134 research outputs found

    Joint in-network video rate adaptation and measurement-based admission control: algorithm design and evaluation

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    The important new revenue opportunities that multimedia services offer to network and service providers come with important management challenges. For providers, it is important to control the video quality that is offered and perceived by the user, typically known as the quality of experience (QoE). Both admission control and scalable video coding techniques can control the QoE by blocking connections or adapting the video rate but influence each other's performance. In this article, we propose an in-network video rate adaptation mechanism that enables a provider to define a policy on how the video rate adaptation should be performed to maximize the provider's objective (e.g., a maximization of revenue or QoE). We discuss the need for a close interaction of the video rate adaptation algorithm with a measurement based admission control system, allowing to effectively orchestrate both algorithms and timely switch from video rate adaptation to the blocking of connections. We propose two different rate adaptation decision algorithms that calculate which videos need to be adapted: an optimal one in terms of the provider's policy and a heuristic based on the utility of each connection. Through an extensive performance evaluation, we show the impact of both algorithms on the rate adaptation, network utilisation and the stability of the video rate adaptation. We show that both algorithms outperform other configurations with at least 10 %. Moreover, we show that the proposed heuristic is about 500 times faster than the optimal algorithm and experiences only a performance drop of approximately 2 %, given the investigated video delivery scenario

    Contribution to quality of user experience provision over wireless networks

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    The widespread expansion of wireless networks has brought new attractive possibilities to end users. In addition to the mobility capabilities provided by unwired devices, it is worth remarking the easy configuration process that a user has to follow to gain connectivity through a wireless network. Furthermore, the increasing bandwidth provided by the IEEE 802.11 family has made possible accessing to high-demanding services such as multimedia communications. Multimedia traffic has unique characteristics that make it greatly vulnerable against network impairments, such as packet losses, delay, or jitter. Voice over IP (VoIP) communications, video-conference, video-streaming, etc., are examples of these high-demanding services that need to meet very strict requirements in order to be served with acceptable levels of quality. Accomplishing these tough requirements will become extremely important during the next years, taking into account that consumer video traffic will be the predominant traffic in the Internet during the next years. In wired systems, these requirements are achieved by using Quality of Service (QoS) techniques, such as Differentiated Services (DiffServ), traffic engineering, etc. However, employing these methodologies in wireless networks is not that simple as many other factors impact on the quality of the provided service, e.g., fading, interferences, etc. Focusing on the IEEE 802.11g standard, which is the most extended technology for Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), it defines two different architecture schemes. On one hand, the infrastructure mode consists of a central point, which manages the network, assuming network controlling tasks such as IP assignment, routing, accessing security, etc. The rest of the nodes composing the network act as hosts, i.e., they send and receive traffic through the central point. On the other hand, the IEEE 802.11 ad-hoc configuration mode is less extended than the infrastructure one. Under this scheme, there is not a central point in the network, but all the nodes composing the network assume both host and router roles, which permits the quick deployment of a network without a pre-existent infrastructure. This type of networks, so called Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs), presents interesting characteristics for situations when the fast deployment of a communication system is needed, e.g., tactics networks, disaster events, or temporary networks. The benefits provided by MANETs are varied, including high mobility possibilities provided to the nodes, network coverage extension, or network reliability avoiding single points of failure. The dynamic nature of these networks makes the nodes to react to topology changes as fast as possible. Moreover, as aforementioned, the transmission of multimedia traffic entails real-time constraints, necessary to provide these services with acceptable levels of quality. For those reasons, efficient routing protocols are needed, capable of providing enough reliability to the network and with the minimum impact to the quality of the service flowing through the nodes. Regarding quality measurements, the current trend is estimating what the end user actually perceives when consuming the service. This paradigm is called Quality of user Experience (QoE) and differs from the traditional Quality of Service (QoS) approach in the human perspective given to quality estimations. In order to measure the subjective opinion that a user has about a given service, different approaches can be taken. The most accurate methodology is performing subjective tests in which a panel of human testers rates the quality of the service under evaluation. This approach returns a quality score, so-called Mean Opinion Score (MOS), for the considered service in a scale 1 - 5. This methodology presents several drawbacks such as its high expenses and the impossibility of performing tests at real time. For those reasons, several mathematical models have been presented in order to provide an estimation of the QoE (MOS) reached by different multimedia services In this thesis, the focus is on evaluating and understanding the multimedia-content transmission-process in wireless networks from a QoE perspective. To this end, firstly, the QoE paradigm is explored aiming at understanding how to evaluate the quality of a given multimedia service. Then, the influence of the impairments introduced by the wireless transmission channel on the multimedia communications is analyzed. Besides, the functioning of different WLAN schemes in order to test their suitability to support highly demanding traffic such as the multimedia transmission is evaluated. Finally, as the main contribution of this thesis, new mechanisms or strategies to improve the quality of multimedia services distributed over IEEE 802.11 networks are presented. Concretely, the distribution of multimedia services over ad-hoc networks is deeply studied. Thus, a novel opportunistic routing protocol, so-called JOKER (auto-adJustable Opportunistic acK/timEr-based Routing) is presented. This proposal permits better support to multimedia services while reducing the energy consumption in comparison with the standard ad-hoc routing protocols.Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma Oficial de Doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicacione

