9 research outputs found

    Neural Network Classification of Brainwave Alpha Signals in Cognitive Activities

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    The signal produced by human brain waves is one unique feature. Signals carry information and are represented in electrical signals generated from the brain in a typical waveform. Human brain wave activity will always be active even when sleeping. Brain waves will produce different characteristics in different individuals. Physical and behavioral characteristics can be identified from patterns of brain wave activity. This study aims to distinguish signals from each individual based on the characteristics of alpha signals from brain waves produced. Brain wave signals are generated by giving several mental perception tasks measured using an Electroencephalogram (EEG). To get different features, EEG signals are extracted using first-order extraction and are classified using the Neural Network method. The results of this study are typical of the five first-order features used, namely average, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, and entropy. The results of pattern recognition training show that 171 successful iterations are carried out with a period of execution of 6 seconds. Performance tests are performed using the Mean Squared Error (MSE) function. The results of the performance tests that were successfully obtained in the pattern test are in the number 0.000994

    Principal component analysis implementation for brainwave signal reduction based on cognitive activity

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    Human has the ability to think that comes from the brain. Electrical signals generated by brain and represented in wave form.  To record and measure the activity of brainwaves in the form of electrical potential required electroencephalogram (EEG). In this study a cognitive task is applied to trigger a specific human brain response arising from the cognitive aspect.  Stimulation is given by using nine types of cognitive tasks including breath, color, face, finger, math, object, password thinking, singing, and sports. Principal component analysis (PCA) is implemented as a first step to reduce data and to get the main component of feature extraction results obtained from EEG acquisition. The results show that PCA succeeded reducing 108 existing datasets to 2 prominent factors with a cumulative rate of 65.7%. Factor 1 (F1) includes mean, standard deviation, and entropy, while factor 2 (F2) includes skewness and kurtosis


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    Film horor merupakan film yang dirancang untuk menciptakan atau memberikan situasi dan keadaan yang menakutkan, mengejutkan, menyeramkan dan teror untuk para penikmatnya. Hal ini memberikan rangsangan tersendiri terhadap otak karena adanya fluktuasi ion pada neuron otak yang dapat terbaca oleh alat electroencephalograph (EEG). Berdasarkan rentang frekuensinya sinyal otak dibagi menjadi 5 jenis pola sinyal otak yaitu alpha, beta, theta, delta, dan gamma dengan frekuensi berbeda-beda dan dimana masing-masing sinyal menandakan kondisi yang berbeda-beda. Pada penelitian kali ini metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA) sebagai ekstraksi ciri dan metode klasifikasi menggunakan K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) dengan masukan berupa data sinyal EEG. Pemilihan metode tersebut ditujukan untuk membagi data sinyal menjadi beberapa komponen berdasarkan frekuensinya dan mengklasifikasikan gelombang otak tersebut untuk memperoleh keluaran berupa kondisi emosional seseorang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan pola sinyal alpha dan beta pada seseorang pada saat diberi stimulus berupa potongan film horor serta didukung dengan sinkronnya detak jantung, ekspresi wajah atau tingkah laku. Pada penelitian ini hasil perbandingan sinyal beta yang cenderung muncul berada dikanal AF7 dan AF8, sedangkan untuk sinyal alpha yang cenderung muncul berada pada kanal TP9 dan TP10. Akurasi terbaik dari penelitian dengan 2 skenario mencapai 77,7% untuk sinyal alpha dan 77,7% untuk sinyal beta. Kata kunci: EEG, alpha beta, Principal Component Analysis, KN


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    Ketika mendengarkan musik atau suara tertentu terkadang manusia merasakan suatu emosi dan respon yang berbeda beda, respon ini muncul akibat stimulus dari musik atau suara tersebut, yang mengakibatkan turun naiknya aktivitas otak. Dengan mendengarkan musik saat tidur, akan mempengaruhi tidur seseorang. Untuk dapat mengklasifikasikan aktivitas dan karakeristik otak diperlukan proses pengukuran aktivitas gelombang otak. Dalam tugas akhir ini dilakukan analisa aktivitas otak dengan mengggunakan EEG terhadap orang yang tidur dengan mendengarkan musik Dengan menggunakan Electrochepalography (EEG) sebagai instrumen untuk menangkap sinyal otak. Electrochepalography adalah perangkat yang dapat menangkap aktivitas listrik di otak dan menginformasikan kondisi seperti emosional, kelelahan, kewaspadaan, kesehatan dan tingkat konsentrasi. Pada tugas akhir ini dirancang sistem untuk mengklasifikasikan kondisi nyenyak tidur seseorang ketika diberikan rangsangan suara berdasarkan analisis sinyal delta dan theta dengan menggunakan EEG. Dimana terdapat 3 kondisi yang masing masing kondisi terdapat 30 di tiap kanal nya. Sebelum dapat mengklasifikasikan diperlukan preprocessing, ekstraksi ciri yang digunakan yaitu Discrete Wavelet Transform dan K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) untuk klasifikasi. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa kanal terbaik terdapat pada kanal AF8 pada sinyal delta dengan akurasi 96%, 29 data dari 30 data dan theta dengan akurasi 93%, 28 data dari 30. Kata kunci : Electrochephalography, Discrete Wavelet Transform, KNN, Rangsangan suar

