4,960 research outputs found

    MICSIM : Concept, Developments and Applications of a PC-Microsimulation Model for Research and Teaching

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    It is the growing societal interest about the individual and its behaviour in our and 'modern' societies which is asking for microanalyses about the individual situation. In order to allow these microanalyses on a quantitative and empirically based level microsimulation models were developed and increasingly used for economic and social policy impact analyses. Though microsimulation is known and applied (mainly by experts), an easy to use and powerful PC microsimulation model is hard to find. The overall aim of this study and of MICSIM - A PC Microsimulation Model is to describe and offer such a user-friendly and powerful general microsimulation model for (almost) any PC, to support the impact microanalyses both in applied research and teaching. Above all, MICSIM is a general microdata handler for a wide range of typical microanalysis requirements. This paper presents the concept, developments and applications of MICSIM. After some brief remarks on microsimulation characteristics in general, the concept and substantive domains of MICSIM: the simulation, the adjustment and aging, and the evaluation of microdata, are described by its mode of operation in principle. The realisations and developments of MICSIM then are portrayed by the different versions of the computer program. Some MICSIM applications and experiences in research and teaching are following with concluding remarks.Economic and Social Policy Analyses, Microsimulation (dynamic and static), Simulation, Adjustment and Evaluation of Microdata, PC Computer Program for Microanalyses in General

    The Potential of Dynamic Microsimulation in Family Studies: a Review and some Lessons for FAMSIM+

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    Die Entwicklung von Simulationsmodellen nimmt in der sozioökonomischen Abteilung einen zentralen Forschungsschwerpunkt ein, dies einerseits in der Form von Hochrechnungsmodellen zur Berechnung von Kosten und Verteilungswirkungen familienpolitischer Maßnahmen (Förderungen) - hierzu wurden insbesondere Modelle und Softwarepakete für die Bundesländer Niederösterreich und Wien entwickelt - und andererseits in der Form des dynamischen Mikrosimulationsmodells FAMSIM. Dynamische Mikrosimulation erlaubt es, die Individuen einer Bevölkerung über ihren ganzen Lebenslauf im Computer zu simulieren, was insbesondere zur Erforschung demographischer Prozesse dient bzw. die Erforschung der Auswirkungen dieser Prozesse auf andere Systeme - wie etwa Pensionssysteme. Statische "cell-based" Modelle zur Berechnung der Kosten von Familienförderungen in der Form frei parametrisierbarer Simulationsmodelle auf Basis von realen Antragsdaten zu Förderungen: Anwendungen in Wien und Niederösterreich. Modellierung, Programmierung und ökonometrische Schätzung des dynamischen FAMSIM Modells für 5 Europäische Länder; Internationale Vergleichsstudien zu typischen "Risikomustern" betreffend dem Beginn und Ende von Partnerschaften, Erwerbstätigkeit, Ausbildungen sowie Schwangerschaften/Geburten. Zusammenführung der statischen und dynamischen Modelle zu einem dynamischen Familien - Mikrosimulationsmodell FAMSIM+ zur Erforschung demographischer Prozesse (wie sich verändernder Familienstrukturen) sowie der Evaluierung der Kosten und Wirkung familienrelevanter Maßnahmen im Quer- und Längsschnitt. Dieser Ansatz erlaubt zum Beispiel die Erforschung der Auswirkungen von Erwerbsunterbrechungen zur Kinderbetreuung auf die gesamte weitere Erwerbskarriere einschließlich Pensionsansprüche. Nationale und internationale Kooperationen für verschiedene Anwendungsgebiete, wie derzeit für Bildungsprognosen (Kooperation mit dem Institut für Bildungsforschung der Wirtschaft) sowie im Bereich Altenpflege (Netzwerkpartner im International Network for the Research on Elderly Care INREC)

    Analysis and modeling a distributed co-operative multi agent system for scaling-up business intelligence

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    Modeling A Distributed Co-Operative Multi Agent System in the area of Business Intelligence is the newer topic. During the work carried out a software Integrated Intelligent Advisory Model (IIAM) has been develop, which is a personal finance portfolio ma

    Cortical Models for Movement Control

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    Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and Office of Naval Research (N0014-95-l-0409)

    Rethinking The Going Concern Assumption As A Pre-Condition For Accounting Measurement

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    This study compares the principles of the going concern concept against the principles of representational measurement to determine if it is possible to establish foundations of accounting measurement with the going concern concept as a precondition. Representational measurement theory is a theory that establishes measurement in social scientific disciplines such as accounting. The going concern assumption is prescribed as one of the preconditions for measuring the attributes of the elements of the financial statements of an entity that is expected to continue in business for the foreseeable future. Studies in accounting measurement have so far not succeeded in establishing foundations of measurements under going concern. The findings of this study suggest that the going concern assumption is anti-measurement in nature. Consequently, the findings suggest that financial statements be prepared on a basis that distinguishes quantifications produced under conditions that facilitate accounting measurement from those that do not