    Quality of experience characterization and provisioning in mobile cellular networks

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    Παραδοσιακά, οι προηγούμενες γενεές κινητών κυψελωτών δικτύων έχουν σχεδιαστεί με κριτήρια Ποιότητας Υπηρεσίας, έτσι ώστε να πληρούν συγκεκριμένες απαιτήσεις διαφόρων υπηρεσιών. Η «Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας» έχει, ωστόσο, πρόσφατα εμφανιστεί ως έννοια, επηρεάζοντας το σχεδιασμό των μελλοντικών γενεών των δικτύων, δίνοντας σαφή έμφαση στην πραγματικά επιτευχθείσα εμπειρία του τελικού χρήστη. Η εμφάνιση της έννοιας της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας οφείλεται στην αναπόφευκτη, ισχυρή μετάβαση που βιώνει η βιομηχανία των Τηλεπικοινωνιών από συστημο-κεντρικά δίκτυα σε πιο χρηστο-κεντρικές λύσεις και στόχους. Οι πάροχοι κινητών δικτύων, οι πάροχοι υπηρεσιών, οι προγραμματιστές εφαρμογών, αλλά και άλλα ενδιαφερόμενα μέλη που εμπλέκονται στην αλυσίδα παροχής υπηρεσιών προσελκύονται από τις ευκαιρίες που μπορεί να προσφέρει η ενσωμάτωση γνώσης Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας στο επιχειρηματικό τους μοντέλο. Πράγματι, η παρεχόμενη Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας αποτελεί έναν καθοριστικό παράγοντα διαφοροποίησης μεταξύ των διαφόρων παικτών, μία τάση που αναμένεται να γίνει ακόμη πιο έντονη τα επόμενα χρόνια. Υποκινούμενη από αυτή την χρηστο-κεντρική τάση, η έρευνα που διεξάγεται σε αυτή τη διατριβή έχει ως στόχο την διερεύνηση των προκλήσεων και των ευκαιριών που προκύπτουν στα σύγχρονα κινητά κυψελωτά δίκτυα όταν λαμβάνεται υπόψιν η έννοια της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας. Τέτοιες ευκαιρίες αφορούν, καταρχήν, τη δυνατότητα κατανόησης της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας που επιτυγχάνει ένας πάροχος κατά την προσφορά μίας υπηρεσίας. Αυτό μπορεί να επιτευχθεί με την υλοποίηση και ενσωμάτωση μεθόδων αξιολόγησης Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας στην πραγματικού-χρόνου λειτουργία ενός δικτύου. Εν συνεχεία, ακολουθεί η εκμετάλλευση της συλλεγμένης ευφυΐας που σχετίζεται με την Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας, προκειμένου να επανεξεταστούν υφιστάμενοι μηχανισμοί επιπέδου δικτύου (π.χ., χρονο-προγραμματισμός ραδιοπόρων) ή μηχανισμοί επιπέδου εφαρμογής (π.χ., ροή βίντεο), αλλά και να προταθούν καινοτόμες διαστρωματικές προσεγγίσεις προς όφελος της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας. Επιπλέον, υπάρχει η δυνατότητα πρότασης νέων αλγορίθμων που προκύπτουν από τα εγγενή χαρακτηριστικά της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας, όπως η μη γραμμική επίδραση μετρικών Ποιότητας Υπηρεσίας στην Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας, με στόχο την περαιτέρω βελτίωσή της. Σε αυτή την κατεύθυνση, στην παρούσα διατριβή, διερευνώνται και αξιοποιούνται μοντέλα και μετρικές εκτίμησης Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας με στόχο την ποσοτικοποίησή της, έχοντας ως απώτερο στόχο την εισαγωγή βελτιώσεων στους υφιστάμενους μηχανισμούς κινητών κυψελωτών δικτύων. Ο πυρήνας αυτής της διατριβής είναι η πρόταση μίας κυκλικής διεργασίας παροχής Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας που επιτρέπει τον έλεγχο, την παρακολούθηση (ήτοι, τη μοντελοποίηση) και τη διαχείριση της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας σε ένα κυψελωτό δίκτυο. Κάθε μία από αυτές τις λειτουργίες αναλύεται περαιτέρω, ενώ έμφαση δίνεται στις λειτουργίες μοντελοποίησης και διαχείρισης. Όσον αφορά τη μοντελοποίηση, γίνεται περιγραφή και ταξινόμηση των μεθόδων εκτίμησης και των δεικτών επιδόσεων Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας. Η παραμετρική εκτίμηση της ποιότητας αναδεικνύεται ως η πιο ελκυστική κατηγορία μοντελοποίησης Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας σε κινητά κυψελωτά δίκτυα, οπότε και περιγράφεται διεξοδικά για ευρέως χρησιμοποιούμενους τύπους υπηρεσιών, όπως η συνομιλία (φωνή) μέσω Internet Protocol (IP) και η μετάδοση βίντεο. Όσον αφορά τη διαχείριση Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας, προτείνονται νέοι μηχανισμοί που επιδεικνύουν βελτιώσεις στην εμπειρία των τελικών χρηστών, και συγκεκριμένα: α) ένα σχήμα ελέγχου των επικοινωνιών συσκευής-προς-συσκευή που λαμβάνει υπόψιν την εμπειρία των χρηστών, β) ένας «συνεπής» αλγόριθμος χρονο-προγραμματισμού ραδιοπόρων που βελτιώνει την Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας του χρήστη μετριάζοντας τις διακυμάνσεις της ρυθμαπόδοσης του δικτύου, και γ) ένας μηχανισμός προσαρμοστικής ροής βίντεο με γνώσεις «πλαισίου», ο οποίος επιτυγχάνει την εξάλειψη διακοπών του βίντεο σε συνθήκες χαμηλού εύρους ζώνης. Επιπλέον, προτείνεται μία εφαρμογή Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας βασισμένη στην αρχιτεκτονική Software-Defined