57 research outputs found

    Current state of the art and use case description on geofencing for traffic management

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    This report is a result of a literature review and document gathering focused on geofence use cases specific for road traffic management. It presents geofence use cases that are trialled or to be trialled, implemented use cases, as well as conceptual and potential future use cases, showing for which type of transport they are used and how geofence zones are applied or to be applied. The report was conducted in the project GeoSence – Geofencing strategies for implementation in urban traffic management and planning. It is a Joint programme initiative (JPI) Urban Europe project funded by European Union´s Horizon 2020, under ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity and gather project partners from Germany, Norway, Sweden and UK. The goal is to present the current state of art, and describe use cases, based on the working definition of geofencing in the project, where geofence is defined as a virtual geographically located boundary, statically or dynamically defined. The study shows that for implemented and real-traffic trial use case, geofencing has been applied within private car transport, shared micro-mobility, freight and logistics, public bus transportation and ridesourcing. For the future use cases, geofencing has been tested or conceptually developed also for automated vehicles and shared automated mobility, among others. The report summarises main use cases and find them to answering to especially four challenges in traffic management: safety, environment, efficiency, and tracking and data collection. Some of the use cases however answer to several of these challenges, such as differentiated road charging, and the use cases in micro-mobility. Further, the system and functionality of the trialled and/or implemented use cases, show different types of regulation geofence use cases can be used for, from informing, assisting, full enforcement, incentivising and penalisation. Guidelines and recommendations so far form national authorities show that the existence of joint regulation or guidelines for the use of geofencing for different use cases is low – with some exceptions. Digital representation of traffic regulation will be crucial for enabling geofencing

    The Underpinnings of Workload in Unmanned Vehicle Systems

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    This paper identifies and characterizes factors that contribute to operator workload in unmanned vehicle systems. Our objective is to provide a basis for developing models of workload for use in design and operation of complex human-machine systems. In 1986, Hart developed a foundational conceptual model of workload, which formed the basis for arguably the most widely used workload measurement techniquethe NASA Task Load Index. Since that time, however, there have been many advances in models and factor identification as well as workload control measures. Additionally, there is a need to further inventory and describe factors that contribute to human workload in light of technological advances, including automation and autonomy. Thus, we propose a conceptual framework for the workload construct and present a taxonomy of factors that can contribute to operator workload. These factors, referred to as workload drivers, are associated with a variety of system elements including the environment, task, equipment and operator. In addition, we discuss how workload moderators, such as automation and interface design, can be manipulated in order to influence operator workload. We contend that workload drivers, workload moderators, and the interactions among drivers and moderators all need to be accounted for when building complex, human-machine systems

    UAM Airspace Design

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    The aim of this project is to justify the necessity of a specific airspace dedicated to drone operations, in particular in the Urban Air Mobility (UAM) field, and to expose which aspects are going to be the most limiting in the design of this airspace for autonomous aircrafts. The commercial aviation case is presented to demonstrate that an effective implementation of the UAM requires the creation of a dedicated airspace as well as international legal harmonisation: a mode of air transportation that carries out thousands of flights every day while ensuring high levels of safety at all times thanks to its defined rules and airspace structure. The different reasons why the aviation airspace cannot be escalated to the UAM are also exposed. Once the necessity for the UAM sector to have its own drone-designed airspace has been justified, the main barriers and potential solutions that the experts and corresponding authorities working on the sector have identified are exposed. These challenges come from fields as diverse as operational security, infrastructure and ground area protection, adverse weather conditions, technological and vehicle limitations, and a factor that is often overlooked but is crucial: social acceptance. The establishment of the UAM airspace will require the development and design of a ground infrastructure capable of ensuring that aircraft can takeoff and land safely in each operation. The main European vertiport guidelines are explained. To conclude the project and use the knowledge acquired in its elaboration, a use case in the UAM sector is briefly designed: the transport of VIPs by drone from different Catalan airports to the ¿Circuit de Montmeló¿ in punctual cases, such as when a Grand Prix is held

    Diseño y desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles basadas en geofencing

