17 research outputs found

    Edge-Sharpener: A geometric filter for recovering sharp features in uniform triangulations

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    3D scanners, iso-surface extraction procedures, and several recent geometric compression schemes sample surfaces of 3D shapes in a regular fashion, without any attempt to align the samples with the sharp edges and corners of the original shape. Consequently, the interpolating triangle meshes chamfer these sharp features and thus exhibit significant errors. The new Edge-Sharpener filter introduced here identifies the chamfer edges and subdivides them and their incident triangles by inserting new vertices and by forcing these vertices to lie on intersections of planes that locally approximate the smooth surfaces that meet at these sharp features. This post-processing significantly reduces the error produced by the initial sampling process. For example, we have observed that the L2 error introduced by the SwingWrapper9 remeshing-based compressor can be reduced down to a fifth by executing Edge-Sharpener after decompression, with no additional information

    High-Order Mesh Morphing for Boundary and Interface Fitting to Implicit Geometries

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    We propose a method that morphs high-orger meshes such that their boundaries and interfaces coincide/align with implicitly defined geometries. Our focus is particularly on the case when the target surface is prescribed as the zero isocontour of a smooth discrete function. Common examples of this scenario include using level set functions to represent material interfaces in multimaterial configurations, and evolving geometries in shape and topology optimization. The proposed method formulates the mesh optimization problem as a variational minimization of the sum of a chosen mesh-quality metric using the Target-Matrix Optimization Paradigm (TMOP) and a penalty term that weakly forces the selected faces of the mesh to align with the target surface. The distinct features of the method are use of a source mesh to represent the level set function with sufficient accuracy, and adaptive strategies for setting the penalization weight and selecting the faces of the mesh to be fit to the target isocontour of the level set field. We demonstrate that the proposed method is robust for generating boundary- and interface-fitted meshes for curvilinear domains using different element types in 2D and 3D.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figure

    Sixth Biennial Report : August 2001 - May 2003

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    Tessellating Algebraic Curves and Surfaces Using A-Patches

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    This work approaches the problem of triangulating algebraic curves/surfaces with a subdivision-style algorithm using A-Patches. An implicit algebraic curve is converted from the monomial basis to the bivariate Bernstein-Bezier basis while implicit algebraic surfaces are converted to the trivariate Bernstein basis. The basis is then used to determine the scalar coefficients of the A-patch, which are used to find whether or not the patch contains a separation layer of coefficients. Those that have such a separation have only a single sheet of the surface passing through the domain while one that has all positive or negative coefficients does not contain a zero-set of the surface. Ambiguous cases are resolved by subdividing the structure into a set of smaller patches and repeating the algorithm. Using A-patches to generate a tessellation of the surface has potential advantages by reducing the amount of subdivision required compared to other subdivision algorithms and guarantees a single-sheeted surface passing through it. This revelation allows the tessellation of surfaces with acute features and perturbed features in greater accuracy

    Collision Detection and Merging of Deformable B-Spline Surfaces in Virtual Reality Environment

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    This thesis presents a computational framework for representing, manipulating and merging rigid and deformable freeform objects in virtual reality (VR) environment. The core algorithms for collision detection, merging, and physics-based modeling used within this framework assume that all 3D deformable objects are B-spline surfaces. The interactive design tool can be represented as a B-spline surface, an implicit surface or a point, to allow the user a variety of rigid or deformable tools. The collision detection system utilizes the fact that the blending matrices used to discretize the B-spline surface are independent of the position of the control points and, therefore, can be pre-calculated. Complex B-spline surfaces can be generated by merging various B-spline surface patches using the B-spline surface patches merging algorithm presented in this thesis. Finally, the physics-based modeling system uses the mass-spring representation to determine the deformation and the reaction force values provided to the user. This helps to simulate realistic material behaviour of the model and assist the user in validating the design before performing extensive product detailing or finite element analysis using commercially available CAD software. The novelty of the proposed method stems from the pre-calculated blending matrices used to generate the points for graphical rendering, collision detection, merging of B-spline patches, and nodes for the mass spring system. This approach reduces computational time by avoiding the need to solve complex equations for blending functions of B-splines and perform the inversion of large matrices. This alternative approach to the mechanical concept design will also help to do away with the need to build prototypes for conceptualization and preliminary validation of the idea thereby reducing the time and cost of concept design phase and the wastage of resources

