1,930 research outputs found

    Schooling on the East-West Divide: Educational Weaponization During the Final Phase of the Cold War

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    During the Cold War, the United States and Soviet Russia focused on spreading their distinctive ideologies across the globe, and in doing so, came in direct competition with one another. In this study, I employ content analysis of two major U.S. and Soviet education reports and reforms from 1983 to 1991, namely A Nation at Risk and Fundamental Directions of General and Vocational School Reform, to explore and illustrate how the two states wielded their youth as weapons in a battle for ideological supremacy. My findings add nuance to the conversation surrounding education as a method of state control

    Genetic Glass Ceilings

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    As the world’s population rises to an expected ten billion in the next few generations, the challenges of feeding humanity and maintaining an ecological balance will dramatically increase. Today we rely on just four crops for 80 percent of all consumed calories: wheat, rice, corn, and soybeans. Indeed, reliance on these four crops may also mean we are one global plant disease outbreak away from major famine. In this revolutionary and controversial book, Jonathan Gressel argues that alternative plant crops lack the genetic diversity necessary for wider domestication and that even the Big Four have reached a “genetic glass ceiling”: no matter how much they are bred, there is simply not enough genetic diversity available to significantly improve their agricultural value. Gressel points the way through the glass ceiling by advocating transgenics—a technique where genes from one species are transferred to another. He maintains that with simple safeguards the technique is a safe solution to the genetic glass ceiling conundrum. Analyzing alternative crops—including palm oil, papaya, buckwheat, tef, and sorghum—Gressel demonstrates how gene manipulation could enhance their potential for widespread domestication and reduce our dependency on the Big Four. He also describes a number of ecological benefits that could be derived with the aid of transgenics. A compelling synthesis of ideas from agronomy, medicine, breeding, physiology, population genetics, molecular biology, and biotechnology, Genetic Glass Ceilings presents transgenics as an inevitable and desperately necessary approach to securing and diversifying the world's food supply

    Towards startup-Finland? The shifting meanings of entrepreneurship in post-industrial Finland

