8,723 research outputs found

    Dealing with the aftermath of mass disasters. A field study on the application of EMDR integrative group treatment protocol with child survivors of the 2016 Italy earthquakes

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    This study explored the effects of the EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol (EMDR-IGTP) on child survivors of the earthquakes that struck Umbria, a region of central Italy, on August 24th and on October 26th 2016. Three hundred and thirty-two children from the town of Norcia and nearby severely disrupted villages received 3 cycles of EMDR-IGTP. The Emotion Thermometers (ET-5) and the Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale (CRIES-13) were administered before (T0) and about 1 week after the conclusion of the third cycle (T3) of EMDR-IGTP. At T3, older children showed a reduction of distress and anger, whereas younger children reported an increase on these domains; moreover, older children reported a greater reduction of anxiety than younger ones. A greater reduction of distress, anxiety, and need for help was evidenced in females, whereas a greater improvement in depressive symptoms was evidenced in males. The effects of the EMDR-IGTP treatment on post-traumatic symptoms were particularly evident in older children, compared to younger ones, and marginally greater in females than in males; moreover, a greater improvement was found in children who had received a timelier intervention, than in those who received delayed treatment. These results provide further evidence for the utility of EMDR-IGTP in dealing with the extensive need for mental health services in mass disaster contexts. Also, these data highlight the importance of providing EMDR-IGTP in the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster, to contribute significantly in restoring adaptive psychological functioning in children, especially in older ones

    EMDR therapy for PTSD after motor vehicle accidents: meta-analytic evidence for specific treatment

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    Motor vehicle accident (MVA) victims may suffer both acute and post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). With PTSD affecting social, interpersonal and occupational functioning, clinicians as well as the National Institute of Health are very interested in identifying the most effective psychological treatment to reduce PTSD. From research findings, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is considered as one of the effective treatment of PTSD. In this paper, we present the results of a meta-analysis of fMRI studies on PTSD after MVA through activation likelihood estimation. We found that PTSD following MVA is characterized by neural modifications in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a cerebral structure involved in fear-conditioning mechanisms. Basing on previous findings in both humans and animals, which demonstrate that desensitization techniques and extinction protocols act on the limbic system, the effectiveness of EMDR and of cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT) may be related to the fact that during these therapies the ACC is stimulated by desensitization

    Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing for offence-related trauma in a mentally disordered sexual offender

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    Research demonstrates a high incidence of offence-related trauma in mentally disordered offenders convicted of violent and sexual offences. The adaptive information processing (AIP) model offers a theoretical framework for understanding the hypothesised relationship between offence-related trauma and reoffending. Evidence suggests that for a sub-population of offenders presenting with offence-related trauma: (1) therapy may retraumatise them, and (2) unresolved trauma severely blocks the positive benefits of talking therapies. Thus, it is postulated that traumatised violent and sexual offenders may be released into the community when they are still at risk of reoffending. A single case study is presented, which describes the application of eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) for a sexual offender presenting with offence-related trauma, whose offences occurred in the context of serious mental disorder. The identification of offence-related trauma and subsequent resolution of trauma symptomatology are discussed in regard to effective offender rehabilitation. Furthermore, the idiosyncratic nature of offence-related trauma and the application of the standard EMDR protocol for a single traumatic event are considered

    Trauma-Focused Interventions: A Clinical Practice Analysis

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    This paper presents a systematic review of trauma-treatment interventions, which have different theoretical perspectives on trauma etiology and its application. The empirical findings of these trauma treatment therapies are presented. The extant literature identifies five therapies as the most-effective treatment modalities for PTSD: cognitive therapy (CT), cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), cognitive processing therapy (CPT), prolonged exposure (PE) therapy, and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. They are all validated with some nuances on treatment approach and effectiveness. However, to use these five interventions, practitioners need to consider and apply the research findings that indicate which intervention is best for which population. Based on the findings, suggestions are made for which population the different interventions are best suited

    Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) treatment associated with parent management training (PMT) for the acute symptoms in a patient with PANDAS syndrome: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this report was to present the results of eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy associated with parent management training (PMT) in a child with paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcus (PANDAS), who had previously only been treated with pharmacological treatment. CASE PRESENTATION: The case concerns an 11-year-old boy who presented with simple and complex vocal tics, motor tics, obsessive-compulsive traits and irritability from the age of 6 years, in addition to a positive result for streptococcal infection. The course of symptoms followed a relapsing-remitting trend with acute phases that were contingent on the infectious episodes. CONCLUSIONS: Following eight sessions of EMDR, preceded by training sessions with the parents, the child showed a significant reduction in symptoms and disappearance of the exacerbation. These results indicate the possibility of improving the treatment outcomes of patients with PANDAS by a combined approach using both antibiotic and EMDR therapies

    The effect of eye movements on traumatic memories and the susceptibility to misinformation : a partial replication : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Psychology at Massey University, Manawatū, New Zealand

