doświadczeniem zdobytym w praktyce powinna umożliwić sprawne zarządzanie gospodarką innowacyjną

    Earnings Management and Its Implications

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    In the wake of continuing, highly publicized financial frauds and failures, the accounting profession has placed renewed emphasis on issues related to earnings management and earnings quality. Staff Accounting Bulletin 101, Revenue Recognition in Financial Statements, which was issued in December 1999 in response to the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission report, illustrates the importance of earnings to the SEC. The SEC and the public are demanding greater assurance about the quality of earnings. Notwithstanding the grave threat that abusive earnings-management practices pose to the reliability and accuracy of financial statements, the accounting profession may be reluctant to address this issue. While there is evidence that accounting educators are attempting to make accounting students aware of abusive earnings-management practices, further efforts are needed by state societies and public accounting firms to better equip CPAs with the tools necessary to identify earnings-management techniques. Education could help to reduce the expectations gap between auditors and financial statement users

    Beyond the ivory tower: a model for nurturing informal learning and development communities through open educational practices

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    Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) are making an evergrowing impact on the field of adult learning, offering free high-quality education to increasing numbers of people. However, the top-down distribution of weighty university courses that typifies current provision is not necessarily suitable for contexts such as Continued Professional Development (CPD). This article proposes that a change of focus from a supplier-driven to a needs-led approach, grounded in theories of informal learning, could increase the positive impact of OER and OEP beyond the ivory towers of higher education. To explore this approach, we focused on the requirements of a specific community outside higher education – trainers in the UK’s voluntary sector – in order to design a more broadly applicable model for a sustainable online learning community focused around OER and OEP. The model was informed by a recent survey of voluntary sector trainers establishing their need for high-quality free resources and their desire to develop more productive relationships with their peers, and by evaluation of successful online communities within and outside the voluntary sector. Our proposed model gives equal attention to learning resources and group sociality. In it, academics and practitioners work together to adapt and create learning materials and to share each other’s knowledge and experiences through discussion forums and other collaborative activities. The model features an explicit up-skilling dimension based on Communities of Practice (CoP) theory and a system of reputation management to incentivise participation. The model is unique in building a pan-organisation community that is entirely open in terms of membership and resources. While the model offered in this article is focused on the voluntary sector, it could also be applied more widely, allowing practitioner communities the benefits of tailored resources and academic input, and collaborating universities the benefit of having their OER used and reused more widely for CPD through informal learning

    Teachers’ emotional intelligence : the impact of training

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    A growing number of studies have suggested that teachers' personal competencies, and more specifically Emotional Intelligence (EI), are particularly important for teacher effectiveness. Recently, there has also been a growing recognition of the importance of social-emotional competencies to students' learning and academic achievement. However, there has been a neglect of emotions in the field of teaching, and little is known about the impact of training aimed at developing teachers' EI on their EI levels and their practice. The current study investigates the impact of a teacher- centered EI training on teachers' EI in Israel. The study followed a two-year EI training in one school, employing group workshops and personal coaching. The study used a mixed methodology, making use of pre-post EQ-i assessment and semi-structured interviews. The findings illustrate that the training programme was perceived by the participants to have enhanced their EI competencies, as defined by the Bar-On model. Most participants integrated these competencies into their personal, professional and group identities and modified their EI-related behaviours.peer-reviewe

    One step ahead: the experience at Sabancı University in enhanching student responsibility towards society:

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    This paper is about a discussion on educating citizenship and social responsibilities at universities through a real life example from Turkey. The recent literature on corporate social responsibility is searching for new ways of education. This paper summarizes one of these new innovative programs, Civic Involvement Projects (CIPs) developed at Sabanci University. The paper starts with a summary of educational issues in the corporate social responsibility literature, including examples of methods and tools used at universities across the world. This overview might help us to see the uniqueness of the CIP experience. The paper concludes with suggestions to universities that are developing or planning to develop their own social responsibility programs. The main question will be to find the ways in reaching major goal of education for social responsibility to assist in understanding, values, and action skills that will help students to work with others to improve the quality and sustainability of their natural and social environments. There is more than one solution in achieving this goal; hence this paper will show just one of these potential solutions based on a real life experience. The methodology of the paper will be a literature review and a case study

    Educating for the Gaming Industry: Need, Profile, and Suggested Schema

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    As legalized gambling becomes increasingly widespread and competitive, operators seek employees who understand its unique culture and demands. Today, few baccalaureate programs offer gaming management education. Gaming subject areas for college programs span three content spheres: (a) gaming and games themselves; (b) gaming interfaces with other hospitality subjects (lodging, accounting); and (c) the gaming/hospitality environment (regulation, economics). In a given academic program, gaming content integration can be measured along a continuum, from nonexistent, to somewhat integrated within existing courses, to comprising a central educational focus