8 research outputs found

    Автоматизация планирования работы ЭПС метрополитена

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    The authors consider issues of automation applicable to scheduling turnaround of metro electric rolling stock, organization of its individual stages. Complementing theoretical analysis of interaction of processes, data exchange organization, optimal algorithm searching, an algorithm for automated appointment of rolling stock maintenance of the first volume as well as supporting software are developed and proposed which are nowtested. Attributes of the line are determined, affecting algorithm implementation, at the example of the Moscow Metro.Рассмотрены вопросы автоматизации составления графика оборота электроподвижного состава метрополитена, организации отдельных его этапов. Описан алгоритм автоматизированного назначения технического обслуживания подвижного состава первого объёма. Определены атрибуты линии, оказывающие влияние на реализацию алгоритма, на примере Московского метрополитена

    A genetic programming based business process mining approach

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    As business processes become ever more complex there is a need for companies to understand the processes they already have in place. To undertake this manually would be time consuming. The practice of process mining attempts to automatically construct the correct representation of a process based on a set of process execution logs. The aim of this research is to develop a genetic programming based approach for business process mining. The focus of this research is on automated/semi automated business processes within the service industry (by semi automated it is meant that part of the process is manual and likely to be paper based). This is the first time a GP approach has been used in the practice of process mining. The graph based representation and fitness parsing used are also unique to the GP approach. A literature review and an industry survey have been undertaken as part of this research to establish the state-of-the-art in the research and practice of business process modelling and mining. It is observed that process execution logs exist in most service sector companies are not utilised for process mining. The development of a new GP approach is documented along with a set of modifications required to enable accuracy in the mining of complex process constructs, semantics and noisy process execution logs. In the context of process mining accuracy refers to the ability of the mined model to reflect the contents of the event log on which it is based; neither over describing, including features that are not recorded in the log, or under describing, just including the most common features leaving out low frequency task edges, the contents of the event log. The complexity of processes, in terms of this thesis, involves the mining of parallel constructs, processes containing complex semantic constructs (And/XOR split and join points) and processes containing 20 or more tasks. The level of noise mined by the business process mining approach includes event logs which have a small number of randomly selected tasks missing from a third of their structure. A novel graph representation for use with GP in the mining of business processes is presented along with a new way of parsing graph based individuals against process execution logs. The GP process mining approach has been validated with a range of tests drawn from literature and two case studies, provided by the industrial sponsor, utilising live process data. These tests and case studies provide a range of process constructs to fully test and stretch the GP process mining approach. An outlook is given into the future development of the GP process mining approach and process mining as a practice.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Research on key techniques of flexible workflow based approach to supporting dynamic engineering design process

