192,702 research outputs found

    Large-Scale Long-Tailed Recognition in an Open World

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    Real world data often have a long-tailed and open-ended distribution. A practical recognition system must classify among majority and minority classes, generalize from a few known instances, and acknowledge novelty upon a never seen instance. We define Open Long-Tailed Recognition (OLTR) as learning from such naturally distributed data and optimizing the classification accuracy over a balanced test set which include head, tail, and open classes. OLTR must handle imbalanced classification, few-shot learning, and open-set recognition in one integrated algorithm, whereas existing classification approaches focus only on one aspect and deliver poorly over the entire class spectrum. The key challenges are how to share visual knowledge between head and tail classes and how to reduce confusion between tail and open classes. We develop an integrated OLTR algorithm that maps an image to a feature space such that visual concepts can easily relate to each other based on a learned metric that respects the closed-world classification while acknowledging the novelty of the open world. Our so-called dynamic meta-embedding combines a direct image feature and an associated memory feature, with the feature norm indicating the familiarity to known classes. On three large-scale OLTR datasets we curate from object-centric ImageNet, scene-centric Places, and face-centric MS1M data, our method consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art. Our code, datasets, and models enable future OLTR research and are publicly available at https://liuziwei7.github.io/projects/LongTail.html.Comment: To appear in CVPR 2019 as an oral presentation. Code, datasets and models are available at https://liuziwei7.github.io/projects/LongTail.htm

    Dynamic Filtering with Large Sampling Field for ConvNets

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    We propose a dynamic filtering strategy with large sampling field for ConvNets (LS-DFN), where the position-specific kernels learn from not only the identical position but also multiple sampled neighbor regions. During sampling, residual learning is introduced to ease training and an attention mechanism is applied to fuse features from different samples. Such multiple samples enlarge the kernels' receptive fields significantly without requiring more parameters. While LS-DFN inherits the advantages of DFN, namely avoiding feature map blurring by position-wise kernels while keeping translation invariance, it also efficiently alleviates the overfitting issue caused by much more parameters than normal CNNs. Our model is efficient and can be trained end-to-end via standard back-propagation. We demonstrate the merits of our LS-DFN on both sparse and dense prediction tasks involving object detection, semantic segmentation, and flow estimation. Our results show LS-DFN enjoys stronger recognition abilities in object detection and semantic segmentation tasks on VOC benchmark and sharper responses in flow estimation on FlyingChairs dataset compared to strong baselines.Comment: ECCV 201

    Hierarchical Feature Embedding for Attribute Recognition

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    Attribute recognition is a crucial but challenging task due to viewpoint changes, illumination variations and appearance diversities, etc. Most of previous work only consider the attribute-level feature embedding, which might perform poorly in complicated heterogeneous conditions. To address this problem, we propose a hierarchical feature embedding (HFE) framework, which learns a fine-grained feature embedding by combining attribute and ID information. In HFE, we maintain the inter-class and intra-class feature embedding simultaneously. Not only samples with the same attribute but also samples with the same ID are gathered more closely, which could restrict the feature embedding of visually hard samples with regard to attributes and improve the robustness to variant conditions. We establish this hierarchical structure by utilizing HFE loss consisted of attribute-level and ID-level constraints. We also introduce an absolute boundary regularization and a dynamic loss weight as supplementary components to help build up the feature embedding. Experiments show that our method achieves the state-of-the-art results on two pedestrian attribute datasets and a facial attribute dataset.Comment: CVPR 202

    Attended End-to-end Architecture for Age Estimation from Facial Expression Videos

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    The main challenges of age estimation from facial expression videos lie not only in the modeling of the static facial appearance, but also in the capturing of the temporal facial dynamics. Traditional techniques to this problem focus on constructing handcrafted features to explore the discriminative information contained in facial appearance and dynamics separately. This relies on sophisticated feature-refinement and framework-design. In this paper, we present an end-to-end architecture for age estimation, called Spatially-Indexed Attention Model (SIAM), which is able to simultaneously learn both the appearance and dynamics of age from raw videos of facial expressions. Specifically, we employ convolutional neural networks to extract effective latent appearance representations and feed them into recurrent networks to model the temporal dynamics. More importantly, we propose to leverage attention models for salience detection in both the spatial domain for each single image and the temporal domain for the whole video as well. We design a specific spatially-indexed attention mechanism among the convolutional layers to extract the salient facial regions in each individual image, and a temporal attention layer to assign attention weights to each frame. This two-pronged approach not only improves the performance by allowing the model to focus on informative frames and facial areas, but it also offers an interpretable correspondence between the spatial facial regions as well as temporal frames, and the task of age estimation. We demonstrate the strong performance of our model in experiments on a large, gender-balanced database with 400 subjects with ages spanning from 8 to 76 years. Experiments reveal that our model exhibits significant superiority over the state-of-the-art methods given sufficient training data.Comment: Accepted by Transactions on Image Processing (TIP

    Dynamic Curriculum Learning for Imbalanced Data Classification

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    Human attribute analysis is a challenging task in the field of computer vision, since the data is largely imbalance-distributed. Common techniques such as re-sampling and cost-sensitive learning require prior-knowledge to train the system. To address this problem, we propose a unified framework called Dynamic Curriculum Learning (DCL) to online adaptively adjust the sampling strategy and loss learning in single batch, which resulting in better generalization and discrimination. Inspired by the curriculum learning, DCL consists of two level curriculum schedulers: (1) sampling scheduler not only manages the data distribution from imbalanced to balanced but also from easy to hard; (2) loss scheduler controls the learning importance between classification and metric learning loss. Learning from these two schedulers, we demonstrate our DCL framework with the new state-of-the-art performance on the widely used face attribute dataset CelebA and pedestrian attribute dataset RAP

