129 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationPartial differential equations (PDEs) are widely used in science and engineering to model phenomena such as sound, heat, and electrostatics. In many practical science and engineering applications, the solutions of PDEs require the tessellation of computational domains into unstructured meshes and entail computationally expensive and time-consuming processes. Therefore, efficient and fast PDE solving techniques on unstructured meshes are important in these applications. Relative to CPUs, the faster growth curves in the speed and greater power efficiency of the SIMD streaming processors, such as GPUs, have gained them an increasingly important role in the high-performance computing area. Combining suitable parallel algorithms and these streaming processors, we can develop very efficient numerical solvers of PDEs. The contributions of this dissertation are twofold: proposal of two general strategies to design efficient PDE solvers on GPUs and the specific applications of these strategies to solve different types of PDEs. Specifically, this dissertation consists of four parts. First, we describe the general strategies, the domain decomposition strategy and the hybrid gathering strategy. Next, we introduce a parallel algorithm for solving the eikonal equation on fully unstructured meshes efficiently. Third, we present the algorithms and data structures necessary to move the entire FEM pipeline to the GPU. Fourth, we propose a parallel algorithm for solving the levelset equation on fully unstructured 2D or 3D meshes or manifolds. This algorithm combines a narrowband scheme with domain decomposition for efficient levelset equation solving

    High Performance Matrix-Fee Method for Large-Scale Finite Element Analysis on Graphics Processing Units

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    This thesis presents a high performance computing (HPC) algorithm on graphics processing units (GPU) for large-scale numerical simulations. In particular, the research focuses on the development of an efficient matrix-free conjugate gradient solver for the acceleration and scalability of the steady-state heat transfer finite element analysis (FEA) on a three-dimension uniform structured hexahedral mesh using a voxel-based technique. One of the greatest challenges in large-scale FEA is the availability of computer memory for solving the linear system of equations. Like in large-scale heat transfer simulations, where the size of the system matrix assembly becomes very large, the FEA solver requires huge amounts of computational time and memory that very often exceed the actual memory limits of the available hardware resources. To overcome this problem a matrix-free conjugate gradient (MFCG) method is designed and implemented to finite element computations which avoids the global matrix assembly. The main difference of the MFCG to the classical conjugate gradient (CG) solver lies on the implementation of the matrix-vector product operation. Matrix-vector operation found to be the most expensive process consuming more than 80% out of the total computations for the numerical solution and thus a matrix-free matrix-vector (MFMV) approach becomes beneficial for saving memory and computational time throughout the execution of the FEA. In summary, the MFMV algorithm consists of three nested loops: (a) a loop over the mesh elements of the domain, (b) a loop on the element nodal values to perform the element matrix-vector operations and (c) the summation and transformation of the nodal values into their correct positions in the global index. A performance analysis on a serial and a parallel implementation on a GPU shows that the MFCG solver outperforms the classical CG consuming significantly lower amounts of memory allowing for much larger size simulations. The outcome of this study suggests that the MFCG can also speed-up and scale the execution of large-scale finite element simulations

    Efficient distributed matrix-free multigrid methods on locally refined meshes for FEM computations

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    This work studies three multigrid variants for matrix-free finite-element computations on locally refined meshes: geometric local smoothing, geometric global coarsening, and polynomial global coarsening. We have integrated the algorithms into the same framework-the open-source finite-element library deal.II-, which allows us to make fair comparisons regarding their implementation complexity, computational efficiency, and parallel scalability as well as to compare the measurements with theoretically derived performance models. Serial simulations and parallel weak and strong scaling on up to 147,456 CPU cores on 3,072 compute nodes are presented. The results obtained indicate that global coarsening algorithms show a better parallel behavior for comparable smoothers due to the better load balance particularly on the expensive fine levels. In the serial case, the costs of applying hanging-node constraints might be significant, leading to advantages of local smoothing, even though the number of solver iterations needed is slightly higher.Comment: 34 pages, 17 figure

    A Hybrid Multi-GPU Implementation of Simplex Algorithm with CPU Collaboration

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    The simplex algorithm has been successfully used for many years in solving linear programming (LP) problems. Due to the intensive computations required (especially for the solution of large LP problems), parallel approaches have also extensively been studied. The computational power provided by the modern GPUs as well as the rapid development of multicore CPU systems have led OpenMP and CUDA programming models to the top preferences during the last years. However, the desired efficient collaboration between CPU and GPU through the combined use of the above programming models is still considered a hard research problem. In the above context, we demonstrate here an excessively efficient implementation of standard simplex, targeting to the best possible exploitation of the concurrent use of all the computing resources, on a multicore platform with multiple CUDA-enabled GPUs. More concretely, we present a novel hybrid collaboration scheme which is based on the concurrent execution of suitably spread CPU-assigned (via multithreading) and GPU-offloaded computations. The experimental results extracted through the cooperative use of OpenMP and CUDA over a notably powerful modern hybrid platform (consisting of 32 cores and two high-spec GPUs, Titan Rtx and Rtx 2080Ti) highlight that the performance of the presented here hybrid GPU/CPU collaboration scheme is clearly superior to the GPU-only implementation under almost all conditions. The corresponding measurements validate the value of using all resources concurrently, even in the case of a multi-GPU configuration platform. Furthermore, the given implementations are completely comparable (and slightly superior in most cases) to other related attempts in the bibliography, and clearly superior to the native CPU-implementation with 32 cores.Comment: 12 page

