414 research outputs found

    The Early Stages of the Integration of the Internet in EU Newsrooms

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    The current study explores the perceived integration of the internet inside European newsrooms. The authors carried out a survey with 239 journalists working for 40 of the most-read outlets in 11 European countries.The study shows that journalists consider the internet a useful tool mainly for practical functions, rather than to enhance the core values and functions of their profession. However, news production continues to be based on direct interaction, and journalists’ professional identity is still anchored to print newspapers. Moreover, a lack of communication between publishers and newsrooms emerges. Professional and personal profiles and nationality play a relevant role in the development of attitudes towards the implementation of the internet in newsrooms

    'No, Facebook isn't distracting me, I can study at night': ICT habits and boundary management among Estonian secondary pupils

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    The topic of this article is the use of information and communication technologies (computers, tablets, and mobile phones) in adolescents and boundary management between mental domains (school and home domain). More specifically, how do Estonian secondary pupils perceive and manage mental boundaries between school work and leisure activities in environments with ubiquitous access to ICT. Building on a mixed methods study consisting of a web survey with structured, closed-ended questions and of focus groups, this study shows that the pupils use ICT for leisure and school work to a great extent, both at school and at home, enabling learning outside of schools as well as leisure activities within schools. The study also shows how the pupils use ICT to integrate and segment school work and leisure activities, at home and in school; and although shifting between mental domains and different genres of participation may have positive effects on pupils’ learning lives, the pupils’ problematic experiences of navigating between domains must be addressed to understand the complexity of living and learning in the e-society

    Styling the Future. A philosophical account of scenarios & design

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    Since the end of the 1980s – the Decade of Style (Mort, 1996) – the value of style in design has fallen. Recent times (Whicher et al., 2015) see a focus on style as a sign of design’s immaturity, while a more mature design should be attending to process, strategy and policy creation. Design Thinking has been enjoying its success in the same spirit, where it is championed (Brown, 2008; Martin, 2009; Neumeier, 2009) as a way of taking design away from its early stage as ‘mere’ styling, towards the more thoughtful, serious matters of business. The philosopher Gilles Deleuze is of a different mind however. ‘Style,’ he writes (1995, p.31), ‘amounts to innovation.’ For us this engages not only a rethinking of design practice in particular, but also a reconsideration of the guiding principles of scenario planning. Deleuze’s thought entails the opportunity for styling to be an act that participates in driving all creativity towards making a successful future impact (Flynn & Chatman, 2004; Cox, 2005). A philosophical disruption of current design and scenarios orthodoxies offers a way of considering that style has a key role in the production of the future. Here, then, we will investigate the creative, even innovative, opportunities that emerge from a reworking of the value of style that comes from a critique of Design Thinking, a perspective on future-thinking (especially scenario planning (e.g. Schwartz, 1991; Li, 2014; Ramírez & Selin, 2014), but also some work from organisation and management studies (e.g. Tsoukas, 2005a, 2005b)), and an encounter with philosophy (particularly the work of Deleuze & Guattari (1984, 1987, 1994). We will highlight the affective capacities of style – in design and scenarios, both as creative constructing of futures – by way of creatively accessing uncertainty, complexity and indeterminacy in the production of strategic maps for living (both individuals and organisations)

    Tecnologias e vida cotidiana: uma revisão do modelo de domesticação

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    Twenty-five years have passed since Roger Silverstone and other researchers proposed domestication —that is, the process by which an animal or plant species is transformed in order to live with humans— as an appropriate metaphor to understand how technological devices are incorporated into people’s daily lives, starting the journey of the technology domestication framework. This proposal was highly productive in theoretical and empirical terms, giving rise to a set of reflections and inquiries and becoming part of the usual background of research on the processes of appropriation of technologies carried out from a sociocultural perspective. In this review, we propose to present the main guidelines of its approach, review the results of the investigations that it has given rise to, and discuss its limits and the necessary adaptations to account for current technocommunicational phenomena.Ya han transcurrido veinticinco años desde que Roger Silverstone y otros investigadores propusieran a la domesticaciĂłn —es decir, el proceso por el cual una especie animal o vegetal es transformada con el objeto de convivir con el ser humano— como una metĂĄfora apropiada para comprender los modos en que los dispositivos tecnolĂłgicos son incorporados a la vida cotidiana de las personas, iniciando asĂ­ el recorrido del modelo de domesticaciĂłn de tecnologĂ­as. Esta propuesta resultĂł sumamente productiva en tĂ©rminos teĂłricos y empĂ­ricos, dando lugar a un conjunto de reflexiones e indagaciones que se convirtieron en parte del trasfondo habitual de la investigaciĂłn acerca de los procesos de apropiaciĂłn de tecnologĂ­as que se realiza desde una perspectiva sociocultural. Esta revisiĂłn presenta los principales lineamientos de su enfoque, reseña los resultados de las investigaciones que ha suscitado y discute sus lĂ­mites y las adaptaciones necesarias para dar cuenta de los fenĂłmenos tecnocomunicativos actualesVinte e cinco anos se passaram desde que Roger Silverstone e outros pesquisadores propuseram a domesticação —ou seja, o processo pelo qual uma espĂ©cie animal ou vegetal se transforma para coexistir com os humanos— como uma metĂĄfora apropriada para entender os modos como os dispositivos sĂŁo incorporados no dia-adia das pessoas, iniciando o percurso do modelo de domesticação de tecnologias. Essa proposta foi extremamente produtiva em termos teĂłricos e empĂ­ricos, originando um conjunto de reflexĂ”es e indagaçÔes que se transformaram no habitual background da investigação sobre os processos de apropriação de tecnologias que se realiza a partir da perspectiva sociocultural. Nessa revisĂŁo propomos apresentar as principais diretrizes de sua abordagem, revisar os resultados de pesquisas que originam e discutem seus limites e as adaptaçÔes necessĂĄrias para compreender os fenĂŽmenos tecnocomunicativos atuais

