15,392 research outputs found


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    Namjera je prikazati aktualnosti, marketinške aktivnosti i poslovne izazove E-trgovine u Hrvatskoj služeći se dostupnim podacima na globalnoj i lokalnoj razini te ih pokušati interpretirati kako bi što više potencijalnih E-trgovaca pronašlo odgovor na najčešća pitanja. Nadalje, u fokusu ovog rada je istraživanje vlasnika e-trgovina u Hrvatskoj u sustavu Udruge E-Commerce Hrvatska provedeno tijekom 2018. godine. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 198 od ukupno 400 članova Udruge. Prema istraživanju, većina vlasnika E-trgovina u Hrvatskoj, njih 48%, bilježi prihode ne veće od milijun kuna na godinu. Razlog tome su mala ulaganja, nedostatak stručnih kadrova te relativno slaba obaviještenost poduzetnika s jedne i manjak povjerenja kupaca s druge strane. Utoliko bi ovaj rad mogao biti važan – cilj mu je svima njima ukazati na osnovne poluge funkcioniranja E-trgovine. Od začetka do konačnog rada i bilježenja prvih konverzija. Drugi važni cilj ovog Završnog rada bio je ukazati na važnost trgovine putem Interneta kako bi ona eventualno postala snažan segment poslovanja i jedna od važnijih ekonomskih aktivnosti u Hrvatskoj


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    Trgovina je gospodarska djelatnost koja je nedvojbeno izvršila velik utjecaj na život ljudi od prvih početaka do suvremenog doba. Razvojem računala i interneta stvorene su pretpostavke za razvoj e-trgovine, a razvoj pametnih telefona stvorio je temelj za nastanak i razvoj mtrgovine. Trgovina u 21. stoljeću ne prestaje s inovacijama i poboljšanjima u korist kupca i trgovca. E-trgovina je početak suvremene trgovine koja se slikovito opisuje kao „sjedenje ispred računala“. E-trgovina nam je pružila mogućnosti kupnje kod kuće na računalu, izbjegavanje gužve te redova u trgovini. Razvijanjem tržišta pametnih telefona te mogućnošću jeftinijeg i bržeg interneta trgovina se počela bazirati na aplikacije za pametne telefone. U ovom radu trebalo je istražiti i zaključiti je li m-trgovina nastavak e-trgovine ili novi kanal. Proučavanjem dostupne literature i metodom anketiranja došlo se do vrlo zanimljivih spoznaja koje upućuju na činjenicu da je m-trgovina novi kanal trgovine, koji će prema postojećim trendovima ubrzo prestići e-trgovinu, a za očekivati je da će se i dalje razvijati.Trade is an economic activity that has undoubtedly made a huge impact on human life from the very beginnings up to the present time. The improvement of computer and internet has created the preconditions for the development of e-commerce, while the development of smartphones has laid the foundation for starting and developing of m-commerce. The 21st century trade does not cease to innovate and improve in the interest of consumer and trader. E- commerce is the start of the modern trade that is picturesquely described as "sitting in front of computer". Ecommerce has provided us with possibilities of purchase on computer at home and of avoiding crowds and lines in malls. With the development of smartphones and of possibilities of cheaper and faster internet, the trade started being concentrated on applications for smartphones. This assignment is supposed to research and conclude if the m-commerce is the continuance of the e- commerce or a new channel. The researching of available literature and the method of polling discovered some riveting findings, which imply that the m- commerce is a new channel of trade that will soon, according to existing trends, overtake the e- commerce and it is to expect that it will further develop as well

    Convergence of the Export Structure of Romania, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina to the Structure of Import Demand in Developed Countries

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    The similarity coefficients of the export structures of Romania, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina and the import structure of the EU and the U.S. have increased since 2000, but to date, they have not reached a critical turning point. This indicates that the qualities of exports from the observed transitional economies have not rapidly improved, and the export structure remains relatively unfavourable, particularly when compared to advanced transitional countries. The most important factors in the success of advanced transitional economies were: the inflow of foreign direct investment, imports of modern technology (and later, their own development), innovation, development of small and medium sized enterprises, foreign competition, the development of a market economy and macroeconomic stability. The export structures of Romania, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia correlate with improvement in the process of transition in the observed countries. In 2009 Bosnia had the absolute lowest level of similarity coefficient among the studied countries, followed by Serbia, Romania and Croatia, which corresponds to the overall economic performance and foreign trade of the observed economies.Similarity coefficients, Export, Import, Transitional countries, Convergence, EU, U.S.


