1,059 research outputs found

    Segmentation-based mesh design for motion estimation

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    Dans la plupart des codec vidéo standard, l'estimation des mouvements entre deux images se fait généralement par l'algorithme de concordance des blocs ou encore BMA pour « Block Matching Algorithm ». BMA permet de représenter l'évolution du contenu des images en décomposant normalement une image par blocs 2D en mouvement translationnel. Cette technique de prédiction conduit habituellement à de sévères distorsions de 1'artefact de bloc lorsque Ie mouvement est important. De plus, la décomposition systématique en blocs réguliers ne dent pas compte nullement du contenu de l'image. Certains paramètres associes aux blocs, mais inutiles, doivent être transmis; ce qui résulte d'une augmentation de débit de transmission. Pour paillier a ces défauts de BMA, on considère les deux objectifs importants dans Ie codage vidéo, qui sont de recevoir une bonne qualité d'une part et de réduire la transmission a très bas débit d'autre part. Dans Ie but de combiner les deux exigences quasi contradictoires, il est nécessaire d'utiliser une technique de compensation de mouvement qui donne, comme transformation, de bonnes caractéristiques subjectives et requiert uniquement, pour la transmission, l'information de mouvement. Ce mémoire propose une technique de compensation de mouvement en concevant des mailles 2D triangulaires a partir d'une segmentation de l'image. La décomposition des mailles est construite a partir des nœuds repartis irrégulièrement Ie long des contours dans l'image. La décomposition résultant est ainsi basée sur Ie contenu de l'image. De plus, étant donné la même méthode de sélection des nœuds appliquée à l'encodage et au décodage, la seule information requise est leurs vecteurs de mouvement et un très bas débit de transmission peut ainsi être réalise. Notre approche, comparée avec BMA, améliore à la fois la qualité subjective et objective avec beaucoup moins d'informations de mouvement. Dans la premier chapitre, une introduction au projet sera présentée. Dans Ie deuxième chapitre, on analysera quelques techniques de compression dans les codec standard et, surtout, la populaire BMA et ses défauts. Dans Ie troisième chapitre, notre algorithme propose et appelé la conception active des mailles a base de segmentation, sera discute en détail. Ensuite, les estimation et compensation de mouvement seront décrites dans Ie chapitre 4. Finalement, au chapitre 5, les résultats de simulation et la conclusion seront présentés.Abstract: In most video compression standards today, the generally accepted method for temporal prediction is motion compensation using block matching algorithm (BMA). BMA represents the scene content evolution with 2-D rigid translational moving blocks. This kind of predictive scheme usually leads to distortions such as block artefacts especially when the motion is important. The two most important aims in video coding are to receive a good quality on one hand and a low bit-rate on the other. This thesis proposes a motion compensation scheme using segmentation-based 2-D triangular mesh design method. The mesh is constructed by irregularly spread nodal points selected along image contour. Based on this, the generated mesh is, to a great extent, image content based. Moreover, the nodes are selected with the same method on the encoder and decoder sides, so that the only information that has to be transmitted are their motion vectors, and thus very low bit-rate can be achieved. Compared with BMA, our approach could improve subjective and objective quality with much less motion information."--Résumé abrégé par UM

    A practical vision system for the detection of moving objects

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    The main goal of this thesis is to review and offer robust and efficient algorithms for the detection (or the segmentation) of foreground objects in indoor and outdoor scenes using colour image sequences captured by a stationary camera. For this purpose, the block diagram of a simple vision system is offered in Chapter 2. First this block diagram gives the idea of a precise order of blocks and their tasks, which should be performed to detect moving foreground objects. Second, a check mark () on the top right corner of a block indicates that this thesis contains a review of the most recent algorithms and/or some relevant research about it. In many computer vision applications, segmenting and extraction of moving objects in video sequences is an essential task. Background subtraction has been widely used for this purpose as the first step. In this work, a review of the efficiency of a number of important background subtraction and modelling algorithms, along with their major features, are presented. In addition, two background approaches are offered. The first approach is a Pixel-based technique whereas the second one works at object level. For each approach, three algorithms are presented. They are called Selective Update Using Non-Foreground Pixels of the Input Image , Selective Update Using Temporal Averaging and Selective Update Using Temporal Median , respectively in this thesis. The first approach has some deficiencies, which makes it incapable to produce a correct dynamic background. Three methods of the second approach use an invariant colour filter and a suitable motion tracking technique, which selectively exclude foreground objects (or blobs) from the background frames. The difference between the three algorithms of the second approach is in updating process of the background pixels. It is shown that the Selective Update Using Temporal Median method produces the correct background image for each input frame. Representing foreground regions using their boundaries is also an important task. Thus, an appropriate RLE contour tracing algorithm has been implemented for this purpose. However, after the thresholding process, the boundaries of foreground regions often have jagged appearances. Thus, foreground regions may not correctly be recognised reliably due to their corrupted boundaries. A very efficient boundary smoothing method based on the RLE data is proposed in Chapter 7. It just smoothes the external and internal boundaries of foreground objects and does not distort the silhouettes of foreground objects. As a result, it is very fast and does not blur the image. Finally, the goal of this thesis has been presenting simple, practical and efficient algorithms with little constraints which can run in real time

    Digital Image Processing

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    This book presents several recent advances that are related or fall under the umbrella of 'digital image processing', with the purpose of providing an insight into the possibilities offered by digital image processing algorithms in various fields. The presented mathematical algorithms are accompanied by graphical representations and illustrative examples for an enhanced readability. The chapters are written in a manner that allows even a reader with basic experience and knowledge in the digital image processing field to properly understand the presented algorithms. Concurrently, the structure of the information in this book is such that fellow scientists will be able to use it to push the development of the presented subjects even further

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationBalancing the trade off between the spatial and temporal quality of interactive computer graphics imagery is one of the fundamental design challenges in the construction of rendering systems. Inexpensive interactive rendering hardware may deliver a high level of temporal performance if the level of spatial image quality is sufficiently constrained. In these cases, the spatial fidelity level is an independent parameter of the system and temporal performance is a dependent variable. The spatial quality parameter is selected for the system by the designer based on the anticipated graphics workload. Interactive ray tracing is one example; the algorithm is often selected due to its ability to deliver a high level of spatial fidelity, and the relatively lower level of temporal performance isreadily accepted. This dissertation proposes an algorithm to perform fine-grained adjustments to the trade off between the spatial quality of images produced by an interactive renderer, and the temporal performance or quality of the rendered image sequence. The approach first determines the minimum amount of sampling work necessary to achieve a certain fidelity level, and then allows the surplus capacity to be directed towards spatial or temporal fidelity improvement. The algorithm consists of an efficient parallel spatial and temporal adaptive rendering mechanism and a control optimization problem which adjusts the sampling rate based on a characterization of the rendered imagery and constraints on the capacity of the rendering system
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