148,668 research outputs found

    Wikipedia as a Source of Information to Engineering Students-A Study

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    The study explored the use of Wikipedia as a source of information by the engineering students at Nellore dist in Andhra Pradesh. The study also tries to examine the reasons to prefer Wikipedia over the traditional encyclopaedia by the engineering students. The study adopted survey method and an online questionnaire for collecting the data from the respondents. After analysing the data the results revealed that ‘easy to understand’ was the reason to prefer Wikipedia to the traditional encyclopedia. The study also found that 77.42 percent of the respondents using Wikipedia to get background information. The investigator suggests that faculty working in the engineering colleges have to take an initiative to improve the content available on Wikipedia by editing articles with the latest reliable informatio

    A Semantic Wiki for Editing and Sharing Decision Guidelines in Oncology

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    International audienceThe Internet has totally changed the way information is published and shared in medicine. With web 2.0 and semantic web technologies, web applications allow now collaborative information editing in a way that can be reused by machines. These new tools could be used to in local health networks to promote the editing and sharing of medical knowledge between practitioners. Oncolor, a French oncology network, has edited 144 decision guidelines. These local guidelines rely upon national French guidelines and are built and updated collaboratively by medical experts. To improve working conditions, the need of an online collaborative tool has been expressed. This paper presents OncoLogiK, a semantic wiki approach for local oncology guideline editing. Semantic wikis allow online collaborative work and manage semantic annotations which can be reused automatically to bring new services. Applied to oncology guidelines, semantic technologies improves the guideline management and provides additional services such as targeted queries to external bibliographical resources


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan utama program ini adalah peningkatan kualitas produk melalui IT di media sosial. Dalam usulan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat tahun ini (2020) telah disepakati bersama, bahwa permasalahan diprioritaskan dalam aspek sebagai berikut: (1) Bagaimana mengimplementasikan teknik pembuatan dan editing video yang handal (2) Bagaimana menerapkan teknik pemasaran onine via sosial media yang jitu tahun 2020. Metode yang digunakan sebagai berikut : (1) Sosialisasi program dan  kerjasama. (2) Pelatihan Pembuatan video dan teknik editing video. (3) Pelatihan pemasaran produk secara online melalui Teknologi Informasi Sosial Media. (4) Pendampingan dan Praktek upoad video siap tayang di Youtube dan Sosial Media Lazis Baiturrahman. Setelah mengikuti pendampingan Tim Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Polines,  Lazis Baiturrahman   dapat mencapai target sebagai berikut:   Pengelola Lazis Baiturrahman mampu membuat dan mengedit video sendiri dengan handal. Pengelola Lazis Baiturrahman mampu memasarkan produk secara online via sosmed dengan menarik masyarakat luas. Luaran yang dihasilkan dari pendampingan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah: (1) Tersedia Video pengenalan produk yang menarik dan siap diupload di youtube atau sosial media. (2) Tersedia Kelompok produk layanan siap dipublikasi, yang terdapat di sosial media: Facebook atau Instagram. Kata Kunci: Peningkatan, Kulitas produk, IT, sosial media ABSTRACT The main objective of this program is to improve product quality through IT on social media. In the proposed community service activities this year (2020) it has been mutually agreed that problems are prioritized in the following aspects: (1) How to implement reliable video creation and editing techniques (2) How to apply accurate online marketing techniques via social media in 2020 The methods used are as follows: (1) Program socialization and cooperation. (2) Training on video making and video editing techniques. (3) Online product marketing training through Social Media Information Technology. (4) Assistance and practice of uploading ready-to-broadcast videos on Youtube and Lazis Baiturrahman Social Media. After participating in the assistance of the Polynesian Community Service Team, Lazis Baiturrahman was able to achieve the following targets: Lazis Baiturrahman managers are able to make and edit their own videos reliably. The manager of Lazis Baiturrahman is able to market their products online via social media by attracting the wider community. The outputs resulting from this assistance for community service activities are: (1) An interesting product introduction video is available and is ready to be uploaded on YouTube or social media. (2) Available groups of service products ready for publication, which can be found on social media: Facebook or Instagram. Keywords: Improvement, product quality, IT, social media