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    Kad je riječ o e-trgovini većina ljudi najprije pomisli na tradicionalnu, e-trgovinu usmjerenu prema krajnjem kupcu (B2C). S obzirom na to da je prodaja u B2B e-trgovini dvostruko veća od prodaje u B2C e-trgovini, zanimljivo je istražiti i prikazati koje su to posebnosti B2B internetske trgovine, po čemu se ona razlikuje od B2C, kakvo je korisničko iskustvo, „put“ koji korisnik prolazi (tzv. customer journey) u istoj, kako mjeriti uspješnost B2B internetske trgovine i sl. Sve to će nam u konačnici dati odgovor na pitanje koliko je zapravo B2B internetska trgovina orijentirana na kupca, odnosno kakvo je njegovo korisničko iskustvo. Rad uključuje općenito razumijevanje B2B poslovanja i njegovih posebnosti, pogotovo u području e-trgovine, usporedbu s B2C e-trgovinom, te detaljnu analizu jedne B2B internetske trgovine u Hrvatskoj kroz cijeli put koji korisnik prolazi (od perioda prije kupnje do akcija nakon kupnje). Dodatno, ispitano je korisničko iskustvo provođenjem dubinskog intervjua sa stvarnim kupcima te B2B internetska trgovina. S obzirom na to da korisničko iskustvo, ali i usmjerenost na kupca ovise od industrije do industrije, fokus smo stavili na područje B2B internetske trgovine tehničkom opremom (računala, oprema za računala i sl.). Ovaj će rad doprinijeti boljem saznanju o trendovima u B2B trgovini, sugerirati načine kako poboljšati iskustvo s korisnicima kako bi u konačnici B2B trgovina bila percipirana kao trgovina orijentirana na svoje kupce


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    Internet je platforma koja bilježi konstantan rast broja korisnika od kako je nastala. U današnje vrijeme Internet je toliko važan da se poslovanje bez njega više ne bi moglo zamislit. Sve više tvrtki svoje poslovanje okreće prema Internet trgovini, a te iste Internet trgovine bilježe rast prodaje što znači da ima sve više korisnika koji kupuju putem e-trgovine. Kako svugdje postoje određene opasnosti tako je i na Internetu. Društvo te poslovno okruženje nije dovoljno upoznato sa svim rizicima takvog načina poslovanja. E-trgovina raste velikom brzinom ali nitko ne upozorava na prijetnje koje se mogu dogoditi. Cilj autora rada je upoznati tvrtke i krajnje korisnike sa značajem e-trgovine te mogućim rizicima tj. najčešćim opasnostima i prijetnjama koje postoje na Internetu sa posebnim naglaskom na sigurnost i mogućnostima kako ih spriječit prije nego nastanu.The Internet is a platform that is experiencing steady growth since it was created. Nowadays, it is so important that business operations without it could no longer be imagined. More and more companies are turning their business operations toward web shops, and the web shops are experiencing growth in sales, meaning that there are more and more customers who buy through e-commerce. Since there are everywhere certain dangers, there is no difference on the Internet. The society and business company’s are not sufficiently familiar with all the risks of such business operations. E-commerce is growing fast but nobody is warning you about the threats that may occur. The author's goal is to familiarize both business and end-users with the importance of e-commerce and the potential risks, ie the most common dangers and threats that exist on the Internet, with particular emphasis on security and the ability to prevent the risks before they occur

    Problem of organization of trade in rural areas

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    Rad se bavi proučavanjem problema organizacije trgovine na malo u ruralnim područjima. Na temelju statističkih podataka prikazana je opskrbljenost trgovačkim funkcijama na područjima odabranih županija, a na osnovu dostupne literature izvršena je usporedba s odabranim primjerima iz europskih zemalja. Cilj je bio odrediti čimbenike koji utječu na dostupnost trgovina te osmisliti model odnosno oblik trgovine na malo kojim se problem neadekvatne opskrbljenosti može riješiti. Kao glavni čimbenici koji utječu na problem organizacije trgovine u ruralnim područjima pokazat će se depopulacija stanovništva, pad gustoće naseljenosti, deagrarizacija, proces starenja stanovništva u ruralnim područjima i loša prometna povezanost.This paper deals with the study of the problem of retail trade in rural areas. It presents the supply of trade functions in the selected Croatian counties based on the statistical data. Additionally, it draws a comparison between Croatia and the selected examples from European countries based on the available literature. The aim was to determine the factors affecting the availability of trade and to design a model of form of retail trade that could solve the problem of inadequate supply. Depopulation, decline in population density, deagrarization, the aging process of the rural population and poor transport links were shown to be the main factors affecting the problem of trade organization in rural areas