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    Error on title page - correct year of award is 2015 not 2013.Engineering design process (EDP) is a highly dynamic and creative process, and the capability in managing an EDP is considered as a major differentiating factor between competing enterprises. The most important prerequisite to establish an engineering design process excellence is a proper management of all the design process activities and the associated information. The most important impact in recent years on the EDP and on the activities of designers has come from computer-based data processing. Workflow, the automation of a business processes in whole or part, is a useful tool for modelling and managing a business process which can be reprensented by a workflow model (computerized process definition). By considering the dynamic characteristics of EDP, an EDP management system must be flexible enough to support the creative and dynamic EDP. After the introduction of engineering design process and its new trend, as well as flexible workflow technology, reviews of both engineering design process and its supporting flexible workflow technology shows that there is a need for a holistic framework to automate and coordinate design activities in the creative and dynamic EDP, and the flexible workflow technology should also be improved comprehensively in flexibility and intelligence in order to support better engineering design management. By introducing the relations between the EDP and flexible workflow, a virtual workflow and an autonomic flexible workflow built upon autonomic computing is investigated, and an innovative engineering design process management framework based on multi-autonomic objects flexible workflow is proposed. For the flexible workflow modelling in the framework, a dynamic instance-based flexible workflow modelling method is proposed for multi-autonomic objects flexible workflow. In order to improve the intelligence of flexible workflow, after examining the principle of flexible workflow intelligence in flexible workflow, a new flexible workflow autonomic object intelligence algorithm based on both extended Mamdani fuzzy reasoning and neural network is proposed, weighted fuzzy reasoning algorithm, as well as precise and fuzzy hybrid knowledge reasoning algorithm is designed; a bionic flexible workflow adaptation algorithm is proposed to improve the intelligence of autonomic object flexible workflow further. According to the characteristic of EDP, such as cross-enterprises and geographical distribution, and in order to realize the flexible execution of distributed flexible workflow engine, a distributed flexible workflow engine architecture based on web service is proposed and a flexible workflow model description method based on extended WSDL (Web Service Description Language) and BPEL4WS (Business Process Execution Language for Web Services) is proposed. A flexible workflow prototype system supporting engineering design process is implemented according to the proposed EDP management framework in Microsoft VS.Net 2005 environment. The framework is demonstrated by the application in an EDP of a MTO company, and it shows that the proposed framework can support the creative and dynamic process in an efficient way. Finally, the strengths and weakness of the framework as well as the prototype system is discussed based on the results of the evaluation, and the proposed areas of future work are given.Engineering design process (EDP) is a highly dynamic and creative process, and the capability in managing an EDP is considered as a major differentiating factor between competing enterprises. The most important prerequisite to establish an engineering design process excellence is a proper management of all the design process activities and the associated information. The most important impact in recent years on the EDP and on the activities of designers has come from computer-based data processing. Workflow, the automation of a business processes in whole or part, is a useful tool for modelling and managing a business process which can be reprensented by a workflow model (computerized process definition). By considering the dynamic characteristics of EDP, an EDP management system must be flexible enough to support the creative and dynamic EDP. After the introduction of engineering design process and its new trend, as well as flexible workflow technology, reviews of both engineering design process and its supporting flexible workflow technology shows that there is a need for a holistic framework to automate and coordinate design activities in the creative and dynamic EDP, and the flexible workflow technology should also be improved comprehensively in flexibility and intelligence in order to support better engineering design management. By introducing the relations between the EDP and flexible workflow, a virtual workflow and an autonomic flexible workflow built upon autonomic computing is investigated, and an innovative engineering design process management framework based on multi-autonomic objects flexible workflow is proposed. For the flexible workflow modelling in the framework, a dynamic instance-based flexible workflow modelling method is proposed for multi-autonomic objects flexible workflow. In order to improve the intelligence of flexible workflow, after examining the principle of flexible workflow intelligence in flexible workflow, a new flexible workflow autonomic object intelligence algorithm based on both extended Mamdani fuzzy reasoning and neural network is proposed, weighted fuzzy reasoning algorithm, as well as precise and fuzzy hybrid knowledge reasoning algorithm is designed; a bionic flexible workflow adaptation algorithm is proposed to improve the intelligence of autonomic object flexible workflow further. According to the characteristic of EDP, such as cross-enterprises and geographical distribution, and in order to realize the flexible execution of distributed flexible workflow engine, a distributed flexible workflow engine architecture based on web service is proposed and a flexible workflow model description method based on extended WSDL (Web Service Description Language) and BPEL4WS (Business Process Execution Language for Web Services) is proposed. A flexible workflow prototype system supporting engineering design process is implemented according to the proposed EDP management framework in Microsoft VS.Net 2005 environment. The framework is demonstrated by the application in an EDP of a MTO company, and it shows that the proposed framework can support the creative and dynamic process in an efficient way. Finally, the strengths and weakness of the framework as well as the prototype system is discussed based on the results of the evaluation, and the proposed areas of future work are given

    Bankee: modelação e implementação de transferências interbancárias com Business Process Management

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    Atualmente, com o aumento exponencial de competitividade nos mercados, as empresas que se queiram manter na linha da frente devem adotar uma posição crítica e proactiva na análise e optimização dos seus processos de negócio. Face às inegáveis complexidade, competitividade e volatilidade do sector, a banca é um dos principais segmentos onde se recorre a Business Process Management (BPM) para cumprir com diferentes metas para a fluidez e segurança do negócio, recorrendo a técnicas desenvolvidas de forma a agilizarem os seus processos e a reduzirem o risco operacional inerente à sua atividade. Neste sentido, foi realizado um estudo de caracterização na área de domínio de BPM tendo por base uma aplicação de front end bancário em desenvolvimento para uma instituição bancária angolana. Objetivamente procedeu-se à identificação de diferentes padrões de modelação de processos de negócio, e de integração, orientados à resolução de problemas operacionais relacionados com a falta de intervenção de diferentes níveis hierárquicos, durante o processo de transferências interbancárias, com o intuito de reduzir o risco de fraude interna. Como resultado deste estudo desenvolveram-se todos os componentes do módulo de transferências interbancárias, bem como o modelo de processo de negócio em BPMN 2.0 (Business Process Model and Notation) que integra a funcionalidade que permite a intervenção dinâmica de diferentes individuos da hierarquia da instituição em pontos chave do processo de negócio.Nowadays, with the exponential increasing in markets competitiveness, companies that want to remain at the forefront must adopt a critical and proactive position in the analysis and optimization of their business processes. n view of the undeniable complexity, competitiveness and volatility of the sector, banking is one of the main segments where Business Process Management (BPM) is used to meet different goals for business fluency and security, using techniques developed to streamline processes and reduce the operational risk inherent in its activity. In this sense, a characterization study was carried out in the BPM domain area, based on a bank frontier application under development for an Angolan banking institution. Objectively, different patterns of business process modeling and integration were identified, aimed at solving operational problems related to the lack of intervention at different hierarchical levels, during the interbank transfer process, in order to reduce the risk of internal fraud. As a result of this study, all the components of the interbank transfer module were developed, as well as the business process model in BPMN 2.0 (Business Process Model and Notation) that integrates the functionality to allow dynamic intervention of different individuals in the hierarchy of the institution key points of the business process

