213 research outputs found

    Video Based Handwritten Characters Recognition

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    Computer vision algorithms on reconfigurable logic arrays

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    Parallel machine architecture and compiler design facilities

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    The objective is to provide an integrated simulation environment for studying and evaluating various issues in designing parallel systems, including machine architectures, parallelizing compiler techniques, and parallel algorithms. The status of Delta project (which objective is to provide a facility to allow rapid prototyping of parallelized compilers that can target toward different machine architectures) is summarized. Included are the surveys of the program manipulation tools developed, the environmental software supporting Delta, and the compiler research projects in which Delta has played a role

    CSP for Executable Scientific Workflows

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    Automatic visual recognition using parallel machines

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    Invariant features and quick matching algorithms are two major concerns in the area of automatic visual recognition. The former reduces the size of an established model database, and the latter shortens the computation time. This dissertation, will discussed both line invariants under perspective projection and parallel implementation of a dynamic programming technique for shape recognition. The feasibility of using parallel machines can be demonstrated through the dramatically reduced time complexity. In this dissertation, our algorithms are implemented on the AP1000 MIMD parallel machines. For processing an object with a features, the time complexity of the proposed parallel algorithm is O(n), while that of a uniprocessor is O(n2). The two applications, one for shape matching and the other for chain-code extraction, are used in order to demonstrate the usefulness of our methods. Invariants from four general lines under perspective projection are also discussed in here. In contrast to the approach which uses the epipolar geometry, we investigate the invariants under isotropy subgroups. Theoretically speaking, two independent invariants can be found for four general lines in 3D space. In practice, we show how to obtain these two invariants from the projective images of four general lines without the need of camera calibration. A projective invariant recognition system based on a hypothesis-generation-testing scheme is run on the hypercube parallel architecture. Object recognition is achieved by matching the scene projective invariants to the model projective invariants, called transfer. Then a hypothesis-generation-testing scheme is implemented on the hypercube parallel architecture

    Latency and accuracy optimized mobile face detection

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    Abstract. Face detection is a preprocessing step in many computer vision applications. Important factors are accuracy, inference duration, and energy efficiency of the detection framework. Computationally light detectors that execute in real-time are a requirement for many application areas, such as face tracking and recognition. Typical operating platforms in everyday use are smartphones and embedded devices, which have limited computation capacity. The capability of face detectors is comparable to the ability of a human in easy detection tasks. When the conditions change, the challenges become different. Current challenges in face detection include atypically posed and tiny faces. Partially occluded faces and dim or bright environments pose challenges for detection systems. State-of-the-art performance in face detection research employs deep learning methods called neural networks, which loosely imitate the mammalian brain system. The most relevant technologies are convolutional neural networks, which are designed for local feature description. In this thesis, the main computational optimization approach is neural network quantization. The network models were delegated to digital signal processors and graphics processing units. Quantization was shown to reduce the latency of computation substantially. The most energy-efficient inference was achieved through digital signal processor delegation. Multithreading was used for inference acceleration. It reduced the amount of energy consumption per algorithm run.Latenssi- ja tarkkuusoptimoitu kasvontunnistus mobiililaitteilla. Tiivistelmä. Kasvojen ilmaisu on esikäsittelyvaihe monelle konenäön sovellukselle. Tärkeitä kasvoilmaisimen ominaisuuksia ovat tarkkuus, energiatehokkuus ja suoritusnopeus. Monet sovellukset vaativat laskennallisesti kevyitä ilmaisimia, jotka toimivat reaaliajassa. Esimerkkejä sovelluksista ovat kasvojen seuranta- ja tunnistusjärjestelmät. Yleisiä käyttöalustoja ovat älypuhelimet ja sulautetut järjestelmät, joiden laskentakapasiteetti on rajallinen. Kasvonilmaisimien tarkkuus vastaa ihmisen kykyä helpoissa ilmaisuissa. Nykyiset ongelmat kasvojen ilmaisussa liittyvät epätyypillisiin asentoihin ja erityisen pieniin kasvokokoihin. Myös kasvojen osittainen peittyminen, ja pimeät ja kirkkaat ympäristöt, vaikeuttavat ilmaisua. Neuroverkkoja käytetään tekoälyjärjestelmissä, joiden lähtökohtana on ollut mallintaa nisäkkäiden aivojen toimintaa. Konvoluutiopohjaiset neuroverkot ovat erikoistuneet paikallisten piirteiden analysointiin. Tässä opinnäytetyössä käytetty laskennallisen optimoinnin menetelmä on neuroverkkojen kvantisointi. Neuroverkkojen ajo delegoitiin digitaalisille signaalinkäsittely- ja grafiikkasuorittimille. Kvantisoinnin osoitettiin vähentävän laskenta-aikaa huomattavasti ja suurin energiatehokkuus saavutettiin digitaalisen signaaliprosessorin avulla. Suoritusnopeutta lisättiin monisäikeistyksellä, jonka havaittiin vähentävän energiankulutusta

    Locality Enhancement and Dynamic Optimizations on Multi-Core and GPU

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    Enhancing the match between software executions and hardware features is key to computing efficiency. The match is a continuously evolving and challenging problem. This dissertation focuses on the development of programming system support for exploiting two key features of modern hardware development: the massive parallelism of emerging computational accelerators such as Graphic Processing Units (GPU), and the non-uniformity of cache sharing in modern multicore processors. They are respectively driven by the important role of accelerators in today\u27s general-purpose computing and the ultimate importance of memory performance. This dissertation particularly concentrates on optimizing control flows and memory references, at both compilation and execution time, to tap into the full potential of pure software solutions in taking advantage of the two key hardware features.;Conditional branches cause divergences in program control flows, which may result in serious performance degradation on massively data-parallel GPU architectures with Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) parallelism. On such an architecture, control divergence may force computing units to stay idle for a substantial time, throttling system throughput by orders of magnitude. This dissertation provides an extensive exploration of the solution to this problem and presents program level transformations based upon two fundamental techniques --- thread relocation and data relocation. These two optimizations provide fundamental support for swapping jobs among threads so that the control flow paths of threads converge within every SIMD thread group.;In memory performance, this dissertation concentrates on two aspects: the influence of nonuniform sharing on multithreading applications, and the optimization of irregular memory references on GPUs. In shared cache multicore chips, interactions among threads are complicated due to the interplay of cache contention and synergistic prefetching. This dissertation presents the first systematic study on the influence of non-uniform shared cache on contemporary parallel programs, reveals the mismatch between the software development and underlying cache sharing hierarchies, and further demonstrates it by proposing and applying cache-sharing-aware data transformations that bring significant performance improvement. For the second aspect, the efficiency of GPU accelerators is sensitive to irregular memory references, which refer to the memory references whose access patterns remain unknown until execution time (e.g., A[P[i]]). The root causes of the irregular memory reference problem are similar to that of the control flow problem, while in a more general and complex form. I developed a framework, named G-Streamline, as a unified software solution to dynamic irregularities in GPU computing. It treats both types of irregularities at the same time in a holistic fashion, maximizing the whole-program performance by resolving conflicts among optimizations