65 research outputs found

    Cloud Data Auditing Using Proofs of Retrievability

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    Cloud servers offer data outsourcing facility to their clients. A client outsources her data without having any copy at her end. Therefore, she needs a guarantee that her data are not modified by the server which may be malicious. Data auditing is performed on the outsourced data to resolve this issue. Moreover, the client may want all her data to be stored untampered. In this chapter, we describe proofs of retrievability (POR) that convince the client about the integrity of all her data.Comment: A version has been published as a book chapter in Guide to Security Assurance for Cloud Computing (Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

    Secure Multilevel Data Authentication System in Cloud Environment

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    Dynamic Proof of Storage is a useful cryptographic primitive that enables a user to check the integrity of outsourced files and to efficiently update the files in a cloud server. Though researchers have planned several dynamic PoS schemes in single user environments, the matter in multi-user environments has not been investigated sufficiently. A sensible multi-user cloud storage system wants the secure client-side cross-user de-duplication technique, that permits a user to skip the uploading method and procure the possession of the files now, once alternative house owners of an equivalent files have uploaded them to the cloud server. To the simplest of our data, none of the present dynamic PoS will support this system. during this paper, we have a tendency to introduce the conception of de-duplicatable dynamic proof of storage associated propose an economical construction referred to as DeyPoS, to realize dynamic PoS and secure cross-user duplication, at the same time. Considering the challenges of structure diversity and personal tag generation, we have a tendency to exploit a unique tool referred to as Homomorphic Authenticated Tree (HAT). We have a tendency to prove the protection of our construction, and therefore the theoretical analysis and experimental results show that our construction is economical in follow

    Practical dynamic proofs of retrievability

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    Proofs of Retrievability (PoR), proposed by Juels and Kaliski in 2007, enable a client to store n file blocks with a cloud server so that later the server can prove possession of all the data in a very efficient manner (i.e., with constant computa-tion and bandwidth). Although many efficient PoR schemes for static data have been constructed, only two dynamic PoR schemes exist. The scheme by Stefanov et al. (ACSAC 2012) uses a large of amount of client storage and has a large audit cost. The scheme by Cash et al. (EUROCRYPT 2013) is mostly of theoretical interest, as it employs Oblivious RAM (ORAM) as a black box, leading to increased practical over-head (e.g., it requires about 300 times more bandwidth than our construction). We propose a dynamic PoR scheme with constant client storage whose bandwidth cost is comparable to a Merkle hash tree, thus being very practical. Our construction out-performs the constructions of Stefanov et al. and Cash et al., both in theory and in practice. Specifically, for n outsourced blocks of β bits each, writing a block requires β+O(λ logn) bandwidth and O(β logn) server computation (λ is the se-curity parameter). Audits are also very efficient, requiring β +O(λ2 logn) bandwidth. We also show how to make our scheme publicly verifiable, providing the first dynamic PoR scheme with such a property. We finally provide a very effi-cient implementation of our scheme

    Entangled cloud storage

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    Entangled cloud storage (Aspnes et al., ESORICS 2004) enables a set of clients to “entangle” their files into a single clew to be stored by a (potentially malicious) cloud provider. The entanglement makes it impossible to modify or delete significant part of the clew without affecting all files encoded in the clew. A clew keeps the files in it private but still lets each client recover his own data by interacting with the cloud provider; no cooperation from other clients is needed. At the same time, the cloud provider is discouraged from altering or overwriting any significant part of the clew as this will imply that none of the clients can recover their files. We put forward the first simulation-based security definition for entangled cloud storage, in the framework of universal composability (Canetti, 2001). We then construct a protocol satisfying our security definition, relying on an entangled encoding scheme based on privacy-preserving polynomial interpolation; entangled encodings were originally proposed by Aspnes et al. as useful tools for the purpose of data entanglement. As a contribution of independent interest we revisit the security notions for entangled encodings, putting forward stronger definitions than previous work (that for instance did not consider collusion between clients and the cloud provider). Protocols for entangled cloud storage find application in the cloud setting, where clients store their files on a remote server and need to be ensured that the cloud provider will not modify or delete their data illegitimately. Current solutions, e.g., based on Provable Data Possession and Proof of Retrievability, require the server to be challenged regularly to provide evidence that the clients’ files are stored at a given time. Entangled cloud storage provides an alternative approach where any single client operates implicitly on behalf of all others, i.e., as long as one client's files are intact, the entire remote database continues to be safe and unblemishe

    Dynamic proofs of retrievability with low server storage

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    Proofs of Retrievability (PoRs) are protocols which allow a client to store data remotely and to efficiently ensure, via audits, that the entirety of that data is still intact. A dynamic PoR system also supports efficient retrieval and update of any small portion of the data. We propose new, simple protocols for dynamic PoR that are designed for practical efficiency, trading decreased persistent storage for increased server computation, and show in fact that this tradeoff is inherent via a lower bound proof of time-space for any PoR scheme. Notably, ours is the first dynamic PoR which does not require any special encoding of the data stored on the server, meaning it can be trivially composed with any database service or with existing techniques for encryption or redundancy. Our implementation and deployment on Google Cloud Platform demonstrates our solution is scalable: for example, auditing a 1TB file takes just less than 5 minutes and costs less than $0.08 USD. We also present several further enhancements, reducing the amount of client storage, or the communication bandwidth, or allowing public verifiability, wherein any untrusted third party may conduct an audit

    Keyword-Based Delegable Proofs of Storage

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    Cloud users (clients) with limited storage capacity at their end can outsource bulk data to the cloud storage server. A client can later access her data by downloading the required data files. However, a large fraction of the data files the client outsources to the server is often archival in nature that the client uses for backup purposes and accesses less frequently. An untrusted server can thus delete some of these archival data files in order to save some space (and allocate the same to other clients) without being detected by the client (data owner). Proofs of storage enable the client to audit her data files uploaded to the server in order to ensure the integrity of those files. In this work, we introduce one type of (selective) proofs of storage that we call keyword-based delegable proofs of storage, where the client wants to audit all her data files containing a specific keyword (e.g., "important"). Moreover, it satisfies the notion of public verifiability where the client can delegate the auditing task to a third-party auditor who audits the set of files corresponding to the keyword on behalf of the client. We formally define the security of a keyword-based delegable proof-of-storage protocol. We construct such a protocol based on an existing proof-of-storage scheme and analyze the security of our protocol. We argue that the techniques we use can be applied atop any existing publicly verifiable proof-of-storage scheme for static data. Finally, we discuss the efficiency of our construction.Comment: A preliminary version of this work has been published in International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC 2018

    Verifiable Oblivious Storage

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    We formalize the notion of Verifiable Oblivious Storage (VOS), where a client outsources the storage of data to a server while ensuring data confidentiality, access pattern privacy, and integrity and freshness of data accesses. VOS generalizes the notion of Oblivious RAM (ORAM) in that it allows the server to perform computation, and also explicitly considers data integrity and freshness. We show that allowing server-side computation enables us to construct asymptotically more efficient VOS schemes whose bandwidth overhead cannot be matched by any ORAM scheme, due to a known lower bound by Goldreich and Ostrovsky. Specifically, for large block sizes we can construct a VOS scheme with constant bandwidth per query; further, answering queries requires only poly-logarithmic server computation. We describe applications of VOS to Dynamic Proofs of Retrievability, and RAM-model secure multi-party computation
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