    Inteligência competitiva na web: um framework conceitual para aquisição de ativos de conhecimento no contexto do front-end da inovação

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal da Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2013.A inteligência competitiva na web pode ser utilizada como um método para se adquirir ativos de conhecimentos, inclusive para ser aplicada nas atividades do Front-End da Inovação, como na Identificação de Oportunidades e Análise de Oportunidades. Observa-se, porém, que há uma lacuna evidenciada na literatura sobre mais detalhes de como a inteligência competitiva acontece nessas atividades. Esta dissertação apresenta uma proposta de um framework conceitual sobre inteligência competitiva na web, no contexto do Front-End da Inovação. Para isso, primeiramente, foi realizada uma análise bibliométrica sobre inteligência competitiva na web. A partir desta bibliometria, foram identificados e analisados frameworks de inteligência competitiva na web. Esses frameworks serviram de base para a definição dos elementos e das diretrizes do framework conceitual proposto. A modelagem do framework foi feita por meio da linguagem EPC e da ferramenta Aris Express. A verificação do framework ocorreu com a avaliação de especialistas, utilizando-se o método Delphi Eletrônico em duas rodadas. Após essa etapa, foram realizadas alterações e a versão final do framework foi apresentada com sete fases (Identificação das necessidades de Inteligência para Inovação, Identificação das necessidades de informação, Coleta da informação, Processamento, Análise, Disseminação e Avaliação). Acredita-se que o framework proposto preenche a lacuna identificada sobre a aplicação da inteligência competitiva no Front-End da Inovação. Conclui-se que a inteligência competitiva na web pode ser utilizada no processo de inovação e assim gerar vantagem competitiva sustentável para uma organização. Além disso, espera-se que essa pesquisa contribua como base para futuras implementações do processo de inteligência competitiva na web em organizações, para que possam aumentar a coleta de ativos de conhecimento, a identificação de oportunidades e a realização de inovações.Abstract : Competitive intelligence on the web can be used as a method to acquire knowledge assets and to be applied in Front-End of Innovation activities, such as Opportunity Identification and Opportunity Analysis. Nevertheless, there is a gap in the literature about more details of how the competitive intelligence happens on these activities. This Master Thesis presents a proposition of a conceptual framework about competitive intelligence on the web in the context of Front-End of Innovation. Firstly, it was perfomed a bibliometric analysis about competitive intelligence on the web. Based on this bibliometrics, frameworks of competitive intelligence on the web were identified and analyzed. These frameworks were used to define elements and guidelines of the proposed conceptual framework. It was used the EPC language and Aris Express tool to model the framework. The verification of the framework occurred with the experts? evaluation, based on the application of two rounds of the E-Delphi method. After this stage, changes were made and the final version of the framework was presented with seven phases (Identification of requirements for Innovation Intelligence, Identification of information needs, Information collection, Processing, Analysis, Dissemination and Evaluation / Feedback). It is believed that the proposed framework bridges the gap identified on the application of competitive intelligence in the Front-End of Innovation. It is concluded that Competitive intelligence on the web can be used in the innovation process and generate sustainable competitive advantage for an organization. Furthermore, this research can contribute as basis for future implementations of competitive intelligence on the web process on organizations, in order to enhance the collection of knowledge assets, opportunities identification and innovation

    EPC Workflow Model to WIFA Model Conversion

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