    Koncentracija tržišne moći kao izraz nesavršenosti tržišta

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    Savršeno konkurentsko tržište je samo ideal liberalne ekonomske teorije, kao što je uostalom sveopšti državni intervencioniizam bio ideal ekonomske prakse centralno planske ekonomije. Konkurentsko tržište, po svojoj prirodi konkurentske borbe između učesnika na tržištu rađa tendenciju kartelizacije, oligopola i monopola. Metodološki postupci za utvrđivanje ograničavanja tržišne konkurencije se baziraju uglavnom na statističkim postupcima i postupcima izvođenja koeficijenata nejednakosti. Antimonopolska regulatorna tela najčešće u utvrđivanju ograničavanja konkurencije, ili stvaranja monopolskih tržišnih struktura primenjuju Herfindahl Hirschmanov indeks kvadriranja tržišnih udela učesnika na tržištu. Ovaj metodološki postupak se najčešće primenjuje u slučajevima rešavanja po zahtevima kompanija da izvrše kupovinu, ili spajanje kompanija. Međutim, on sam nije dovoljan za izvođenje dokaza o postojanju monopola. Monopolska zloupotreba tržišne pozicije, naročito kartelizacija i oligopolska tržišna struktura se teško dokazuju u «običnim» sektorima privrede gde ne postoji pozicija prirodnog monopola, ili zaštićenih tehnoloških inovacija. Jedan od «običnih» sektora je sektor trgovine na malo, koji usled izražene koncentracije u pojedinim zemljama, pa i u Srbiji u poslednjim godinama predstavlja predmet stručnih analiza i sporova. Istraživanje prezentirano u ovom radu pokazuje da u sektoru nespecijalizovane trgovine na malo u Srbiji ne postoje klasična monopolska tržišna struktura. Međutim, odvija se proces koncentracije koji ukazuje na aspekte nevoljne kartelizacije u odnosima između proizvodnih i trgovinskih kompanija. U tom procesu korist,i na kratak, rok ostvaruju potrošači, gubitnici su mali trgovinski lanci i trgovačke radnje, kao i sama proizvodna preduzeća

    Istraživanje primjene metoda upravljanja financijskim rizicima u hrvatskim poduzećima - anketa na uzorku poduzeća

