3,099 research outputs found

    Examining green production and its role within the competitive strategy of manufacturers

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    Purpose: This paper reviews current literature and contributes a set of findings that capture the current state-of-the-art of the topic of green production. Design/methodology/approach: A literature review to capture, classify and summarize the main body of knowledge on green production and, translate this into a form that is readily accessible to researchers and practitioners in the more mainstream operations management community. Findings: The existing knowledge base is somewhat fragmented. This is a relatively unexplored topic within mainstream operations management research and one which could provide rich opportunities for further exploration. Originality/value: This paper sets out to review current literature, from a more conventional production operations perspective, and contributes a set of findings that capture the current state-of-the-art of this topic

    Zielone zakupy : czy konsumenci myślą o środowisku przy podejmowaniu decyzji zakupowych?

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    Celem artykułu jest ustalenie, w jaki sposób aspekty ekologiczne wpływają na decyzje konsumentów podczas dokonywania zakupów. W ramach badań przeprowadzono ankietę internetową na grupie 713 respondentów. Podczas analizy zastosowano następujące testy statystyczne: współczynnik korelacji rang Spearmana, dwuwymiarowy współczynnik korelacji Pearsona, Test U Manna-Whitneya, Test Kruskala-Wallisa oraz Test Chi kwadrat. Na podstawie badań ustalono, że osoby posiadające dzieci wyróżniają się pod względem dokonywania zakupów w sposób zaplanowany, co może pomóc w podejmowaniu świadomych decyzji zakupowych i ograniczeniu kupowania zbędnych produktów. Wyniki potwierdzają, że osoby posiadające dzieci są skłonne zapłacić więcej, aby otrzymać produkt w preferowanym opakowaniu. Sytuacja wygląda inaczej, jeśli chodzi o studentów. Ta grupa społeczna, w porównaniu z innymi badanymi, niechętnie płaci więcej za lepsze opakowanie. Studenci wyróżniają się również w przypadku korzystania z mediów społecznościowych – śledzą profile promujące zachowania ekologiczne. Planowane są dalsze badania mające na celu zbadanie motywacji stojących za proekologicznymi decyzjami zakupowymi. Niniejszy artykuł wyjaśnia do jakich grup można potencjalnie kierować oferty produktów ekologicznych. Wyniki analizy obrazują, jak ewoluują zakupy i preferencje konsumentów.Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to find out how consumers evaluate eco-aspects when making purchases. Design/methodology/approach: An internet survey of 713 respondents was conducted. The study uses the following statistical tests: Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient, Bivariate Pearson Correlation, Mann-Whitney U Test, Kruskal-Wallis Test, and Chi-Squared Test. Findings: People with children stand out concerning shopping in a planned manner with a shopping list which can help to make informed purchasing decisions and limit unnecessary shopping. The survey shows that people with children are willing to pay more to get a product in preferable packaging. However, the situation looks different when it comes to students. Students, when compared with other social groups, are more reluctant to pay more for better packaging. They also stand out when it comes to social media use – they follow profiles promoting green behaviours. Research limitations/implications: Further research is planned to study the motivations behind environmentally friendly purchasing decisions. Practical implications: The study demonstrates which groups could potentially be targeted with green product offers. Social implications: The outcomes of the survey show how shopping and consumer preferences are evolving. It is very important to take care of the natural environment nowadays. For this reason, companies should strive to produce greener products to help consumers lower their environmental impact. Originality/value: Drawing the correlation between a shopping process and consideration for the natural environment

    Tackling Formidable Industrial Pollution By Sophisticated And Eco- Friendly Technology