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    This research examines the ways in which the meanings of entrepreneurship have shifted in post-industrial Finland on both sides of the millennium. The meanings of entrepreneurship are examined in the following three contexts: Finnish political discourse, the entrepreneurial environments of Finnish higher education institutions (incubators, accelerators and entrepreneurship societies) and Finnish startup discourse. The data consists of Finnish government programmes from 1979 to 2015, the websites of entrepreneurial environments, and Finnish startup guidebooks and other non-fiction literature. The data is analysed through discourse analysis by examining the ideal entrepreneurial subject the texts produce. Besides economic activity, entrepreneurship in this research is understood as a cultural, political and discursive phenomenon. Startup or growth entrepreneurship has been highly visible in Finland since the 2000s, and startup entrepreneurs have emphasised that their activities are transformative in regard to traditional entrepreneurship. Therefore, the shifts in the meanings of entrepreneurship are viewed through the prism of startup entrepreneurship. Startup entrepreneurship denotes economic activity involving high potential for growth, high risk and a focus on the development and commercialisation of a novel innovation, product or service. This research approaches the phenomenon from a sociological viewpoint by interpreting startup entrepreneurship as a discourse with its own distinctive semantics, conceptual repertoires and ways of producing self-understandings. The research places startup entrepreneurship into the framework of Finnish political economy. In the new millennium, Finland has a post-industrial service economy with an emphasis on the so-called knowledge economy. High expertise and innovation capacity are seen as Finland’s advantages in the accelerating global competition, and the research interprets startup entrepreneurship in this light. Through the examination of the shifting meanings of entrepreneurship, the research illuminates a broader economic shift. Theoretically, the research draws on three scholarships: the scholarship on the analytics of government; the scholarship on post-industrial work, especially on therapeutic culture and on the knowledge-based economy; and thirdly, the scholarship of global forms and domestication. Entrepreneurship is viewed as a historically constructed discourse that produces self-understanding and subjects. In governmentality studies, entrepreneurship has been approached as an all encompassing form of self-understanding and a part of neoliberal political rationality that perceives every societal and social sphere in economic terms. In this framework, people are invited to see themselves as an enterprise that needs to be managed. In the post-industrial age, entrepreneurship has also expanded in the labour market: various new forms of self-employment blur the boundary between wage work and entrepreneurship and obscure the concept of entrepreneurship. The research consists of three peer-reviewed articles and one chapter in a peerreviewed, edited volume. The findings show that in the new millennium, entrepreneurship in Finnish political discourse is detached from the context of the labour market and attached to economic growth, innovations and expertise, whereby growth entrepreneurship is given a significant role. The ideal entrepreneur starts to resemble an innovative startup entrepreneur. Simultaneously the meaning of entrepreneurship grows vague and its connection to the labour market dissolves. The ideal entrepreneurial subject constructed in the entrepreneurship environments of Finnish higher education institutions depicts passionate self-realisation and exciting collaboration. The ideal entrepreneurship in this context reflects the virtues of the neoliberal entrepreneur of the self – proactivity, reflexivity, self-sufficiency – and combines them with notions familiar from the analyses of post-industrial labour, such as the emphasis of teamwork and social skills. In the Finnish startup literature, the ideal entrepreneur embodies two post-industrial ideals: the reflexive entrepreneur of the self and the emotionally alert team player. The construction highlights entrepreneurship as an individual attitude and fades out questions of livelihood and economic viability. At the same time, startup entrepreneurship is constructed in relation to the Finnish society. Startup entrepreneurship is domesticated in the Finnish context by emphasising its contradiction to the traditional Finnish mentality. Finnishness is partially defined as being averse to startup entrepreneurship, and therefore, Finnish culture should be reworked to be more receptive. In part, domestication of startup entrepreneurship functions as the adaptation of the neoliberal entrepreneurial self to the Finnish context. The research argues that startup entrepreneurship crystallises the broader shift in the meanings of entrepreneurship in the post-industrial age. Entrepreneurship is growingly constructed in the framework of innovations and the knowledge-based economy, and as a universally applicable, individual attitude and worldview. Startup entrepreneurship is a product of the knowledge economy and a condensation of postindustrial ideals. With the shift in the meanings of entrepreneurship, the majority of the