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    Hoy en día los dispositivos móviles incorporan en su gran mayoría la posibilidad de ubicarse espacialmente mediante el GPS y además incluyen otros sensores que pueden ser aprovechados en el desarrollo de aplicaciones. Aprovechando dichos componentes este proyecto busca diseñar y desarrollar aplicaciones móviles basadas en geofencing complementadas con el uso de sensores adicionales disponibles en los dispositivos móviles. El foco principal estará dado por detectar cuando un dispositivo entra o sale de una zona delimitada pudiendo desencadenar distintos eventos y alertas cuando esto ocurra. Adicionalmente se trabajará el uso de otros sensores que permitan complementar la experiencia del usuario por ejemplo al desencadenar acciones con gestos o mediante el análisis de los datos de los sensores de movimiento detectar la situación actual de una persona.Eje: Innovación en sistemas de software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Integration of UTM and U-Space on Norwegian continental shelf

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    In this master thesis, we present an overview of the U-Space and Regulations in Europe, while also taking into consideration the progression of the integration of both parts in Norwegian airspace over the Norwegian continental shelf. This thesis is mainly separated into three parts. The first part is taking a look into the European Union's roadmap/plan for establishing an Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) and how they plan to develop their system into a single European sky. The end goal is that essentially every operator of a drone can do so all over Europe without having any issues with crossing borders or different regulations. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to a detailed insight into the technical side of a UTM, the different layers, examples of which systems are the most relevant to be utilized on the Norwegian continental shelf. The third part of this thesis is dedicated to looking at the regulatory side of things, in regards of the UTM system in itself, different factors of drone operations, requirements for every part of an operation. In addition, discussing and concluding about everything we have been though in the thesis. Additionally, there are uses cases where everything comes together to see how it would work in practise and in certain scenarios. In the final part of the thesis the previous parts of the project will be discussed, as well as drawing final conclusions to the project

    Software Architecture for Autonomous and Coordinated Navigation of UAV Swarms in Forest and Urban Firefighting

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    Advances in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have led to an exponential increase in their market, thanks to the development of innovative technological solutions aimed at a wide range of applications and services, such as emergencies and those related to fires. In addition, the expansion of this market has been accompanied by the birth and growth of the so-called UAV swarms. Currently, the expansion of these systems is due to their properties in terms of robustness, versatility, and efficiency. Along with these properties there is an aspect, which is still a field of study, such as autonomous and cooperative navigation of these swarms. In this paper we present an architecture that includes a set of complementary methods that allow the establishment of different control layers to enable the autonomous and cooperative navigation of a swarm of UAVs. Among the different layers, there are a global trajectory planner based on sampling, algorithms for obstacle detection and avoidance, and methods for autonomous decision making based on deep reinforcement learning. The paper shows satisfactory results for a line-of-sight based algorithm for global path planner trajectory smoothing in 2D and 3D. In addition, a novel method for autonomous navigation of UAVs based on deep reinforcement learning is shown, which has been tested in 2 different simulation environments with promising results about the use of these techniques to achieve autonomous navigation of UAVs.This work was supported by the Comunidad de Madrid Government through the Industrial Doctorates Grants (GRANT IND2017/TIC-7834)

    Desarrollo de aplicaciones con Geovallas para la asistencia de personas mediante el monitoreo

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    Today's mobile devices have a wide variety of components and sensors that can be used for application development. Specifically, the possibility of geolocating the device user, generates a great variety of applications, for example routing on maps according to traffic, the possibility of meeting nearby people, requests for opinions on places that the user has visited, among many others. Another application that stands out is being able to detect when the user enters or leaves a certain area, what is known as geofencing. Geofences are virtual fences or boundaries determined by geographical coordinates. Although this technique has a wide variety of applications, this work emphasizes its use for the active monitoring of people, whether they are adults with a health problem or children. Two applications that are currently being developed by the research and development team are presented, explaining their characteristics and possible uses  Los dispositivos móviles actuales cuentan con una amplia variedad de componentes y sensores que pueden ser aprovechados para el desarrollo de las aplicaciones. Puntualmente la posibilidad de geolocalizar al portador del dispositivo genera una gran variedad de aplicaciones, por ejemplo mapas con recorridos según el tránsito, posibilidad de encontrarse con gente cercana, pedidos de opiniones sobre lugares que el usuario ha visitado entre tantos otros. Otra aplicación que se destaca es poder detectar cuando el usuario entra o sale de una zona determinada lo que se conoce como geovallas (del ingles geofencing). Las geovallas son cercas o límites virtuales determinados por coordenadas geográficas. Si bien esta técnica tiene una gran variedad de aplicaciones, en este trabajo se hace hincapié en su utilización para el monitoreo activo de personas ya sea adultas con algún problema de salud o niños. Se presentan dos aplicaciones que actualmente están siendo desarrolladas por el grupo de investigación y desarrollo, explicando sus características y posibles uso