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    The contemporary environmental awareness has emerged primarily from the concerns in the late 19th century about protection of the countrysideinEuropeandthewildernessinthe United States and also from the health-issues ensuing the pollution during historic industrial revolution, took place in Britain in the 18th century. Its profound aftermaths such as climate change, urbanization, pollution and over- mining, etc. are challenging even the human existence, although there are certain benefits. It is no exaggeration to say that pollution will be a biggest cause of premature death since the estimations conclude that by 2050 there will be about 3.6 million deaths a year, most of them in China and India (OECD report). Although world leaders’ perpetual attention and solidarity on this topic, for instance the Paris agreement on 30 November 2015 on climate change, are more commendable, it has fallen by the wayside. In this research-initiative my paper would illustrate the use of sophisticated and eco-friendly technology to tackle the formidable challenges of industrial pollution. As the industrial activities areessentialforaneconomy,citizens’well-being and maintenance of employment, its complete elimination is practically beyond the bounds of possibility. Hence, one of the key methods for getting rid of these challenges in the advanced world can be attained through the technological development. My study focuses on industrial pollution and the use of advanced technologies, introduced as new industrial process or modification of existing one for reducing the impacts of the production on environment, such as accumulation of wastes, air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution, etc

    Solar energy technology and its roles in sustainable development.

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    Solar energy is environmentally friendly technology, a great energy supply and one of the most significant renewable and green energy sources. It plays a substantial role in achieving sustainable development energy solutions. Therefore, the massive amount of solar energy attainable daily makes it a very attractive resource for generating electricity. Both technologies, applications of concentrated solar power or solar photovoltaics, are always under continuous development to fulfil our energy needs. Hence, a large installed capacity of solar energy applications worldwide, in the same context, supports the energy sector and meets the employment market to gain sufficient development. This paper highlights solar energy applications and their role in sustainable development and considers renewable energy's overall employment potential. Thus, it provides insights and analysis on solar energy sustainability, including environmental and economic development. Furthermore, it has identified the contributions of solar energy applications in sustainable development by providing energy needs, creating jobs opportunities and enhancing environmental protection. Finally, the perspective of solar energy technology is drawn up in the application of the energy sector and affords a vision of future development in this domain


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    A first system includes a feedstock load port and a feedstock discharge port. The first system also includes a tank configured to retain biomass feedstock for aerobic biodegradation. The first system further includes a mechanical ventilator in fluid communication with the tank. The mechanical ventilator is configured to supply air to facilitate the aerobic biodegradation of the biomass feedstock. The first system also includes an exhaust port configured to receive gas generated during the aerobic biodegradation. A second system includes a feedstock load port and a feedstock discharge port. The second system also includes a pressure vessel configured to retain biomass feedstock for anaerobic bio degradation. The second system further includes a gas release device to facilitate migration of gas within the pressure vessel. The second system also includes a water cycler configured to cycle water within the pressure vessel. The second system further includes an exhaust port

    An account of Natural material based Non Volatile Memory Device

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    The development in electronic sector has brought a remarkable change in the life style of mankind. At the same time this technological advancement results adverse effect on environment due to the use of toxic and non degradable materials in various electronic devices. With the emergence of environmental problems, the green, reprogrammable, biodegradable, sustainable and environmental-friendly electronic devices have become one of the best solutions for protecting our environment from hazardous materials without compromising the growth of the electronic industry. Natural material has emerged as the promising candidate for the next generation electronic devices due to its easy processing, transparency, flexibility, abundant resources, sustainability, recyclability, and simple extraction. This review targets the characteristics, advancements, role, limitations, and prospects of using natural materials as the functional layer of a resistive switching memory device with a primary focus on the switching/memory properties. Among the available memory devices, resistive random access memory (RRAM), write once read many (WORM) unipolar memory etc. devices have a huge potential to become the non-volatile memory of the next generation owing to their simple structure, high scalability, and low power consumption. The motivation behind this work is to promote the use of natural materials in electronic devices and attract researchers towards a green solution of hazardous problems associated with the electronic devices.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Spartan Daily, March 7, 2001

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    Volume 116, Issue 29https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9665/thumbnail.jp

    Spartan Daily, March 7, 2001

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    Volume 116, Issue 29https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9665/thumbnail.jp