    Sparse Volumetric Deformation

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    Volume rendering is becoming increasingly popular as applications require realistic solid shape representations with seamless texture mapping and accurate filtering. However rendering sparse volumetric data is difficult because of the limited memory and processing capabilities of current hardware. To address these limitations, the volumetric information can be stored at progressive resolutions in the hierarchical branches of a tree structure, and sampled according to the region of interest. This means that only a partial region of the full dataset is processed, and therefore massive volumetric scenes can be rendered efficiently. The problem with this approach is that it currently only supports static scenes. This is because it is difficult to accurately deform massive amounts of volume elements and reconstruct the scene hierarchy in real-time. Another problem is that deformation operations distort the shape where more than one volume element tries to occupy the same location, and similarly gaps occur where deformation stretches the elements further than one discrete location. It is also challenging to efficiently support sophisticated deformations at hierarchical resolutions, such as character skinning or physically based animation. These types of deformation are expensive and require a control structure (for example a cage or skeleton) that maps to a set of features to accelerate the deformation process. The problems with this technique are that the varying volume hierarchy reflects different feature sizes, and manipulating the features at the original resolution is too expensive; therefore the control structure must also hierarchically capture features according to the varying volumetric resolution. This thesis investigates the area of deforming and rendering massive amounts of dynamic volumetric content. The proposed approach efficiently deforms hierarchical volume elements without introducing artifacts and supports both ray casting and rasterization renderers. This enables light transport to be modeled both accurately and efficiently with applications in the fields of real-time rendering and computer animation. Sophisticated volumetric deformation, including character animation, is also supported in real-time. This is achieved by automatically generating a control skeleton which is mapped to the varying feature resolution of the volume hierarchy. The output deformations are demonstrated in massive dynamic volumetric scenes

    Microstructural-Based Modeling Framework for High Temperature Behavior of Ferritic-Martensitic Steels Using Crystal Plasticity and Grain Boundary Finite Element Approaches

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    Ferritic/martensitic 9-12Cr steel alloys, have had widespread use as structural materials in power plants. Among this family of alloys, Grade 91 (Gr91) steel was a landmark in the development of 9-12Cr alloys. However, the unique microstructure complexity of the alloy has raised doubt regarding the techniques of data extrapolation in estimating its service-life for operation in next-generation power plants at higher temperatures and presssures. Conservatism becomes essential when the alloy is to be used in components lasting the life-cycle of power plants without replacement.This dissertation develops a physically-based microstructural model for creep rupture at 600 degrees Celsius for Gr91 steel as well as fundamental modeling tools that apply more broadly to microstructural modeling in metals. Key features of the Gr91 modeling framework capture the mechanical behavior of its prior austenite grains (PAG) and grain boundaries. Ultimately, a constitutive expression was adopted that captured the response from experiments conducted in the creep strain rate regime.An initial model intended to simulate low-cycle fatigue was first developed using the idea of geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) in crystal plasticity (CP) framework. That necessitated evaluating strain gradients and a patch-recovery method was implemented to recover a linear elastic deformation gradient field across the domain in linear elements. A Lie-group to Lie-algebra mapping was used to preserve orthogonality when projecting the rotation tensor from the elements’ Gauss points to the nodes.A statistically-stored dislocation density model was investigated to span the regimes of moderate strain rates (tension tests) to low strain rates (creep tests). Calibration of this model was possible against tension tests, but its application to creept tests suggested that other dislocation mechanisms were present during the primary creep regime of Gr91. Therefore, the CP model in the PAGs was changed to represent dislocation climb-glide motion and recovery along with linear viscous diffusional creep for point defect diffusion. This revised model more closely captured the measurements of creep response.Lastly, a robust Discontinuous Galerkin method is proposed to model the grain boundary interface elements to address traction oscillations observed for cohesive models. Stability and convergence are assessed along with non-conforming meshes

