24 research outputs found

    Contracts for System Design

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    Systems design has become a key challenge and differentiating factor over the last decades for system companies. Aircrafts, trains, cars, plants, distributed telecommunication military or health care systems, and more, involve systems design as a critical step. Complexity has caused system design times and costs to go severely over budget so as to threaten the health of entire industrial sectors. Heuristic methods and standard practices do not seem to scale with complexity so that novel design methods and tools based on a strong theoretical foundation are sorely needed. Model-based design as well as other methodologies such as layered and compositional design have been used recently but a unified intellectual framework with a complete design flow supported by formal tools is still lacking albeit some attempts at this framework such as Platform-based Design have been successfully deployed. Recently an "orthogonal" approach has been proposed that can be applied to all methodologies proposed thus far to provide a rigorous scaffolding for verification, analysis and abstraction/refinement: contractbased design. Several results have been obtained in this domain but a unified treatment of the topic that can help in putting contract-based design in perspective is still missing. This paper intends to provide such treatment where contracts are precisely defined and characterized so that they can be used in design methodologies such as the ones mentioned above with no ambiguity. In addition, the paper provides an important link between interfaces and contracts to show similarities and correspondences. Examples of the use of contracts in design are provided as well as in depth analysis of existing literature.Cet article fait le point sur le concept de contrat pour la conception de systèmes. Les contrats que nous proposons portent, non seulement sur des propriétés de typage de leurs interfaces, mais incluent une description abstraite de comportements. Nous proposons une méta-théorie, ou, si l'on veut, une théorie générique des contrats, qui permet le développement séparé de sous-systèmes. Nous montrons que cette méta-théorie se spécialise en l'une ou l'autre des théories connues

    MoVES: A Model-Driven Methodology for Vehicular Embedded Systems

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    This paper introduces a novel model-driven methodology for the software development of real-time distributed vehicular embedded systems on single-and multi-core platforms. The proposed methodology discloses the opportunity of improving the cost-efficiency of the development process by providing automated support to identify viable design solutions with respect to selected non-functional requirements. To this end, it leverages the interplay of modeling languages for the vehicular domain whose integration is achieved by a suite of model transformations. An instantiation of the methodology is discussed for timing requirements, which are among the most critical ones for vehicular systems. To support the design of temporally correct systems, cooperation between EAST-ADL and the Rubus component model is opportunely built-up by means of model transformations, enabling timing-aware design and model-based timing analysis of the system. The applicability of the methodology is demonstrated as the proof of concepts on industrial use cases performed in cooperation with our industrial partners

    Clafer: Unifying Class and Feature Modeling

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    Context-aware Security for Vehicles and Fleets: A Survey

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    Vehicles are becoming increasingly intelligent and connected. Interfaces for communication with the vehicle, such as WiFi and 5G, enable seamless integration into the user’s life, but also cyber attacks on the vehicle. Therefore, research is working on in-vehicle countermeasures such as authentication, access controls, or intrusion detection. Recently, legal regulations have also become effective that require automobile manufacturers to set up a monitoring system for fleet-wide security analysis. The growing amount of software, networking, and the automation of driving create new challenges for security. Context-awareness, situational understanding, adaptive security, and threat intelligence are necessary to cope with these ever-increasing risks. In-vehicle security should be adaptive to secure the car in an infinite number of (driving) situations. For fleet-wide analysis and alert triage, knowledge and understanding of the circumstances are required. Context-awareness, nonetheless, has been sparsely considered in the field of vehicle security. This work aims to be a precursor to context-aware, adaptive and intelligent security for vehicles and fleets. To this end, we provide a comprehensive literature review that analyzes the vehicular as well as related domains. Our survey is mainly characterized by the detailed analysis of the context information that is relevant for vehicle security in the future

    Timing in Technischen Sicherheitsanforderungen für Systementwürfe mit heterogenen Kritikalitätsanforderungen

