538 research outputs found

    Towards Open Intent Discovery for Conversational Text

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    Detecting and identifying user intent from text, both written and spoken, plays an important role in modelling and understand dialogs. Existing research for intent discovery model it as a classification task with a predefined set of known categories. To generailze beyond these preexisting classes, we define a new task of \textit{open intent discovery}. We investigate how intent can be generalized to those not seen during training. To this end, we propose a two-stage approach to this task - predicting whether an utterance contains an intent, and then tagging the intent in the input utterance. Our model consists of a bidirectional LSTM with a CRF on top to capture contextual semantics, subject to some constraints. Self-attention is used to learn long distance dependencies. Further, we adapt an adversarial training approach to improve robustness and perforamce across domains. We also present a dataset of 25k real-life utterances that have been labelled via crowd sourcing. Our experiments across different domains and real-world datasets show the effectiveness of our approach, with less than 100 annotated examples needed per unique domain to recognize diverse intents. The approach outperforms state-of-the-art baselines by 5-15% F1 score points

    Open-domain Anatomical Entity Mention Detection

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    Morphological Embeddings for Named Entity Recognition in Morphologically Rich Languages

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    In this work, we present new state-of-the-art results of 93.59,% and 79.59,% for Turkish and Czech named entity recognition based on the model of (Lample et al., 2016). We contribute by proposing several schemes for representing the morphological analysis of a word in the context of named entity recognition. We show that a concatenation of this representation with the word and character embeddings improves the performance. The effect of these representation schemes on the tagging performance is also investigated.Comment: Working draf

    Toward Mention Detection Robustness with Recurrent Neural Networks

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    One of the key challenges in natural language processing (NLP) is to yield good performance across application domains and languages. In this work, we investigate the robustness of the mention detection systems, one of the fundamental tasks in information extraction, via recurrent neural networks (RNNs). The advantage of RNNs over the traditional approaches is their capacity to capture long ranges of context and implicitly adapt the word embeddings, trained on a large corpus, into a task-specific word representation, but still preserve the original semantic generalization to be helpful across domains. Our systematic evaluation for RNN architectures demonstrates that RNNs not only outperform the best reported systems (up to 9\% relative error reduction) in the general setting but also achieve the state-of-the-art performance in the cross-domain setting for English. Regarding other languages, RNNs are significantly better than the traditional methods on the similar task of named entity recognition for Dutch (up to 22\% relative error reduction).Comment: 13 pages, 11 tables, 3 figure

    Transfer Learning for Sequence Tagging with Hierarchical Recurrent Networks

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    Recent papers have shown that neural networks obtain state-of-the-art performance on several different sequence tagging tasks. One appealing property of such systems is their generality, as excellent performance can be achieved with a unified architecture and without task-specific feature engineering. However, it is unclear if such systems can be used for tasks without large amounts of training data. In this paper we explore the problem of transfer learning for neural sequence taggers, where a source task with plentiful annotations (e.g., POS tagging on Penn Treebank) is used to improve performance on a target task with fewer available annotations (e.g., POS tagging for microblogs). We examine the effects of transfer learning for deep hierarchical recurrent networks across domains, applications, and languages, and show that significant improvement can often be obtained. These improvements lead to improvements over the current state-of-the-art on several well-studied tasks.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper at ICLR 2017. This is an extended version of the original paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.06270). The original paper proposes a new architecture, while this version focuses on transfer learning for a general model clas