entrepreneur populace is written out of the new content of the notion.Kohti Startup-Suomea? YrittĂ€jyyden muuttuvat merkitykset jĂ€lkiteollisessa Suomessa VĂ€itöskirjassa tutkitaan, miten yrittĂ€jyyden merkitykset ovat muuttuneet jĂ€lkiteollisessa Suomessa 2000-luvuille tultaessa ja sen jĂ€lkeen. YrittĂ€jyyden merkityksiĂ€ jĂ€ljitetÀÀn kolmessa kontekstissa: suomalaisessa poliittisessa diskurssissa, suomalaisten korkeakoulujen yrittĂ€jyysympĂ€ristöissĂ€ (yrityshautomoissa, - kiihdyttĂ€möissĂ€ ja yrittĂ€jyysyhteisöissĂ€) sekĂ€ suomalaisessa startup-puheessa. Aineistoina toimivat Suomen hallituksien ohjelmat 1979–2015, suomalaisten korkeakoulujen yrittĂ€jyysympĂ€ristöjen internet-sivut ja suomalaiset startup-opas- ja tietokirjat. Aineistoja analysoidaan diskurssianalyysin keinoin etsimĂ€llĂ€ teksteistĂ€ piirtyvÀÀ yrittĂ€jĂ€mĂ€istĂ€ ideaalisubjektia. YrittĂ€jyys ymmĂ€rretÀÀn tutkimuksessa paitsi taloudellisena, myös kulttuurisena, poliittisena ja diskursiivisena ilmiönĂ€. YrittĂ€jyyden muutosta tarkastellaan startupyrittĂ€jyyden kautta. Startup- tai kasvuyrittĂ€jyys on ollut nĂ€kyvĂ€sti esillĂ€ suomalaisessa julkisessa keskustelussa 2000-luvulta alkaen, ja startup-yrittĂ€jĂ€t ovat korostaneet yrittĂ€jyyttÀÀn uudenlaisena, perinteistĂ€ yrittĂ€jyyttĂ€ mullistavana toimintana. Startup-yrittĂ€jyys tarkoittaa kasvuhakuista, riskialtista yritystoimintaa, jonka keskiössĂ€ on uuden innovaation, tuotteen tai palvelun kehittĂ€minen ja kaupallistaminen. Tutkimus tarjoaa ilmiölle sosiologisen kehyksen tulkitsemalla startup-yrittĂ€jyyttĂ€ diskurssina, jolla on oma kielensĂ€, kĂ€sitevarantonsa ja tapansa tuottaa itseymmĂ€rryksiĂ€. Tutkimus asettaa startup-yrittĂ€jyyden osaksi suomalaista poliittista taloutta. 2000-luvun Suomi on jĂ€lkiteollinen, palveluvetoinen yhteiskunta, jossa painotetaan ns. tietotaloutta. Korkea osaaminen ja innovaatiokyky nĂ€yttĂ€ytyvĂ€t Suomessa valtteina kiihtyvĂ€ssĂ€ kansainvĂ€lisessĂ€ kilpailussa, ja tutkimus tulkitsee startupyrittĂ€jyyttĂ€ tĂ€ssĂ€ valossa. Analysoimalla yrittĂ€jyyden muuttuvia merkityksenantoja tutkimus valaisee laajempaa taloudellista muutosta. Teoreettisesti tutkimus ammentaa kolmesta keskustelusta: hallinnan analytiikasta, jĂ€lkiteollisen työn, erityisesti terapeuttisen kulttuurin ja tietotalouden keskusteluista sekĂ€ globaalien muotojen ja domestikaation keskustelusta. YrittĂ€jyys on historiallisesti rakentunut diskursiivinen kudelma, joka tuottaa itseymmĂ€rryksiĂ€ ja subjekteja. Hallinnan analytiikan keskusteluissa yrittĂ€jyyttĂ€ on lĂ€hestytty kaikkialle ulottuvana itseymmĂ€rryksen muotona ja osana uusliberaalia poliittista rationaliteettia, jossa jokainen yhteiskunnan ja ihmiselĂ€mĂ€n alue tulee ymmĂ€rrettĂ€vĂ€ksi talouden kĂ€sittein. Ihmisten tulee tĂ€ssĂ€ ajattelussa nĂ€hdĂ€ itsensĂ€ johtamisen tarpeessa olevina yrityksinĂ€. JĂ€lkiteollisena aikana yrittĂ€jyys on laajentunut myös työmarkkinoilla: erilaiset työn muodot, kuten alustatyö sekĂ€ erilaiset itsensĂ€ työllistymisen muodot, hĂ€mĂ€rtĂ€vĂ€t yrittĂ€jyyden ja palkkatyön vĂ€listĂ€ rajaa ja samalla epĂ€mÀÀrĂ€istĂ€vĂ€t yrittĂ€jyyden kĂ€sitettĂ€. VĂ€itöskirja muodostuu kolmesta vertaisarvioidusta tutkimusartikkelista, yhdestĂ€ toimitetussa teoksessa julkaistusta luvusta ja yhteenveto-osasta. Tutkimus osoittaa, ettĂ€ poliittisessa diskurssissa yrittĂ€jyys irtoaa 2000-luvulle tultaessa työmarkkinoiden kontekstista ja siirtyy osaksi talouskasvua synnyttĂ€vÀÀ osaamis- ja innovaatiopuhetta, missĂ€ kasvuyrittĂ€jyydelle annetaan merkittĂ€vĂ€ rooli. IhanneyrittĂ€jĂ€ alkaakin muistuttaa innovatiivista startup-yrittĂ€jÀÀ. Samalla yrittĂ€jyyden merkitys epĂ€mÀÀrĂ€istyy ja sen yhteys työmarkkinoiden todellisuuteen hĂ€lvenee. Korkeakoulujen yrittĂ€jyysympĂ€ristöissĂ€ rakentuva yrittĂ€jyys nĂ€yttĂ€ytyy yhtÀÀltĂ€ intohimoisena itsensĂ€ toteuttamisena ja toisaalta innostavana yhdessĂ€olona. YrittĂ€jyysympĂ€ristöistĂ€ hahmottuva ihanneyrittĂ€jĂ€ toisintaa uusliberaalin yrittĂ€jĂ€minĂ€n perinteisiĂ€ hyveitĂ€ – proaktiivisuus, refleksiivisyys, itseriittoisuus – ja yhdistÀÀ siihen jĂ€lkiteollisen työn analyyseistĂ€ tuttuja merkityksiĂ€, kuten tiimityön ja sosiaalisten taitojen korostuksen. Suomalaisissa startup-opaskirjoissa ihanneyrittĂ€jĂ€ yhdistÀÀ niin ikÀÀn kaksi jĂ€lkiteollista ihannetta: refleksiivisen yrittĂ€jĂ€minĂ€n sekĂ€ tunnetaitoisen tiimipelaajan. Konstruktio korostaa yrittĂ€jyyttĂ€ yksilöllisenĂ€ pÀÀmÀÀrĂ€nĂ€, josta toimeentulon ja taloudellisten mahdollisuuksien kysymykset hĂ€ivytetÀÀn. Samalla aineistosta piirtyvĂ€ startup-yrittĂ€jyys konstruoidaan suhteessa suomalaiseen yhteiskuntaan. Startup-yrittĂ€jyys domestikoidaan suomalaiseen kontekstiin korostamalla startup-yrittĂ€jyyden vastakohtaisuutta perinteiselle suomalaiselle mentaliteetille. Suomalaisuus mÀÀritetÀÀn osittain startup-yrittĂ€jyydelle vastakkaiseksi, ja siksi kulttuuria tulee muuttaa startup-myönteisempÀÀn suuntaan. Osaltaan tĂ€mĂ€ toimii uusliberaalin yrittĂ€jĂ€minĂ€n sovittamisena suomalaiseen kontekstiin. Tutkimus vĂ€ittÀÀ, ettĂ€ startup-yrittĂ€jyys kiteyttÀÀ yrittĂ€jyyden ymmĂ€rryksessĂ€ jĂ€lkiteollisena aikana tapahtuvan laajemman muutoksen. YrittĂ€jyys saa merkityksensĂ€ enenevissĂ€ mÀÀrin innovaatioiden ja tietotalouden kautta ja toisaalta yleispĂ€tevĂ€nĂ€ yksilöllisenĂ€ asenteena ja maailmankatsomuksena. Startup-yrittĂ€jyys on tietotalouden tuote, johon yhdistyvĂ€t ja jossa tiivistyvĂ€t jĂ€lkiteollisen työn ihanteet. YrittĂ€jyyden merkitysten muutosten myötĂ€ valtaosa yrittĂ€jĂ€vĂ€estöstĂ€ jÀÀ uuden merkityssisĂ€llön katveeseen