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    Traditionally, timing requirements as (technical) safety requirements have been avoided through clever functional designs. New vehicle automation concepts and other applications, however, make this harder or even impossible and challenge design automation for cyber-physical systems to provide a solution. This thesis takes upon this challenge by introducing cross-layer dependency analysis to relate timing dependencies in the bounded execution time (BET) model to the functional model of the artifact. In doing so, the analysis is able to reveal where timing dependencies may violate freedom from interference requirements on the functional layer and other intermediate model layers. For design automation this leaves the challenge how such dependencies are avoided or at least be bounded such that the design is feasible: The results are synthesis strategies for implementation requirements and a system-level placement strategy for run-time measures to avoid potentially catastrophic consequences of timing dependencies which are not eliminated from the design. Their applicability is shown in experiments and case studies. However, all the proposed run-time measures as well as very strict implementation requirements become ever more expensive in terms of design effort for contemporary embedded systems, due to the system's complexity. Hence, the second part of this thesis reflects on the design aspect rather than the analysis aspect of embedded systems and proposes a timing predictable design paradigm based on System-Level Logical Execution Time (SL-LET). Leveraging a timing-design model in SL-LET the proposed methods from the first part can now be applied to improve the quality of a design -- timing error handling can now be separated from the run-time methods and from the implementation requirements intended to guarantee them. The thesis therefore introduces timing diversity as a timing-predictable execution theme that handles timing errors without having to deal with them in the implemented application. An automotive 3D-perception case study demonstrates the applicability of timing diversity to ensure predictable end-to-end timing while masking certain types of timing errors.Traditionell wurden Timing-Anforderungen als (technische) Sicherheitsanforderungen durch geschickte funktionale Entwürfe vermieden. Neue Fahrzeugautomatisierungskonzepte und Anwendungen machen dies jedoch schwieriger oder gar unmöglich; Aufgrund der Problemkomplexität erfordert dies eine Entwurfsautomatisierung für cyber-physische Systeme heraus. Diese Arbeit nimmt sich dieser Herausforderung an, indem sie eine schichtenübergreifende Abhängigkeitsanalyse einführt, um zeitliche Abhängigkeiten im Modell der beschränkten Ausführungszeit (BET) mit dem funktionalen Modell des Artefakts in Beziehung zu setzen. Auf diese Weise ist die Analyse in der Lage, aufzuzeigen, wo Timing-Abhängigkeiten die Anforderungen an die Störungsfreiheit auf der funktionalen Schicht und anderen dazwischenliegenden Modellschichten verletzen können. Für die Entwurfsautomatisierung ergibt sich daraus die Herausforderung, wie solche Abhängigkeiten vermieden oder zumindest so eingegrenzt werden können, dass der Entwurf machbar ist: Das Ergebnis sind Synthesestrategien für Implementierungsanforderungen und eine Platzierungsstrategie auf Systemebene für Laufzeitmaßnahmen zur Vermeidung potentiell katastrophaler Folgen von Timing-Abhängigkeiten, die nicht aus dem Entwurf eliminiert werden. Ihre Anwendbarkeit wird in Experimenten und Fallstudien gezeigt. Allerdings werden alle vorgeschlagenen Laufzeitmaßnahmen sowie sehr strenge Implementierungsanforderungen für moderne eingebettete Systeme aufgrund der Komplexität des Systems immer teurer im Entwurfsaufwand. Daher befasst sich der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit eher mit dem Entwurfsaspekt als mit dem Analyseaspekt von eingebetteten Systemen und schlägt ein Entwurfsparadigma für vorhersagbares Timing vor, das auf der System-Level Logical Execution Time (SL-LET) basiert. Basierend auf einem Timing-Entwurfsmodell in SL-LET können die vorgeschlagenen Methoden aus dem ersten Teil nun angewandt werden, um die Qualität eines Entwurfs zu verbessern -- die Behandlung von Timing-Fehlern kann nun von den Laufzeitmethoden und von den Implementierungsanforderungen, die diese garantieren sollen, getrennt werden. In dieser Arbeit wird daher Timing Diversity als ein Thema der Timing-Vorhersage in der Ausführung eingeführt, das Timing-Fehler behandelt, ohne dass sie in der implementierten Anwendung behandelt werden müssen. Anhand einer Fallstudie aus dem Automobilbereich (3D-Umfeldwahrnehmung) wird die Anwendbarkeit von Timing-Diversität demonstriert, um ein vorhersagbares Ende-zu-Ende-Timing zu gewährleisten und gleichzeitig in der Lage zu sein, bestimmte Arten von Timing-Fehlern zu maskieren