    “What’s with the Muumuu?” Translation of Cultural References in the Finnish Subtitles of Television Series Gilmore Girls

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    TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkielmassa tarkastellaan kulttuurisidonnaisuuksien kÀÀntĂ€mistĂ€ yhdysvaltalaisen Gilmoren tytöt –televisiosarjan 10 ensimmĂ€isen jakson tekstityksissĂ€. Kyseinen sarja sai ensiesityksensĂ€ Yhdysvalloissa vuonna 2000 ja Suomessa 2002. Gilmoren tytöt kertoo kahden nuoren yhdysvaltalaisen naisen elĂ€mĂ€stĂ€ ja sisĂ€ltÀÀ runsaasti kyseiseen kulttuuriin liittyviĂ€ kulttuurisidonnaisuuksia. Kulttuurisidonnaisuudet luokiteltiin 15 kategoriaan. Materiaalissa eli jaksojen dialogissa esiintyi eri kulttuurisidonnaisuuksia yhteensĂ€ 750 kappaletta. Kulttuurisidonnaisuuksia tutkittiin kotouttamisen ja vieraannuttamisen sekĂ€ 7 paikallisen kÀÀnnösstrategian nĂ€kökulmasta, koska haluttiin tietÀÀ, kumpaa globaalia kÀÀnnösstrategiaa oli kĂ€ytetty enemmĂ€n sidonnaisuuksien kÀÀntĂ€misessĂ€. Myös kuvan ja sanan suhdetta tutkittiin kulttuurisidonnaisuuksien nĂ€kökulmasta, ja miten kyseinen suhde oli vaikuttanut sidonnaisuuksien kÀÀntĂ€miseen. Ennen materiaalin analysointia hypoteesina oli, ettĂ€ kotouttamista olisi kĂ€ytetty enemmĂ€n, koska tv-tekstityksen rajoitusten takia vieraiden kulttuurisidonnaisuuksien merkityksiĂ€ ja sisĂ€ltöÀ on lĂ€hes mahdotonta selventÀÀ riittĂ€vĂ€n tarkasti varsinkaan tekstityksen muun sisĂ€llön siitĂ€ kĂ€rsimĂ€ttĂ€. Materiaalin analyysin jĂ€lkeen selvisi, ettĂ€ hypoteesi oli vÀÀrĂ€. Suurin osa (71 %) kulttuurisidonnaisuuksista oli kÀÀnnetty vieraannuttavasti, mikĂ€ johtui suurimmaksi osaksi erisnimiin, julkisuuden henkilöihin sekĂ€ muun muassa paikannimiin ja kansallisuuksiin liittyvien sidonnaisuuksien mÀÀrĂ€stĂ€. Kulttuurisidonnaisuuksien nopea maailmanlaajuinen leviĂ€minen etenkin Internetin, television, elokuvien ja musiikin kautta lisÀÀ ihmisten tietoa eri kulttuureista ja niihin liittyvistĂ€ kĂ€sitteistĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ osaltaan vaikuttaa myös siihen, miten sidonnaisuuksia kÀÀnnetÀÀn ja mitĂ€ niitĂ€ kÀÀntĂ€essĂ€ tulee ottaa huomioon. Vaikka tekstityksiin liittyvĂ€t rajoitukset ja konventiot rajoittavat tekstityskÀÀnnöksen luovuutta, on mahdollista, ettĂ€ eri kulttuurien vaikutuksen myötĂ€ myös sidonnaisuuksiin liittyvĂ€t konventiot muuttuvat.fi=OpinnĂ€ytetyö kokotekstinĂ€ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LĂ€rdomsprov tillgĂ€ngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Law and Digital Globalization

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    Everyday life and water tourism mobilities: mundane aspects of canal travel

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    GroupTourism is frequently construed as unusual and extraordinary in contrast to the routines and predictability of work and home life. However, the tourism spaces are co-created through practices that are simultaneously mundane and unusual. Yet everyday touristic practices are seldom researched, especially regarding water tourism. The mundane strategies of creating the boatspace form an important part of the tourist experience of everyday life on canals of England. Movements of bodies in the space, gastronomic experiences, and hygiene practices studied here via ethnographic fieldwork (participant observation and semi-structured interviews with leisure boaters) become defining characteristics of the leisure boaters’ everyday. We show that spatial practices, temporal structures, and search for ontological security are essential elements of domesticating and co-creating the emergent boatspace, where physical and social space are negotiated between various actors

    Into the World of Privatized Publicity: Online Privacy on Social Network Sites

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    Social network sites enable and drive users to express themselves, attract attention, and gain recognition from other people by disclosing private and sensational information about themselves to their networks as well as to the public. As a result, social network sites have affected the perception and concept of privacy. In this vein, this paper aims to discuss how to address the social transformation regarding privacy on SNS space through a systematic literature study. To this end, it reviews the current research on online privacy, particularly focusing on the logic of the users’ disclosure of personal information and changing notion of privacy. Then, we provide a new concept of privatized publicity, which has simultaneously reinforced not only individual self-promotion but also other-oriented symbolic interactions. The conceptualization is expected to provide social media ethnographers with theoretical and methodological guidance to more thoroughly investigate the behaviors of social media users in terms of symbolic interaction. Finally, we discuss policy implications for developing SNSs