    Domain knowledge specification for energy tuning

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    To overcome the challenges of energy consumption of HPC systems, the European Union Horizon 2020 READEX (Runtime Exploitation of Application Dynamism for Energy-efficient Exascale computing) project uses an online auto-tuning approach to improve energy efficiency of HPC applications. The READEX methodology pre-computes optimal system configurations at design-time, such as the CPU frequency, for instances of program regions and switches at runtime to the configuration given in the tuning model when the region is executed. READEX goes beyond previous approaches by exploiting dynamic changes of a region's characteristics by leveraging region and characteristic specific system configurations. While the tool suite supports an automatic approach, specifying domain knowledge such as the structure and characteristics of the application and application tuning parameters can significantly help to create a more refined tuning model. This paper presents the means available for an application expert to provide domain knowledge and presents tuning results for some benchmarks.Web of Science316art. no. E465

    Sparse matrix-vector multiplication on GPGPUs

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    The multiplication of a sparse matrix by a dense vector (SpMV) is a centerpiece of scientific computing applications: it is the essential kernel for the solution of sparse linear systems and sparse eigenvalue problems by iterative methods. The efficient implementation of the sparse matrix-vector multiplication is therefore crucial and has been the subject of an immense amount of research, with interest renewed with every major new trend in high performance computing architectures. The introduction of General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) is no exception, and many articles have been devoted to this problem. With this paper we provide a review of the techniques for implementing the SpMV kernel on GPGPUs that have appeared in the literature of the last few years. We discuss the issues and trade-offs that have been encountered by the various researchers, and a list of solutions, organized in categories according to common features. We also provide a performance comparison across different GPGPU models and on a set of test matrices coming from various application domains

    Numerical modeling of extrusion forming tools: improving its efficiency on heterogeneous parallel computers

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia InformáticaPolymer processing usually requires several experimentation and calibration attempts to lead to a final result with the desired quality. As this results in large costs, software applications have been developed aiming to replace laboratory experimentation by computer based simulations and hence lower these costs. The focus of this dissertation was on one of these applications, the FlowCode, an application which helps the design of extrusion forming tools, applied to plastics processing or in the processing of other fluids. The original application had two versions of the code, one to run in a single-core CPU and the other for NVIDIA GPU devices. With the increasing use of heterogeneous platforms, many applications can now benefit and leverage the computational power of these platforms. As this requires some expertise, mostly to schedule tasks/functions and transfer the necessary data to the devices, several frameworks were developed to aid the development - with StarPU being the one with more international relevance, although other ones are emerging such as Dynamic Irregular Computing Environment (DICE). The main objectives of this dissertation were to improve the FlowCode, and to assess the use of one framework to develop an efficient heterogeneous version. Only the CPU version of the code was improved, by first applying techniques to the sequential version and parallelizing it afterwards using OpenMP on both multi-core CPU devices (Intel Xeon 12-core) and on many-core devices (Intel Xeon Phi 61-core). For the heterogeneous version, StarPU was chosen after studying both StarPU and DICE frameworks. Results show the parallel CPU version to be faster than the GPU one, for all input datasets. The GPU code is far from being efficient, requiring several improvements, so comparing the devices with each other would not be fair. The Xeon Phi version proves to be the faster one when no framework is used. For the StarPU version, several schedulers were tested to evaluate the faster one, leading to the most efficient to solve our problem. Executing the code on two GPU devices is 1.7 times faster than when executing the GPU version without the framework. Adding the CPU to the GPUs of the testing environment do not improve execution time with most schedulers due to the lack of available parallelism in the application. Globally, the StarPU version is the faster one followed by the Xeon Phi, CPU and GPU versions.O processamento de polímeros requer normalmente várias tentativas de experimentação e calibração de modo a que o resultado final tenha a qualidade pretendida. Como isto resulta em custos elevados, diversas aplicações foram desenvolvidas para substituir a parte de experimentação laboratorial por simulações por computador e consequentemente, reduzir esses custos. Este dissertação foca-se numa dessas aplicações, o FlowCode, uma aplicação de ajuda à conceção de ferramentas de extrusão aplicada no processamento de plásticos ou no processamento de outros tipos de fluidos. Esta aplicação inicial era composta por duas versões, uma executada sequencialmente num processador e outra executada em aceleradores computacionais NVIDIA GPU. Com o aumento da utilização de plataformas heterogéneas, muitas aplicações podem beneficiar do poder computacional destas plataformas. Como isto requer alguma experiência, principalmente para escalonar tarefas/funções e transferir os dados necessários para os aceleradores, várias frameworks foram desenvolvidas para ajudar ao desenvolvimento - sendo StarPU a framework com mais relevância internacional, embora outras estejam a surgir como a framework DICE. Os principais objetivos desta dissertação eram melhorar o FlowCode assim como avaliar a utilização de uma framework para desenvolver uma versão heterogénea eficiente. Apenas a versão CPU foi melhorada, primeiro aplicando técnicas na versão sequencial, e depois procedendo à paralelização usando OpenMP em CPUs multi-core (Intel Xeon 12-core) e aceleradores many-core (Intel Xeon Phi 61-core). Para a versão heterogénea, foi escolhido a framework StarPU depois de se ter feito um estudo das frameworks StarPU e DICE. Os resultados mostram que a versão CPU paralela é mais rápida que a GPU em todos os casos testados. O código GPU está longe de ser eficiente, necessitando diversas melhorias. Portanto, uma comparação entre CPUs, GPUs e Xeon Phi’s não seria justa. A versão Xeon Phi revela-se ser a mais rápida quando não é usada nenhuma framework. Para a versão StarPU, vários escalonadores foram testados para avaliar o mais rápido, levando ao mais eficiente para resolver o nosso problema. Executar o código em dois GPUs é 1.7 vezes mais rápido do que executar para um GPU sem framework em um dos casos testados. Adicionar o CPU aos GPUs do ambiente de teste não melhora o tempo de execução para a maioria dos escalonadores devido à falta de paralelismo disponível. Globalmente, a versão StarPU é a mais rápida seguida das versões Xeon Phi, CPU, e GPU

