240 research outputs found

    Dynamic Relative Compression, Dynamic Partial Sums, and Substring Concatenation

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    Given a static reference string RR and a source string SS, a relative compression of SS with respect to RR is an encoding of SS as a sequence of references to substrings of RR. Relative compression schemes are a classic model of compression and have recently proved very successful for compressing highly-repetitive massive data sets such as genomes and web-data. We initiate the study of relative compression in a dynamic setting where the compressed source string SS is subject to edit operations. The goal is to maintain the compressed representation compactly, while supporting edits and allowing efficient random access to the (uncompressed) source string. We present new data structures that achieve optimal time for updates and queries while using space linear in the size of the optimal relative compression, for nearly all combinations of parameters. We also present solutions for restricted and extended sets of updates. To achieve these results, we revisit the dynamic partial sums problem and the substring concatenation problem. We present new optimal or near optimal bounds for these problems. Plugging in our new results we also immediately obtain new bounds for the string indexing for patterns with wildcards problem and the dynamic text and static pattern matching problem

    Dynamic Relative Compression, Dynamic Partial Sums, and Substring Concatenation

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    Given a static reference string R and a source string S, a relative compression of S with respect to R is an encoding of S as a sequence of references to substrings of R. Relative compression schemes are a classic model of compression and have recently proved very successful for compressing highly-repetitive massive data sets such as genomes and web-data. We initiate the study of relative compression in a dynamic setting where the compressed source string S is subject to edit operations. The goal is to maintain the compressed representation compactly, while supporting edits and allowing efficient random access to the (uncompressed) source string. We present new data structures that achieve optimal time for updates and queries while using space linear in the size of the optimal relative compression, for nearly all combinations of parameters. We also present solutions for restricted and extended sets of updates. To achieve these results, we revisit the dynamic partial sums problem and the substring concatenation problem. We present new optimal or near optimal bounds for these problems. Plugging in our new results we also immediately obtain new bounds for the string indexing for patterns with wildcards problem and the dynamic text and static pattern matching problem

    A Faster Implementation of Online Run-Length Burrows-Wheeler Transform

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    Run-length encoding Burrows-Wheeler Transformed strings, resulting in Run-Length BWT (RLBWT), is a powerful tool for processing highly repetitive strings. We propose a new algorithm for online RLBWT working in run-compressed space, which runs in O(nlg⁥r)O(n\lg r) time and O(rlg⁥n)O(r\lg n) bits of space, where nn is the length of input string SS received so far and rr is the number of runs in the BWT of the reversed SS. We improve the state-of-the-art algorithm for online RLBWT in terms of empirical construction time. Adopting the dynamic list for maintaining a total order, we can replace rank queries in a dynamic wavelet tree on a run-length compressed string by the direct comparison of labels in a dynamic list. The empirical result for various benchmarks show the efficiency of our algorithm, especially for highly repetitive strings.Comment: In Proc. IWOCA201

    Random Access in Persistent Strings and Segment Selection

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    We consider compact representations of collections of similar strings that support random access queries. The collection of strings is given by a rooted tree where edges are labeled by an edit operation (inserting, deleting, or replacing a character) and a node represents the string obtained by applying the sequence of edit operations on the path from the root to the node. The goal is to compactly represent the entire collection while supporting fast random access to any part of a string in the collection. This problem captures natural scenarios such as representing the past history of an edited document or representing highly-repetitive collections. Given a tree with nn nodes, we show how to represent the corresponding collection in O(n)O(n) space and O(log⁥n/log⁥log⁥n)O(\log n/ \log \log n) query time. This improves the previous time-space trade-offs for the problem. Additionally, we show a lower bound proving that the query time is optimal for any solution using near-linear space. To achieve our bounds for random access in persistent strings we show how to reduce the problem to the following natural geometric selection problem on line segments. Consider a set of horizontal line segments in the plane. Given parameters ii and jj, a segment selection query returns the jjth smallest segment (the segment with the jjth smallest yy-coordinate) among the segments crossing the vertical line through xx-coordinate ii. The segment selection problem is to preprocess a set of horizontal line segments into a compact data structure that supports fast segment selection queries. We present a solution that uses O(n)O(n) space and support segment selection queries in O(log⁥n/log⁥log⁥n)O(\log n/ \log \log n) time, where nn is the number of segments. Furthermore, we prove that that this query time is also optimal for any solution using near-linear space.Comment: Extended abstract at ISAAC 202

    Update Query Time Trade-Off for Dynamic Suffix Arrays

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    The Suffix Array SA(S) of a string S[1 ... n] is an array containing all the suffixes of S sorted by lexicographic order. The suffix array is one of the most well known indexing data structures, and it functions as a key tool in many string algorithms. In this paper, we present a data structure for maintaining the Suffix Array of a dynamic string. For every 0≤ε≤10 \leq \varepsilon \leq 1, our data structure reports SA[i] in O~(nε)\tilde{O}(n^{\varepsilon}) time and handles text modification in O~(n1−ε)\tilde{O}(n^{1-\varepsilon}) time. Additionally, our data structure enables the same query time for reporting iSA[i], with iSA being the Inverse Suffix Array of S[1 ... n]. Our data structure can be used to construct sub-linear dynamic variants of static strings algorithms or data structures that are based on the Suffix Array and the Inverse Suffix Array.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure
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