    Augmentation of Brain Function: Facts, Fiction and Controversy. Volume III: From Clinical Applications to Ethical Issues and Futuristic Ideas

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    The final volume in this tripartite series on Brain Augmentation is entitled “From Clinical Applications to Ethical Issues and Futuristic Ideas”. Many of the articles within this volume deal with translational efforts taking the results of experiments on laboratory animals and applying them to humans. In many cases, these interventions are intended to help people with disabilities in such a way so as to either restore or extend brain function. Traditionally, therapies in brain augmentation have included electrical and pharmacological techniques. In contrast, some of the techniques discussed in this volume add specificity by targeting select neural populations. This approach opens the door to where and how to promote the best interventions. Along the way, results have empowered the medical profession by expanding their understanding of brain function. Articles in this volume relate novel clinical solutions for a host of neurological and psychiatric conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, epilepsy, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), traumatic brain injury, and disorders of consciousness. In disease, symptoms and signs denote a departure from normal function. Brain augmentation has now been used to target both the core symptoms that provide specificity in the diagnosis of a disease, as well as other constitutional symptoms that may greatly handicap the individual. The volume provides a report on the use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in ASD with reported improvements of core deficits (i.e., executive functions). TMS in this regard departs from the present-day trend towards symptomatic treatment that leaves unaltered the root cause of the condition. In diseases, such as schizophrenia, brain augmentation approaches hold promise to avoid lengthy pharmacological interventions that are usually riddled with side effects or those with limiting returns as in the case of Parkinson’s disease. Brain stimulation can also be used to treat auditory verbal hallucination, visuospatial (hemispatial) neglect, and pain in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. The brain acts as a telecommunication transceiver wherein different bandwidth of frequencies (brainwave oscillations) transmit information. Their baseline levels correlate with certain behavioral states. The proper integration of brain oscillations provides for the phenomenon of binding and central coherence. Brain augmentation may foster the normalization of brain oscillations in nervous system disorders. These techniques hold the promise of being applied remotely (under the supervision of medical personnel), thus overcoming the obstacle of travel in order to obtain healthcare. At present, traditional thinking would argue the possibility of synergism among different modalities of brain augmentation as a way of increasing their overall effectiveness and improving therapeutic selectivity. Thinking outside of the box would also provide for the implementation of brain-to-brain interfaces where techniques, proper to artificial intelligence, could allow us to surpass the limits of natural selection or enable communications between several individual brains sharing memories, or even a global brain capable of self-organization. Not all brains are created equal. Brain stimulation studies suggest large individual variability in response that may affect overall recovery/treatment, or modify desired effects of a given intervention. The subject’s age, gender, hormonal levels may affect an individual’s cortical excitability. In addition, this volume discusses the role of social interactions in the operations of augmenting technologies. Finally, augmenting methods could be applied to modulate consciousness, even though its neural mechanisms are poorly understood. Finally, this volume should be taken as a debate on social, moral and ethical issues on neurotechnologies. Brain enhancement may transform the individual into someone or something else. These techniques bypass the usual routes of accommodation to environmental exigencies that exalted our personal fortitude: learning, exercising, and diet. This will allow humans to preselect desired characteristics and realize consequent rewards without having to overcome adversity through more laborious means. The concern is that humans may be playing God, and the possibility of an expanding gap in social equity where brain enhancements may be selectively available to the wealthier individuals. These issues are discussed by a number of articles in this volume. Also discussed are the relationship between the diminishment and enhancement following the application of brain-augmenting technologies, the problem of “mind control” with BMI technologies, free will the duty to use cognitive enhancers in high-responsibility professions, determining the population of people in need of brain enhancement, informed public policy, cognitive biases, and the hype caused by the development of brain- augmenting approaches

    Imagine the future world: How do we want to work tomorrow?:Abstract proceedings of the 16th EAWOP Congress 2013

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    The contributions summarized in this volume have been presented at the 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) in Münster, Germany, May 22-25th, 2013. The bi-annual EAWOP Congress is one of the largest international conferences of work and organizational psychologists worldwide, and the largest in Europe. For the current congress, more than 1.700 abstract were submitted that were subject to a double-blind review process. The theme of the EAWOP Congress 2013 “Imagine the future world: How do we want to work tomorrow?” particularly focused on new challenges that we experience in work organizations today and tomorrow, such as globalization and digitalization of economic processes, flexible work with remote partners, demographic changes, financial turbulences, and growing climatic problems. Providing new and innovative ideas on mastering these challenges, this congress was not only a stimulating event for the community of work and organizational psychologists, but also offers new ideas and concepts for decision makers in related disciplines, consultancies, and politics

    Massachusetts Domestic and Foreign Corporations Subject to an Excise: For the Use of Assessors (2004)

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