97,431 research outputs found

    E-Learning Enhances Both Student Achievement and Career Change Options

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    It seems as if everyone is using e-learning (online learning) these days. There are many options available, including self-paced courses, skills-based courses, virtual classrooms (and their cousins, live web seminars), web-enhanced courses, and asynchronous courses. There is a plethora of technological methods that can be utilized for course delivery. Which of these technologies and methods of use will maximize e-learning’s effectiveness? In other words, for the university, the instructor and students, which seems to work the best? In a nutshell - all of them. The beauty of e-learning is that there are so many options that can be tailored to specific needs. Distance education is not a new phenomenon in American Education. Correspondence courses have been in existence for over a hundred years. What is different is the use of technology to deliver college level courses to students who are separated from the instructor. It is a form of instruction that is learner-centered. E-learning is construed in a variety of contexts, such as distance learning, online learning, and networked learning (Wilson, 2001)

    Student E-Learning Intrinsic Motivation: A Qualitative Analysis

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    In the age of life-long learning and increased competition for time, motivation becomes a salient issue. Students need to be more intrinsically motivated in the absence of more formal structure. This is especially true in online learning environments where direct instructor influence is mitigated. Online learning environments typically embrace many choices in ways in which learning material is presented and interaction with students is supported in both individual and collaborative contexts. As such, it is imperative that we better understand the implications of various learning activities and associated technologies on aspects of intrinsic motivation in e-learning. In this paper we examine these effects through qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with students in an online MBA program. Results encourage use of a pedagogically driven portfolio of learning activities supported by well-selected and integrated audio, video, and data technologies. Extension to use of mobile devices in ubiquitous e-learning contexts is explored

    E-learning in medical education: students’ experience, challenges and perspectives: a cross-sectional study in India

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    Background: Due to COVID-19 pandemic, online classes were initiated in medical colleges for continuation of learning. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 537 undergraduate medical students in an Indian medical college using Google forms. The questionnaire contained sections on students’ online or e-learning experience and role of instructor in enhancing it; challenges and further scope of improved implementation of e-learning. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics. SPSS 23 was used for data analysis. RESULTS: Among study participants, (46.7%) regularly joined e-classes on time. Prior scheduling of classes (88.6%) and sharing of study material in e-learning application (84%) by teachers/instructors; interactive discussion with teachers (71.1%) and their response to students’ queries through e-learning application (77%) facilitated learning among participants. For (42.6%) e-learning represented considerable challenge in acquiring clinical medical skills. Theory lectures were found suitable for learning by e-learning mode while clinical case discussions were not preferred. Conclusion: E-classes had some definite advantages; however, undergraduate medical students preferred blended approach as e-learning represented a challenge for learning clinical medical skills. Instructors were found to have definite role in enhancing e-learning experience. Providing solutions to barriers like poor internet connectivity and resolution of technical glitches are essential for improved implementation of e-learning

    Lessons Learned on Facilitating Asynchronous Discussions for Online Learning

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    "As estratégias usadas para facilitar discussões assíncronas online são o foco deste artigo. Muitos estudos de investigação exploram fóruns de discussão liderados pelo instructor e estratégias de moderação usadas por tutores e por instrutores online. Este artigo relata os estudos conduzidos para investigar maneiras alternativas de moderar discussões assíncronas online no contexto de um programa de Mestrado online em currículo e tecnologia educativa numa conceituada universidade dos Estados Unidos. Os resultados mostraram que os alunos do Mestrado online preferiram as discussões assíncronas em pequenos grupos e lideradas pelos seus próprios colegas em contraste com discussões lideradas pelo instructor. Quando os alunos lideram as discussões assíncronas online, uma variedade de estratégias de moderação é utilizada o que leva à geração de ideias inovadoras, conversações autênticas e a uma motivação para participar na discussão.--Palavras-chave: Ensino online, discussões assíncronas online, estratégias de moderação.--ABSTRACTThe strategies used to facilitate online asynchronous discussions are the focus of this article. Previous research studies have investigated instructor-led discussion forums and facilitation strategies used by online tutors and course instructors. This article reports studies conducted to investigate alternative ways to design and facilitate online asynchronous discussions in the context of an online Master program in curriculum and instructional technology at a large university in the United States. Findings showed that online students preferred small group discussions led by their own colleagues in opposition to instructor-led discussions. When taking the lead on facilitating online asynchronous discussions, students use a variety of strategies more conducive to the generation of innovative ideas, authentic conversations and motivation to participate.--Keywords: Online learning, online asynchronous discussions, facilitation strategies.--Para citar este texto:Correia, A. P., & Baran, E. (2010). Lessons Learned on Facilitating Asynchronous Discussions for Online Learning. Educação, Formação & Tecnologias, 3(1), 59-67. 'Online, disponível a partir de http://eft.educom.pt.--
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