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    The issue of whether certain techniques used in psychotherapy might increase false memories is a major source of contention between cognitive and practising psychologists. Recently, a study by Houben, Otgaar, Merckelbach, and Roelofs (2018) found that bilateral eye movements used in Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy increase susceptibility to misleading information. EMDR is a popular treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder and is primarily thought to reduce the vividness and emotional intensity of traumatic memories. Individuals who undergo EMDR therapy may be more susceptible to misinformation that is inadvertently introduced by the therapist due to reductions in memory vividness. Despite strong theoretical links between eye movements and false memories, few studies have investigated this effect. The current study addressed this issue by attempting to replicate the study by Houben et al. (2018). This study also investigated the working memory account underlying EMDR by comparing eye movements to an alternative dual-task. An initial pilot study comprising a reaction time task established that attentional breathing taxed working memory most comparably to bilateral eye movements. The main study predicted that eye movements would increase susceptibility to misinformation and that eye movements and attentional breathing would lead to comparable reductions in memory vividness and emotionality. 94 students (Mage= 25.74, SDage= 9.68) were recruited to participate in the study at Massey University, Manawatū, New Zealand. Participants viewed a five-minute video depicting a serious car accident. Afterwards, they were randomly assigned to perform either eye movements, attentional breathing, or a control task while simultaneously recalling the car accident. Participants rated the vividness and emotionality of their memory before and after performing the tasks. All participants then received misinformation about the video before completing a recognition test. Results indicated that the misinformation effect was not replicated, with no effect of eye movements on susceptibility to false memories. Findings also suggested that eye movements and attentional breathing were ineffective in reducing the vividness and emotional intensity of the trauma memory. The present study raises questions about the validity of materials and procedures used to instil the misinformation effect. Limitations of the study and key areas for improvement are considered for further investigation

    Early in-session predictors of response to trauma-focused cognitive therapy

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    Volume 1 of this thesis examines the predictors of response to trauma-focused treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is presented in three parts. Part 1 is a literature review of research evaluating the impact of trauma-focused therapy for PTSD on comorbid symptoms of depression. The Downs and Black (1998) checklist was used to assess study quality. Results indicated that both trauma-focused CBT and EMDR treatments were effective in reducing comorbid depression symptoms. However, as interventions varied widely and some studies were affected by significant methodological problems, the generalisability of these results may be limited, and thus areas for further research are also suggested. Part 2 is an empirical study exploring early in-session client and therapist factors that predict later response to treatment. Audio and video recordings of the first or second therapy session of 54 known treatment responders or non-responders were blind-rated for client perseverative thinking, therapist adherence and therapeutic alliance. Results revealed that more perseverative thinking was observed for non-responders than responders to treatment. No group differences were found in regards to therapist adherence or therapeutic alliance. Exploratory analyses revealed that across the sample as a whole, perseverative thinking was associated with reduced therapist adherence to the treatment manual and poorer therapeutic alliance. As this study is one of the first of its kind in this area, recommendations were made for future research opportunities to explore these findings further. Part 3 is a critical appraisal of the empirical study. This elaborates on the main findings of this project and discusses the methodological challenges involved in undertaking this type of research, particularly developing and applying a novel coding frame

    Participants’ Experiences of EMDR Training.

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    This research projects spans a 6-year period surveying 485 participants’ experiences of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) training in the United Kingdom and Ireland between the periods of 2005 and 2011. This research used a mixed research methodology exploring EMDR training participants’ application of EMDR within their current clinical practice. The rationale was to explore potential differences between EMDR-accredited and EMDR-nonaccredited clinicians in relation to retrospective reports of treatment. Results indicate that EMDR-accredited clinicians report better treatment outcomes. An argument is presented that EMDR has progressed from a convergent technique to a divergent psychotherapeutic approach. Consequently, the research explored whether current EMDR training is “fit for purpose.” A comprehensive model for EMDR training is outlined, proposing the importance of developing more EMDR training in academic institutions

    Effects of visuospatial tasks on desensitization to emotive memories

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    Objectives: Vivid and intrusive memories of extreme trauma can disrupt a stepwise approach to imaginal exposure. Concurrent tasks that load the visuo-spatial sketchpad (VSSP) of working memory reduce memory vividness during imaginal exposure. Such tasks may help maintain a progressive exposure protocol while minimizing distress during treatment. The current study tested whether relief of distress from a competing VSSP load during emotive imagery is at the cost of impaired desensitization. Design: This study examined repeated exposure to emotive memories using 18 unselected undergraduates, using a within-subjects design. Method: Participants recalled three positive and three negative self-related memories, and rated the vividness and emotiveness of the image. Participants then received all three conditions (Eye Movements; Visual Noise; Control) in a counterbalanced order. One positive and one negative recollection were used for each condition. They then rated the vividness of the image and their emotional response before proceeding to the next trial. There were 8 trials for each image. At a noninterference session one week later, participants recalled each image, rating its vividness and their emotional response. Results: Consistent with previous research, vividness and distress during imaging were lower during eye movements than in exposure alone, with passive visual interference giving intermediate results. A small reduction in emotional responses a week later was of similar size for the three conditions
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