Networking (SDN), ονόματι “QoE-SDN APP”, η οποία επιτρέπει την ανάδραση πληροφοριών δικτύου από παρόχους κινητής τηλεφωνίας σε παρόχους υπηρεσιών βίντεο, αναδεικνύοντας πλεονεκτήματα ως προς την Ποιότητα Εμπειρίας για τους πελάτες των παρόχων βίντεο αλλά και ως προς την εξοικονόμηση εύρους ζώνης για τους φορείς εκμετάλλευσης δικτύου. Εν κατακλείδι, η παρούσα διατριβή προωθεί την ενοποίηση του ερευνητικού πεδίου της Ποιότητας Εμπειρίας με τον τομέα των κινητών επικοινωνιών, καθώς και τη συνεργασία αμοιβαίου ενδιαφέροντος μεταξύ των παρόχων δικτύου (επίπεδο δικτύου) με τους παρόχους υπηρεσιών (επίπεδο εφαρμογής), αναδεικνύοντας την δυναμική από τέτοιου είδους προσεγγίσεις για όλους τους εμπλεκόμενους φορείς.Traditionally, previous generations of mobile cellular networks have been designed with Quality of Service (QoS) criteria in mind, so that they manage to meet specific service requirements. Quality of Experience (QoE) has, however, recently emerged as a concept, disrupting the design of future network generations by giving clear emphasis on the actually achieved user experience. The emergence of the QoE concept has been a result of the inevitable strong transition that the Telecom industry is currently experiencing from system-centric networks to more user-centric solutions and objectives. Mobile network operators, service providers, application developers, as well as other stakeholders involved in the service provisioning chain have been attracted by the opportunities that the integration of the QoE concept could bring to their business; indeed, the provisioned QoE constitutes a determining factor of differentiation among different stakeholders, a tendency which is expected to become even more intense in the years to come. Motivated by this boost towards user-centricity, the objective of the research conducted in this thesis is to explore the challenges and opportunities that arise in modern mobile cellular networks when QoE is considered. Such opportunities concern, first of all, the possibility to comprehend the QoE that a provider achieves when provisioning a service. This can be enabled by the implementation and integration of QoE assessment methods into the real-time operation of a network. Then, the next step is the exploitation of collected QoE-related intelligence in order to re-examine existing network-layer mechanisms (e.g., radio scheduling), or application-layer mechanisms (e.g., video streaming), as well as propose novel cross-layer approaches towards ameliorating the achieved QoE. Moreover, the opportunity emerges to propose novel algorithms that stem from the inherent idiosyncrasies of QoE, such as the non-linear impact of QoS-related parameters on QoE, as a way to further enhance the users’ QoE. In this direction, throughout this thesis, QoE estimation models and metrics are explored and exploited in order to quantify QoE and thus, to improve existing mechanisms of mobile cellular networks. The core of this thesis is the proposal of a QoE provisioning cycle that allows the control, monitoring (i.e., modeling) and management of QoE in a cellular network. Each one of these functions is further analyzed, while emphasis is given on the modeling and management operations. In terms of modeling, QoE assessment methods and QoE-related performance indicators are described and classified. Parametric quality estimation is identified as the most appealing type of QoE estimation in mobile cellular networks, thus, it is thoroughly described for widely used types of services, such as Voice over IP (VoIP) and video streaming. In terms of QoE management, novel QoE-aware mechanisms that demonstrate QoE improvements for the users are proposed, namely: a) a QoE-driven Device-to-Device (D2D) communication management scheme that enhances end-user QoE, b) a “consistent” radio scheduling algorithm that improves the end-user QoE by mitigating throughput fluctuations, and c) a context-aware HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) mechanism that successfully mitigates stallings (i.e., video freezing events) in the context of bandwidth-challenging scenarios. Moreover, a programmable QoE-SDN APP into the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) architecture is introduced, which enables network feedback exposure from mobile network operators to video service providers, revealing QoE benefits for the customers of video providers and bandwidth savings for the network operators. Overall, this thesis promotes the uniting of the domain of QoE with the domain of mobile communications, as well as the collaboration of mutual-interest between mobile network operators (network layer) and service providers (application layer), presenting the high potential from such approaches for all involved stakeholders

