62,798 research outputs found

    Representations for optimal stopping under dynamic monetary utility functionals

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    In this paper we consider the optimal stopping problem for general dynamic monetary utility functionals. Sufficient conditions for the Bellman principle and the existence of optimal stopping times are provided. Particular attention is payed to representations which allow for a numerical treatment in real situations. To this aim, generalizations of standard evaluation methods like policy iteration, dual and consumption based approaches are developed in the context of general dynamic monetary utility functionals. As a result, it turns out that the possibility of a particular generalization depends on specific properties of the utility functional under consideration.monetary utility functionals, optimal stopping, duality, policy iteration

    Sample-Efficient Model-Free Reinforcement Learning with Off-Policy Critics

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    Value-based reinforcement-learning algorithms provide state-of-the-art results in model-free discrete-action settings, and tend to outperform actor-critic algorithms. We argue that actor-critic algorithms are limited by their need for an on-policy critic. We propose Bootstrapped Dual Policy Iteration (BDPI), a novel model-free reinforcement-learning algorithm for continuous states and discrete actions, with an actor and several off-policy critics. Off-policy critics are compatible with experience replay, ensuring high sample-efficiency, without the need for off-policy corrections. The actor, by slowly imitating the average greedy policy of the critics, leads to high-quality and state-specific exploration, which we compare to Thompson sampling. Because the actor and critics are fully decoupled, BDPI is remarkably stable, and unusually robust to its hyper-parameters. BDPI is significantly more sample-efficient than Bootstrapped DQN, PPO, and ACKTR, on discrete, continuous and pixel-based tasks. Source code: https://github.com/vub-ai-lab/bdpi.Comment: Accepted at the European Conference on Machine Learning 2019 (ECML

    Safe Reinforcement Learning with Dual Robustness

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) agents are vulnerable to adversarial disturbances, which can deteriorate task performance or compromise safety specifications. Existing methods either address safety requirements under the assumption of no adversary (e.g., safe RL) or only focus on robustness against performance adversaries (e.g., robust RL). Learning one policy that is both safe and robust remains a challenging open problem. The difficulty is how to tackle two intertwined aspects in the worst cases: feasibility and optimality. Optimality is only valid inside a feasible region, while identification of maximal feasible region must rely on learning the optimal policy. To address this issue, we propose a systematic framework to unify safe RL and robust RL, including problem formulation, iteration scheme, convergence analysis and practical algorithm design. This unification is built upon constrained two-player zero-sum Markov games. A dual policy iteration scheme is proposed, which simultaneously optimizes a task policy and a safety policy. The convergence of this iteration scheme is proved. Furthermore, we design a deep RL algorithm for practical implementation, called dually robust actor-critic (DRAC). The evaluations with safety-critical benchmarks demonstrate that DRAC achieves high performance and persistent safety under all scenarios (no adversary, safety adversary, performance adversary), outperforming all baselines significantly

    A Neural Benders Decomposition for the Hub Location Routing Problem

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    In this study, we propose an imitation learning framework designed to enhance the Benders decomposition method. Our primary focus is addressing degeneracy in subproblems with multiple dual optima, among which Magnanti-Wong technique identifies the non-dominant solution. We develop two policies. In the first policy, we replicate the Magnanti-Wong method and learn from each iteration. In the second policy, our objective is to determine a trajectory that expedites the attainment of the final subproblem dual solution. We train and assess these two policies through extensive computational experiments on a network design problem with flow subproblem, confirming that the presence of such learned policies significantly enhances the efficiency of the decomposition process
