1,246 research outputs found


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    The ability to reproduce a parallel execution is desirable for debugging and program reliability purposes. In debugging (13), the programmer needs to manually step back in time, while for resilience (6) this is automatically performed by the the application upon failure. To be useful, replay has to faithfully reproduce the original execution. For parallel programs the main challenge is inferring and maintaining the order of conflicting operations (data races). Deterministic record and replay (R&R) techniques have been developed for multithreaded shared memory programs (5), as well as distributed memory programs (14). Our main interest is techniques for large scale scientific (3; 4) programming models

    Automated Failure Explanation Through Execution Comparison

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    When fixing a bug in software, developers must build an understanding or explanation of the bug and how the bug flows through a program. The effort that developers must put into building this explanation is costly and laborious. Thus, developers need tools that can assist them in explaining the behavior of bugs. Dynamic slicing is one technique that can effectively show how a bug propagates through an execution up to the point where a program fails. However, dynamic slices are large because they do not just explain the bug itself; they include extra information that explains any observed behavior that might be connected to the bug. Thus, the explanation of the bug is hidden within this other tangentially related information. This dissertation addresses the problem and shows how a failing execution and a correct execution may be compared in order to construct explanations that include only information about what caused the bug. As a result, these automated explanations are significantly more concise than those explanations produced by existing dynamic slicing techniques. To enable the comparison of executions, we develop new techniques for dynamic analyses that identify the commonalities and differences between executions. First, we devise and implement the notion of a point within an execution that may exist across multiple executions. We also note that comparing executions involves comparing the state or variables and their values that exist within the executions at different execution points. Thus, we design an approach for identifying the locations of variables in different executions so that their values may be compared. Leveraging these tools, we design a system for identifying the behaviors within an execution that can be blamed for a bug and that together compose an explanation for the bug. These explanations are up to two orders of magnitude smaller than those produced by existing state of the art techniques. We also examine how different choices of a correct execution for comparison can impact the practicality or potential quality of the explanations produced via our system

    Finding The Lazy Programmer's Bugs

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    Traditionally developers and testers created huge numbers of explicit tests, enumerating interesting cases, perhaps biased by what they believe to be the current boundary conditions of the function being tested. Or at least, they were supposed to. A major step forward was the development of property testing. Property testing requires the user to write a few functional properties that are used to generate tests, and requires an external library or tool to create test data for the tests. As such many thousands of tests can be created for a single property. For the purely functional programming language Haskell there are several such libraries; for example QuickCheck [CH00], SmallCheck and Lazy SmallCheck [RNL08]. Unfortunately, property testing still requires the user to write explicit tests. Fortunately, we note there are already many implicit tests present in programs. Developers may throw assertion errors, or the compiler may silently insert runtime exceptions for incomplete pattern matches. We attempt to automate the testing process using these implicit tests. Our contributions are in four main areas: (1) We have developed algorithms to automatically infer appropriate constructors and functions needed to generate test data without requiring additional programmer work or annotations. (2) To combine the constructors and functions into test expressions we take advantage of Haskell's lazy evaluation semantics by applying the techniques of needed narrowing and lazy instantiation to guide generation. (3) We keep the type of test data at its most general, in order to prevent committing too early to monomorphic types that cause needless wasted tests. (4) We have developed novel ways of creating Haskell case expressions to inspect elements inside returned data structures, in order to discover exceptions that may be hidden by laziness, and to make our test data generation algorithm more expressive. In order to validate our claims, we have implemented these techniques in Irulan, a fully automatic tool for generating systematic black-box unit tests for Haskell library code. We have designed Irulan to generate high coverage test suites and detect common programming errors in the process

    Automatic extraction of heap reference properties in object-oriented programs

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    We present a new technique for helping developers understand heap referencing properties of object-oriented programs and how the actions of the program affect these properties. Our dynamic analysis uses the aliasing properties of objects to synthesize a set of roles; each role represents an abstract object state intended to be of interest to the developer. We allow the developer to customize the analysis to explore the object states and behavior of the program at multiple different and potentially complementary levels of abstraction. The analysis uses roles as the basis for three abstractions: role transition diagrams, which present the observed transitions between roles and the methods responsible for the transitions; role relationship diagrams, which present the observed referencing relationships between objects playing different roles; and enhanced method interfaces, which present the observed roles of method parameters. Together, these abstractions provide useful information about important object and data structure properties and how the actions of the program affect these properties. We have implemented the role analysis and have used this implementation to explore the behavior of several Java programs. Our experience indicates that, when combined with a powerful graphical user interface, roles are a useful abstraction for helping developers explore and understand the behavior of object-oriented programs

    Application Software, Domain-Specific Languages, and Language Design Assistants

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    While application software does the real work, domain-specific languages (DSLs) are tools to help produce it efficiently, and language design assistants in turn are meta-tools to help produce DSLs quickly. DSLs are already in wide use (HTML for web pages, Excel macros for spreadsheet applications, VHDL for hardware design, ...), but many more will be needed for both new as well as existing application domains. Language design assistants to help develop them currently exist only in the basic form of language development systems. After a quick look at domain-specific languages, and especially their relationship to application libraries, we survey existing language development systems and give an outline of future language design assistants.Comment: To be presented at SSGRR 2000, L'Aquila, Ital

    PerfBlower: Quickly Detecting Memory-Related Performance Problems via Amplification

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    Performance problems in managed languages are extremely difficult to find. Despite many efforts to find those problems, most existing work focuses on how to debug a user-provided test execution in which performance problems already manifest. It remains largely unknown how to effectively find performance bugs before software release. As a result, performance bugs often escape to production runs, hurting software reliability and user experience. This paper describes PerfBlower, a general performance testing framework that allows developers to quickly test Java programs to find memory-related performance problems. PerfBlower provides (1) a novel specification language ISL to describe a general class of performance problems that have observable symptoms; (2) an automated test oracle via emph{virtual amplification}; and (3) precise reference-path-based diagnostic information via object mirroring. Using this framework, we have amplified three different types of problems. Our experimental results demonstrate that (1) ISL is expressive enough to describe various memory-related performance problems; (2) PerfBlower successfully distinguishes executions with and without problems; 8 unknown problems are quickly discovered under small workloads; and (3) PerfBlower outperforms existing detectors and does not miss any bugs studied before in the literature
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