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    The aim of the research was to get information on usage of financial risk protection instruments in Croatian large and medium-sized companies, as well as to recognize existence of possible differences among characteristics of the companies that use and that do not use them. Survey research based on a telephone interview with financial or accounting managers from a stratified random sample of 101 Croatian companies in October and November 2004 was carried out. The stratification criterion was «number of employees». One stratum contained medium-sized companies that were defined as those with 51-250 employees, and the other one included companies with more than 250 employees. Approximately equal allocation with 50 large and 51 medium-sized enterprises from each of respective strata was applied. Methods of estimation used took into account the procedure of random sampling of units, so that margin of errors could be calculated. Considering normal approximation, in each strata the research result for the proportion, with 95% confidence level and coefficient of confidence z = 1.96, is within margin of error of maximum +/- 14,2%. The results of the survey research based on random sample of 101 Croatian companies shown that there is no statistically significant dependence between the firms’ size and usage of risk protection, so planned stratification was not stressed in further analysis. The research results were compared to the results of similar surveys from Europe and America. The common conclusions in all these studies were that financial managers are aware of the danger arisen from financial and other risks, but the financial policy in most cases is not precisely defined. Even if this policy is defined, it is formal and reactive, and very seldom proactive. Control functions and risk management seem to be quite centralized business functions in most of surveyed companies. There is a lack of systematic standardized «financial risk manager» function, and a well organized financial department seems to be an exception. According to the survey, financial risk protection instruments were used by two fifth of companies from the sample, and the same proportion of them wants to have additional education a about these instruments. Only one fifth of companies covered by the survey have got a kind of developed protection policy. The most often enterprises use financial risk protection services from banks, and in most cases they are satisfied or vary satisfied with these services. The surveyed enterprises worry the most about liquidity risks and currency risks, and interest rate risk is not the subject of such great concerns. This paper deals in details about various haracteristics (such as company size, activity, region, and size of market) of enterprises that are threatened to quite serious extent with various types of financial risks. Interviewees from 41 companies that use financial risk protection methods mentioned that the most often used protection instruments against liquidity risk were: cash flow investment analysis (70% out of 41), and analysis of assets, liabilities and sources (also 70%). Against currency risk surveyed companies most often use: currency futures (34%), selling prices policy (29%) and currency forward (27%). Against interest rate risk the most often applied protection instruments were: interest rate futures (12%) and interest rate management at the money market (10%). The reasons for not using the protection instruments are insufficient knowledge about them, prevailed perception that they are not efficient and that are too expensive. Contribution of this study comes out of the testing of hypothesis about dependence between characteristics of Croatian companies and the usage of financial risk protection instruments. The survey results show that the companies that are using these instruments are more often registered as share holding companies than as limited, they have significantly greater average yearly revenue, and their revenue is increasing more often according to previous year than in companies that are not using protection instruments. Also, companies using controlling approach tend to apply protection instruments in their business. Further, these companies very often use bank services to help them in protection. Last, but not the least, financial managers in companies with active financial protection policy have got higher education than in those companies that are not actively protecting themselves. Usage of financial risk protection instruments contributes the business success of a company. Only continuous and proactive informing about financial position of a company concerning its exposure to total risk may insure survival, keeping market position, and progress of a Croatian company in recognized turbulent environment of domestic transformations, market globalization, and the pressure for accepting rules of a game of international competitiveness. Finally, in the future the researchers and authors of the study paper plan to make a sample survey research based on deeper stratification of population of Croatian businesses, so to include three sizes of companies, concerning number of employees, and to include a kind of financial measure of company’s size, e.g. the factor of yearly revenue, as well, and than it would be possible to make more detailed analysis concerning different companies' features and usage of financial risk management instruments in Croatia.instrumenti upravljanja financijskim rizicima, anketno istraživanje, hi kvadrat-test neovisnosti; Levenov test jednakosti varijanci populacija, t-test razlike aritmetičkih sredina


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    Internet je platforma koja bilježi konstantan rast broja korisnika od kako je nastala. U današnje vrijeme Internet je toliko važan da se poslovanje bez njega više ne bi moglo zamislit. Sve više tvrtki svoje poslovanje okreće prema Internet trgovini, a te iste Internet trgovine bilježe rast prodaje što znači da ima sve više korisnika koji kupuju putem e-trgovine. Kako svugdje postoje određene opasnosti tako je i na Internetu. Društvo te poslovno okruženje nije dovoljno upoznato sa svim rizicima takvog načina poslovanja. E-trgovina raste velikom brzinom ali nitko ne upozorava na prijetnje koje se mogu dogoditi. Cilj autora rada je upoznati tvrtke i krajnje korisnike sa značajem e-trgovine te mogućim rizicima tj. najčešćim opasnostima i prijetnjama koje postoje na Internetu sa posebnim naglaskom na sigurnost i mogućnostima kako ih spriječit prije nego nastanu.The Internet is a platform that is experiencing steady growth since it was created. Nowadays, it is so important that business operations without it could no longer be imagined. More and more companies are turning their business operations toward web shops, and the web shops are experiencing growth in sales, meaning that there are more and more customers who buy through e-commerce. Since there are everywhere certain dangers, there is no difference on the Internet. The society and business company’s are not sufficiently familiar with all the risks of such business operations. E-commerce is growing fast but nobody is warning you about the threats that may occur. The author's goal is to familiarize both business and end-users with the importance of e-commerce and the potential risks, ie the most common dangers and threats that exist on the Internet, with particular emphasis on security and the ability to prevent the risks before they occur


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    Autor u uvodnom dijelu članka-saopćenja ukazuje na sve složeniju situaciju na području međunarodne trgovinske razmjene; u prvi se plan nameće, i to sve imperativnije, potreba dobrog poznavanja jezika rezidenta. Vanjskotrgovinske poslove, s obzirom na strukturu vanjskotrgovinskih transakcija i modalitete njihove realizacije na međunarodnom tržištu, možemo podijeliti na slijedeće vrste:" a. redovne vanjskotrgovinske poslove, b. specijatne vanjskotrgovinske poslove, c. posredničke vanjskotrgovinske poslove. U drugom i trećem dijelu članka autor upućuje na pojavu nekih novih termina u grupi tzv. »specijalnih vanjskotrgovinskih pojmova«