1,586 research outputs found

    The Dynamic Model of Plane Mechanism with Variable Ratio.

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    The paper contains the proposal how to reduce many–elements plane mechanism with one degree of freedom to chosen axis or line as one–element model of mechanism. Mostly the place of reduction is driving element in rotary motion (for example, shaft of electric motor) or element in linear motion (for example, piston rod of hydraulic cylinder). The way of determining reduced load and reduced mass of the model is described. Presented mathematical description let determine: firstly, required driving torque or force to provide the suitable acceleration when loads of element are known and secondly, the acceleration (angular or linear) of driving element as result of known driving torque or force and loads of element

    A comprehensive survey of the analytical, numerical and experimental methodologies for dynamics of multibody mechanical systems with clearance or imperfect joints

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    "Available online 19 December 2017"A comprehensive survey of the literature of the most relevant analytical, numerical, and experimental approaches for the kinematic and dynamic analyses of multibody mechanical systems with clearance joints is presented in this review. Both dry and lubricated clearance joints are addressed here, and an effort is made to include a large number of research works in this particular field, which have been published since the 1960′s. First, the most frequently utilized methods for modeling planar and spatial multibody mechanical systems with clearance joints are analyzed, and compared. Other important phenomena commonly associated with clearance joint models, such as wear, non-smooth behavior, optimization and control, chaos, and uncertainty and links’ flexibility, are then discussed. The main assumptions procedures and conclusions for the different methodologies are also examined and compared. Finally, future developments and new applications of clearance joint modeling and analysis are highlighted.This research was supported in part by the China 111 Project (B16003) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 11290151, 11472042 and 11221202. The work was also supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology with the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2013, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) with the reference project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelling lubricated revolute joints in multibody mechanical systems

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    This work deals with the modelling of lubricated revolute joints in multibody mechanical systems. In most machines and mechanisms, the joints are designed to operate with some lubricant fluid. The high pressures generated in the lubricant fluid act to keep the journal and the bearing apart. Moreover, the thin film formed by lubricant reduces friction and wear, provides load capacity and adds damping to dissipate undesirable mechanical vibrations. In the dynamic analysis of journal–bearings, the hydrodynamic forces, which include both squeeze and wedge effects, produced by the lubricant fluid oppose the journal motion. These forces are obtained by integrating the pressure distribution evaluated with the aid of Reynolds’ equation written for the dynamic regime. The hydrodynamic forces are nonlinear functions of journal centre position and velocity relative to the bearing centre. In a simple way, the hydrodynamic forces built up by the lubricant fluid are evaluated from the state of variable of the system and included into the equations of motion of the mechanical system. Results for an elementary slider–crank mechanism, in which a lubricated revolute joint connects the connecting rod and slider, are used to discuss the assumptions and procedures adopted.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Slider-Crank Demonstration MQP

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    The slider-crank mechanism is a particular four-bar linkage configuration that exhibits both linear and rotational motion simultaneously. The position, velocity, acceleration and shaking forces generated by a slider-crank mechanism during operation can be determined analytically. The following report details the successful design, fabrication and testing of a pneumatically powered slider-crank mechanism for the purpose of classroom demonstration and experimentation. Transducers mounted to the mechanism record kinematic and dynamic force data during operation, which can then be compared to analytical values. The mechanism is capable of operating in balanced and unbalanced configurations so that the magnitude of shaking forces can be compared

    Flexibility and Transient Dynamic Analysis of a Slider-Crank Deployment Mechanism

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    High Speed Deployment Mechanisms (HSDM) have become essential and indispensable for specific applications in industrial and aerospace sectors. However, the field of High Speed Deployment Mechanisms is still not completely explored in many areas; the holistic analysis of HSDM reveals a lack of information about its, classification, analysis and design considerations. A research was conducted to generate a systematic approach addressing the issues mentioned above. In the beginning of this research, a methodology is presented to perform the kinematic and dynamic analyses of a Slider-Crank Deployment Mechanism; this method is based on the Lagrange Multipliers approach. The analyses of position, velocity, acceleration and reaction forces were carried out obtaining reliable results. In addition, the results were validated with the implementation of commercial software (ANSYS(TM), ABAQUS(TM) and SOLIDWORKS(TM)). Moreover, structural, transient and modal finite element analyses were developed for components of the mechanism to study stresses, strains, deformations and natural frequencies. Also, an illustrative aerospace application and a CAD model were proposed for the studied mechanism. Finally, an important contribution in the literature of HSDM was made: a criterion to verify if the assumption of using rigid bodies in a Slider-Crank Deployment Mechanism can be adopted