    Resiliency in numerical algorithm design for extreme scale simulations

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    This work is based on the seminar titled ‘Resiliency in Numerical Algorithm Design for Extreme Scale Simulations’ held March 1–6, 2020, at Schloss Dagstuhl, that was attended by all the authors. Advanced supercomputing is characterized by very high computation speeds at the cost of involving an enormous amount of resources and costs. A typical large-scale computation running for 48 h on a system consuming 20 MW, as predicted for exascale systems, would consume a million kWh, corresponding to about 100k Euro in energy cost for executing 1023 floating-point operations. It is clearly unacceptable to lose the whole computation if any of the several million parallel processes fails during the execution. Moreover, if a single operation suffers from a bit-flip error, should the whole computation be declared invalid? What about the notion of reproducibility itself: should this core paradigm of science be revised and refined for results that are obtained by large-scale simulation? Naive versions of conventional resilience techniques will not scale to the exascale regime: with a main memory footprint of tens of Petabytes, synchronously writing checkpoint data all the way to background storage at frequent intervals will create intolerable overheads in runtime and energy consumption. Forecasts show that the mean time between failures could be lower than the time to recover from such a checkpoint, so that large calculations at scale might not make any progress if robust alternatives are not investigated. More advanced resilience techniques must be devised. The key may lie in exploiting both advanced system features as well as specific application knowledge. Research will face two essential questions: (1) what are the reliability requirements for a particular computation and (2) how do we best design the algorithms and software to meet these requirements? While the analysis of use cases can help understand the particular reliability requirements, the construction of remedies is currently wide open. One avenue would be to refine and improve on system- or application-level checkpointing and rollback strategies in the case an error is detected. Developers might use fault notification interfaces and flexible runtime systems to respond to node failures in an application-dependent fashion. Novel numerical algorithms or more stochastic computational approaches may be required to meet accuracy requirements in the face of undetectable soft errors. These ideas constituted an essential topic of the seminar. The goal of this Dagstuhl Seminar was to bring together a diverse group of scientists with expertise in exascale computing to discuss novel ways to make applications resilient against detected and undetected faults. In particular, participants explored the role that algorithms and applications play in the holistic approach needed to tackle this challenge. This article gathers a broad range of perspectives on the role of algorithms, applications and systems in achieving resilience for extreme scale simulations. The ultimate goal is to spark novel ideas and encourage the development of concrete solutions for achieving such resilience holistically.Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 36 autors/es: Emmanuel Agullo, Mirco Altenbernd, Hartwig Anzt, Leonardo Bautista-Gomez, Tommaso Benacchio, Luca Bonaventura, Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Sanjay Chatterjee, Florina M. Ciorba, Nathan DeBardeleben, Daniel Drzisga, Sebastian Eibl, Christian Engelmann, Wilfried N. Gansterer, Luc Giraud, Dominik G ̈oddeke, Marco Heisig, Fabienne Jezequel, Nils Kohl, Xiaoye Sherry Li, Romain Lion, Miriam Mehl, Paul Mycek, Michael Obersteiner, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortiz, Francesco Rizzi, Ulrich Rude, Martin Schulz, Fred Fung, Robert Speck, Linda Stals, Keita Teranishi, Samuel Thibault, Dominik Thonnes, Andreas Wagner and Barbara Wohlmuth"Postprint (author's final draft