    QoE for Mobile Streaming

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    Empirical studies of Quality of Experience (QoE) : A Systematic Literature Survey

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    Quality of Experience (QoE) is a relatively new phenomenon. The main focus of this thesis has been to conduct a systematic literature survey of research done in the field of QoE over a ten year period. The method, developed by A. Fink, has been used to survey empirical studies. A framework of QoE has been developed, which created the possibility of grouping together and analysing all the studies in a common framework. In total, 44 studies were analysed. 66 per cent of them were studies with human participants and 34 per cent of them were studies without human participants. The majority of the selected empirical studies have analysed the sub-aspect ‘satisfaction’. Among other vital sub-aspects, which were of interest to researches, were ‘usefulness’, ‘ease of use’, ‘communication’, ‘loss/packet loss’, ‘delay’, ‘bandwidth’, and ‘jitter’. The results of this survey show that different sub-aspects depend on different services. It is not enough that one sub-aspect functions very well, because most of sub-aspects are closely related to each other. Therefore, it is very important that sub-aspects, which are dependent on each other, are functioning as one group to achieve higher QoE on user experience. This thesis may contribute to deeper understanding of the phenomenon QoE. Knowledge of QoE can bring in new ideas and new possibilities for developing a new system or products for achieving satisfaction of user experience