    Riskiperusteinen lähestyminen miehittämättömän ilmailun kehittämiseen Suomessa

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    This work explored different unmanned aircraft types and the technology they use including the latest safety systems. A review of research on unmanned aircraft safety was conducted and the latest collision test results were summarized. The results of the latest research were a base from where a survey for all unmanned aircraft operators who flew in Finland during 2016 was conducted. The goal of the survey was to find out new information of unmanned aircraft operations in Finland and the risks associated with those operations, because this information was not available before in reliable enough form. Aviation safety is measured using statistics of past yearly activity and this study aimed at gathering the necessary statistics of unmanned aviation in Finland to calculate these safety metrics. The gathered statistics of general unmanned aviation activity were used to find out accident and crash probabilities in Finland. Technical fault probability was also surveyed and the most common technical fault types. All of these probabilities can be used when conducting risk assessment of unmanned aircraft operations. This work also assessed different aerial work types to measure which one is the riskiest. Results from this work can be used in assessing the total risk level of unmanned aviation in Finland and the development of regulations. the current aviation act regulating unmanned aviation in Finland was drafted in a situation where there was no safety statistics of unmanned aviation. This work aims to start the gathering of general and safety statistics of unmanned aviation in Finland.Työssä käytiin läpi miehittämättömien ilma-aluksien erilaisia tyyppejä ja niiden käyttämää tekniikkaa mukaan lukien uusimmat turvallisuutta parantavat järjestelmät. Katselmus uusimmista tutkimuksia miehittämättömän ilmailun turvallisuudesta sisälsi uusimpien törmäys testien tulokset, jotka pohjustivat tämän työn luotaavaa kyselytutkimusta Suomessa vuonna 2016 toimineista miehittämättömän ilmailun operaattoreista ja heidän toiminnastaan. Tavoite oli saada selville uutta tietoa miehittämättömän ilmailun toiminnasta ja siihen liittyvistä riskeistä Suomessa, koska kyseistä tietoa ei ole ollut saatavilla riittävästi tai tarpeeksi luotettavassa muodossa aikaisemmin. Ilmailun turvallisuuden mittaamisessa käytetään vakiintuneita arvoja, jotka on muodostettu vuosittaisista toiminnan tilastotiedoista. Tässä työssä kerättiin miehittämättömän ilmailun turvallisuuden mittaamiseen tarvittavia yleisen toiminnan tilastoja. Kyselytutkimuksen avulla kerätyistä tilastoista selvitettiin arviot onnettomuus ja törmäys todennäköisyyksistä miehittämättömille ilma-aluksille Suomessa, joita voidaan vertailla jatkossa vuosittain turvallisuustilanteen kehittymisen seuraamiseksi. Kerätyistä tilastoista selvitettiin myös miehittämättömien ilma-aluksien teknisten vikojen todennäköisyydet ja yleisimmät vikojen tyypit. Teknisten vikojen sekä törmäysten todennäköisyyksien arviota voidaan käyttää Suomessa miehittämättömien ilma-aluksien operaatioiden riskiarvioiden tekemiseen. Työssä tehtiin myös analyysi erilaisista miehittämättömän ilmailun toimintamuodoista kaikista riskialteimman toiminnan tunnistamiseksi. Tämän työn tuloksia voidaan käyttää Suomalaisen miehittämättömän ilmailun kokonaisturvallisuuden arvioinnissa ja miehittämättömän ilmailun lainsäädännön kehittämisessä. Nykyinen miehittämättömän ilmailun ilmailumääräys on luotu tilanteessa, jossa tämän työn keräämää turvallisuus tilastoa ei ollut saatavilla. Tällä työllä pyritään aloittamaan miehittämättömän ilmailun turvallisuustilanteen sekä yleisen toiminnan seuranta ja tilastointi Suomessa