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    This paper describes preliminary studies of a new rotary compressor with variable speed displacers. Two displacers rotate concentrically, in an annular space, at variable and phased angular velocities, thus creating two variable-volume compression spaces between them. The displacers are individually driven by two concentric shafts. An innovative driving mechanism imposes phased variable angular speeds to the shafts and, consequently, to the displacers, thus providing a volume variation in the gas compression spaces. The driving mechanism also offers a convenient way of capacity control, from zero to 100%, at constant electric motor speed. A mathematical model simulating the performance was developed. A traditional simulation model for positive displacement compressors was employed, where mass and energy conservation equations, in differential form, were applied to the control volumes (two compression spaces). Uniformly distributed thermodynamic properties of gas, varying with time, were assumed for each control volume. Equations describing the volume variation with time, the gas to cylinder wall heat transfer and gas flow through valve ports and leakage passages were also employed. The resulting mathematical model was a system of ordinary differential equations, the numerical integration of which provides the time-history of pressure and temperature of the gas inside the compression chambers. A prototype was also constructed and tested. First performance results are presented, showing the compressor behaviour under different operational conditions

    Dynamic analysis for planar multibody mechanical systems with lubricated joints

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    The dynamic analysis of planar multibody systems with revolute clearance joints, including dry contact and lubrication effects is presented here. The clearances are always present in the kinematic joints. They are known to be the sources for impact forces, which ultimately result in wear and tear of the joints. A joint with clearance is included in the multibody system much like a revolute joint. If there is no lubricant in the joint, impacts occur in the system and the corresponding impulsive forces are transmitted throughout the multibody system. These impacts and the eventual continuous contact are described here by a force model that accounts for the geometric and material characteristics of the journal and bearing. In most of the machines and mechanisms, the joints are designed to operate with some lubricant fluid. The high pressures generated in the lubricant fluid act to keep the journal and the bearing surfaces apart. Moreover, the lubricant provides protection against wear and tear. The equations governing the dynamical behavior of the general mechanical systems incorporate the impact force due to the joint clearance without lubricant, as well as the hydrodynamic forces owing to the lubrication effect. A continuous contact model provides the intra-joint impact forces. The friction effects due to the contact in the joints are also represented. In addition, a general methodology for modeling lubricated revolute joints in multibody mechanical systems is also presented. Results for a slider-crank mechanism with a revolute clearance joint between the connecting rod and the slider are presented and used to discuss the assumptions and procedures adopted.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Model based experimental investigation on Powered Gait Orthosis (PGO)

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    Research on rehabilitation showed that appropriate and repetitive mechanical movements can help spinal cord injured individuals to restore their functional standing and walking. The objective of this paper was to achieve appropriate and repetitive joint movements and approximately normal gait through the PGO by replicating normal walking, and to minimize the energy consumption for both patients and the device. A model based experimental investigative approach is presented in this dissertation. First, a human model was created in Ideas and human walking was simulated in Adams. The main feature of this model was the foot ground contact model, which had distributed contact points along the foot and varied viscoelasticity. The model was validated by comparison of simulated results of normal walking and measured ones from the literature. It was used to simulate current PGO walking to investigate the real causes of poor function of the current PGO, even though it had joint movements close to normal walking. The direct cause was one leg moving at a time, which resulted in short step length and no clearance after toe off. It can not be solved by simply adding power on both hip joints. In order to find a better answer, a PGO mechanism model was used to investigate different walking mechanisms by locking or releasing some joints. A trade-off between energy consumption, control complexity and standing position was found. Finally a foot release PGO virtual model was created and simulated and only foot release mechanism was developed into a prototype. Both the release mechanism and the design of foot release were validated through the experiment by adding the foot release on the current PGO. This demonstrated an advancement in improving functional aspects of the current PGO even without a whole physical model of foot release PGO for comparison

    Integrated investigation of piston–cylinder impact-induced noise and passive control of the piston’s secondary motion using nonlinear absorbers

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    Although alternative power sources are getting well-established, transportation will remain primarily dependent on IC engines using fossil fuels for at least a few more decades. The IC engines typically employ reciprocating pistons to convert the combustion pressure into mechanical work required by the vehicle. Engine NVH issues make their appearance at the piston-cylinder interface in the form of impulsive vibration signals. The piezo-viscous nature of the lubricant at the piston-cylinder conjunction can change the dynamic response of the impacting structures. Much of the published research to date has excluded the elasto-hydrodynamic effects of the lubricant on piston impact noise. Even when these effects were studied, the research focus has been primarily on the tribology of the contact. Thus, an accurate methodology is required to identify and predict piston impact noise using real in-cylinder conditions, especially at the lubricated piston-cylinder conjunction. [Continues.