    An investigation into the impact of controlled English rules on the comprehensibility, usefulness and acceptability of machine-translated technical documentation for French and German users

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    Previous studies suggest that the application of Controlled Language (CL) rules can significantly improve the readability, consistency, and machine-translatability of source text. One of the justifications for the application of CL rules is that they can have a similar impact on several target languages by reducing the post-editing effort required to bring Machine Translation (Ml’) output to acceptable quality. In certain situations, however, post-editing services may not always be a viable solution. Web-based information is often expected to be made available in real-time to ensure that its access is not restricted to certain users based on their locale. Uncertainties remain with regard to the actual usefulness of MT output for such users, as no empirical study has examined the impact of CL rules on the usefulness, comprehensibility, and acceptability of MT technical documents from a Web user's perspective. In this study, a two-phase approach is used to determine whether Controlled English rules can have a significant impact on these three variables. First, individual CL rules are evaluated within an experimental environment, which is loosely based on a test suite.Two documents are then published and subject to a randomised evaluation within the framework of an online experiment using a customer satisfaction questionnaire. The findings indicate that a limited number of CL rules have a similar impact on the comprehensibility of French and German output at the segment level. The results of the online experiment show that the application of certain CL rules has the potential to significantly improve the comprehensibility of German MT technical documentation. Our findings also show that the introduction of CL rules did not lead to any significant improvement of the comprehensibility, usefulness, and acceptability of French MT technical documentation

    Motivations for contributing to health-related articles on Wikipedia: An interview study

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    Background: Wikipedia is one of the most accessed sources of health information online. The current English-language Wikipedia contains more than 28,000 articles pertaining to health. Objective: The aim was to characterize individuals’ motivations for contributing to health content on the English-language Wikipedia. Methods: A set of health-related articles were randomly selected and recent contributors invited to complete an online questionnaire and follow-up interview (by Skype, by email, or face-to-face). Interviews were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis and a realist grounded theory approach. Results: A total of 32 Wikipedians (31 men) completed the questionnaire and 17 were interviewed. Those completing the questionnaire had a mean age of 39 (range 12-59), 16 had a postgraduate qualification, 10 had or were currently studying for an undergraduate qualification, 3 had no more than secondary education, and 3 were still in secondary education. In all, 15 were currently working in a health-related field (primarily clinicians). The median period for which they have been an active editing Wikipedia was 3-5 years. Of this group, 12 were in the United States, 6 were in the United Kingdom, 4 were in Canada, and the remainder from another 8 countries. Two-thirds spoke more than 1 language and 90% (29/32) were also active contributors in domains other than health. Wikipedians in this study were identified as health professionals, professionals with specific health interests, students, and individuals with health problems. Based on the interviews, their motivations for editing health-related content were summarized in 5 strongly interrelated categories: education (learning about subjects by editing articles), help (wanting to improve and maintain Wikipedia), responsibility (responsibility, often a professional responsibility, to provide good quality health information to readers), fulfillment (editing Wikipedia as a fun, relaxing, engaging, and rewarding activity), and positive attitude to Wikipedia (belief in the value of Wikipedia). An additional factor, hostility (from other contributors), was identified that negatively affected Wikipedians’ motivations. Conclusions: Contributions to Wikipedia’s health-related content in this study were made by both health specialists and laypeople of varying editorial skills. Their motivations for contributing stem from an inherent drive based on values, standards, and beliefs. It became apparent that the community who most actively monitor and edit health-related articles is very small. Although some contributors correspond to a model of “knowledge philanthropists,” others were importantly focused on maintaining articles (improving spelling and grammar, organization, and handling vandalism). There is a need for more people to be involved in Wikipedia’s health-related content