    Quality-driven management of video streaming services in segment-based cache networks

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    Entrega de conteúdos multimédia em over-the-top: caso de estudo das gravações automáticas

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrotécnicaOver-The-Top (OTT) multimedia delivery is a very appealing approach for providing ubiquitous, exible, and globally accessible services capable of low-cost and unrestrained device targeting. In spite of its appeal, the underlying delivery architecture must be carefully planned and optimized to maintain a high Qualityof- Experience (QoE) and rational resource usage, especially when migrating from services running on managed networks with established quality guarantees. To address the lack of holistic research works on OTT multimedia delivery systems, this Thesis focuses on an end-to-end optimization challenge, considering a migration use-case of a popular Catch-up TV service from managed IP Television (IPTV) networks to OTT. A global study is conducted on the importance of Catch-up TV and its impact in today's society, demonstrating the growing popularity of this time-shift service, its relevance in the multimedia landscape, and tness as an OTT migration use-case. Catch-up TV consumption logs are obtained from a Pay-TV operator's live production IPTV service containing over 1 million subscribers to characterize demand and extract insights from service utilization at a scale and scope not yet addressed in the literature. This characterization is used to build demand forecasting models relying on machine learning techniques to enable static and dynamic optimization of OTT multimedia delivery solutions, which are able to produce accurate bandwidth and storage requirements' forecasts, and may be used to achieve considerable power and cost savings whilst maintaining a high QoE. A novel caching algorithm, Most Popularly Used (MPU), is proposed, implemented, and shown to outperform established caching algorithms in both simulation and experimental scenarios. The need for accurate QoE measurements in OTT scenarios supporting HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) motivates the creation of a new QoE model capable of taking into account the impact of key HAS aspects. By addressing the complete content delivery pipeline in the envisioned content-aware OTT Content Delivery Network (CDN), this Thesis demonstrates that signi cant improvements are possible in next-generation multimedia delivery solutions.A entrega de conteúdos multimédia em Over-The-Top (OTT) e uma proposta atractiva para fornecer um serviço flexível e globalmente acessível, capaz de alcançar qualquer dispositivo, com uma promessa de baixos custos. Apesar das suas vantagens, e necessario um planeamento arquitectural detalhado e optimizado para manter níveis elevados de Qualidade de Experiência (QoE), em particular aquando da migração dos serviços suportados em redes geridas com garantias de qualidade pré-estabelecidas. Para colmatar a falta de trabalhos de investigação na área de sistemas de entrega de conteúdos multimédia em OTT, esta Tese foca-se na optimização destas soluções como um todo, partindo do caso de uso de migração de um serviço popular de Gravações Automáticas suportado em redes de Televisão sobre IP (IPTV) geridas, para um cenário de entrega em OTT. Um estudo global para aferir a importância das Gravações Automáticas revela a sua relevância no panorama de serviços multimédia e a sua adequação enquanto caso de uso de migração para cenários OTT. São obtidos registos de consumos de um serviço de produção de Gravações Automáticas, representando mais de 1 milhão de assinantes, para caracterizar e extrair informação de consumos numa escala e âmbito não contemplados ate a data na literatura. Esta caracterização e utilizada para construir modelos de previsão de carga, tirando partido de sistemas de machine learning, que permitem optimizações estáticas e dinâmicas dos sistemas de entrega de conteúdos em OTT através de previsões das necessidades de largura de banda e armazenamento, potenciando ganhos significativos em consumo energético e custos. Um novo mecanismo de caching, Most Popularly Used (MPU), demonstra um desempenho superior as soluções de referencia, quer em cenários de simulação quer experimentais. A necessidade de medição exacta da QoE em streaming adaptativo HTTP motiva a criaçao de um modelo capaz de endereçar aspectos específicos destas tecnologias adaptativas. Ao endereçar a cadeia completa de entrega através de uma arquitectura consciente dos seus conteúdos, esta Tese demonstra que são possíveis melhorias de desempenho muito significativas nas redes de entregas de conteúdos em OTT de próxima geração