    Experimental and analytical study of the mechanical friction losses in the piston-cylinder liner tribological pair in internal combustion engines (ICE)

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    [ES] Con el aumento de la demanda de soluciones más amigables con el medio ambiente en la industria de la automoción, el motor de combustión interna alternativo (MCIA) enfrenta actualmente grandes desafíos para minimizar su consumo de recursos no renovables y especialmente, para reducir sus emisiones contaminantes. Debido a que el aporte de los MCIAs es fundamental para cubrir las necesidades de movilidad y de generación de energía alrededor de todo el mundo, y el hecho de que diferentes alternativas, como los motores eléctricos e hibrido, están y continuaran enfrentado múltiples obstáculos para su implementación masiva en el futuro cercano, la investigación continua en MCIA es fundamental para cumplir con los propósitos de reducción de emisiones. En este aspecto, una aproximación para el aumento de la eficiencia del motor y la reducción del consumo de combustible es mediante la implementación de alternativas dirigidas a reducir las pérdidas mecánicas por fricción. Estas alternativas tribológicas incluyen aquellas que requieren modificaciones en los componentes del motor, como materiales y acabados superficiales, y el uso de formulaciones de aceite lubricante de menor viscosidad o aditivos que mejoren las condiciones de lubricación del motor. Con la contante evolución y mejoras en el MCIA y las condiciones de trabajo cada vez más severas, también surgen nuevas alternativas tribológicas para enfrentar los nuevos desafíos del motor, y por tanto se requiere de investigaciones adicionales en este tema. Durante el desarrollo de esta Tesis, uno de los objetivos consistió en contribuir a la investigación del uso de aceites de baja viscosidad para el ahorro de combustible como un efecto conjunto con las condiciones de conducción del vehículo. Para llevar a cabo este objetivo, se desarrollaron ensayos experimentales bajo condiciones estacionarias en un banco de motor con formulaciones de aceite de diferente viscosidad HTHS, algunas de ellos con aditivo modificador de fricción para expandir el rango de reducción de fricción a condiciones de lubricación más severas. Los mapas de consumo de combustible resultantes de estos ensayos fueron utilizados en un modelo de simulación del vehículo para estimar su consumo de combustible como función del aceite y las condiciones de trabajo de tres ciclos de conducción. Con el objetivo de expandir los conocimientos en los fundamentos de lubricación de los MCIAs y tener la capacidad de evaluar otras alternativas para reducir las pérdidas por fricción, se consideró necesario enfocar la investigación en el conjunto pistón-camisa, que es el par tribológico con mayor aporte a las perdidas por fricción. Para conseguir este objetivo, durante esta Tesis se desarrolló una maqueta específica para el ensamble pistón-camisa, y un modelo teórico para simular la lubricación del segmento de compresión. Para la primera parte, la maqueta se desarrolló basada en el método de camisa flotante, en el cual la camisa fue aislada del resto del motor y la fuerza de fricción generada en la interfaz pistón-camisa pudo ser medida mediante sensores de fuerza. En esta instalación se desarrollaron diferentes ensayos los cuales permitieron llevar a cabo un análisis exhaustivo de los fundamentos de lubricación de este par tribológico como función de diferentes parámetros que tiene impacto en las condiciones de lubricación. Este estudio se complementó con el desarrollo de un modelo de lubricación para el segmento de compresión basado en el método de diferencias finitas. Finalmente, se llevó a cabo una comparativa de resultados experimentales y teóricos para el segmento de compresión, lo cual permitió validar los ensayos experimentales en la maqueta de camisa flotante, así como el modelo de simulación desde el punto de vista de datos de entrada, condiciones de contorno y supuestos.[CA] Amb l'augment de la demanda de solucions més amigables amb el medi ambient en la indústria de l'automoció, el motor de combustió interna alternatiu (MCIA) s'enfronta actualment a grans desafiaments per minimitzar el seu consum de recursos no renovables i especialment, per reduir les seves emissions contaminants . Tenint en compte que l'aportació dels MCIA és fonamental per a cobrir les necessitats de mobilitat i generació d'energia arreu de tot el món, i el fet que diferents alternatives, com els motors elèctrics i híbrids, estan i continuaran enfrontat múltiples obstacles per a la seva implementació massiva al proper futur, la investigació contínua en MCIA és fonamental per complir amb els propòsits de reducció d'emissions. En aquest aspecte, una aproximació per a l'augment de l'eficiència del motor i la reducció de consum de combustible és mitjançant la implementació d'alternatives dirigides a reduir les pèrdues mecàniques per fricció. Aquestes alternatives tribològiques inclouen aquelles que requereixen modificacions de components del motor, com materials i acabats superficials, i l'ús de formulacions d'oli lubricant de menor viscositat o additius que milloren les condicions de lubricació del motor. Amb la constant evolució i millores en el MCIA i les condicions de treball cada vegada més severes, també sorgeixen noves alternatives tribològiques per enfrontar els nous desafiaments del motor, i per tant es requereix d'investigacions addicionals en aquest tema. Durant el desenvolupament d'aquesta Tesi, un dels objectius va consistir a contribuir a la investigació de l'ús d'olis de baixa viscositat per a l'estalvi de combustible com un efecte conjunt amb les condicions de conducció de