    Named Entity Recognition for the Estonian Language

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    Käesoleva töö raames uuriti eestikeelsetes tekstides nimega üksuste tuvastamise probleemi (NÜT) kasutades masinõppemeetodeid. NÜT süsteemi väljatöötamisel käsitleti kahte põhiaspekti: nimede tuvastamise algoritmi valikut ja nimede esitusviisi. Selleks võrreldi maksimaalse entroopia (MaxEnt) ja lineaarse ahela tinglike juhuslike väljade (CRF) masinõppemeetodeid. Uuriti, kuidas mõjutavad masinõppe tulemusi kolme liiki tunnused: 1) lokaalsed tunnused (sõnast saadud informatsioon), 2) globaalsed tunnused (sõna kõikide esinemiskontekstide tunnused) ja 3) väline teadmus (veebist saadud nimede nimekirjad). Masinõppe algoritmide treenimiseks ja võrdlemiseks annoteeriti käsitsi ajakirjanduse artiklitest koosnev tekstikorpus, milles märgendati asukohtade, inimeste, organisatsioonide ja ehitise-laadsete objektide nimed. Eksperimentide tulemusena ilmnes, et CRF ületab oluliselt MaxEnt meetodit kõikide vaadeldud nimeliikide tuvastamisel. Parim tulemus, 0.86 F1 skoor, saavutati annoteeritud korpusel CRF meetodiga, kasutades kombinatsiooni kõigist kolmest nime esitusvariandist. Vaadeldi ka süsteemi kohanemisvõimet teiste tekstižanridega spordi domeeni näitel ja uuriti võimalusi süsteemi kasutamiseks teistes keeltes nimede tuvastamisel.In this thesis we study the applicability of recent statistical methods to extraction of named entities from Estonian texts. In particular, we explore two fundamental design challenges: choice of inference algorithm and text representation. We compare two state-of-the-art supervised learning methods, Linear Chain Conditional Random Fields (CRF) and Maximum Entropy Model (MaxEnt). In representing named entities, we consider three sources of information: 1) local features, which are based on the word itself, 2) global features extracted from other occurrences of the same word in the whole document and 3) external knowledge represented by lists of entities extracted from the Web. To train and evaluate our NER systems, we assembled a text corpus of Estonian newspaper articles in which we manually annotated names of locations, persons, organisations and facilities. In the process of comparing several solutions we achieved F1 score of 0.86 by the CRF system using combination of local and global features and external knowledge

    A Byte-sized Approach to Named Entity Recognition

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    In biomedical literature, it is common for entity boundaries to not align with word boundaries. Therefore, effective identification of entity spans requires approaches capable of considering tokens that are smaller than words. We introduce a novel, subword approach for named entity recognition (NER) that uses byte-pair encodings (BPE) in combination with convolutional and recurrent neural networks to produce byte-level tags of entities. We present experimental results on several standard biomedical datasets, namely the BioCreative VI Bio-ID, JNLPBA, and GENETAG datasets. We demonstrate competitive performance while bypassing the specialized domain expertise needed to create biomedical text tokenization rules.Comment: 6 pages, 5 tables, 1 figur

    Practical, Efficient, and Customizable Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition in the Digital Humanities

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    Scholars in inter-disciplinary fields like the Digital Humanities are increasingly interested in semantic annotation of specialized corpora. Yet, under-resourced languages, imperfect or noisily structured data, and user-specific classification tasks make it difficult to meet their needs using off-the-shelf models. Manual annotation of large corpora from scratch, meanwhile, can be prohibitively expensive. Thus, we propose an active learning solution for named entity recognition, attempting to maximize a custom model’s improvement per additional unit of manual annotation. Our system robustly handles any domain or user-defined label set and requires no external resources, enabling quality named entity recognition for Humanities corpora where such resources are not available. Evaluating on typologically disparate languages and datasets, we reduce required annotation by 20-60% and greatly outperform a competitive active learning baseline.New York University–Paris Sciences Lettres Global Alliance grant; National Endowment for the Humanities grant, award HAA-256078-17; Computational Approaches to Modeling Language lab at New York University Abu Dhab

    Character Feature Engineering for Japanese Word Segmentation

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    On word segmentation problems, machine learning architecture engineering often draws attention. The problem representation itself, however, has remained almost static as either word lattice ranking or character sequence tagging, for at least two decades. The latter of-ten shows stronger predictive power than the former for out-of-vocabulary (OOV) issue. When the issue escalating to rapid adaptation, which is a common scenario for industrial applications, active learning of partial annotations or re-training with additional lexical re-sources is usually applied, however, from a somewhat word-based perspective. Not only it is uneasy for end-users to comply with linguistically consistent word boundary decisions, but also the risk/cost of forking models permanently with estimated weights is seldom affordable. To overcome the obstacle, this work provides an alternative, which uses linguistic intuition about character compositions, such that a sophisticated feature set and its derived scheme can enable dynamic lexicon expansion with the model remaining intact. Experiment results suggest that the proposed solution, with or without external lexemes, performs competitively in terms of F1 score and OOV recall across various datasets

    Solving Sinhala Language Arithmetic Problems using Neural Networks

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    A methodology is presented to solve Arithmetic problems in Sinhala Language using a Neural Network. The system comprises of (a) keyword identification, (b) question identification, (c) mathematical operation identification and is combined using a neural network. Naive Bayes Classification is used in order to identify keywords and Conditional Random Field to identify the question and the operation which should be performed on the identified keywords to achieve the expected result. "One vs. all Classification" is done using a neural network for sentences. All functions are combined through the neural network which builds an equation to solve the problem. The paper compares each methodology in ARIS and Mahoshadha to the method presented in the paper. Mahoshadha2 learns to solve arithmetic problems with the accuracy of 76%.Comment: 34th National Information Technology Conference (NITC 2016
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