    Automatic 3D model creation with velocity-based surface deformations

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    The virtual worlds of Computer Graphics are populated by geometric objects, called models. Researchers have addressed the problem of synthesizing models automatically. Traditional modeling approaches often require a user to guide the synthesis process and to look after the geometry being synthesized, but user attention is expensive, and reducing user interaction is therefore desirable. I present a scheme for the automatic creation of geometry by deforming surfaces. My scheme includes a novel surface representation; it is an explicit representation consisting of points and edges, but it is not a traditional polygonal mesh. The novel surface representation is paired with a resampling policy to control the surface density and its evolution during deformation. The surface deforms with velocities assigned to its points through a set of deformation operators. Deformation operators avoid the manual computation and assignment of velocities, the operators allow a user to interactively assign velocities with minimal effort. Additionally, Petri nets are used to automatically deform a surface by mimicking a user assigning deformation operators. Furthermore, I present an algorithm to translate from the novel surface representations to a polygonal mesh. I demonstrate the utility of my model generation scheme with a gallery of models created automatically. The scheme's surface representation and resampling policy enables a surface to deform without requiring a user to control the deformation; self-intersections and hole creation are automatically prevented. The generated models show that my scheme is well suited to create organic-like models, whose surfaces have smooth transitions between surface features, but can also produce other kinds of models. My scheme allows a user to automatically generate varied instances of richly detailed models with minimal user interaction

    Generative Mesh Modeling

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    Generative Modeling is an alternative approach for the description of three-dimensional shape. The basic idea is to represent a model not as usual by an agglomeration of geometric primitives (triangles, point clouds, NURBS patches), but by functions. The paradigm change from objects to operations allows for a procedural representation of procedural shapes, such as most man-made objects. Instead of storing only the result of a 3D construction, the construction process itself is stored in a model file. The generative approach opens truly new perspectives in many ways, among others also for 3D knowledge management. It permits for instance to resort to a repository of already solved modeling problems, in order to re-use this knowledge also in different, slightly varied situations. The construction knowledge can be collected in digital libraries containing domain-specific parametric modeling tools. A concrete realization of this approach is a new general description language for 3D models, the "Generative Modeling Language" GML. As a Turing-complete "shape programming language" it is a basis of existing, primitv based 3D model formats. Together with its Runtime engine the GML permits - to store highly complex 3D models in a compact form, - to evaluate the description within fractions of a second, - to adaptively tesselate and to interactively display the model, - and even to change the models high-level parameters at runtime.Die generative Modellierung ist ein alternativer Ansatz zur Beschreibung von dreidimensionaler Form. Zugrunde liegt die Idee, ein Modell nicht wie üblich durch eine Ansammlung geometrischer Primitive (Dreiecke, Punkte, NURBS-Patches) zu beschreiben, sondern durch Funktionen. Der Paradigmenwechsel von Objekten zu Geometrie-erzeugenden Operationen ermöglicht es, prozedurale Modelle auch prozedural zu repräsentieren. Statt das Resultat eines 3D-Konstruktionsprozesses zu speichern, kann so der Konstruktionsprozess selber repräsentiert werden. Der generative Ansatz eröffnet unter anderem gänzlich neue Perspektiven für das Wissensmanagement im 3D-Bereich. Er ermöglicht etwa, auf einen Fundus bereits gelöster Konstruktions-Aufgaben zurückzugreifen, um sie in ähnlichen, aber leicht variierten Situationen wiederverwenden zu können. Das Konstruktions-Wissen kann dazu in Form von Bibliotheken parametrisierter, Domänen-spezifischer Modellier-Werkzeuge gesammelt werden. Konkret wird dazu eine neue allgemeine Modell-Beschreibungs-Sprache vorgeschlagen, die "Generative Modeling Language" GML. Als Turing-mächtige "Programmiersprache für Form" stellt sie eine echte Verallgemeinerung existierender Primitiv-basierter 3D-Modellformate dar. Zusammen mit ihrer Runtime-Engine erlaubt die GML, - hochkomplexe 3D-Objekte extrem kompakt zu beschreiben, - die Beschreibung innerhalb von Sekundenbruchteilen auszuwerten, - das Modell adaptiv darzustellen und interaktiv zu betrachten, - und die Modell-Parameter interaktiv zu verändern