vehicle. Per dur a terme aquest objectiu, es van desenvolupar assajos experimentals sota condicions estacionàries en un banc de motor amb formulacions d'oli de diferent viscositat HTHS, algunes d'elles amb additiu modificador de fricció per expandir el rang de reducció de fricció a condicions de lubricació més severes . Els mapes de consum de combustible resultants d'aquests assajos van ser utilitzats en un model de simulació del vehicle per estimar el seu consum de combustible com a funció de l'oli i les condicions de treball de tres cicles de conducció. Amb l'objectiu d'expandir els coneixements en els fonaments de lubricació dels MCIAs i tenir la capacitat d'avaluar altres alternatives per reduir les pèrdues per fricció, es va considerar necessari enfocar la recerca al conjunt pistó-camisa, que és el parell tribològic amb major aportació a les perdudes per fricció. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu, durant aquesta Tesi es va desenvolupar una maqueta específica per al acoblament pistó-camisa, i un model teòric per simular la lubricació del segment de compressió. Per a la primera part, la maqueta es va desenvolupar basada en el mètode de camisa flotant, en el qual la camisa va ser aïllada de la resta del motor i la força de fricció generada en la interfície pistó-camisa va poder ser mesurada mitjançant sensors de força. En aquesta instal·lació es van desenvolupar diferents assajos els quals van permetre dur a terme una anàlisi exhaustiva dels fonaments de lubricació d'aquest parell tribològic com a funció de diferents paràmetres que tenen impacte en les condicions de lubricació. Aquest estudi es va complementar amb el desenvolupament d'un model de lubricació per al segment de compressió basat en el mètode de diferències finites. Finalment, es va dur a terme una comparativa de resultats experimentals i teòrics per al segment de compressió, la qual cosa va permetre validar els assajos experimentals a la maqueta de camisa flotant, així com el model de simulació des del punt de vista de dades d'entrada, condicions de contorn i hipòtesis.[EN] With the increasing demand for greener solutions in the automotive industry, the ICE is currently facing great challenges to minimize the consumption of nonrenewable resources and specially to reduce its harmful emissions. Given that the contribution of the ICE is fundamental to cover the actual mobility and power generation needs worldwide, and the fact that different power-train alternatives, such as electric and hybrid vehicles, are and will continue facing multiple obstacles for their large-scale implementation in the near future, the continuous research on the ICE is fundamental in order to meet the emissions reduction targets. In this regard, one approach to increase the engine efficiency and reduce the fuel consumption, is through the implementation of alternatives aimed to reduce the friction mechanical losses. These tribological alternatives include those that require modifications to the engine components, such as materials and surface finishes, and the use of lubricant oil formulation of lower viscosity or additives that improve the lubrication performance of the engine. With the ongoing evolution and improvement of the ICE and the increasingly severe working conditions, new tribological solutions also emerge to face the new challenges in the ICE, and therefore further research is required on this subject. During the development of this Thesis, one of the objectives was to contribute to the research on low viscosity engine oils for fuel economy as a joint effect with the driving conditions of the vehicle. To accomplish this, experimental tests were performed under stationary conditions in an engine bench test for oil formulations of different HTHS viscosity, some of them with friction modifier additive to expand the friction reduction effect to more severe lubrication conditions. The resultant fuel consumption maps were then employed in a vehicle model to estimate the fuel consumption of the vehicle as function of the oil formulation and the working conditions of the three driving cycles. With the aim of expanding the knowledge on the lubrication fundamentals of the engine and to have the capability to assess other alternatives to further reduce the friction mechanical losses, it was deemed necessary to focus the research on the piston-cylinder liner assembly, the tribo-pair of major friction share. In order to achieve this objective, a test rig was developed in this Thesis specific for the piston-liner assembly, and a theoretical model to estimate the lubrication of the piston compression ring. For the first part, the test rig was designed based on the floating liner method, where the cylinder liner was isolated from the rest of the engine and the friction force generated in the piston-liner conjunction could be measured by means of force sensors. Different tests were developed in this test rig which allowed a comprehensive analysis of the piston lubrication fundamentals as function of different parameters having an impact on the lubrication performance of this assembly. This study was complemented with the development of a piston compression ring lubrication model based on the finite differences method. A comparison of experimental and theoretical results was performed for the piston compression ring that helped to validate both the experimental tests in the floating liner and the simulation model from the point of view of input data, boundary conditions and assumptions.Bastidas Moncayo, KS. (2021). Experimental and analytical study of the mechanical friction losses in the piston-cylinder liner tribological pair in internal combustion engines (ICE) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172188TESI