62,550 research outputs found

    On consistency maintenance in service discovery

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    Communication and node failures degrade the ability of a service discovery protocol to ensure Users receive the correct service information when the service changes. We propose that service discovery protocols employ a set of recovery techniques to recover from failures and regain consistency. We use simulations to show that the type of recovery technique a protocol uses significantly impacts the performance. We benchmark the performance of our own service discovery protocol, FRODO against the performance of first generation service discovery protocols, Jini and UPnP during increasing communication and node failures. The results show that FRODO has the best overall consistency maintenance performance

    Encryption’s Importance to Economic and Infrastructure Security

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    Det övergripande syftet med den här avhandlingen var att utreda om network coopetition, samarbete mellan konkurrerande aktörer, kan öka värdeskapandet inom hälso- och sjukvården. Inom hälso- och sjukvården är network coopetition ett ämne som fått liten uppmärksamhet i tidigare studier. För att besvara syftet utvecklades en modell för network coopetition inom hälso- och sjukvården. Modellen applicerades sedan på en del av vårdkedjan för patienter i behov av neurokirurgisk vård. Resultaten från avhandlingen visar att: (1) Förutsättningarna för network coopetition i vårdkedjan för patienter i behov av neurokirurgisk vård är uppfyllda. (2) Det finns exempel på horisontell network coopetition i den studerade vårdkedjan. (3) Det existerar en diskrepans mellan hur aktörerna  ser  på  sitt  eget  och  de  andra  aktörernas  värdeskapande. (4)  Värdeskapandet bör utvärderas som ett gemensamt system där hänsyn tas till alla aktörer och utvärderas på process- nivå där hänsyn tas till alla intressenter. Dessa resultat leder fram till den övergripande slutsatsen är att network coopetition bör kunna öka värdeskapandet för högspecialiserade vårdkedjor med en stor andel inomlänspatienter.The overall purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether network coopetition, cooperation between competitive actors, can increase the value creation within the health care system. Within health care, network coopetition is a subject granted little attention in previous research. To fulfil the purpose a model for network coopetition within the health care system was developed. The model was the applied to one part of the chain of care for patients in need of neurosurgery. The results from this thesis show: (1) The conditions for network coopetition in the chain of care for patients in need of neurosurgery are fulfilled. (2) Examples of horizontal network coopetition have been found in the studied chain of care. (3) There is an existing discrepancy between how each actor recognizes its own and the other actors’ value creation. (4) The value creation ought to be evaluated as a common system where all actors are taken into account and at a process level where all stakeholders are considered. These results supports the final conclusion that network coopetition ought to be able to increase the value creation for highly specialized chain of cares with a large share of within-county patients

    Verifying the distributed real-time network protocol RTnet using Uppaal

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    RTnet is a distributed real-time network protocol for fully-connected local area networks with a broadcast capability. It supports streaming real-time and non-realtime traffic and on-the-fly addition and removal of network nodes. This paper presents a formal analysis of RTnet using the model checker Uppaal. Besides normal protocol behaviour, the analysis focuses on the fault-handling properties of RTnet, in particular recovery after packet loss. Both qualitative and quantitative properties are presented, together with the verification results and conclusions about the robustness of RTnet

    English Regions Devolution Monitoring Report: January 2009: new regional structures for changed times

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    Research, Experts and Building Solidarity

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    [Excerpt] The message read, Be in Atlanta for emergency meeting of unions with Eastern and was signed by Charlie Bryan. The contract we had won with Eastern now had to be defended against the banks to whom Eastern owed so much money. In Atlanta we listened to a very somber Frank [Excerpt] Borman describe how the banks, led by Chase Manhattan and Citibank, were refusing to roll over loans that were coming due. The bankers insisted that Borman win concessions from us by June 21 or Eastern would be thrown into technical default