    Zoomorphism and human biology in Barbara Kingsolver’s "Prodigal Summer"

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    Reseña del libro:This article explores the conceptual difficulties that arise when fiction explores humankind’s primordial ties to nature, specifically regarding gender representation. I examine how an emphasis on biology demonstrates humankind’s innate connection to nature, while simultaneously perpetuating a problematic, essentialist view of gender. Using Barbara Kingsolver’s “Prodigal Summer” (2000) as a case study, I present two perspectives from which to interpret her ecofeminist approach. Firstly, I argue that Kingsolver employs zoomorphism as an effective strategy to override essentialist representations of sexuality. Secondly, I use Hans Gumbrecht’s theory of presence to contextualise the representation of biology and claim that “Prodigal Summer” attempts to dilute a much broader conceptual binary between humankind and nature.Este artĂ­culo explora las dificultades conceptuales que surgen cuando la ficciĂłn explora los vĂ­nculos primordiales de la humanidad con la naturaleza, especĂ­ficamente en lo que respecta a la representaciĂłn de gĂ©nero. Examino cĂłmo el Ă©nfasis en la biologĂ­a demuestra la conexiĂłn innata de la humanidad con la naturaleza, al mismo tiempo que perpetĂșa una visiĂłn problemĂĄtica y esencialista del gĂ©nero. Usando “Prodigal Summer” (2000) de Barbara Kingsolver como ejemplo, presento dos perspectivas desde las cuales interpretar su enfoque ecofeminista. En primer lugar, argumento que Kingsolver emplea el zoomorfismo como una estrategia efectiva para anular las representaciones esencialistas de la sexualidad. En segundo lugar, uso la teorĂ­a de la presencia de Hans Gumbrecht para contextualizar la representaciĂłn de la biologĂ­a y afirmo que “Prodigal Summer” intenta diluir un binario conceptual mucho mĂĄs amplio entre la humanidad y la naturaleza

    Interpretative authority and the international judiciary.

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    Without a clear delineation of their competences, the indeterminacy latent in international law opens up a powerful normative function for international courts with respect to the interpretation and development of international law. This chapter seeks to identify how international courts work within the system of international law to construct interpretative authority, and the limits within which such a claim is constructed. Making the claim that an essential role of the judicial engagement with international law is to safeguard the coherence of the international legal order, it will conclude with some reflections about the responsibility that ought to be assumed by judicial institutions when exercising normative authority within the international legal order

    Kitchen sink dramas: women, modernity and space in Weimar Germany

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    This article uses historical evidence about the competing designs of kitchens in 1920s German social housing to argue that historians (and, to an extent, geographers) have overlooked the coercive capacity of space to compel certain forms of social relationship. Such has been the potency of the ‘cultural’ model in history and geography that the ‘material’ world has been cloaked by language and symbol. Bourgeois politicians, planners and reformers in 1920s Germany were not only compelled to think about domestic space for the poor for the first time, but had to actually produce the physical space if they wanted to make their ideologies ‘live’. This article also shows that if we disaggregate the space of the home into its constituent parts (rather than simply contrasting the private and the public realms), different gender ideologies could be designed into domestic space, forcing families to adopt ways of living and patterns of sociability according to the priorities of, variously, ‘Americanizers’, socialists, conservatives and liberals. The kitchen designs of Frankfurt are well known, but in fact those of Munich were probably more widespread, and so this work further serves to decentre the canon of Modernism which dominates much discussion of Weimar building

    Interpretative Authority and the International Judiciary

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    Without a clear delineation of their competences, the indeterminacy latent in international law opens up a powerful normative function for international courts with respect to the interpretation and development of international law. This chapter seeks to identify how international courts work within the system of international law to construct interpretative authority, and the limits within which such a claim is constructed. Making the claim that an essential role of the judicial engagement with international law is to safeguard the coherence of the international legal order, it will conclude with some reflections about the responsibility that ought to be assumed by judicial institutions when exercising normative authority within the international legal order

    Culture or Canon? Critical Pedagogy and the Politics of Literacy

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    A review of Literacy: Reading the Word and the World, by Paulo Freire and Donaldo Macedo