    1D-Convolutional Capsule Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification

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    Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved excellent performances in many computer vision tasks. Specifically, for hyperspectral images (HSIs) classification, CNNs often require very complex structure due to the high dimension of HSIs. The complex structure of CNNs results in prohibitive training efforts. Moreover, the common situation in HSIs classification task is the lack of labeled samples, which results in accuracy deterioration of CNNs. In this work, we develop an easy-to-implement capsule network to alleviate the aforementioned problems, i.e., 1D-convolution capsule network (1D-ConvCapsNet). Firstly, 1D-ConvCapsNet separately extracts spatial and spectral information on spatial and spectral domains, which is more lightweight than 3D-convolution due to fewer parameters. Secondly, 1D-ConvCapsNet utilizes the capsule-wise constraint window method to reduce parameter amount and computational complexity of conventional capsule network. Finally, 1D-ConvCapsNet obtains accurate predictions with respect to input samples via dynamic routing. The effectiveness of the 1D-ConvCapsNet is verified by three representative HSI datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that 1D-ConvCapsNet is superior to state-of-the-art methods in both the accuracy and training effort

    Dynamic Computational Time for Visual Attention

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    We propose a dynamic computational time model to accelerate the average processing time for recurrent visual attention (RAM). Rather than attention with a fixed number of steps for each input image, the model learns to decide when to stop on the fly. To achieve this, we add an additional continue/stop action per time step to RAM and use reinforcement learning to learn both the optimal attention policy and stopping policy. The modification is simple but could dramatically save the average computational time while keeping the same recognition performance as RAM. Experimental results on CUB-200-2011 and Stanford Cars dataset demonstrate the dynamic computational model can work effectively for fine-grained image recognition.The source code of this paper can be obtained from https://github.com/baidu-research/DT-RA

    Pixel-wise Attentional Gating for Parsimonious Pixel Labeling

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    To achieve parsimonious inference in per-pixel labeling tasks with a limited computational budget, we propose a \emph{Pixel-wise Attentional Gating} unit (\emph{PAG}) that learns to selectively process a subset of spatial locations at each layer of a deep convolutional network. PAG is a generic, architecture-independent, problem-agnostic mechanism that can be readily "plugged in" to an existing model with fine-tuning. We utilize PAG in two ways: 1) learning spatially varying pooling fields that improve model performance without the extra computation cost associated with multi-scale pooling, and 2) learning a dynamic computation policy for each pixel to decrease total computation while maintaining accuracy. We extensively evaluate PAG on a variety of per-pixel labeling tasks, including semantic segmentation, boundary detection, monocular depth and surface normal estimation. We demonstrate that PAG allows competitive or state-of-the-art performance on these tasks. Our experiments show that PAG learns dynamic spatial allocation of computation over the input image which provides better performance trade-offs compared to related approaches (e.g., truncating deep models or dynamically skipping whole layers). Generally, we observe PAG can reduce computation by 10%10\% without noticeable loss in accuracy and performance degrades gracefully when imposing stronger computational constraints.Comment: https://www.ics.uci.edu/~skong2/PAG.htm

    Self-Attention Capsule Networks for Object Classification

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    We propose a novel architecture for object classification, called Self-Attention Capsule Networks (SACN). SACN is the first model that incorporates the Self-Attention mechanism as an integral layer within the Capsule Network (CapsNet). While the Self-Attention mechanism supplies a long-range dependencies, results in selecting the more dominant image regions to focus on, the CapsNet analyzes the relevant features and their spatial correlations inside these regions only. The features are extracted in the convolutional layer. Then, the Self-Attention layer learns to suppress irrelevant regions based on features analysis and highlights salient features useful for a specific task. The attention map is then fed into the CapsNet primary layer that is followed by a classification layer. The proposed SACN model was designed to solve two main limitations of the baseline CapsNet - analysis of complex data and significant computational load. In this work, we use a shallow CapsNet architecture and compensates for the absence of a deeper network by using the Self-Attention module to significantly improve the results. The proposed Self-Attention CapsNet architecture was extensively evaluated on six different datasets, mainly on three different medical sets, in addition to the natural MNIST, SVHN and CIFAR10. The model was able to classify images and their patches with diverse and complex backgrounds better than the baseline CapsNet. As a result, the proposed Self-Attention CapsNet significantly improved classification performance within and across different datasets and outperformed the baseline CapsNet, ResNet-18 and DenseNet-40 not only in classification accuracy but also in robustness

    Embryo staging with weakly-supervised region selection and dynamically-decoded predictions

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    To optimize clinical outcomes, fertility clinics must strategically select which embryos to transfer. Common selection heuristics are formulas expressed in terms of the durations required to reach various developmental milestones, quantities historically annotated manually by experienced embryologists based on time-lapse EmbryoScope videos. We propose a new method for automatic embryo staging that exploits several sources of structure in this time-lapse data. First, noting that in each image the embryo occupies a small subregion, we jointly train a region proposal network with the downstream classifier to isolate the embryo. Notably, because we lack ground-truth bounding boxes, our we weakly supervise the region proposal network optimizing its parameters via reinforcement learning to improve the downstream classifier's loss. Moreover, noting that embryos reaching the blastocyst stage progress monotonically through earlier stages, we develop a dynamic-programming-based decoder that post-processes our predictions to select the most likely monotonic sequence of developmental stages. Our methods outperform vanilla residual networks and rival the best numbers in contemporary papers, as measured by both per-frame accuracy and transition prediction error, despite operating on smaller data than many