146 research outputs found

    Securing Text Messages Using Graph Theory and Steganography

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    تامين البيانات يعتبر كعنصر مهم في انظمة لاتصالات وتناقل البيانات. ويكمن دوره الرئيسي في الحفاظ على المعلومات الحساسة بأمان وبشكل متكامل من المرسل إلى المتلقي ، وهناك نوعان من مبادئ الامنية هما التشفير وإخفاء المعلومات ، الأول يعمل على تغيير مظهر المعلومات ويغير من هيئتها في حين أن الثاني يخفيها من الدخلاء. النظام المصمم يقترح طريقة جديدة للتشفير باستخدام خصائص نظرية البيانات ؛ يعطي مفتاحًا تم إنشاؤه بتحويل كلمة السر الى مخطط (graph) من نوع متكامل  complete  ثم نستخرج مصفوفة التجاور adjacency matrix  للمخطط ونستخدمها كمفتاح نهائي لتشفير النص  وذلك باستخدام عملية الضرب (ضرب المصفوفات) للحصول على النص المشفر بعدها يتم استخدام طريقة البت الاقل اهمية Least Significant Bit LSB   لإخفاء الرسالة المشفرة في صورة ملونة في المكون الاخضر G من مكوناتها. وكذلك تم توظيف معادلة تحليل PSNR والتي اثبتت كفاءة النظام في اخفاء الرسالة باقل تشويش ممكن بحوالي (97-85)  dB لصورة الغلاف قبل وبعد عملية الاخفاء و MSE تتراوح بين  (4.537e-05 -5.27546e-04) و  SSIM=1.0.       Data security is an important component of data communication and transmission systems. Its main role is to keep sensitive information safe and integrated from the sender to the receiver. The proposed system aims to secure text messages through two security principles encryption and steganography. The system produced a novel method for encryption using graph theory properties; it formed a graph from a password to generate an encryption key as a weight matrix of that graph and invested the Least Significant Bit (LSB) method for hiding the encrypted message in a colored image within a green component. Practical experiments of (perceptibility, capacity, and robustness) were calculated using similarity measures like PSNR, MSE, and SSIM. These measures had proved the efficiency of the system for image quality and hiding messages with PSNR ratio more than 85 dB, MSE ranged (4.537e-05  to 5.27546e-04) and SSIM=1.0 for using a cover file with size ranged from 256×300 to 1200×760 pixels and message ranged from 16 to 300 characters.


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    Data-hiding using steganography algorithm becomes an important technique to prevent unauthorized users to have access to a secret data.  In this paper, steganography algorithm has been constructed to hide a secret data in a gray and a color images, this algorithm is named deep hiding/extraction algorithm (DHEA) to modify multi-level steganography (MLS). The suggested hiding algorithm is based on modified least significant bit (MDLSB) to scatter data in a cover-image and it utilizes a number of levels; where each level perform hiding data on a gray image except the last level that applies a color image to keep secret data. Furthermore, proper randomization approach with two layers is implemented; the first layer uses random pixels selection for hiding a secret data at each level, while the second layer implements at the last level to move randomly from segment to the others. In addition, the proposed hiding algorithm implements an effective lossless image compression using DEFLATE algorithm to make it possible to hide data into a next level. Dynamic encryption algorithm based on Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is applied at each level by changing cipher keys (Ck) from level to the next, this approach has been applied to increase the security and working against attackers. Soft computing using a meta-heuristic approach based on artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm has been introduced to achieve smoothing on pixels of stego-image, this approach is effective to reduce the noise caused by a hidden large amount of data and to increase a stego-image quality on the last level. The experimental result demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm with bee colony DHA-ABC to show high-performing to hide a large amount of data up to four bits per pixel (bpp) with high security in terms of hard extraction of a secret message and noise reduction of the stego-image. Moreover, using deep hiding with unlimited levels is promising to confuse attackers and to compress a deep sequence of images into one image

    Hide text depending on the three channels of pixels in color images using the modified LSB algorithm

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    At the moment, with the great development of information and communications technology, the transfer of confidential and sensitive data through public communications such as the Internet is very difficult to keep them from hackers and attackers. Therefore, it is necessary to work on the development of new and innovative ways to transfer such information and protect it to ensure that it reaches the desired goal. The goal of a new technique to hide information design not only hides the secret message behind the center cover, but it also provides increased security. The most common way to transfer important and confidential data is through embedding it into cover medium files in a way that does not affect the accuracy of the carrier file, which is known as hiding. In this paper, encryption and concealment techniques were used to protect data transferred from attackers. The proposed method relied on encryption of confidential information using the encryption key and the Xnor gate, after which the encrypted information was hidden in a color image using the LSB algorithm. The method of concealment depends on the extraction of chromatic channels of three RGB for each pixel and specifying the channel in which the bit of the encryption message will be hidden. Some metrics have been adopted to measure the quality of the resulting picture after hiding as PSNR and MSE, and achieve good results

    Edge-based image steganography

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    Information Hiding in Images Using Steganography Techniques

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    Innovation of technology and having fast Internet make information to distribute over the world easily and economically. This is made people to worry about their privacy and works. Steganography is a technique that prevents unauthorized users to have access to the important data. The steganography and digital watermarking provide methods that users can hide and mix their information within other information that make them difficult to recognize by attackers. In this paper, we review some techniques of steganography and digital watermarking in both spatial and frequency domains. Also we explain types of host documents and we focused on types of images