    Verkkoneutraliteetti Suomessa

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    The Internet is increasingly important for modern information society and it has changed the way we communicate and do business. However, the rapid growth of the Internet has become a burden to Internet service providers (ISPs), who must constantly build new infrastructure to keep up. This gives ISPs an incentive to monetize their services in such a way, it may violate network neutrality. The net neutrality is a principle that all Internet traffic should be treated equally to protect consumer rights, freedom of speech and to secure unobstructed network access to new innovative services and businesses. A literature survey studies the most important written sources especially the recently imposed net neutrality regulations by the United States, the European Union and Finland. An interview study is used to examine the current net neutrality situation in Finland and PEST analysis is applied to ensure that all significant macro-environmental factors are taken into account when key trends and uncertainties are identified. The ideas and the information gathered during the expert interviews work as a basis for Schoemaker’s scenario planning method, which is used to develop and analyze possible scenarios that may occur in the future. The US’s, the EU’s and Finland’s regulations are fairly similar and they all guarantee free access to the content of users’ choice, and prohibit blocking and restricting users’ access. The network management is allowed to ensure an integrity and a security of the networks, and to maintain quality of Internet access service and other communications services. The Finnish regulation is seen to be sufficient by the experts and no net neutrality violations have been found. The scenarios indicate that permissible regulation, will promote new innovation and do not cause excessive burden to ISPs. Problems may arise from interpretation of the upcoming EU law and whether it allows offering new innovative telecommunication services.Internet on erityisen tärkeä modernille tietoyhteiskunnalle ja se on muuttanut tapaamme kommunikoida ja harjoittaa liiketoimintaa. Internetin nopeasta kasvusta on kuitenkin tullut taakka Internet-palveluntarjoajille, joiden täytyy jatkuvasti investoida uuteen verkkoinfrastruktuuriin. Tämä antaa teleoperaattoreille syyn muuttaa palveluidensa hinnoittelua ja toimintatapojaan niin, että verkkoneutraliteetti on vaarassa särkyä. Verkkoneutraliteetti on periaate, jonka mukaan kaikkea Internet-liikennettä tulisi kohdella tasa-arvoisesti, jotta voidaan suojella kuluttajien oikeuksia, sananvapautta ja uusien innovatiivisten palveluiden ja yritysten pääsyä verkkoon. Yhdysvallat, Euroopan unioni ja Suomi ovat hiljattain laatineet uusia verkkoneutraliteettilakeja suojellakseen Internetin avoimuutta. Näitä lakeja ja muita tärkeitä kirjallisuuslähteitä käydään läpi taustatutkimuksessa. Suomen verkkoneutraliteetin nykytilannetta kartoitetaan haastattelututkimuksella ja PEST-mallilla varmistetaan, että tärkeimmät ulkoiset tekijät on huomioitu trendejä ja epävarmuustekijöitä tunnistettaessa. Asiantuntijahaastatteluissa kerättyjä ideoita ja tietoja käytetään perustana Schoemakerin skenaarioanalyysille, jonka avulla luodaan ja tutkitaan mahdollisia tulevaisuudessa esiintyviä skenaarioita. Yhdysvaltain, Euroopan unionin ja Suomen lait ovat samansuuntaisia ja ne kaikki kieltävät tarpeettoman liikenteen ja Internet-yhteyspalvelun estämisen ja rajoittamisen. Verkonhallintaa saa käyttää verkon luotettavuuden ja tietoturvan säilyttämiseksi, kuten myös verkkoyhteyden tai muiden tietoliikennepalvelujen laadun varmistamiseksi. Asiantuntijat kokevat Suomen lainsäädännön riittäväksi ja verkkoneutraliteettirikkomuksia ei ole esiintynyt. Skenaarioiden mukaan sallivat verkkoneutraliteettilait edistävät uusien innovaatioiden syntymistä, eivätkä aiheuta liiallista taakkaa teleoperaattoreille. Ongelmia voi syntyä tulevan EU-lain tulkintatavoista ja siitä mahdollistaako laki uusien innovatiivisten tietoliikennepalveluiden tarjoamisen